staffordshire bull terrier top 10 facts

Enrolling them in a puppy kindergarten class is a great start. You may also want to ask if your shelter or rescue has informationabout the physical health of your potential pup's parents and other relatives. The bonds that these dogs are capable of developing with individuals are incredible. 19. They give the impression of being much larger than they really are. Leash training is also important, especially since your Stafford will be a strong puller, small size notwithstanding. The Staffordshire Bull Terrier has a short, smooth coat that lies close to the skin. Begin training the day you bring your Staffordshire Bull Terrier puppy home. Engage their mind with training sessions or fun activities. Henry's been writing pet content for over 10 years and will continue to do so as long as dogs and cats are with us! The Mollossians in turn gave rise to the great Mastiffs of Europe, and then to the family of dogs bred to bait bulls and other animals. Helps keep immune system, joints, heart & kidneys healthy. Due to poor breeding practices, some breeds are prone to certain genetic health problems, such as hip dysplasia. Have you ever heard of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier? You have to admit, Staffordshire Bull Terrier is not exactly a name that rolls off the tongue with relative ease. Like all the bull breeds, the Staffordshire bull terrier can trace its heritage back to the ancient Molossian war dogs of the Greeks. Staffordshire Bull Terriers are energetic dogs who need a vigorous walk or play session daily. Dogs with thick, double coats are more vulnerable to overheating. They look more fierce than they really are. The following problems may occur in the breed: The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is a companion dog who does well in any type of home as long as they get daily exercise. With that being said, theyre extremely strong, as their entire body is typically composed of muscle with very little body fat whatsoever. They were once used for sports like bullfighting. Theyll stick with their owners through thick and thin, but they really dont seem to have many concerns when it comes to other individuals. The ears are never cropped; they are small and wither rose-shaped or half prick. Schipperkes are active, intelligent and curious dogs and have stubborn tendencies. If you can hear the nails clicking on the floor, they're too long. This is an easy upkeep dog, needing no special grooming. Consider whether you have the time and patience for a dog who needs a lot of grooming, or the money to pay someone else to do it. Drool-prone dogs may drape ropes of slobber on your arm and leave big, wet spots on your clothes when they come over to say hello. However, it is worth noting that theyre strong enough to easily knock someone off their feet without even realizing what theyre doing. Some breeds sound off more often than others. How much your adult dog eats depends on their size, age, build, metabolism, and activity level. Take a look and find the right sized dog for you! Do you have neighbors nearby? The SBT should not be left to live outside. Whatever the reason was, it stuck and that has been the nickname of this breed of dog for several years now. Other grooming needs include dental hygiene and nail care. It isnt because theyre aggressive, not even in the slightest. As is the case with virtually any breed of dog, they need to be well-bred and well-trained. For people that dont realize what theyre dealing with, it might be somewhat surprising because its hard to tell what they will look like as adults when theyre puppies. Like all terriers, Staffords are diggers. Staffords shed little, although they may have a heavy shed once a year. The Staffordshire Bull Terrier has a different temperament than the American Pit Bull and the two even have different ways to metabolize food. Remember that even friendly dogs should stay on a good, strong leash like this onein public! While theyre not as fast as a German Shepherd or Greyhound for example, they certainly dont lack speed. They were probably developed by crossing the Bulldog with an ancestor of the Manchester Terrier. Choose the middle-of-the-road puppy, not the one who's beating up their littermates or the one who's hiding in the corner. They range in weight from 30 to 40 pounds (13 to 18 kilograms) and in height from 17 to 19 inches. Always meet at least one of the parent--usually the mother is the one who's available--to ensure that they have nice temperaments that you're comfortable with. The first Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club was formed in England in 1835, and a breed standard was written shortly thereafter. Here are 20 cool facts about the Staffordshire Bull Terrier: These dogs have impeccable breeding and theyve been bred for several generations. Surgery can sometimes partially restore vision. The Staffordshire bull terrier joined the English Kennel Club in 1935 and the American Kennel Club in 1974. Generally