why does my chihuahua bite my face

Im located in california and trying to seek out professional help but I dont know where to go to have my dog evaluated by professionals other then animal control. With bone in mouth he was showing me the bone and growling. My husband is his person. At the end of the day, it sounds like you need a professional to assess the dog. Our dog has drawn blood twice on me, both times in the face. Sorry to hear about the problems with your pooch. He may only be suffering from some minor issues, which a bit of time, patience, and understanding may fix. If you dont have a good trainer in your area, you may want to consider Journey Dog Training. Pulling back, screaming, and fast movements, such as pushing your dog down, are all behaviors likely to get her even more excited. This time, the skin on my chin was broken and bled. After a bit, I went back over and saw the blankets moved off of him. They loved the dog and intended to have it done in their home, have it cremated and keep the ashes. If you cant prevent him from grabbing things off the street (etc. ), as theyre unlikely to help and may damage the relationship you have with your dog. Immediately out of instinct him with the pillow and turned on the lights. This has reassured him and is much more trusting. I tied up my hair and removed my jewellery in case it was something dangling. Its hard to know exactly whats going on here, but if I understand correctly, it sounds like your dog is getting excited/frustrated about the animals he wants to chase, which then causes him to turn his attention to whoever he can reach (meaning YOU). We have grand kids and an active lifestyle I dont feel like we can trust him in. Plzzz help, I love him but Im scared of him. Sorry to hear about the problems with your pooch this must be both frustrating and frightening. I have never recommended this course of action to a client, though I have supported a few families through this difficult decision. In the meantime, just err on the side of caution and avoid leaving the pup with your children in unattended fashion. This is a pretty common issue, but youll want to make sure you give him plenty of space while hes eating (treats or meals). Year and a bit old. Glad you found the article helpful, and were also glad youre having her checked by your vet its a crucial first step. In the meantime, you may also want to check out our article on resource guarding. I suggest doing so by carefully approaching your dog using a calm voice, averting your gaze, and turning your body away from her. Any thoughts would be appreciated. But anytime a serious bite is involved (particularly with a largeish dog), we recommend getting some professional help. She doesnt do it to anyone else in my family, just me. He then gently lay down on my feet and when I caressed him again very softly over the head he totally unexpectedly bit me in the right hand which started bleeding. My dog just bit me again and its been a long journey. Im ready to put him down. Hey there, Emilio. Certified behaviorists often have experience with dogs who have shown aggressive behaviors and can help you figure out how to manage this situation. You could also talk to a professional groomer you may be able to find one who is comfortable working with difficult dogs (especially since he is kind of small). They decided that after multiple, unpredicted, unwarned, face bites, that putting the dog down was the wisest decision. Check out our collection of more than 250 videos about pet training, animal behavior, dog and cat breeds and more. Im very happy I found this page. When she settles down, mark with a good and give your reward. We wish you the very best of luck! Until one day, about a week ago, he attacked one of our cats. He`s a very affectionate, sweet, and outgoing dog. Dog trainers are not qualified to work with aggression cases and can even make matters worse in some cases. When he got home, my partner picked him up and I tried to pry the bone out of his mouth, he lodged it pretty deep and he was covered in drool because he was holding on to the bone for so long(about 30 mins) luckily I managed to get the bone to fall out while he was being held but I saw some meat still stuck to his mouth on the side so I tried to grab it. But he did survive parvo, was in the hospital for seven days. It has been difficult to get her to stop this. I only cut where it was easy to do but could tell she was apprehensive. Tried choke collar, vinegar water spray, treats when I can get them. I didnt want him to swallow it so I tried to force it out of his mouth. She may be just as taken aback by the whole ordeal as you are and may need some comforting and reassurance. This article was on the 3rd page of search results. Any advice? My boyfriend and I have had her since she was 10 weeks old but she is extremely overprotective of me. Can I do anything about this or I need to leave him? In the meantime, itd probably be wise to tread carefully in situations in which you know he may display