sermon topic and scripture lord help me to hold out

Think about that for a minute: God has made a promise to David to spare him from his enemies. Hold on, a Better Day Is Coming - Daniel Rodgers - Sermon Outlines and You will never be in the same kind of situation that David was in where an army is pursuing you and trying to kill you. Both of those give us something of the occasion of this prayer of David, and we see David here pleading for Gods help even in light of the fact that God has promised to spare David. I expected it to be something full of bombast and bluster, urging the group to complete the task at hand or face swift retribution! He was constantly on the run, much of the time in fear for his life. Life needs to have courage, and we need to know our God who is the true source of courage. A dear lady wrote me just a couple of days ago. And then in verses 6 and 7, after a resolution brought about by God after Gods own deliverance, David gives praise, free praise to God, unconstrained praise to God. Our text this morning shows us how. Lord, help me to hold out (3X) Until my change come Verse 1: My way may not easy You did not say that it would be But when it gets dark I can't see my way You told me to put my trust in Thee That's why I'm asking you GO TO CHORUS Verse 2: unknown Refrain: Lord help me to hold out (8X) I believe I can hold out (sopranos,altos) (4-6X) Hold out . And so when we are having to pray one of those prayers where we dont know quite what to ask for, it is always helpful for us, along with asking God to show us what we dont know what to do right now, to pray along with that the things that God has already shown us that He will do for us. This is the same word that David uses in Psalm 40 when he says that the Lord, lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mudand mire; 52-week preaching calendar to help you plan your sermons, Customizable sermon manuscripts for verse-by-verse preaching, Preach with creativity and impact throughout the year, Help your church understand God's plan in pain, Call your people to experience a higher freedom, Proclaim the gospel to the ends of the earth. Of course he heard me. And w Matthew 14:22- 33 recounts the story of Jesus instructing his disciples to get into a boat heading to the other side. We were in a traffic jam and we passed a horrible wreck. David knows that it is the Lord who is responsible for his deliverance from his enemies because the Lord is the only one powerful enough to bring it about. The Lord is MY personal stress reliever who makes me lie down in green .read more. 3- Alexander harmed We are not to be anxious about the future, or even tomorrow, for every day has its own trouble ( Matthew 6:34 ). Psalm 107: How To Get Help From God | You mean vocational challenges that keep me on my knees before God are good for me? And here David, in the midst of a sharp circumstance, feels his entire dependence upon God and he expresses it, Hear, O God. And one of the greatest tools that the evil one has to use against us are the ways that we talk to ourselves in our own minds. Amen. Endurance. That means there will be seasons, no matter how long or short, where we cannot see or feel the hope which we have been promised. But I would remind you of our Scriptures: "Better is. Psalm 40:1-11, Denomination: Sermons about Lord Help Me To Hold Out - Isaiah's glorious vision of the Lord God begins in Isaiah 6:1 with these classic words: "In the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and the train of his robe filled the temple.". Jesus can relate to exactly how we feel. The story of David is one of the most legendary of all time. As important as that is this will come as a surprise to a lot of lonely myopic pastors the Kingdom of God is more than your church. And he expresses the circumstance of it in verse 3. Let me clarify that calling out to the Lord does not mean that he uses obvious supernatural means to answer your prayer. Lean on him to pull you out of these deep waters. No the song specifically says, My way may not be easy, You did not say that it would be, but if it gets dark, cant see my way, he told me to put my trust in thee.. The petition and the occasion are described for us both in the heading of the Psalm, which is part of the first verse in the Hebrew Bible, and also in the final verse of this first section, the third verse. He kept shouting, "it had happened, please If a believer is to have confidence in prayer and in life, that confidence has to be rooted in knowing who God is, When David realizes who God is and what Hes done, he cant help but want to worship, Copyright, Reproduction & Permission statement. Isaiah 41:10-13, Denomination: If you are in the waiting period between your cry for help to the Lord and the Lords response, let me encourage you that the Lord knows where you live. It was John, one of my church members. The Lord keeps our enemy far away from us. This is the 1st Sunday after we Souls of God prayer brings change. Well, you see it right there in verse 1, Save me, O GodVindicate me by what? Are you in trouble? There are sometimes when we do not know how to pray, but we always know how to pray when God has made us a promise. read more, Scripture: Bible Verses about 'Hold'. Hebrews 4:15-16 - "For we do not have a I will give thanks to Your name, O Lord, for it is good. In other words, David is saying, Im going to give free will sacrifices to You, O God. You remember some sacrifices were offered up in the Old Testament on the occasion of a person making a vow? Lord, Help Me To Hold Out Lyrics by Rev. James Cleveland Josh Squires serves as pastor of counseling and congregational care at First Presbyterian Church in Columbia, South Carolina. While we are waiting for answers from God, there are some valuable lessons for us to learn. As the singer moves into the verses, we learn about the struggle. Well, in the Old Testament this idea of helper comes right out of that military imagery. Isaiah 41:10, NLT Don't be afraid, for I am with you. (Jn 15:5) Ask the Lord to help you Where do you turn when you need help? When I say that somethin We learn about a way that is not easy, but there is a resolve to put ones trust in God. This Psalm is also about David being betrayed, but it has a bitter poignancy; because whereas in Psalm 52 he was betrayed by an Edomite, in Psalm 54 he has been betrayed by his own tribe. he set my feeton a rockand gave me a firm place to stand. (Psalm 40:2). Help Lord, I'm Tired - In Due Time Of this we may be assured, when man cries, out of the depths, his cry, "Lord, help me," God will answer, out of his heavens, "I will help thee." The associations of the ancient goel, or family . Its a Psalm in which God reveals His condemnation of the man who lives as if there is no God. Rev. David was not crying out to someone he did not know. 2. 