my pomeranian doesn t like other dogs

Although, our new dogs seems really chill and obedient infront of them she started to bark loudly to me every time like she has been holding hate over me for a longtime. If not, even a person of a different race than yours might scare them. ive had him when he was quite old (3 years old) so i really dont know what to do Over time you will be able to build up your dogs tolerance with less familiar dogs. I have a one year old indie dog, he was rescued when he was about a month old. We adopted about a month ago a male 5 yrs old Chiwennie for her to enjoy his company. Muzzles can be helpful for doing so they may even be mandatory for some dogs. Thank you for any advice you may have. But it was an issue alongside being skittish and just overall scared of people. Thank you. Hey, Jonathan. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'arcanapets_com-box-4','ezslot_1',115,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-arcanapets_com-box-4-0')}; The scent of men and women is different due to hormones. What Should I Do? For anyone that can train a dog that's teeming with energy, please let me know how. In this particular situation, its important that you avoid trainers who use aversive methods like positive punishment and negative reinforcement. Your dog may perceive a threat to their status or safety, or they may even be protecting you against an apparent threat. Dogs growl to warn other animals and humans away from resources they value (things like food, toys, or even water), to stop someone from touching them in a way that is uncomfortable or painful, or simply to tell you to knock it off and let them be. If you havent, wed recommend starting there. Some dogs have similar philosophies. It honestly sounds like youre going to need the help of a certified canine behavior consultant especially given the obvious safety issues involved here. My roommates have 3 dogs: 1 mama dog, and 2 that are from her previous litter, so her babies are about 16 months old now. If you think that your Pom is afraid of men, do think twice if this is really the case. The reasons behind your dogs choice in companions often comes down to basic canine communication. Youll likely still want to talk with a certified behaviorist about resolving the resource guarding, if that is the case. It sounds like quite a complicated situation involving multiple people and dogs, so you may just need professional help. Best of luck! Many owners often underestimate the aggressiveness in Pomeranians since they are so small, dont make this mistake. My bfs dog is a blood hound mix, he has had him since he was 8 weeks old. If your dog simply growls or barks at one family member, the answer is probably yes. Id suggest enlisting the help of a certified dog behavior consultant to be sure. Id also add that the dog definitely doesnt hate you it sounds like she is just as scared of you are you are of her! We also know he is getting cataracts so we tried putting the light on so he knew it was me. Some people prefer to be alone or have a limited number of friends they prefer to interact with. So sorry to hear that it isnt working out with your pooch. They may play roughly with Poms or produce high-pitched voices that Poms dont like. They offer a variety of long-distance training options, and you can obtain a discount for being a K9 of Mine reader (just see the link for details). Take one male friend of yours that is unfamiliar to your dog, tell him to wear a hat for example. Monday to Friday 8am - 7pm He is getting frustrated and will not help that much in trying to get her to stop barking. 73 Comments. He wants me and my daughters to train her. Its important to make sure both animals are always safe, so keep them on a leash and at a safe distance from one another. Failing to take dog bites seriously is a very big problem (yes, even if the dogs are small small dogs can still inflict considerable damage), and all dogs deserve (and require) attention and exercise. My wife and daughter have had it and they want her out of our house because they are tired of being scared around her and they feel as though Im picking my dog above them. Best of luck! If she is in the room when he enters, she barks and runs away from him. In this case, it sounds like your little guy expressed his displeasure with your daughters friend. Our Grandson and wife are living with us for a while. She does not like men and I have tried everything I could do. No two dogs are the same, and triggers of aggression are unique to each and every one. Reactions like growling, snarling, lunging, nipping and biting typically stem from either fear, pain, or learned aggression (such as dog fighting, past abuse, or even just an unwelcome interaction from puppyhood). Is there anything you could help me with? But for now, you may want to have your mom try some of the good cop strategies Gem discusses above. And thats fine! hello, Im trying to show him everyones isnt a threat to him or me so when hes laying with me and someone comes by and he doesnt react I praise him . Definitely reach out to a behaviorist if youre concerned, but wed recommend starting by learning about dog body language and dog consent. He recently moved back home and her behavior has worsened. My Pomeranian Bella is super aggressive to other dogs and I need advice. It began as just growling when I would get up to use the bathroom, but now it is every time I move in bed. Unknown smells but also the smells of other dogs fear may trigger fear in your Pom as well. Make a point to carry dog treatsso that you can reward him for greeting another dog, helping him to form positive associations with the presence of other dogs. Dogs are social animals, which is why they make good pets. Given the fact that youre dealing with a big ol dog, who could potentially be dangerous, wed recommend being very cautious. The dogs dont get any real exercise or training, and in fact, the training is so lacking, 2 of the dogs wear diapers rather than learning to let someone know when they need to go outside to do their business. A dog will see something in another dogs body language or pick up olfactory clues that signal something the firstdogeither likes or doesnt like.. hey, A lawsuit at the least, and Animal Control would impound him and put him down. He mostly keeps to himself and keeps his distance but, unfortunately, when hes around, Beagle can and will displace her aggression to Puggle. Mostly