vizsla club of america breed standard

It is the best of the best. This yearly celebration rotates around the country from the East Coast to the Midwest and, in 2017, to the West. Eyes medium in size and depth of setting, their surrounding tissue covering the whites. The publication is available as a .pdf on the club's site, and I am very pleased with the beautiful presentation by VCA. Far reaching, light footed, graceful and smooth. Solid dark mahogany red and pale yellow are faulty. Copyright Illustrated Standard. It must not turn up as in a dish face nor should it turn down. Our monthly and weekly newsletters will keep you informed about the latest and greatest happenings in the destination. The elbows lie close to the body; pasterns are short, sinewy and only very slightly sloping. All rights reserved. The moving dog from the illustrated standard is also featured. Participants will learn the blocking and tackling skills needed to close more sales from the inside by asking smart questions, actively listening, and handling objections. Balanced in size and proportion, the Wirehaired Vizsla is robust and lean. The Doberman Pinscher Club of America has created a YouTube video to assist judges with procedure and important points of the breed. Skull moderately wide between the ears with a median line down the forehead. The qualities that make a dual dog are always to be appreciated, not deprecated. There are times where the print version is still appropriate, such as in presentations before groups, so that possibility is still to be considered. Dog structure explored by the illustrated breed standard artist. The tail is thick at its base then tapers and carries a dense coat. The average weight is 40 to 65 pounds, depending upon height and amount of bone. Because the Vizsla is meant to be a medium-sized hunter, any dog measuring more than 1-1/2 inches over or under these limits must be disqualified. The ideal female is 21 to 23 inches. The short, slick coat is varying shades of golden rust. Unfortunately, much of this potential is never realized because the inside sales team has not been properly trained and coached. The legs have strong, sufficient bone and balance, with thighs that are well muscled and long. Body is strong and well proportioned. It was to be used as the representative for the Doberman Pinscher on the AKC web site. White on the forechest, preferably as small as possible, and white on the toes are permissible. Research a Reputable Breeder! The Vizsla Breed Standard calls for a medium sized dog. Inside wholesalers will learn the art, as well as the science, of prospecting, qualifying, selling to ideal prospects, time management, creating new profitable relationships, referral generation, setting up effective call rotations, etc. With over 25 years experience in this very specialized field, Jeanne Williamson's (formerly Flora) resume includes more illustrated standard projects than any other single artist in the field. A totally black nose is a disqualification. The tail is set just below the level of the croup. With over 25 years experience in this field, Jeanne Flora's resume includes more illustrated standard projects than any other single artist in the field. GENERAL APPEARANCE: Originating in Hungary, the Wirehaired Vizsla was developed by hunters and falconers who desired a sturdy, versatile hunting dog able to withstand harsh winters in the field, forest and water. Muzzle square and deep. The jaw is strong with teeth aligned in a scissors bite. The Vizsla is a medium-sized pointer-retriever originally bred in Hungary. From the front, legs are straight, from the side they are placed well under the body. Shyness, nervousness or aggressiveness are faulty. The topline remains level, the back firm. White due to aging shall not be faulted. White due to aging or scars from hunting is not to be faulted. | All Rights Reserved.| powered by thecodifiers. The dog and bitch illustrations included in the video are shown here. The muzzle is blunt, with a straight bridge that is parallel to the top of the skull and is well muscled with strong jaws. Click some of the links below to find out more about this breed. A slight groove runs from the moderate occiput to the stop. The Wirehaired Vizsla is a tractable and affectionate companion in the home. Sales segmentation was extremely valuable., Practical, relevant and state-of-the-art training., Invaluable techniques for qualifying and working effectively with the inside team!, Powerful group sharing and a goldmine of strategies to improve sales results., Introduction to Value-First Selling Program, How to Establish Profitable Sales Relationships, Scripting: The Path to Duplicable Success, Highly engaging, fast-paced sessions generated timely solutions., Numerous tactical ideas were discussed that we leveraged into our business., Learning from my peers was one of many highlights., Fantastic formatGreat cutting-edge ideas I can use!. Illustrated standard for dog breed clubs is a special field of art focusing on drawings for judges' education, breeders, exhibitors, and students of the breed. Forelegs straight and muscular with elbows close. Dew claws, if any, to be removed on front and rear feet. Withers high and the topline slightly rounded over the loin to the set on of the tail. NECK, TOPLINE AND BODY: The neck is in balance with the body and head, medium in length, muscular and slightly arched. White on the forechest or throat, not more than 2 inches in diameter, as well as white on the toes is permissible and common. Red, brown or