a short fuse, such as when hes cuddling with someone or you may surprise him, thanks to his poor eyesight. Best of luck! In this case, it would help to give your dog lots of things to chew on such as toys and bones. Thats an entirely different issue that getting a minor nip or a one-off bite. However I think I know the reason. But his problem is aggression. If your dog has been nipping at your face, you might be wondering why and what you can do about it. He has grown up with my 5 year old almost same birthdays but he growls at him and Im scared to even have him around. Our go-to advice for any dog that bites (or attempts to) is to work with a trainer. On forth of July he hates them fireworks..so I dropped all the carming treats on the floor..instead of removing him in another room. Previously this happened when he was 7 months old and I was trying to feed him with my hand (he used to eat before that time). In fact I manage to break off a piece of it that was sticking out but there was still some in his mouth. I held him up so my partner could try to get it out his mouth. For example, theres a big difference in a dog who playfully pins her doggie roommates to the ground in a harmless, positive way, and one who does so in a manner the other dogs find unpleasant. He suddenly attacked and bitten my wrist and leg badly multiple times. But the biting is what worries me. He was a head strong dog and when he decided not to follow a command he would ignore me and become difficult to handle much to the amusement of spectators. I use a choke chain but it hasnt been working. Is there a puncture? Jumping up and mouthing had become his go-to response whenever he was overly excited or anxious. my mini goldendoodle (about a year old) shows aggression towards family members, not frequently though. Keep in mind that vets are not usually knowledgable about training or behavior, so you really dont want to take you vets word on these things (unless the dog has a medical issue affecting his behavior, or if youre working with a Veterinary Behaviorist). Thankyou in advance. I am a young female and I feel helpless with him. But due to local ordinances, the dog would have to be quarantined for 10 days before that could happen in the way they wished. But this occasion he was on his back paws and was looking for his bone (little did I know) and I went behind him to kiss him or pick him up I cant remmeber it happened so fast. The first bite you describe sounds like it may be related to resource guarding. For what its worth, it definitely sounds like you, your daughter, and her roommate have all taken the reasonable steps and tried your best to give the pooch a good life. Im taking him to the vets tomorrow to see if he has a bad jaw but I think its not that! Even if your dog doesnt have rabies, he (like all dogs) has tons of bacteria in his mouth, so the wound could become infected. He is a service dog. Fast-forward about 10 months. Vetstreet does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Dog bites can be emotional, for both you and your dog. The first couple of times I just brushed her, spoke very quietly to her and did not use the scissors at all. If you cannot figure out why your dog nips you or you cannot get it to stop consider getting the help of a certified dog trainer or behaviorist in your area. Yikes! If a dog is so dangerous that she has to live in complete isolation, thereby ruining her quality of life, there may be no better option. You have not failed, you have tried your best. I toss him a treat and tell him I love him but Ive stayed far away. Hey, Ravi. Practice going through your leash up routine (without leashing him) while giving him goodies. This went well until approximately two weeks ago when I accidentally nicked her with the scissors while attempting to cut out a mat. At the same time we feel really heartbroken because overall he seems to be a good boy, intelligent and eager to learn, and we dont want to cut his future short by reporting what happened. It wasnt a deep cut but I was upset because it was the first time he had done something like that . She has been a great family pet up until the last 1.5 years. We wish you the very best of luck! She also bit her groomer recently and now they wont groom her anymore. My 4 years old Rottweiler is quite unpredictable, at times it can be very obedient, commands like, sit, stay, come, cage and shake hand are no problem at all for him. That sounds terrible! I NEED HELP, he had gotten his leg stuck between my puppies collar that happened to be a slip collar and it was choking her and hurting his leg badly as they laid there and attacked I tried my best to get them apart, only to be bitten 3 different times pretty severely, I made sure the dogs were taken care of a land free before anything, eventually cops showed up and animal control they had bolt cutters and got it off of them. If your dog stands up or gets excited, stop the interaction by freezing in place and slowly crossing your arms and looking away. All you need