why are golden retrievers so friendly

Although it goes against their nature, Golden Retrievers can be aggressive. These placid dogs can even carry an egg in their mouths without breaking it. Goldens make the perfect companions for people who enjoy outdoor activities, such as going on long runs, bike rides or hikes. To properly socialize a Golden Retriever, begin by introducing them to one thing at a time. Dog Breeds List Dog Breeds Why are Golden Retrievers so Friendly? if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'loyalgoldens_com-leader-2','ezslot_15',114,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-loyalgoldens_com-leader-2-0')}; If youd like to learn more about socializing Golden Retrievers, check out this video by Love Goldies. Jessica Perry Hekman: Genetics. Are there any misconceptions about dog breeds and personality traits you run into very often? Golden Retrievers are loyal to their owners, which comes from their hunting dog roots. The best way to find a dog that is good with kids is to find an adult dog with a proven track record, and then manage him around your kids responsibly -- don't leave them alone together, make sure the kids don't harass the dog, and make sure the dog gets plenty of exercise and has his own space away from the kids sometimes. The playful nature of Golden Retrievers is one of the reasons they are such a friendly breed. Think of a dog's breed as giving its personality a tendency to develop in particular directions, but no guarantee. So now you don't know what the offspring will be -- they will be quite genetically varied. If possible, owners should also let them interact with other types of animals, such as horses, cats, birds, squirrels, and more, so they will feel comfortable around these species in the future! If you have a friend over and your golden has never met them, you might be asking yourself, will they react well? The breed turned out to be amazing hunters and swimmers who could easily retrieve downed waterfowl. They were originally bred to be companions for hunters, as such they not only had to be good working dogs, they also needed to provide companionship to their owners. Overall, though, the Golden Retriever is a breed that likes to spread its love around and will love everyone who spends time with them. They are all genetically similar. Golden Retrievers have many wonderful qualities, but the most outstanding seems to be their loyalty and friendliness. And what makes them so irresistibly nice, by and large? The answer is, sometimes, yes! If they receive obedience and socialization training as puppies, they generally turn into sweet and obedient adults. This makes them ideal and loving family pets. They are patient and empathetic dogs and will generally not play too rough with children. Make sure to introduce your Golden to many types of people, such as tall people, short people, children, people with beards, and so on. Golden Retrievers, as a whole, are a very friendly breed, but is there a noticeable difference between male and female Goldens? Your Resource for All Things Golden Retrievers, Copyright 2008 - 2016 Golden Woofs : Sugar The Golden Retriever, 2016 - 2022 Golden Woofs: Sugar The Golden Retriever, Do Dogs Actually Smile When Happy? Golden Retrievers are dubbed the best family dog. Like with any dog breed, you must watch them with young children, but overall, they are among the best breeds for families. This makes it effortless to create strong bonds between the dog, owner, and family. Unlock your goldens natural intelligence and see just how quickly problem behaviors disappear.This is the best at home dog training I've ever used!if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'loyalgoldens_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_4',108,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-loyalgoldens_com-medrectangle-3-0')}; Golden Retrievers are incredibly happy and outgoing dogs. So, why are Golden Retrievers so friendly? Now, breed a golden to a poodle and you are mixing known gene versions with known gene versions -- mixing long hair with curly hair. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'loyalgoldens_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_5',109,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-loyalgoldens_com-medrectangle-4-0')}; You may be wondering, why Golden retrievers are so happy and friendly? Although most people dont use Goldens as hunting dogs these days, theyre still happy dogs who are incredibly loyal to their owners and friendly towards strangers. But there are always exceptions. Goldens are famous for their happy-go-lucky attitudes. Golden Retrievers are the happiest and friendliest dogs because they were bred specifically for these traits. Canadian and American Golden Retrievers are darker and the Canadian coat is thinner. Are they equally as friendly? If I had to sum it up I'd say that personality is a really complicated thing, influenced by genetics and environment in ways we don't completely understand. English Golden Retrievers can be more expensive than American and Canadian Golden Retrievers. During walks, if they want to observe something new, allow them to do so and praise them if they act positively around the new thing. All those great personality traits didnt happen by accident. But obviously there are some real differences, just not ones that are reflected in large changes in the DNA that codes for them! It also makes them feel more confident as adults since theyre less fearful of new things. The Golden Retriever has proven time and time again that it is the friendliest and most loyal dog. Eventually, he incorporated an Irish Setter and a Bloodhound into the mix. Female Golden Retrievers will show their love to you and accept any love you give them in their own time but wont be as likely to beg for attention as their male counterparts. Golden Retrievers have the ingrained desire to protect their owners from harm. If owners are attentive towards them, theyre happy and well-behaved. It is possible for owners to train them to protect a household or area.This training is more likely to be successful if the dog is