yellow colors are faulty. HEAD: The Wirehaired Vizslas head is in proportion to the body, moderate and well muscled. A distinctly long coat is a disqualification. COAT: The Wirehaired Vizslas coat makes this breed unique. Whiskers serve a functional purpose; their removal is permitted but not preferred. Feet are as in the Forequarters section. She is ready to assist your club toward successful completion of your illustrated standard project in a timely and professional way. Functionally the coat should protect against weather and injury with a dense undercoat and wiry outer coat. You may view the completed publication on their web site. Approved by the American Kennel Club August 18, 2012 |750 B Street, Suite 1500, San Diego, CA 92101TEL. This trend is not likely to end in the near future. Properly trained and coached, the internal sales team will close more sales on their own, in addition to working with their team to move sales forward. His other books include: Seminar Selling for the Financial Industry, published by McGraw-Hill and How to Market to High-Net-Worth Households. Back short. TEMPERAMENT: The Wirehaired Vizsla is self-confident, eager to learn, clever, sensitive and yet stubborn; affectionate and loyal with his owner, occasionally aloof with strangers and has a keen protective instinct. Nails brown and short. A clipped coat is faulty. White extending on the shoulders or neck is a disqualification. The chest is deep, moderately broad, and well muscled. Yellow or any other color is faulty. The Official Breed Standard of the Wirehaired Vizsla. The eyes, nails and nose should blend with the coat color. The nose color should blend with the coat color. The Vizsla is a very versatile dog; you will also find him in the show ring, obedience ring, the field, in agility, in tracking, and working as therapy dogs. Illustrated standard for dog breed clubs is a special field of art focusing on drawings for judges' education, breeders, exhibitors, and students of the breed. SIZE, PROPORTION, SUBSTANCE: The Wirehaired Vizsla is a medium sized hunting dog, however overall symmetry and balance are more important than mere measurable size. Without proper conformation, a dog does not have the chest to allow enough air, the muzzle to allow them to smell the birds or the feet and legs to help carry them. An undocked tail is faulty. Eyes are slightly oval, of medium size with well fitting eyelids, giving the Wirehaired Vizsla an intelligent and lively expression. The atmosphere of the program is motivational; the content is concise, and achievement driven. The first AKC Triple Champion was a Vizsla. The purpose of the Vizsla Club of Illinois is to promote the breeding of the Vizsla Pointing Dog and to monitor the practices and method of persons interested in breeding, registering, exhibiting and running purebred dogs of the Vizsla breed and to protect the interest of its members and the breed in which they are interested; to urge members and breeders to accept the standard of the breed as approved by the Vizsla Club of America as the only standard of excellence by which Vizslas shall be judged; to do all in its power and to protect and advance the interests of the breed by encouraging sportsmanlike competition at dog shows, field trials, hunting tests, agility trials, tracking tests and obedience trials; to conduct sanctioned and licensed field trials, obedience trials, bench shows or any specialty shows agility trials, hunting tests, or tracking tests under the rules of the American Kennel Club; to work in the conservation and restoration of our natural resources, in the propagation of fish and game, in the development of true sportsmanship in our citizenry, and in developing a spirit of mutual understanding between all. The hocks are strong, well let down, short and straight as viewed from behind. Nostrils slightly open. Closing More Sales from the Inside enlists a variety of interactive adult learning technologies. Lacking undercoat or coat brushes of the back of the front legs should be penalized, as is any deviation in coat texture or excessive length of coat. Feet cat-like, round and compact with toes close. Any other color is faulty. The feet are cat like, but slightly oval and always parallel. Hind legs have well developed thighs with moderately angulated stifles and hocks in balance with the moderately laid back shoulders. With technology being what it is today, much of the actual print expense can be foregone with a simple digital booklet. Chest moderately broad and deep reaching down to the elbows. The dogs began arriving in the United States in the early 1950s. The AKC standard calls them demonstratively affectionate. They like to be touching people at all times. For the most part, the online availability makes education an affordable and pleasing solution for many clubs, especially when the result is as beautiful as that of VCA. Vizsla Review- The Good and the Bad, VCAs Illustrated Standard of the Vizsla. Rear dewclaws are a disqualification. As some of the largest wholesaling teams are eliminating all external wholesalers and converting to a hybrid/inside model, it has become abundantly clear the importance of the inside role has become paramount. The lower legs and underside of the chest and belly are covered with shorter, softer, thinner coat. It is believed that the ancestors of todays Vizsla came with the Magyar nomads who crossed the Carpathian Mountains into what is now known as Hungary in approximately 985 AD. The Wirehaired Vizsla should be exhibited almost in his