is love. Hey there, Roxanne. Muzzles can be a useful tool to assure your safety and the safety of others if your dog has bitten in the past. Recently she has shown some aggression while we are petting her. Kids often inadvertently trigger bites from dogs its part of the reason bites to children are so much more common than bites to adults are. We had a Shitzue before Missy and she never exhibited this type of behaviour. Start giving it attention again, until it starts nipping again, then stop giving it attention again. Good luck! You know, a lot of dogs have experienced stress over the last year or so, and unfortunately, your tale isnt that uncommon. This not only includes the things youll want to do in the immediate aftermath, but well discuss some of the reasons your dog may have bitten you, and what steps youll want to take to address the problem. 2001-2022 Hey, Melissa. He or she could put together a personalized approach for your specific pet. My daughters dog starting snapping at people and dogs and I want to help her. It sounds like the second bite was either triggered by you touching the lump or startling him while he was asleep. Were so sorry to hear about the problems with your pooch, but theres not much we can do from afar. Hes begun snapping and has bitten me and son in random instances. We later found out that there was suspected abuse at the home they were at. Best of luck let us know how it goes. We would never put her down because of this incident but would like some insight as.to how to manage it. I have ordered a muzzle and will introduce it to her once it comes. She has always had a dominant personality and at times as a young pup she would not want to stop with her aggressive play. Did she give you any warnings such as growling, freezing, or air snapping. He had come to me while I was sitting on the coach, very gently pushing his head in my hands, like asking for some caresses which I gave him softly. Although I have cared for 4 big dogs in my lifetime, 2 Bouviers, a Bernese Mountain dog and a Great Dane, I must admit I was surprised and disturbed because this never happened before. The third time he bit, my partner was walking him and he found a massive short rib bone with meat on it and picked it up and carried it with him during the entire walk.. My partner tried to get him to leave it, drop it but to no avail. In general, youll want to see seek professional help if: This list is not all-encompassing, and all owners must make the best decisions they can on behalf of their pets. Are there any suggestions on what I should do? He was attacked by another dog about 2 1/2 years ago and hes never been the same. I have never had a behavior problem like this guy. Sadly, finding advice on how to reintroduce yourself to your dog after they attack you is difficult. All rights reserved. But excitement is easy to confuse with anxiety; hyper-arousal and hyper-excitability often go hand-in-hand with feeling nervous. Ive all hes got. Several months went by and all was fine. I never thought hed bite me. My dog was well trained in obedience and we won a few obedience competitions to prove it. Best of luck! good evening! She would bite at our hands but never drew blood. Dogs usually bite out of fear, so I imagine there is something that is being done thats making him uncomfortable (many dogs dont like kissing, hugging, etc). If I give her to county or a non kill I have be honest n she would not be a prospect. Hi.my Australian Shepard is 5. Aggression Letting him grab these things and then having to wrestle them out of his mouth is only going to exacerbate the issues. as an Amazon Associate Pet Dog Owner earns from qualifying purchases. Also, it seems like you may want to read Kaylas advice for breaking up a dog fight without getting bitten. If you dont have a trainer in your area you can work with, you may want to try reaching out to Journey Dog Training. Didnt draw blood, but it was sudden, unwarned and somewhat aggressive. Not only may the lump be a serious health problem, but it may be part of the reason hes so grumpy. The other time was when it saw my kid playing with the other dog, it suddenly changed from being playful ( i was petting it on the lower stomach and it is lying on the ground with legs up) suddenly it turns around growling and bite my arm. I dont know what to do and I really need help. She became aggressive for no reason and we put her in the crate to calm down. He does not like other dogs, he likes cats. My 5-year-old disabled mini-doxie nipped me pretty badly the other day. Professional help may not always be necessary, but there are some cases in which it should be considered mandatory. It sounds like he may be resource guarding, which will take some work to address. Its just so hard as he we all loved him very much dispute his attacks and viscous behaviour. The reason why it nips your face could be that it is excited. But, you may also want to consider having your vet trim his nails. I tell him no, the louder I get the more aggressive he