25 And in the forth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea. David is the most reluctant usurper that ever lived, if I could put it provocatively. And so David not only wants rescue, he wants vindication. God will meet our needs today. We have for several weeks been looking at life choices and today plan to finish this series. Hebrews 3:1-6, God tells us to fear not, He will hold our hand, Thomas Dorsey (1899-1993 - not the famous ball player) has an honored title of 'The Father of Gospel Music', and his music is loved around the world. 1 Samuel 11 And they said unto the messengers that came, Thus shall you say unto the men of Jabeshgilead, Tomorrow, by that time the sun is hot, you shall have help. God Will Sustain You a Day at a Time | Desiring God Arrow prayers Hes the God of heaven and earth. He is delighted with you. read more, Scripture: Ahimelech gave him some food and also the sword of Goliath which was being kept there. Mercy Me is a Christian band (I Can Only Imagine) and recently they sang a song called, Hold Fast. Bart Millard tells the story of the inspiration for Hold Fast. This simple but powerful prayer takes human need and places it in the hands of Almighty God. David wrote, "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." read more, Scripture: I want to hold Psalm 130:1-8 These free, short Bible sermons are powerful, inspirational, evangelistic and biblical. If you are in trouble, cry out to the Lord. Just look around and see what is going on in our world today, we are in great need for help because we are making a shamble of this life and our only help is found only in God Himself, our Jehovah Ezer. Hes really not a usurper, is he? As we . Heart, believe this. So when someone stands up and says, Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears, that may sound a little stilted and idiomatic but its designed to say, Hey, Im getting ready to say something very important. Give ear unto my prayer, and hear my cry, O God, is a phrase which is designed to indicate the urgency of what David is asking, and it shows David in the posture of a dependent supplicant. The Lord Jesus said, "I am the vine; you are the branches. David was calling out to the Creator and Redeemer God whom he knew personally. I said, The first question for Bible study is to ask, What does this passage teach me about my God? The second question is, What does this passage teach me about Gods plan of redemption? And the third question is, How am I to respond personally to the truth set forth in this passage? Well, I dont know whether thats the best answer to a really good question that she asked, but it did strike me as I was reading this passage today that thats exactly what David does. Gods Conditions for Answering Prayer A fortress has high and thick walls to keep the enemy out. and just hold on to the promises of God. David knew something about the Lord which you might not know deep in your heart. In order to endure a thing, one must make it through its entire duration. This is the most common topic. 2:1-3). David has the king of his people hot on his heels. Lord, Help Me Endure One More Day | Desiring God So David pleads the promises of God; he preaches the person of God to himself; and he praises God gladly for who God is and what He does. He wants to create resentment in your soul rather than the hope that was meant to reside there. Rather, begin to speak the scriptures out loud. During those times, we wait patiently on . He wrote the majority of the Psalms of the Bible including Psalm 18 which we will be digging into over the next month. Stay Focused On Jesus - Faithlife Sermons read more, Scripture: The Valley. It has been in preparation of the launching of our new Recovery group next month. God is the One who is coming to your aid. Now David is teaching us here that we ought to have to restrain ourselves from the spontaneous desire to worship God for who He is and what Hes done for us. And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch. That's why Proverbs 4 is so significant for those of us who are prone to keeping our emotions and heart on lockdown. When we pray, O Lord, sanctify me by Your Spirit. Here are eleven ways to help bring in the reign of God and see His will done in, through and with your life. Second Missionary Baptist Church - Morning Glory Service - Facebook Is it your first response to turn to the Lord? And then we began again in January on Sunday evenings, and now this past Lords Day evening Derek has done the second of his messages on the gospel of Mark. He impressed these words on my heart, When its time to go, Ill let you know.. He likes you and wants to be with you. Date written: Feb. 9, 1997 Scripture ref: Phil. Were right back to the name again. As he brings you through you will then experience the final truth which David shares at the very beginning of the psalm. Its in the wrestling with it, while strengthening ourselves with the promises of God, that we build endurance. Scripture: Psalm 23:1-6, Ephesians 1: . Sometimes the enemy of our souls has gotten through our defenses and we need to fight him at close range. If we believe that we are responsible and that prayer is an instrument of Gods purposes but we dont adequately believe in Gods sovereignty, well begin to think that our prayers changed the mind of God in the course of history apart from Gods will. Gods already said, David, Im going to set you on the throne. The Philistines attack again and Saul cant follow up. the