young. One of the best ways to ensure Goldens will be friendly as adults is to socialize them while theyre puppies. Their water sporting and hunting past gives the breed unlimited energy and a love for playing outdoors and anywhere near water. Lots of people say that a female dog is easier to train than a male. Labradors are more likely to get cranial cruciate ligament (CCL or ACL) tears; Great Danes are more likely to get gastric dilation volvulus (stomach bloat); Cavalier King Charles spaniels are more likely to have heart disease, specifically in a particular part of the heart called the mitral valve. How we treat dogs has much more to do with their behavior than their breed. We can easily breed them to have a bit more muzzle (and still look like pugs and bulldogs) so they can breathe normally, but we don't. Such a wonderful explanation! Even though this was our first meeting, he was so affectionate and playful. How to Keep Golden Retrievers Nice, Happy and Friendly. Like all dogs, the golden should be introduced to the baby slowly, but the more interactions they have, the stronger their bond will become. They love to please people, so this makes them appear very friendly. Does it make any sense to categorize breeds as such based on genetics? If you want a puppy, you're always taking a bit of a chance on what he'll be when he grows up, just like you are when you raise a human child! Part of HuffPost Environment. Male vs. Behavior is a lot harder than body size as more things affect it. The Editorial Staff at Dog Breeds List is a team of dog breed experts. This is just a result of how genetics work. They are an intelligent breed, so they are quick to understand how to play games. How much of a dog's personality is determined or influenced by breed? Prevention is the best medicine and they'd so much rather help you get the right dog to start with than try to train out problems a year down the road! What about a mixed breed like my dog Jenny who has who knows what in her? Does being a purebred golden retriever guarantee that a dog will have certain personality traits? The Golden Retriever is one of the most friendly, loyal, and energetic dog breeds. Dogs and wolves are actually considered the same species. Golden Retrievers are all around amazing dogs! I was recently playing with my sisters Golden Retriever puppy. They love to play fetch and will play for hours upon hours, which is perfect for families with energetic and adventurous children with large yards. So, you are going to buy a Golden Retriever puppy. If dogs are mostly being bred for looks at this point, instead of temperament -- and if you can really only select for a couple of traits at a time -- then why is it that golden retrievers are, by and large, so incredibly nice? What about pit bulls? After all of this mating, Tweedmouth was able to create the first Golden Retriever! What made them have such fantastic temperaments? Golden Retrievers have long been praised as the most loyal and friendly breed; this makes them a perfect candidate for families. Aggression is very rare in Golden Retrievers, making them the number one choice for a family dog. Because they are such high-energy dogs and will want to play, it is best to match them with another breed with some of the same characteristics. Today, most Goldens are bred to be show dogs or family pets instead of hunting dogs. They always seem happy and they even smile! But most Golden Retrievers seem to be missing the attack reflex that makes a good guard dog. In fact, the American Kennel Club has solidified the Golden Retriever as one of the top 5 most popular dog breeds for over seven years. What would you do about this problem, if you were czar of dog reproduction? As pets, this means the Golden Retriever is a gentle companion and playmate for all the family. Female Goldens are just as loving, intelligent, and loyal as males, but they seem to display less of a need to broadcast and whine for that type of attention. This wonderful breed maintains a fun, puppy-like demeanor well into adulthood. They are very much selfless dogs and, even in the face of danger, will go out of the way to protect their owners. ), Golden Retriever Growth and Weight Chart (Ultimate Growth Guide). If you read the breed standards, personality is often in there. This means if your house guest is as ready to play as your golden, then they will get along great. The presence of another female challenges her position. Dont overwhelm them. If you are looking for a more aggressive dog that is also a good family pet, there are many other breeds to choose from. Veterinarian Jessica Perry Hekman, who's also a PhD student in a genomics lab at the the University of Illinois, recently published a piece on dog breeds and genetics on her terrific blog, Dog Zombie. In a pride of lions, the female is the hunter, and so she can be more aggressive than the male. Why Are Golden Retrievers So Happy and Friendly? I think we should, but I know there will be a lot of disagreement with that statement! In the video, they go over what socialization is, some genetic and environmental factors that may affect socialization, and how to socialize a Golden Retriever properly: Discover how to train your Golden Retriever by playing games: 21 games to play with your Golden that will make them smarter and better behaved! Golden Retrievers are one of the most popular dog breeds in America: theyre intelligent, loyal, and friendly making them an appealing family pet! Although Goldens are naturally happy-go-lucky dogs, they need attention, socialization, and exercise to maintain their wonderful personalities. You write in your blog post that purebred dogs tend to be susceptible to certain diseases. Good breeders must provide certificates to prove puppies have undergone health screening tests. So most breeds are, yes, bred for personality as well as looks. Many owners go out to buy a dog who looks a certain way, and put that before the personality. Almost no one does this but trainers are often THRILLED to get these kinds of requests. This is absolutely not true of all breeders and there are some lovely kennels out there where personality