natural state, nothing more in the way of stripping being needed than a tidying up. When moving, the tail is carried near the horizontal, not curled over the back or carried between the legs. Lips cover the jaws completely but are neither. Thank you for making the most of my drawings! Tail set just below the level of the croup, thicker at the root and docked one-third off. Ears, thin, silky and proportionately long, with rounded-leather ends, set fairly low and hanging close to cheeks. Vizsla Club of Illinois 2022 | All Rights Reserved. Expression is enhanced not only by eyebrows, but also by a strong, harsh beard, approximately 1 inch in length, formed from both sides of the muzzle. This is a dog of power and drive in the field yet a tractable and affectionate companion in the home. Our most exciting active event of the Nationals is the agility competition that will take place at Allied Gardens Recreation Center. Natural appearance is essential to breed type, therefore the Wirehaired Vizsla is to be shown with limited stripping and should not be penalized for being shown in working condition: sinewy, well muscled, with honorable scars. Preferably, dewclaws are removed from the front legs to avoid injury in the field, but a dog with natural dewclaws is not to be penalized. When seen from the side, the gait is dynamic yet graceful and there is a balance to the movement with far reaching drive. Massive areas of white on the chest, or white extending over the toes is a disqualification. He is the president of the Wholesaler Institute. The importance of their need for exercise in order to be good dogs in the home cannot be stressed enough. Breeders from around the country will be showing their best Vizslas and studying the competition for future breeding potential. Shoulder blades proportionately long and wide sloping moderately back and fairly close at the top. Shyness, timidity or nervousness should be penalized. Gauge in competition at the Vizsla Club of Metro Atlanta, The ideal male is 22 to 24 inches at the highest point over the shoulder blades. HINDQUARTERS: The hindquarters are straight and parallel with well developed thighs when viewed from behind. Because we breed for the dual dog, we are always striving to improve the conformation of the vizsla breed. Without proper movement, a field dog will quickly exhaust himself and will not have the endurance for field trials or daily hunting. Each participant takes an active role in this powerful learning experience. This is mandatory to maintain balance with the moderately angulated hindquarters. Because the Wirehaired Vizsla is meant to be a medium-sized hunter, any dog measuring more than 1 inch over or under these limits must be disqualified. Illustrations and examples of correct structure and movement in the dog are studied. The preferred tail is docked by one-quarter of its length; natural tails will not be penalized. Ribs well-sprung; underline exhibiting a slight tuck-up beneath the loin. The Wirehaired Vizsla body is well muscled and strong, with sufficient bone and substance. Iris color is as dark as possible and blends harmoniously with the coat color. Jaws are strong with well developed white teeth meeting in a scissors bite. Eager to learn, lively yet gentle, they are readily trainable for gun and falcon. The ideal male adult (over 12 months of age) is 23 to 25 inches at the highest point over the shoulder blades. White extending above the toes or white anywhere else on the dog except the forechest and throat. A natural hunter endowed with a good nose and above-average ability to take training. On both sides of the neck the coat forms V shaped brushes. Wholesalers will be introduced to the Value-First Selling System, a state-of-the-art sales process designed specifically for todays inside wholesaler selling in todays unique financial marketplace. Ruger with Pam at the Vizsla Club of America All Star Review 2007. Vizslas are often called velcro dogs because of their desire to be with and near (and on top of!) He is the founder of the American Seminar Leaders Association and is a popular presenter at national meetings and conferences, including the Million Dollar Round Table. Solid white extending above the toes or white anywhere else on the dog except the forechest is a disqualification. Responsible Breeders Reach Out With a Positive Approach To Fight Anti-Breeder Sentiment. Yellow eyes are a serious fault. Pauls articles are regularly featured in such financial industry publications as Ignites, Registered Rep, On Wall Street, Investment Advisor, and National Underwriters. 619.232.3101. Shoulders are well laid back, showing fluidity when moving. DISQUALIFICATIONS: Dogs over 12 months of age measuring over 26 inches, or under 22 inches and bitches over 12 months of age over 24 inches or under 20 inches. Kennel Club August 18, 2012 |750 B Street, Suite 1500, San Diego, CA.... Began arriving in the early 1950s Vizslas and studying the competition for future breeding potential, and am! Project in a timely and professional way stressed enough web site explored by the American Club. Foregone with a dense undercoat and wiry outer coat curled over the loin to the set of. Dog from the East Coast to the set on of the breed the! Medium-Sized pointer-retriever originally bred in Hungary the program is motivational ; the content is concise, and driven. The ideal male adult ( over 12 months of age ) is 23 to 25 at. The tail is docked by one-quarter of its length ; natural tails not... 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