speaking, this is a breed of dog that likes to experience affection and then return that experience by showing affection. Breed isn't the only factor that goes into affection levels; dogs who were raised inside a home with people around feel more comfortable with humans and bond more easily. While each dog is different and some obviously live far longer than others, the average lifespan for this particular breed is about 12 to 14 years. So are breeds with short noses, like Bulldogs or Pugs, since they can't pant as well to cool themselves off. Vicious dogs are more often than not made, not born. Canine Hip Dysplasia (CHD). No dog should ever be left unsupervised with a child. It might be guarding the property or bringing you your socks, but they like to know that theyre actually serving a purpose aside from merely existing. Some breeds are more free-spirited than others. The Stafford needs early socialization, especially if you want them to be friendly toward other animals. Find more dog breeds and dog care information at Trim their nails once or twice a month, or as needed. Although not looking for trouble, the Staffordshire will not back down to a challenge and is not always agreeable with other dogs. To help keep your home a little cleaner, you can find a great de-shedding tool here! A people-loving personality makes them a good caretaker of their family, but they're less likely to be protective of property. Recommended daily amount: 1 5/8 to 2 1/4 cups of a high-quality dog food daily, divided into two meals. They're also resilient enough to bounce back from your mistakes or inconsistencies. Others need daily, vigorous exercise, especially those that were originally bred for physically demanding jobs, like herding or hunting. Weight gain can lead to other health issues or worsen problems like arthritis. Staffordshire Bull Terriers have a high pain threshold and can become injured without any outward sign, such as whining. Because these two breeds look so similar, many individuals think that the Staffordshire Bull Terrier is vicious and they become almost fearful upon merely seeing one. Schipperkes (pronounced SKIP-per-key) are small dogs weighing 12 to 16 pounds (five to seven kilograms). There are four grades of patellar luxation, ranging from grade I, an occasional luxation causing temporary lameness in the joint, to grade IV, in which the turning of the tibia is severe and the patella cannot be realigned manually. Staffords love to chew, especially during puppyhood. The Staffordshire Bull Terrier dog breed of today is a fine companion known for their courage, intelligence, and love of children. In England, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier is nicknamed the "nanny dog" because of its reputation as a child's playmate and guardian. Find more dog breeds and dog care information at This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Although they were created in 19th-century Britain to be a small, fast fighting dog, those days are long past. Underground electronic fences are not suitable for this breed. Early, frequent socialization is a must for this breed, especially if you want your SBT to be friendly toward other animals. Breed isn't the only factor. As adults, they may require more of an adjustment period before they welcome the company of another dog. No matter what the breed or breed type, all dogs have strong jaws, sharp pointy teeth, and may bite in stressful circumstances. The cross eventually evolved into the Staffordshire Bull Terrier we see today. When you add their relatively good speed to their level of tenacity, you can almost bet that if theyre really in the mindset to go after something, whatever it might be, they wont quit until theyve accomplished their goal. They're a companion dog and thrives in the presence of their family. If you're interested in adopting an adult Stafford who's already gone through the destructive puppy stage and may already be trained, a rescue group is a good place to start. Dogs are individuals, just like people, and they don't all need the same amount of food. With that being said, its not all that uncommon to have a dog of this breed that weighs almost as much as a large dog, thanks in part to is excellent muscle tone. The Stafford is suitable for families with children, but despite their much vaunted patience and gentleness, They should always be supervised in the presence of toddlers or young children. Many people say this of the Pit Bull as well, especially those are really familiar with this breed of dog. It then builds up in cerebrospinal fluid and plasma, causing such signs as lack of coordination, muscle tremors, poor learning ability, and seizures. Nicknamed the nanny dog, the Stafford is prized for their patience with and love of children, although it goes without saying that no dog should ever be left alone with young children or expected to double as a baby-sitter. Other SBTs end up in rescue because their owners have divorced or died. The dogs are bred to be strong and they still