bible lesson on fear for youth

All our lives, we seem to alternate between the fear of people and circumstances, and the fear of the Lord. The Bible talks a lot about fear, and gives us instructions on how to handle fear. Learning to do that is our walk from fear to faith. You can leave the peels on the plate in one pile and the slices in another pile. God Is Stronger Than My Fear (COVID-19 Lesson for Kids) - Ministry Spark Or it could cook a good steak. The first student to receive the ball should say the verse and toss it to a friend. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. Box filled with scary/gross items such as sardines, crickets, play spiders or bugs, rubber snake, a baby doll (which to some is very scary! Church? Copyright Ministry-to-Children. A woman with a gentle spirit has a humble heart that bows itself before God, recognizes Gods dealings with her as good, and chooses not to be contentious or resistant against Him. Reveal to them the true contents of each box. Another lesson The Bible teaches us about fear is that it is caused by a lack of knowledge. Fear has the ability to distract you from what God has called you to do. For as many of you aswere baptizedinto Christ haveput on Christ. Be creative with what you choose to go in the box. Each week, they provide an insightful walk through this week's scriptures and provide concrete Bible-to-life application points for you to make with your class this Sunday. Now I am actually a Sunday schooll teacher. People even pay money to go to movies and haunted houses that are full of fear.). So think about the situations that cause you to be afraid. It took the patriarch Jacob a lifetime to learn this lesson. Lesson 1: Fear of FailureBible Verses: Matthew 19:30, Matthew 20:16, Matthew 20:26-27, Philippians 4:11-13Bottom Line: God measures success by His perspective.Lesson 2: Fear of Missing OutBible Verses: Philippians 4:11, John 10:10, Matthew 6:33Bottom Line: Only God brings us what we really want in life.Lesson 3: Fear of RejectionBible Verses: Galatians 1:10Bottom Line: Its OK to be rejected for the right reasons.Lesson 4: Fear of Pain and SufferingBible Verses: John 16:33, James 1:2-4, Hebrews 4:15Bottom Line: Pain and suffering do not have the final say. The Cross And Our Response to Trials (1 Peter 4:12-19), 8. (If youre doing this lesson around Halloween time, then talk about how fear is front and center. Truth #4: You can trust His goodness in whatever He chooses to do. Those listening knew he was declaring Himself to be God. Finally, remember that fear will keep you from the success God wants for you in life. Like Moses in The Bible, I was also fearful but have since overcome. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. We have a faithful God. No one who takes refuge in him will be condemned. Just think about how your body feels when you are really afraid. adroll_language = "en_US"; Four Excuses that Keep Us from Teaching Like Jesus, The Black Letters of Jesus One-Year Bible Study Curriculum, Project Serve Disciple Now Retreat Curriculum, Intersections One-Year Bible Study Curriculum, FREE Thankful Instagram Bible Verses For Your Youth Ministry, An orange and paper plate for each student, Various office supplies (thumb tacks, different kinds of tape, staplers, paper clips, string, rubber bands, glue, scissors, and anything else that might be helpful to put the orange back together). For this is the way the holy women of the past who (1) put their hope in God used to make themselves beautifullike SarahYou are her daughters if you (2) do what is right and (3) do not give way to fear. (1 Peter 3:5-6, NIV). Once the lists are made, each group reads out their experiences. When does your relationship with God seem to fizzle out fast, like the Pop Rocks & water combo? There are 3 lessons we can learn about fear in The bible. Is there any way to take an orange apart and put it back together perfectly, exactly the way it was in the beginning? You can find 5 more activities in our post Youth Group Activities with a Message.. We ask that you help us to loosen the grip on the things we are dealing with. Remind the youth that they have to hold onto the object and they can only get rid of it if they scare another youth and make them jump. We ask that not only would you take away these fears, but that you would replace them with your joy. We still have a personal God. Describe a problem in your life (current or past) where you have needed to make a choice to do right, but the possible consequences have filled you with fear. She sent a message back to Mordecai saying: All the kings officials and the people of the royal provinces know that for any man or woman who approaches the king in the inner court without being summoned the king has but one law: that they be put to death unless the king extends the gold scepter to them and spares their lives. ), For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. Isaiah 41:13, (He helps us. Very good and inspirational article. And today we want to share some practical examples of youth object lessons and activities. Lesson 5:Nothing to Fear But Fear | Interested in being part of a community