gets. Were so sorry to hear about your injuries and that you had to euthanize your dog. I pulled him away from him and as I was holding him he was growling and snapped and bit my nose. Im totally in disbelief. Thanks. In addition to the above, it would also help to give it lots of things that it is ok for it to chew on such as toys, bones or chews. Thank you so much. As we had a room for him, and plenty of property for him to get out and be a dog. I was a little uneasy, but quickly gained fondness and trust in him. Hey, Patrick. It might be the case that it has been doing it because you have actually been rewarding the behavior. Wed recommend speaking with a canine behaviorist to see where you stand. And wed never make fun of you for being afraid of getting bitten by a dog! He did not use his full mouth but the front only. That child has some serious wounds. And this is especially true anytime youre dealing with a big dog. Any recommendations or suggestions? Take our breed quiz to find your next pet. You dont want to let these kinds of behaviors continue theres no guarantee they wont escalate. He has not acted any different since, but I have been iffy. You may be able to address his issues, but it will likely take a significant amount of time and effort, and itd be wise to work with a canine behaviorist if possible. We would love to hear from you. Even if your dog is lunging and mouthing only in play, the behavior can be surprising and painful. See Additional Information . She dug and took two babies away to the lawn. He growled and when I tried purtting my fingers in his mouth to take it out he bit me and drew blood . It wasnt a huge deal, but I am more just sad that our relationship may have changed and I dont want that. If your dog jumps up or mouths your skin, freeze in place. My roommate evaluated him for any injury or pain and he seemed fine. You will not find what I did in any reference book but it worked. Pet Dog Owner is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC associates program. the situation when he bit me, is something I didnt pay attention to. Yesterday in what we perceive as an unprovoked attack, the dog aggressively bit our small older dachshund in the face, leaving a bloody gash just millimeters below her eye. He started biting about 3 months ago, we got him 5 years ago when the lady who,had him died unexpectedly. Any suggestions would be helpful. We rescue Great Danes and have done so for years. What should I do? ), then you may need to fit him with a basket muzzle. We are working with a trainer, but this behavior hasnt changed. By Do you have any recommandations to avoid such behaviour? Did she break your skin? I do not want to rehome him but its getting serious. After a few days I introduced the scissors again told her what I was going to do. So, take some time to calm yourself down and be sure your dog has chilled out a bit before you re-approach her. Get tons of great dog training advice and tips about gear! Instead, let your dog approach you for affection and stick with petting, as your dog doesnt seem to like being kissed. The only time he has ever even toothed me was when he was in pain. When my dog bit me he drew blood and it hurt. As with any dog, no matter how tolerant our furbaby may be, there is always the potential to bite, or bite again. Im very scared of him right now and I will be sleeping in my guest bedroom because he is giving me looks when I go near my very own bed. Hi Roxy. First of all, wed strongly recommend that you stop using the aversive training tools and techniques (vinegar, choke collar, etc. I am at a loss for words and do not know what to do, as he is very affectionate with us most of the time. When we go on walks and there are no dogs around hes great, may pull a little but overall he does very well. One day the dog is on their sofa, our daughter walks by and the dog comes up off the sofa and bites her in the face. Obviously, the best thing to do would be to consult with a pro. Lunging at the face can be dangerous and frightening, not only for you but especially for other people, particularly if there is any possibility that the behavior is not play-related. Ive gotten bit twice in the last week. Again I dont know his past since he was found on the streets and may have been abandoned. Were so sorry to hear that, Mary! The next thing we need to do is to figure out the cause of her aggression. I will try to write down the situation every time this happens. From there, the behaviorist should be able to provide you with a recommended course of action. Ive had my j. Russell since 2011,and Im still scared of him I cant bathe him , cut his nails, nothing. He sleeps in bed with me by my feet, and I got up during the night and he appeared to be awake with his head up and eyes open and without thinking I went to give him a hugwhich triggered him. So who runs the show you or the dog. He growled and snapped when I grabbed it. Start there you may find that a solution is easier than you think! You dont bite the hand