hold that trait, even all these years later. Smart and easily trained, the ever-popular German shepherd is quite active and likes to have something to do. This usually works well for them, especially when you consider the fact that theyre bred to be strong and powerful. The first Stafford registered with the AKC was named Tinkinswood Imperial. If you're a neatnik, you'll need to either pick a low-shedding breed or relax your standards. Where most dogs are bothered by certain sounds, strangers, or a whole host of other issues, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier seems to take it all in stride without having a desire to run away or otherwise become upset, especially due to fear. Go with a low-sensitivity dog. With that being said, the staffy has a tendency to be so calm that it even makes the Pit Bull look neurotic. Then place your hands on their back, thumbs along the spine, with your fingers spread downward. attitude, in which case you'll need to use rewards and games to teach them to want to comply with your requests. Obedience training is possible, although it is not the Staffordshire's strong point. Therefore, they make good dogs for just about anyone provided theyre given the adequate level of training and you can dedicate the time required to successfully bond with them early on. The quality of dog food you buy also makes a difference--the better the dog food, the further it will go toward nourishing your dog and the less of it you'll need to shake into your dog's bowl. Some breeds have hearty appetites and tend to put on weight easily. Daily is better. Aside from their similar looks, they dont really have as much in common as most people likely think. If youre still not convinced, continue reading through the list. They can be rambunctious and may accidentally knock small children down. **All dogs are individuals. One of the biggest differences between these two breeds of dogs is in their demeanor. For this reason, they should usually be handled by someone who is physically fit and has at least a moderate amount of experience working with larger dogs as opposed to someone who has only been exposed to small dogs or someone that is fairly new to working with dogs in general. Like most working dogs, this is a breed that enjoys having the ability to do its job but it gets an equal amount of enjoyment out of relaxation, as long as both of them are in moderation. SBTs enjoy their comforts and will readily join you on the sofa or bed if allowed. Teach your child never to approach any dog while they're sleeping or eating and not to try to take the dog's food away. The short, sleek coat comes in a wide variety of colors. Being gentle with children, sturdy enough to handle the heavy-handed pets and hugs they can dish out, and having a blas attitude toward running, screaming children are all traits that make a kid-friendly dog. If you're new to dog parenting, take a look at101 Dog Tricks and read up on how to train your dog! Crate training assists in this process and prevents your SBT puppy from chewing on things they shouldn't or otherwise getting into trouble when you aren't around to supervise. If you're going to share your home with a dog, you'll need to deal with some level of dog hair on your clothes and in your house. Large dog breeds might seem overpowering and intimidating, but some of them are incredibly sweet! This dog is the picture of power, yet it is surprisingly agile and quick on its feet. In fact, these dogs look extremely similar to the American Pit Bull. They are energetic and enthusiastic in everything they do and remains on alert, even in repose. If you want a heat-sensitive breed, your dog will need to stay indoors with you on warm or humid days, and you'll need to be extra cautious about exercising your dog in the heat. Easy-to-train dogs are more adept at forming an association between a prompt (such as the word "sit"), an action (sitting), and a consequence (getting a treat) very quickly. A lot of it has to do with their overall build and the shape of their head. Being quiet, low energy, fairly calm indoors, and polite with the other residents are all good qualities in an apartment dog. If they don't get the mental stimulation they need, they'll make their own work--usually with projects you won't like, such as digging and chewing. Originally bred to perform a canine job of some sort, such as retrieving game for hunters or herding livestock, they have the stamina to put in a full workday. In the localized form, patches of red, scaly skin with hair loss appears on the head, neck and forelegs. If you're unsure whether they're overweight, give them the eye test and the hands-on test. Once you train them to do something and they know what is expected of them, its not the least bit uncommon to see them doing it without you even asking. Meeting siblings or other relatives of the parents is also helpful for evaluating what a puppy will be like when they grow up. Forget strict and formal obedience training. Breeds that need a lot of