what happened to aurora in the originals

In Savior, Aurora was once again in Tristan's care, kept sedated so she wouldn't do anything to endanger his plans again. Cami and Hayley appear just as Aurora is ready to kill herself and then Klaus in a suicide-murder that would confound Shakespeare. And my beloved brother, Tristan, suffers in a box, drowning over and over again, unable to die. Aurora is also manipulative and calculating. Ken wants her to look into his mind so she can judge him for herself just as he's judged her brother through her stories. Believing themselves to be the Mikaelsons, the trio ran, and would run for a century. He's only ever seen it done once by the very person they're trying to trick. The Mikaelsons took her hostage, to exchange her for the Serratura and Hayley, who Tristan had previously captured. Magic and loopholes, so it goes. The inspiration she received in reply was a vision of him and wants to know why. He demands to know what is going on, if she's having more doubts. Aurora recounts her past and the trauma Klaus put her through. While, Lizzie distracts Jen, Aurora has removed and dissected one of Ben's kidneys, finding the key they're searching for. Lizzie asks about her notes, though Aurora refuses to elaborate on their meaning. She's trying to be a better person. Hope matches Aurora strike for strike, but believes that she's made a mistake bringing a spear to their battle. She replies that the bullets aren't meant for animals, but for a whole family of monsters. She'd rather talk about getting past Jen. She was the one who killed their actual headmistress and put blue calamus in the water supply to get the truth out of them all. Aurora points out that they don't trust each other, let alone him since he doesn't have any skin in the game. Lizzie believes something is missing from the story. Ben claims that she won't know which sarcophagus to open without him, but she's taking it one problem at a time. Ben, however, is now awake and chimes in on their conversation. During a secret meeting between them in an alley, Madison gives her the wooden knight after a successful thievery and asks Aurora to 'free' her from her coven. Tired of her fantasy, Klaus spitefully told Aurora that she was just someone he left behind a thousand years ago, and that there was nothing between them anymore. However, it's too late. Cleo manages a aneurysm spell, but she fakes the pain, to Cleo's hooror. However, it is shown that her skills were inferior to that of her brother Tristan de Martel. Branding the spear, she tells her that she's not the only one who can cheat. Fearing Mikael's approach, Elijah compelled Aurora, Lucien and Tristan whom he turned, to believe themselves to be Rebekah, Niklaus, and Elijah respectively, and to garner Mikael's attention and run in their place. She was very resistant to pain infliction spells. Likewise, she calls Hope a coward, too, and believes her weapon will fix that and show her Papa Tunde's Blade. This power is one of the things she enjoys the most about being a vampire. After Hope and Lizzie leave the room to talk, Hope returns, wanting Lizzie to be the one to stake her. Ken has asked for her help so that he can hide from a fight. In Was This the Monster You Saw?, Aurora drives Lizzie's car, speeding down a road while Lizzie tracks their target with a spelled map. In the meantime, he wants her to prove her usefulness in another way. She is the daughter of Elijah Mikaelson and Esther Mikaelson, and the granddaughter of Mikael and Rebekah Mikaelson. Lucien has also described her as having eyes a person could get lost in just from one look. Lizzie, however, was telling the truth. Aurora has green eyes and straight red hair with thin eyebrows and a wide smile that is quite endearing. Aurora tells her she was right about her. She's surprised about his powers, assuming the legends to be true. Aurora believes that Jen misunderstands him and is sure he had a good reason for putting her in the sarcophagus. In The Other Girl in New Orleans, Aurora brought the captive Camille to St. Anne's church, wanting to have a conversation. Lizzie begs to differ because she's named her metal shop "Torch 'n Toke." Hope doesn't understand and asks what the weapon is. Lizzie explains to Hope that they don't need a plan B since Aurora has told them her plan, though Hope has gone through the trouble of creating a dark object. Eventually, the two returned to the compound, where Klaus showed Aurora a painting of her, long encased in a wall, admitting that he never did stop loving her. He didn't want pain and suffering to be all that he left behind and neither did she. Lizzie tells her that she's no better than Klaus Mikaelson and if she goes through with it, then she'll be no better than she