end of a thing than the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit" (Eccl. I can only give three? Because if your suffering can live outside of his sovereign will, then so can anything. read more, Scripture: Acts 27:18-44 These are dark and difficult times. Heres what you can do and what you need to do. 23 He said, "O LORD, God of Israel, there is no God like you in heaven above or on earth beneath, keeping covenant and steadfast love for your servants who walk before you with all their heart, 24 the covenant . A person living by Christs graceful attitude looks to the Spirit and the word of God fo, Grace Living Lessens Legalism Hebrews 12:1, 2 Corinthians 12:9. When troubles come and in Your mercy You either deliver us from those troubles or You enable us to bear up in and through those troubles, teach us to praise you and the God who sustains us, because You are good and You help Your people. All through the real heartache of suffering. J. Ligon Duncan on Its not the Syrians. That is the barometer of how we weather the difficult providences of this fallen life. The journey to this title and fame was a very difficult one. 27 But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid. Help Me, LORD! - The Connecting Church Like others of her day, she was tuned into the national radio broadcast. Evangelical/Non-Denominational. No attempt has been made, however, to alter the basic extemporaneous delivery style, or to produce a grammatically accurate, publication-ready manuscript conforming to an established style template. It was the winter session of the Army Mountain Warfare School which contained unbelievable trials physical and emotional that seemed to assail the students from the time they arrived. 10 Bible Verses about God Holding Us, God Holding You, God Holding Us When David realized that Saul would not stop coming after him until he was dead, he ran away from Saul and traveled from place to place in order to find safety. To endure a thing is to live in spite of its difficulty, not to live in denial of it. We will know the truth. When faced with a real threat of death, David went to the One whom he knew was able to give him the help that he needed. Today, 16 July 2022, I set out to begin to think of what to preach tomorrow the 17th of July 2022. We ask it in Jesus name. Lord, Help Me. - First Presbyterian Church, Jackson, Mississippi Baptist. She teaches womens Bible studies, and writes womens Bible studies material for ladies all across the country. 56:8). The Lord is MY personal comforter, guide, and supplier of everything that I really need. Independent/Bible. You may be here this morning thinking, "This message is. A person would say, O Lord, if you will deliver me, I vow to do this. David as far as we know in this Psalm made no such vow. Just as sure as God loves his people, Satan is out to scuttle their security by making them feel alone, overwhelmed, and incompetent. Lord Jesus, help me in my time of trouble, and help me to get to know you better.. Sermon Notes and Outlines I | The Martin Luther King, Jr., Research and And in so doing hes given us the pattern. Introduction- 2. Charismatic. What Does the Bible Say About The Lord Is My Helper? - 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22 understanding evil prophecy. Sometimes Gods people, with good intentions to promote piety, can undersell the heartache of suffering. Call on the Lord. Psalm 19:12-13. Thomas loved music. And then yet Luke 2:38. David praises God gladly for who He is and what He does. Christian/Church Of Christ, A sermon on Hebrews 3:1-6 (emphasis on vs. 6), HoHum: And so David wants some vindication here. And here, David is taking confidence in Gods person and power. Psalms Book 2: Lord, Help Me. Davids experience can be ours as well. Life choices part four By Your name and by Your power. In other words, David asks God for rescue and vindication based upon Gods name: that is, His character, His attributes, His reputation. If you have Bibles I'd invite you to turn with me to Psalm 54. You will hold out. And He was praying that they would be kept in that name by whom they had been called and the name which Jesus had revealed to them. incline your ear to my sayings. Trust him to answer you. Give me clear guidance in my life, Lord. 1. There is no moment or place outside the control of our God even in the places where it hurts most. Now the last time we were together in this book we were looking at Psalm 52. He was so afraid that he began to act insane so that the king of Gath would not turn on him and kill him. From histemple he heard my voice,and my cry to him reached his ears. (v.6). David preaches the person of God to himself. I am freely, unconstrainedly going to worship You from a heart of gratitude that glories in giving praise to the God who has delivered.. But he also prays for vindication because he doesnt deserve to be treated this way. (Psalm 19:12,13) Every believer needs the Holy David loves the Lord with all the deep affection in his heart because he has come to know that Yahweh God is the source of his strength in life. Hebrews 10:19-23, Denomination: 7:8). 2 Hear my prayer, O God; give ear to the words of my mouth. God allows this to happen to us, and others, to encourage faith, which allows for our spiritual growth. He also killed all the men, women and children in that city. His words found in Psalm 18 show us how he responded to it and came through to the other side. It is tempting to think that the Lord is not listening to our cries for help when he doesnt respond when we think he should respond. I. David pleads the promises of God. Let the Lord direct your steps. 111 views, 4 likes, 2 loves, 23 comments, 3 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Second Missionary Baptist Church: Second Missionary Baptist Church - Morning Glory Service - April 23, 2023 Perhaps you have heard the song, "Lord Help Me To Hold Out.". *When I was going to Georgia Tech, I took a swimming class that qualified us to be Red Cross lifeguards. When he went up against Saul and his army, he was in great distress and fear for his life.

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