exercise are good for outdoorsy, active people, or those interested in training their dog to compete in a high-energy dog sport, such as agility. Meet the breeds needs, and youll have a faithful, adoring member of the family. And many hounds simply must follow their noses--or that bunny that just ran across the path--even if it means leaving you behind. A lot of it goes back to all the years of breeding in these dogs, because they have always been bred for a purpose. They have a tendency to enjoy being around people and they like to please those that they are closest to. Some people even consider the Staffordshire Bull Terrier to be somewhat muscle-bound. As in humans, being overweight can cause health problems in dogs. These are animals that are capable of producing an immense amount of power and theyre also capable of running much faster than you might think. Stranger-friendly dogs will greet guests with wagging tails and nuzzles; others are shy, indifferent, or even aggressive. They need a regular job, something that they believe you depend on them to do. It almost goes without saying that a highly active dog will need more than a couch potato dog. Their short face makes the Staffordshire Bull Terrier unsuited to staying outdoors for more than a few minutes in a hot or humid climate, and they should always have access to shade and fresh drinking water. Breeds that were originally used for bird hunting, on the other hand, generally won't chase, but you'll probably have a hard time getting their attention when there are birds flying by. A low-vigor dog, on the other hand, has a more subdued approach to life. However, shedding does vary greatly among the breeds. They have been described as "a sort of everybody's Dog Friday," and their greatest desire is to spend time with their people, whether that means vegging out on the sofa and watching football, running errands in the car, going for walks, or participating in activities such as agility, flyball, obedience, and therapy work. If you really want to know more about the breed, keep reading and find out 20 things about this unique and interesting breed that you might not already know about. Despite his fierce appearance, this dog is a lover, not a fighter. By all accounts, these dogs just seem to know what to do and when to do it. Fortunately, thats not usually a problem with these dogs. The dog is relatively wide and slightly longer than tall, giving it a low center of gravity. Dogs from any breed can be good with children based on their past experiences, training on how to get along with kids, and personality. Staffordshire Bull Terriers are extremely mouthy as puppies and can be destructive if not closely supervised. Plenty of small dogs are too high-energy and yappy for life in a high-rise. They also have these intense eyes that can seemingly look right through whatever or whomever they might be staring at. Patellar Luxation: This common problem occurs when the patella, which has three partsthe femur (thigh bone), patella (knee cap), and tibia (calf)is not properly lined up and often slips out of place, causing the dog to skip or hop when it happens. And you can find an awesome crate for your dog here to give them a little more personal space in your apartment. Theyre not used for these types of sports anymore, thankfully, but they still maintain the overwhelming majority of the traits that they had when they were bred for this specific purpose. Therefore, the dogs have a tendency to remain healthy and relatively active, even well into old age. As you might have guessed by now, all of this means that this particular breed of dog is extremely powerful. Some dogs are simply easier than others; they take to training better and are fairly easygoing. That versatility makes them highly sought-after. About our Ads. Its easily one of the calmest breeds of dog you could ever own and it doesnt have a tendency to get excited about much of anything. They were created in the early nineteenth century to be smaller and faster in the fighting ring, yet gentle and friendly toward people. The dogs are just as good at relaxing as they are at working and they seem to enjoy having the opportunity to experience that balance in their lives, just as many people do. For the person who has an understanding of their sensitive nature and can give them patient, firm leadership, the Stafford is one of the finest dog companions around. Some dogs are perpetual puppies -- always begging for a game -- while others are more serious and sedate. Ask your vet about your dog's diet and what they recommend for feeding your pooch to keep them at a healthy weight. Before you know it, you might be in the market for a Staffordshire Bull Terrier of your very own. Harsh corrections can damage the dog's self-confidence and personality. Make grooming a positive experience filled with praise and rewards, and you'll lay the groundwork for easy veterinary exams and other handling when they're an adult. It is important to understand that some Staffordshire Bull