that is shaped by values and driven by a common mission? I love that youre suggesting this lesson for Halloween. When it comes to faith formation, there is no time like the teenage years. And some of us fight, but regardless, we all know what it is like to be afraid. As mentors, we should allow room for questions and doubts, but also guide youth in the direction of Christ as they wonder and explore. Now that you know this about God, how will you approach fear differently in the future. What is something in your life that brings you joy? Have you experienced that kind of peace? But even though God desires it for us, many of us dont achieve it because of fear. Put optional supplies (large dish or towel, wipes) on tables if youre using them. Optional: You can use our free Halloween Coloring page or Armor of God coloring pages along with this lesson. How much does your orange reflect the way it looked before you took it apart? To experience adventure or to be limited by the fear of it. Slowly add more water on top of the syrup layer until its filled to the brim. Yet our God had mercy on us and made a way for us to be counted righteous again, through Jesus dying on the cross. I experienced an imagined fear as my youngest daughter was growing up. Take the prophet Elijah for example. If you didnt know, a butt-dial is when someone accidentally calls you because they sat while their phone was in their pocket. Its a choice to trust God and bank on His goodness. Free Printable Bible Lessons for Youth - LeaderTreks Youth Ministry Take pictures of the youths faces as they eat the beans to have a hilarious photo collage. Then have someone from each team be the feeder and sit down across the table from their teammate. Please use our childrens ministry curriculum and Sunday School material for any purpose that brings honor to Jesus. We ask that you would give us the strength to give you control. Here's a quick overview of our lesson plan: 45 minutes - Start with 4 "fear" games 15 minutes - Go into a discussion time by sharing Psalm 34 and asking 4 probing questions about fear 5 minutes - Wrap up with prayer Present. They could barely keep their hands on it for a split second, before they were jumping back. God's Word has a lot to say about respect and teenagers need to learn how to obey the scripture on this important topic. How did you respond? but the Lord comes to the rescue each time. In the same way, we cant make more room in our hearts to pursue Jesus if we dont get rid of other things first. Everyone will sit in a large circle and when the music stops, if you are holding the box, you have to reach in and grab an item. Just click here to download: We ended up playing 4 games with them in the beginning. This free Bible lesson will helps school children find strength in Jesus Christ when challenges arise. These may sound like silly fears to us, but to some people, these fears are real! Just as Christ rebukes the storm in our Bible story (Matthew. adroll_pix_id = "IWWTNICOSVE4FFQ7EJEVEV"; When we look at life just with our own eyes, we become fearful, pessimistic, & negative. 3. Use this object lesson to help students identify what gets in the way of them making room for Christ in their hearts. We cant do it on our own. The pit in your stomach, pounding of your heart, and rush of your thoughts as you go from just the possibility of a job loss to starving and being homeless on the streetsall in a matter of seconds. There are some places in the world today where people worry about violence or what they will eat. No judgement. After everyone is finished, have a few students take turns sharing the emojis they drew with the rest of the group. Say that with me: God is with us. Heres a quick overview of our lesson plan: Ive also prepared a free PDF download of this lesson, so you can print it off! When we are afraid, God wants us to trust Him and not give way to fear. If time allows, play again and try to beat your time. Despite these two examples, among the other times, he showed fearlessness, when his life was threatened by Jezebel because of what he did to the prophets of Baal, The Bible says Elijah was afraid and ran for his life (1 Kings 19:3 NIV). Obedience is the proof of fearing the Lord - Genesis 22:12. We believe that when you teach using relevant images and experiences, your teaching becomes more memorable and you help your students discover a lesson for themselves. No! Youll split your students up into groups of 46. This does not mean we will never be afraid again. 