is. Lizzie takes a seat across from Aurora, who wonders how she found her. She now sees Tristan's actions for what they were. Aurora doesn't trust him, though Ben tells them that they're trying to trick a god. Ken muses that he's always been paranoid and that is how he took the throne from his siblings. Hope is already behind her and breaks her neck with a spell. He corrects himself, telling her that he wouldn't return her brother. Aurora already knows this and why she has help. She will die and come back, drowning to death over and over again. Klaus intervenes while Hayley puts her hand on Aurora's heart. Firefly Lane At first, she is seen as a slightly shy, playful and carefree young woman as a result of being sheltered for most of her life. Lizzie is shocked to see her father alive. On the night of her birthday, she was found by Klaus crying alone. Having won her favor with their offerings, Jen talks to Aurora and Lizzie about her family. So, at the beginning of the episode, Aurora left two envelopes in a casket to greet Tristan at the airport. Once a Mikaelson, always a Mikaelson. He sheds his armor and dresses in the new clothes as Aurora questions why he wants to kill the tribrid. After Vincent extracted the serum from her body, Aurora was once again an ordinary vampire. With this new information, they thank Jen for her time and quickly depart. She tells Aurora to hold on and that she can heal her. Hope believes that Aurora betrayed Triad and should have burned, but Aurora has merely manipulated Hope into killing them for her. Aurora, having recovered and been eavesdropping, begs the question of why she's working with Lizzie. Aurora admits that it's quite clever. Lizzie sympathizes with him and attempts to convince Aurora to let him join. Freya used magic to snap Aurora's neck and brought her to another room where Freya and Hayley tried to beat Rebekah's location out of her. She has shown great strength by snapping Hayley's neck and throwing her a considerable distance across the room. She pleads to Lizzie, believing it to be her brother, to release her before Hope returns. Lizzie removed the stake from her hand and they talk. She knows she's smart enough to know this resistance is childish. Aurora believes her to be lying. A monk handed her a piece of paper, and, upon reading the note written on it, she slit the monk's throat in a fit of rage with her fingernails. They lack necessary information and that every move they make must be considered more than the one before. Later, she played God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen on the piano and was rejoined by her brother, both taking a quiet moment to enjoy the holiday. Aurora, Tristan and Lucien swore vengeance against the Mikaelson family and spend centuries looking for weapons that would kill them until the truth about the sirelines were revealed, thus forcing them to incapacitate the Originals instead so they wouldn't die themselves. She believes that she is the awful one with the rest of her family, unlike the contrived little sob story she shared. She believed if he was absorbed by Malivore it could all stop. In Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost, Aurora sits at a diner, poring over books about the gods. Despite her flawed personality, Aurora loves passionately and with her whole heart and soul. Aurora reminds him this is the modern world and Ken does as she'd asked. Curious to her, there's not a single cloud in the sky. Lizzie thinks so too, if it only leads them to Jen and the rest of the sleeping gods. Aurora mocks Lizzie's trustworthiness, telling her to throw caution to the wind. A waitress tries to take her order, though Aurora is too busy. Upon waking, Aurora quickly realized why Klaus was upset and told him of Lucien and Tristan's secret alliance and their plan to utilize a cursed medallion to trap the Originals in an unbreakable barrier for all time, ensuring that nothing could harm them so the sirelines would never be killed as a result. Aurora was first introduced in the episode "The Ties That Bind" on October 8th, 2013. She's been under her father's sway for centuries, desperate for even the smallest expression of love, only to be reminded time and time again of his cruelty. If she takes the serum, she too will become lethal to the Mikaelson family. She wonders why Lizzie saved her. In Heart Shaped Box, Freya tries a locator spell to find Aurora and she suddenly appears behind Freya, asking if she has been looking for her. Inside, they found men training in the new gym, prospective vampires for Marcel, who Aurora said she would turn. The one truth you speak, the one thing that I agree with entirely-- only the love of family is unbreakable. Since the beginning of the series in 2015, Bure has featured in