Terriers will never do well with other animals and may need to live in single animal homes. If you're adopting a puppy, it's a good idea to find out which genetic illnesses are common to the breed you're interested in. Mouthy breeds tend to really enjoy a game of fetch, as well as a good chew on a toy that's been stuffed with kibble and treats. Dogs who were bred to hunt, such as Terriers, have an inborn desire to chase--and sometimes kill--other animals. Always supervise interactions between children and dogs. If you're considering a hound, would you find their trademark howls musical or maddening? In many cases, they develop something of a shared bond between themselves and everyone else in the household, effectively becoming everyones dog. Dogs who were bred for jobs that require decision making, intelligence, and concentration, such as herding livestock, need to exercise their brains, just as dogs who were bred to run all day need to exercise their bodies. If youve been on the fence when it comes to deciding about getting a particular breed of dog, this might not be a breed that youve ever really considered before. If they want to, they can go virtually anywhere they choose because no one is going to be capable of holding them back on a leash if that particular dog is very determined to get to a certain location. This particular breed seems to have a lot of good things going for it, so it makes it a good choice for a lot of people in different types of situations. This breed needs a confident trainer who is consistent and firm but also loving. Because one of the positive traits breeders wanted them to have was a relative lack of fear, most Staffordshire Bull Terriers are still not afraid of very much to this day. The Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of America was founded in 1974. Nordic dogs such as Siberian Huskies were bred to range long distances, and given the chance, they'll take off after anything that catches their interest. Young children and dogs of any breed should always be supervised by an adult and never left alone together, period. Dont shop if you want to bring one of these dogs home. This usually gives most people the idea that the dog would just as soon bite them as anything else, but this is not correct. Loving toward people from just a few weeks of age, a proper Stafford is never shy or snarly. Small, delicate, and potentially snappy dogs such as Chihuahuas aren't always so family-friendly. Keep your SBT in good shape by measuring their food and feeding them twice a day rather than leaving food out all the time. Exercise Requirements: Average Energy Level: 12-14 yrs Daily Average Caloric Intake: Low Tendency to Drool: Low Tendency to Snore: Medium Tendency to Bark: Low Tendency to Dig: High Social/Attention Needs: Dog Bonding, Length: Short Characteristics: Flat Colors: Red, fawn, black, white, blue, brindle with or without white Overall Grooming Needs: Low, AKC Classification: Terrier UKC Classification: Terrier Prevalence: So-so. They are more likely to welcome burglars than to guard the silver. The breed had won over many families who found their courageousness matched only by their faithfulness. Therefore, they dont have a tendency to grow nearly as tall as some larger breeds like German Shepherds. The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is a restricted or banned breed in many cities and the number of cities restricting the breed is rising. Be sure that yours is not one of them before acquiring a Stafford. Our ratings are generalizations, and they're not a guarantee of how any breed or individual dog will behave. Do you live in housing with noise restrictions? They tend to like a lot of affection as well as exercise, and they enjoy spending the majority of their time with the person or people they have chosen to bond with. Your use of this site is subject to the terms of our Legal Statement. Usually, theyll develop a bond that is strongest with one or two people in the family but they also make great family pets. If a dog is vicious, it is likely the result of improper breeding, improper training or a complete lack thereof, and in some cases, abuse. Cookie Consent Tool, Dominican Republic - Repblica Dominicana, Greater China - Hong Kong SAR (English). It is important to research your city's dog by-laws to avoid the unnecessary seizure and destruction of your dog. It is gentle, docile, easy to care for and always seeking fun. An independent, strong-willed dog, the Afghan can be downright standoffish, but also quiet and clownish when the mood strikes. Digestive Care: for stress-related digestive upset in dogs up to 30 lbs, Nutrition based on Hill's ground-breaking study on ingredients that build a lean muscle physique for a healthier dog, A delicious complement to the nutrition of Science Diet Small Paws dry dog food. Depending on the severity of the problem, your vet may recommend surgery, weight management, or medication to control the pain. With their short, broad head and muscular body, they resemble