2023 | Bible Lessons for Kids, Activities for Sunday School, Free Resources for Children's Ministry Leaders. Maybe it is that someone will find out something that you are ashamed of. She loves serving youth workers who are in the trenches by providing them with practical resources. But, what is faith? I guess my subconscious recognized that she could handle herself. Jesus, we ask that you would help us to let go of our fears. The lessons are: Fear Is A Natural First Reaction Fear Comes From A Lack of Knowledge and Fear Will Keep You From Succeeding In Life Let's look at each of these lessons in detail. You are part of that world that God loves. Bottom Line: When you experience fear, know that God is by your side! So let me ask you: What are you afraid of today? OBJECT LESSON done by Dr. Mark Jackson using a candle, fire and snuffer to show how faith is always able to overcome fear. QUIET does not mean whisper, silent, or bland. Even great people in the Bible had crazy fears that made them do crazy things! Does that ring any bells with you? Say on the count of 3 that they have to crack the egg on their forehead. Rally: This i s a Bible study on growing through trials, and worry often comes from our trials! The Cross And Separation From The World (1 Peter 4:1-6), 7. We respect your privacy, and we'll never share your information. So, God knows what is going on in your life. Although The Israelites would have experienced Gods power numerous times, when caught between the red sea and Pharoahs army, The Bible says They were terrified and cried out to the Lord (Exodus 14:10 NIV). Baby food purees (this would be even better, because then they cant use texture to help them figure out what theyre eating), Have one bucket per team, half-filled with water, Just before the game starts, empty two bags of ice into each bucket of water, Place an equal amount of coins in each bucket (at least 20 per bucket). Yet, sudden fear can cause us to be terrified. Did you select the developing in us a gentle and quiet spirit? I agree because it involves our cooperation! Have each team nominate someone from their team to be a taster. After the games were done, we got our chairs into a circle and read Psalm 34 together. What should we fear? 1. How we handle our fears will determine where we go with the rest of our lives. Second, I made a quick slime by mixing water, flour, and green food colouring that was super hard for the feelers to guess. Take a moment and think of a time in your life where you were afraid, and after you reflected on the situation you realized that there was nothing to be afraid of. Do not write your name on the card because I will be reading these out loud. Peter identifies these examples for us as holy women of the past. The word holy means set apart for Gods special use. We played three rounds of this game, each time sending a different 3 feelers out of the room. Surely you have stories of when you overcame. Repeat this process, preparing enough cups for each group of students to have one set. Read the fears on the cards to the group. When they asked God for help with their situation, miracles took place. Gentleness and peace are the fruit of the Holy Spirits work (Gal. Now that you know the real meanings of these words, are you more likely to desire these qualities? Read 1 Samuel 17:41-51 David had courage. By the time the last list is read, the group with the highest number of unique experiences wins. It is possible to remove most of the syrup using the straws, but it will be messy and sticky, because the syrup will cling to every surface it touches. Give each Cup Master a packet of Pop Rocks, but tell them not to open them yet. Do not be afraid? How is that even possible? But for many of us, thats pretty intimidating. PDF "Faith Overcomes Fear" Bible Lesson for Children - PINE Grove Bible Reading back over the verses, underline the phrases that tell you what to do when you are afraid. 6. 15 The eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right; his ears are open to their cries for help. What would be in this bag if I were to be holding something that you would truly be afraid of? Bible Study Topic: Respect Scripture Text: 1 Peter 2:17 What shall we do? the servant asked (2 Kings 6:15 NIV). Preteen Bible Study on Courage - Say something like: Everyone should get into groups of 3-5, and each group should have a pen and a piece of paper. These enable a woman to do what is right and not give way to fear (verse 6). The Cross And Christs Suffering For Sins (1 Peter 3:18-22), 6. adroll_version = "2.0"; Are there any similarities between the orange in front of you and the effects of sin on your life? 12. When we look to God for help, not only does He help us with our situation, He gives us His self. God says that having a gentle and quiet inner spirit will make it easier for us not to get so terrified and stay that way. Not knowing if the future would work out, especially in the case of refugee or immigrant families whose permission to be in a country is in jeopardy sometimes. Gripped by fear, although an imagined one. Thats not imaginary. He will rescue you from all your trouble! I know they are there so I carefully do everything I can to avoid interaction with them. The Bible shows how many overcame when they were initially fearful. The lessons you will find in this unit are: Faith Over Fear - defining faith from Hebrews 11:1 Walk This Way: Enoch - Walking with God takes faith. Their video lesson previews are available for both the Life and Explore Series materials. Required fields are marked *. Weve compiled 5 Youth Object Lessons and provided suggestions for how to use these lessons effectively. Leader, share a story of a time that you were very afraid. We can have a tranquil spirit in the midst of chaos. 19 The righteous person faces many troubles. What will be your story? 