really does come first. Intriguing, no? Golden Retrievers are happy and friendly because of their breeding. I have a golden retriever and love their affection with my kids! Golden Retrievers are a sociable breed and enjoy the company of other animals. Theyre loyal to their loved ones yet also friendly towards newcomers, making them the perfect pet! Keep reading to find out! They are a group of breeds, including the American pit bull terrier, the American Staffordshire terrier, and (depending on who you ask) a variety of other related breeds. When a dog needs attention, it is common for them to follow their owners around wherever they go. I think people do tend to assume that individual dogs have the personality associated with their breed. We need to remember that you'll have to live with this dog and personality is a lot more important than coat color or head shape. It's not just breeders! In other words, all golden retrievers have long hair -- that's one of the traits that we made sure to "fix" in that breed, because we liked it and decided that trait would be a defining trait of that breed. They will protect you from other animals they view as a threat, have a very intimidating bark, and are relatively large, which will likely ward off others who may mean you harm. The secret to Golden Retrievers amazing personalities is in their breeding. Is there, according to veterinarians, a breed called pit bull? LoyalGoldens.com is an Amazon Associate. Golden Retrievers are generally very easy to train, but this depends on what you are teaching them to do. Beagles and Labradors have similar friendly temperaments because they are also hunting dogs.I n Victorian times purebred dogs became fashionable. But there are many reasons why Golden Retrievers are so friendly. That's just a mix with two known breeds involved. Golden Retriever breed is that you can train them to do almost anything! Are there any dogs who are genetically likely to be dangerous? This begs the question, is the Golden Retriever breed really this loyal and friendly? Is it looks, or genetics, or? ), Giving A Dog As A Gift For Christmas: Why You Should Think, 23 Movies About Golden Retrievers For The Whole Family. ), Are Golden Retrievers Smarter Than Other Dogs? (This article may contain affiliate links and loyalgoldens may earn a commission if a purchase is made.). I don't think any breeds are at such a high risk of developing aggression that it makes sense to pass legislation about them -- it is much more effective to pass legislation supporting responsible dog ownership and establishing protocols for dealing with individual dogs who have proven themselves to be dangerous. As with all dog breeds, there are exceptions to the rule. The Best Age To Spay or Neuter a Golden Retriever (Explained). While a dogs personality is determined by many factors such as parentage and owner temperament, a dogs sex may also play a role. My personal experience is that they are high energy and intelligent. They really have the friendliest face! Breed and personality are certainly related, as anyone knows who knows dogs. No only were they great at retrieving, but they were wonderful at providing loving companionship both at home and in the field. Genetics mean that owners can rely on the good nature of their Golden Retriever. From the very beginning, Golden Retrievers were bred to be athletic, friendly, and happy hunting dogs. As a hunting dog, Golden Retrievers had to be responsive to what their owners were asking them to do. The Golden Retriever has this in abundance. (Explained!). It is essential to keep in mind their energy level when deciding to adopt a golden. Copyright 2022 Dog Breeds List | Powered by Kibble | All Rights Reserved. Golden Retrievers connect with their owners and are eager to please them. Theyre also great sidekicks for hunting trips or trips to the beach since they love to swim. Does the same hold true for mixed breed dogs? Goldens should be socialized as soon as you get them, especially when theyre between 8 weeks and 8 months old since this is a crucial learning period. Male and female Golden Retrievers contain a few other differences as well, which you can learn about here. Golden Retrievers are large, fit and robust dogs, but they dont make good guard dogs. If Lassie had been a Golden, then Timmy never would have gotten stuck in that well, thats for sure! (Explained! How different are either of these dogs from a wolf? They were bred to be hunters and retrievers who needed to have friendly personalities to work well with other dogs and people on hunting trips. Because they do enjoy pleasing people so much, they tend to make excellent service dogs. Goldens are one of the top breeds of dogs that get along well with cats. Golden Retrievers are intelligent and trainable. English Golden Retriever2. ), How Much Space Does a Golden Retriever Need? Some say that the female dog behaves the same as the lioness. This makes them look similar -- and, to some extent, act similar. Like with any dog that displays aggression, getting them the proper training and assistance is crucial to curb the behavior. They achieve this by being alert to their owners needs. And are there any personality traits that pit bulls will share? The breed is known as one of the most hardworking because they were bred to work closely with hunters. But they are unlikely to be born that way. And what are the public policy implications of dog breeds, genes and personality? Here are a few: Golden Retrievers are friendly because of their breeding. Incredibly active dogs, the best way to keep a golden happy and healthy is to take them on regular walks Hi I'm Bryan, and this guys name is Jackson. The Golden Retriever breed is one of the most intelligent dog breeds and is very easy to train. English Golden Retrievers are larger and lighter in colour. Golden Retriever breed maintains its youthful charisma throughout its entire life, always in the mood to play and please its owners. Absolutely! The Golden Retrievers energetic, friendly, and loyal nature makes them the perfect companion for kids of all ages. 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