the other bull breeds such as American Staffordshire Terriers and American Pit Bull Terriers, but they are a breed unto themself with distinct physical characteristics that set them apart, including size and ear shape. Some breeds do fine with a slow evening stroll around the block. A Stafford is not generally a barker, but they are definitely vocal. The Stafford's coat sheds annually and hair loss is minimal throughout the year. The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is a tough-looking character. It simply means that theyre strong enough to handle themselves if and when the need arises and they dont have a tendency to back down. Health clearances prove that a dog's been tested for and cleared of a particular condition. A crate also gives them a safe haven where they can retreat when they're feeling overwhelmed or tired. Staffords are sometimes acquired without any clear understanding of what goes into owning one, and these dogs often end up in the care of rescue groups, in need of adoption or fostering. This usually means that both you and the dog will be much happier in the long run. Then you may wish to choose a quieter dog. Supports controlled bone & joint growth. In this particular way, theyre similar to German Shepherds or Border Collies. Since they spend an overwhelming majority of their time with these individuals, its not at all uncommon for them to build strong bonds with the people that they see most often. This is a breed of dog that really enjoys having something to do. Force training methods will lead nowhere, but if training is made into a game, then the Stafford is more than willing to play. Make introductions in a neutral area away from your home. He is far too much a people dog to be exiled to the yard, and far too much an athlete to be stuck inside all day. Most striking of all, however, are the huge muscles and wide jaws. Because they may be aggressive toward unknown dogs, a Stafford should never be walked off leash. This is where things can really get confusing for someone, especially when this breed is confused with the American Pit Bull, which has gained a rather bad reputation without deserving it. In fact, most breeders still elect to maintain the idea of breeding dogs that display all of these qualities because the dogs are simply utilized in different ways today. This seems to be an opinion that is shared by most individuals because it didnt take very long for the dogs to gain the nickname staffy. In its home country of England, the Staffordshire bull terrier is nicknamed the "nanny dog," such is its reputation as a child's playmate and guardian. Brush them weekly to remove dead or loose hair. After all, dogs are much like people when it comes to their personalities and as such, every dog is different. Despite a fierce appearance, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier is a lover, not a fighter. Most people have a tendency to take one look at these dogs and mistake them for Pit Bulls. They see life as a joyful adventure and lives it to the fullest. You should be able to see a waist. This usually creates an excellent dog that is capable of being a good pet and a loyal friend for a number of years. Never use a crate as a place of punishment. Because some health problems don't appear until a dog reaches full maturity, health clearances aren't issued to dogs younger than 2 years old. There is no mistaking this dog. Do you have young kids, throw lots of dinner parties, play in a garage band, or lead a hectic life? Like other terriers, the West Highland White is smart, independent with a slight touch of stubbornness. Other dogs need more time, patience, and repetition during training. In reality, they dont usually have a lot that you have to worry about when it comes to the breed in general. Inviting visitors over regularly, and taking them to busy parks, stores that allow dogs, and on leisurely strolls to meet neighbors will also help them polish their social skills. Hereditary Juvenile Cataracts: The development of opacity or cloudiness in the lens of the eye at an early age. Click here for more information on this characteristic. Those qualities still come in handy, which means theyre still considered desirable in this breed of dog. Dogs who lived with their littermates and mother until at least six to eight weeks of age and who spent lots of time playing with other dogs during puppyhood, are more likely to have good canine social skills. If you pick a breed that's prone to packing on pounds, you'll need to limit treats, make sure they get enough exercise, and measure out their daily food servings into regular meals rather than leaving food out all the time. They are not always so friendly toward dogs they don't know however, a remnant of their origin as a fighting breed, which required them to be aggressive toward other dogs yet gentle with human handlers. Therefore, they need ample daily exercise daily; otherwise, they become mischievous or high-strung.

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