5 Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces. God is with you after each one. Say, In the Middle Ages, way back in the 12th century, soldiers could not tell each other apart because they were wearing so much armor! Put the prepared cups, straws, and paper towels in center of each table. First, I used rotting compost from my kitchenthat was disgusting!! Through a study of multiple verses on fear and faith, students willanswer honest questionsabout the subject. A humble, peaceful heart makes it easier for us to face troubles without panic and hysteria and to choose to trust in the faithfulness of God. The more you are afraid, the less you live the life that God has for you. Did you know that there are hundreds of things to be afraid of? Read Isaiah 41:9-10 (NCV): "I took you from places far away on the earth and called you from a faraway country. Because God is with us. Send one person from each team out of the room. Fear has to do with the idea that you're alone and helpless, which is a slap in the face to a God who died to be with you forever. God defines that for us Himself through the writer of Hebrews. Youth Object Lessons: Five Illustrations - LeaderTreks Youth Ministry They even had bad days when things didnt go right, sometimes due to their own choices. The last lesson Ill share on fear in The Bible is that fear will keep you from succeeding in life. So whatever happens to you, whether its the loss of a loved one, a job, sickness, anything, even though it makes you afraid, remember that its a natural first reaction. It tells us to take precautions, to be wise in our dealings with strangers and strange situations. Will your daily walk follow Gods way of approaching life or the worlds way? The goal is to come up with a list that is unique to your group and no one else in the room. For younger children, the My God is So Big Song would be a good addition. adroll_currency = "USD"; For them, fear is real and it is life or death. Maybe you are holding onto something you are constantly afraid of. Joy is that feeling of weight being lifted off of your shoulders. Bible teacher Jill Briscoe has often said, Women are a fear-driven, performance-oriented species. Just watching the daily news can panic us. (Or have pre-cut shields ready.)3. More than anything students want to belong. They wrote songs and played musical instruments. Use this lesson to show Junior High students that when we give God our fear, He gives us His joy. God. 10 MINUTE SERMON Topic: Burden for the Lost. When you are feeling frightened, ask God for help, and He will give you His joy. Our God is trustworthy! God wants us to be successful. On the other hand, Elisha, who was not fearful told his servant dont be afraidThose who are with us are more than those who are with them (2 Kings 6:16 NIV). Trueway Teens - Bible lessons for Teens - Trueway Kids When we experience anxiety or fear, the enemy can try to use it as an opportunity to make us feel guilt or shame. Lesson 1: Fear of Failure. Share a time in which prayer made a difference in your own life. They should think to themselves what it is, but dont say what they think it is until all three players have had a chance to feel. How does he do that? God is everywhere and knows everything. Click here to download a PDF of this article. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18, (Jesus love for us is perfect. Draw symbols on your coat of arms that describe who you are. As youth pastors, our job is to help teenagers find their identity in Jesus Christ. Every one of us at some point feels like an outsider, like we just dont fit in. Distribute the following 5 statements/questions on index cards for students to ask. Fear is often a tool of the Enemy to hold us back, control us, and minimize our effectiveness. Put a spoonful into small cups. Fear Is A Natural First Reaction The first lesson on fear in The Bible is that it is a natural first reaction. She is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute and now lives in West Chicago, Illinois with her husband, Doug, and their dog, Read More, By Guest Contributor on September 9, 2015. 6 In my desperation I prayed, and the Lord listened; he surrounds and defends all who fear him. Make sure there are two Timekeepers with stopwatches, one for each cup. Pray about your anxiety with your mentor and your small group. I guess I thought she was more vulnerable than my older, more cautious daughter. The Key to Overcoming Anxiety for Youth - As you prepare to lead this lesson on Jesus as the Good Shepherd, it is Youth Group Ministry John 10:1-10 Bible Lesson for Teen Sunday School "Jesus is the Good Shepherd" Bible Study for Teenagers, High School Sunday School Lesson, John 10, Middle School Sunday School Lesson, The Good Shepherd 19. Why isnt the reconstructed orange as appealing to eat as the original? Looking for an entire youth ministry series on Fear? She has the physical strength to harm that child but doesnt because her strength is under control. These women also experienced fear at various times in their lives just like we do. In the Old Testament, youll find the phrase the LORD your God