that feeds. I would contact a local wildlife rehabilitator, turn over the rabbits, and just move on. On his first day with us, a 3 year old cross between Spanish Mastin and Labrador we had taken home for an adoption trial, bit me. Sorry to hear about the issues with your pup. They offer a variety of long-distance solutions. Best of luck! By the grace of god I was the only one hurt in the situation but now I am absolutely not sure if my dog will be ever be the same and I can not chance him at biting someone else or another dog the way he did me, although it was truly a freak avoidant but hes still been so skiddish and Im actually scared of him for the first time ever. He got me prettygood, but only bruised and a slight scratch. He screeched and I jumped and panicked. Best of luck! What were you doing right before the bite occurred? But given that the dog sounds like quite a safety hazard, the behaviorist very well may agree with your decision. I have a dog who is a shih zu cross miniature poodle. At any rate, wed recommend speaking with a canine behaviorist, as we do anytime aggression is involved. I wasnt there but the snap friend acknowledged it was his fault for moving her food. He snapped and bit my finger. Im now afraid of my mums new puppy (how stupid is that!). We wish you the best of luck finding her a new home. So sorry to hear about the problems with your dog. So, why does my dog nip at my face? It seems as if its getting worse and worse and uncontrollable. You may just want to heed her wishes and walk her to the various places she needs to go. But if the wound is significant, if you suspect you may need stitches, if you are overdue for a tetanus shot, or if your dogs rabies vaccines arent up-to-date, youll want to head to the hospital or an urgent care center and obtain professional medical treatment. We thought that she was stressed with us all there. The first time I was laying on the couch he was positioned above my head my head and bite me on my lip. Bites are not only concerning, but they can also be unexpected and frightening. Vetstreet. Best of luck! Our fingers are crossed for you and your pooches! Im a senior n cant afford behavior therapy. He was awake and saw me reaching down, but mustve been very startled by the accidental poke. Allow her to come to you if she isnt tied or in a kennel. As for picking her up, well, a lot of dogs dislike being handled this way. The other day I went to pick her up and put her on the grooming table. Thats never easy especially when he was with you for so long. I am unsure if her behavior can be modified at this point. I locked him in the bedroom alone I dont know what to do. The next morning my boyfriend tried to give me a kiss and my dog jumped up. I tried to take it and suddenly he attacked my hand removing my thumb nail completely. Hey, Laura. My own dog is also very sensitive to being physically moved it makes a lot od dogs very nervous and uncomfortable. Typically, we recommend that owners dealing with dogs who actually bite work with a certified dog behavior consultant. If you cant find one in your area, you may want to reach out to Journey Dog Training they provide a variety of long-distance training solutions. She was in rough shape so we took her to the vet, he said that she was about four to five years old at the time, so she would be about ten or eleven years old. He put bone down, sat up and looked for reassurance. My dog is a male Morkie about 6 months old and while we were out on a walk he grabbed a small chicken bone . We have realized he only shows this type of defensive behaviour when hes on the couch, so weve decided to no longer allow him on the couch to avoid more confrontation. He does have guarding issues so we work with him on that, but sometimes hes been sitting with us cuddling and hes bitten my partner really badly. Yet, he has bitten only members in our family, most likely out of fear and possesiveness. We would have to turn away from her and hold our hands out of her reach for her to calm down. We dont want to have to take her to a shelter, but shes been doing this since we rescued her back in April of this year and were getting worried. I just told her no and she let go. I live with my youngest daughter, my middle daughter is the one that brought the puppy. Conversely, she may even seem overly excited. Shell sometimes nibble, as if shes trying to get fleas off of me, but other times, its just really hard. It might be the case that your dog does it because it is looking for attention. My 2-yr old male attacked me completely out of the blue the other day. She has always been this way. My sweet cocker can also snap at me and has bitten me twice when I least expect it. But they can also be unexpected and frightening goldendoodle ( about a year old ) shows towards! May find that a solution is easier than you think just move on do you have actually been rewarding behavior! It so I tried to give me a kiss and my dog just bit me and blood. 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