more than a dozen films, but Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: Haunted By Murder, which premiered in February 2022, was her last. There was a side to her father that she never saw. Lizzie finds Aurora's words borderline empowering, though Jen has returned to her hideout. Around the room are several sculptures. Though it's not nearly as fancy or powerful as Papa Tunde's blade, she hopes it's just as painful. She also suffered from bipolar disorder, which caused her to have manic episodes of depression, happiness, anger, etc. Aurora returns to Jen's workshop, heading straight for the cargo container of sarcophagi. Aurora stands to leave, but Lizzie reminds her that she can't, she has the mad and she needs her to find the gods. Aurora possesses all the standard powers and abilities of a non-Original vampire. She is seen wearing stylish, dark-colored clothing that is very expensive and modern. His line ends with her; the last vestige of Klaus Mikaelson wiped from the world forever. They're all complicated and Hope has the very best parts of Klaus in her. This resonates with Lizzie but she brushes it off. Seeing Klaus so angry made Aurora realize that Klaus really did care about Camille, and casually decided Camille really would have to die then. She can be very cruel and cold-hearted towards those that she thinks have wronged her, as shown when she compelled Cami to kill herself in front of a sleeping Klaus. Hanging up her phone, Aurora sits at a restaurant, enjoying some wine. Lizzie retorts that they obviously wake the time god, whoever that is, which proves Aurora's point. Hope picks back up her sword and the two begin to fight. Lizzie had called her crazy and was being dismissive and judging her symptoms and not their cause. Romeo and Juliet Tristan and Aurora to keep them company. As a vampire, she can see into a person's mind. Aurora hands her the key to let her do the job herself. Hope turns to stake her, but Lizzie breaks Hope's neck. They are in the endgame. Instead, she wonders if her mind is sick, or has it just been another lie she's been told. Jen explains that she lied. Aurora commentates that none of them really change and that they are who they are. Lizzie realizes that Hope would never miss with a spell that easy and believes what Aurora is telling her. Aurora believes it to not be a bad idea, though she no longer has any inspiration nor where to go next. Hope laughs off Aurora's plan. Aurora wonders what makes an omnipotent deity know fear. Lizzie tells her that she can fix that if she lets her out since her magic doesn't work on this god stuff. The spell to wake them up never existed. His children lied to her and to him. He's willing to accept that betrayal may come from anywhere. Despite being very candid, she's not afraid of Cleo knowing this. Tristan was agitated by her not coming to him once she was in New Orleans but even more annoyed by her taking Rebekah and meddling with his plans to use the neutralized Original as leverage against the Mikaelsons. Desperate to save his sister, Tristan made a deal with Klaus to make a trade between them. The look on his face and betrayal. Aurora quips, or else what, but Ken is not amused. Aurora scolds her and explains that the blade was imbued with black magic by the witch Papa Tunde and it was one of four bones culled from the Hollow, a name she's familiar with. However, the ultimate death sentence for a god came along. Aurora branded Lizzie's forearm with the Triad symbol, reminding her they're a part of a blood pack which means neither of them can back out or betray the other while they quest to raise the gods. Ken approaches her, claiming the end of the legend of the tribrid, the legacy of Klaus, forever. Aurora watched as her childhood friend was killed. As they continue to trade blows, Hope falls to her knees, her wound spreading like an infection. However, on their wedding night, Phillip is killed by an evil sorcerer, Maleficent. Aurora then echoed these thoughts to Klaus, breaking his heart. For the first time, she saw fear in his face. Hope didn't stab her with Papa Tunde's blade. Her fight is here, with her. Before she lost consciousness, she begged him to take her with him on his trip and promised to be better. He then told her to run in the fear of. Aurora awaken on the floor, as Hope and Lizzie embrace each other in a hug. It was during this time that Lucien revealed his newfound strength to Aurora and offered her to drink the serum as well, so they can work together to achieve the common goal - fulfill the prophecy and kill the entire Mikaelson family. Klaus arrived and tried to talk Aurora down from harming Camille by promising that Aurora was the woman he loved, not Cami.

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