or the LORD our God at least 500 times. Genesis 1:26-27, Lesson: Walk in Wisdom ("Walk" Series Part 1), What Volunteers Really Learn When You Don't Train Them, Sunday School Curriculum and Bible Lessons for Kids. The best remedy for fear is to gain knowledge. Like Elijah, situations come up in life and fear becomes our first reaction. There are so many amazing ways to teach your youth about fear and to get them to open up! Have other students try to guess the story based only on the emojis. As everyday women, they cooked meals, did laundry, and raised children. Discovering a . We were not designed to do life alone, but instead to have God with us every step of the way. Look at the three choices women can makeidentified by (1), (2), and (3). And then verse 15 is a promise: God watches over those whose actions are right, and he listens to their voices! This site has helped me in instructing a preschool class and childrens class that I teach. Learn more about Esther and her risking her life in my article 10 Life Lessons From The Book of Esther. God is aware of this and throughout The Bible, he assures us that with him we dont have to be afraid. Study 1 LIVING IN THE FEAR OF THE LORD One of the best ways to serve others is by sharing Jesus with them. It was really difficult to add more water to the cup that was already full without first getting rid of the syrup. Steve and I decided this week to focus on fear with our youth group. Please keep up the great work, it is a wonderful source of help! But, you may be thinking, How can that apply to me? Failure, trying to fit in, and pressure to succeed can pile fear upon fear. A box of live crickets (from the pet store), A live guinea pig (harmless, but would have been shocking to have it move when the kids stuck their hands in!). 2023 LeaderTreks Youth Ministry. Melanie has written many Bible study guides (available on and her website me More. Sweaty palms. Because that is the reality. If truthfulness was important, they colored their shield blue. It has a purpose. When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. Draw a line on both cups to mark the starting level of the liquids. These verses in The Book of Psalms is a poem that David wrote to God. Turbulent teenage years often bring doubts and uncertainties. Yet, she chose to trust Him rather than submit to fear. Kids, Jesus helps us overcome fear! 4. Believe it or not our students have a lot of fears. Most importantly, I want your shield to remind you that you do not have to be afraid. water and Sprite (or any clear soda, diet or regular), a stop watch (or stop watch app on a mobile device). Our American way of thinking is this: we can fix itwhatever IT is. The main takeaway after watching the video that we shared with our class was this: In the video, the contestant just had to keep singing no matter what happened to her. Fear is a natural first reaction that we shouldnt let confine us. Some things that cause our students to be fearful are things we ourselves would never be afraid of. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. Sometimes our fears are more of a matter of perspective than actually something to be afraid of. Write out these verses on a card or in your journal. Decide as a group which Pop Rocks & liquid combo had the smallest vs. biggest explosion and which combo took the shortest/longest time to fizzle out? There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slavenor free,there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. While we each come from very different backgrounds and cultures, we can still love one another and connect over the new family we get to create with Jesus. What have you learned about trusting God and living by faith in that area? So in all matters, whether spiritual, financial, healthbecome knowledgeable in order to reduce fear. God bless Conduct a question and answer time with your students. Have them repeat it after you. We want to be your partner. (Psalm 46:2a) Rejection, shame, and abandonment can make us fearful. That confidence is in the fact that our God exists and is good to anyone who seeks Him. It does mean tranquility arising from within and includes the idea of causing no disturbance to others. Whats harder for God: rescuing us from desperate circumstances or developing in us a gentle and quiet spirit? Before we do so, spend time as a large group praying about fear. If so, what would you need to do it? And by him we cry, Abba, Father. Romans 8:15, (Fears tend to grow, sometimes out of control. We had 12 youth in attendance, so we split them up into 3 teams of 4 people each, and I kept points throughout all the games to see who the winning team was. Read the following verses. Lesson focus: This lesson reviews the story of "doubting Thomas" and the post-resurrection appearance of Jesus. Use this lesson to teach children that they can trust God with their fears. IMMEDIATELY have the Timekeepers begin to time the Pop Rocks explosion. They should call out intervals, like 30 seconds, 60 seconds, etc. 15. Galatians 3:2628 says, For in Christ Jesusyou are all sons of God, through faith.

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