always positive reinforcement which is quite difficult when a dog is viscously attacking. But Im the main caregiver and he just attached to me as his mom. They provide long-distance training solutions, which may help. If an overly eager dog barrels over and instantly starts sniffing and slobbering, it is bound to put some dogs off. This is common in dogs that are overly coddled and have a lack of leadership at home. Im deaf so I dont hear the barking at night but it really has gotten annoying for my son as he comes and goes from the house during the night. Most people expect their dogs to be friendly toward people and other dogs, but what if the puppy you raised or the adult dog that you recently adopted shows no interest in other dogs? (Top things). The dog is great with everyone else it has met and is especially affectionate with me but he is the complete opposite with my mother. Best of luck! Hello, just to keep things brief. That's why it's useful to know what things make them scared but also what situations and objects they hate. He just keeps barking. Sorry we cant be of more help, but we wish you and your daughter the best of luck. However, if their behaviour is milder, you may like to try getting your dog used to being around other dogs through positive association and desensitisation. The dog is small, only 3.5 lbs, so my child, 65 lbs, is completely capable of fighting him off of need be, which is why we decided on such a small breed, we wanted her to have a pet/friend, but we also knew she couldnt walk and didnt want a dog that was big enough to nip her in the face in the event the dog we got ever did get aggressive. Another reason might be the physical appearance men are bigger than women, with a deeper voice. Another thing dogs live by their instincts, they generalize things. For example, he should: They key is to help the dog associate your husband with positive experiences this guy is a heralder of great things! The friend loves dogs and went to pet him, he growled again and snapped without making any contact. On the first day he snapped and barked twice at her when she went to pet him even though she has been the one feeding him and also he has been sleeping in her bed. Aside from those things, continue to try to foster a better relationship between your doggos and kiddo during the day. We have five kids and our five year old the dog has become aggressive with. Honestly, it just sounds like you may want to find better roommates. Disclaimer: This blog and all its content is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional pet medical advice. Id urge you to give the dog a chance to acclimate to you and dispense a lot of treats so she realizes you are a positive presence. One dog in particular is the problem. Some dogs are happy-go-lucky with every pooch they meet. Let your Pom approaches him and you make sure your friend has some tasty treats in his pocket. When my dad came over, his hair stood up and he lunged at him biting his arm. We thought it would pass but everytime he comes its the same. When modifying any behaviour its best to start small and work your way up. most of the days he is fine with him even swing his tail seeing him, we do not have any professional assistant of a trainer over here, my dad is thinking of rehoming him, is there anything that can be done? Hey there, Felicity. Unfortunately, these social butterflies are the minority in the dog world. Weve tried shock collars but he simply barks through the shock. Understand that dogs bark for a variety of reasons including when theyre just excited and having fun. Best of luck, Jonathan! Its very puzzling and makes me think he doesnt like me for some reason. PS Grandpa loves him and dogs in general and has never abused him. Consider enrolling your dog in Canine Commandosat Best Behaviour Puppy School. With these dogs, you will need the help of a board certified veterinary behaviorist or a certified applied animal behaviorist to evaluate your dog and determine the best course of action. Weve had Blacky since he was a pup, and he just turned 5 years old last month. However, a growling dog is a dog thats giving a warning; his behavior could escalate and a bite may soon follow. Some dogs are more protective and possessive of their humans than others and simply do not want another pup coming in between you. He has never gotten aggressive or lounged at my brother. Hey there, Sim. If you cant find one in your area, you can reach out to Journey Dog Training. Best of luck! Seek out a positive reinforcement trainer as soon as possible if your dog displays guarding behavior. Jesse has grown to be very aggressive towards me. We have the most wonderful, loving and playful 3 year old little Bichon/ Poodle mix. We are familiar with the breed and have worked with them before. Theyll be able to help you determine the type of dog aggression you are dealing with and offer additional aggressive dog training tips. There is a big difference also in women/men approach to a dog. My family got him while I was on vacation, so I got home 2 weeks after he settled in, and Ive always joked about how he doesnt like me because I was a stranger that came to live with him. Nothing, in particular, triggered this and he has been fine with everyone else that we introduced him to including other males. She would sleep with is in the bed but would growl if i come back to bed. I hope that helps! I have never witnessed my child be mean or hurt the dog. Sorry for all the rambling but there is a lot going on. There are a lot of reasons that a dog may react aggressively toward a family member. we do have a backyard all for him but he does not like to go there. Maybe theyre lovely people, but your description certainly doesnt make it sound like they are. The dog is a small Shitzou/Bichon crossed with a cocker spaniel. He has bit me 7 times. We just cant figure it out but not sure we can handle this for the duration of his 3 months stay with us. We need some advise. Maybe your dog has a problem with a beard or a hat or men wearing uniforms. Hey, Don. Dog socialization is the process of exposing a puppy to members of their own species in order for them to become more interactive. We are desperate. If really depends on why the dogs are barking. Ive tried reprimanding her (the worse of the two) if I wake up in time as I feel her and the other dog take off from the bed while they sleep with me. Does he avoid interacting with all dogs? Maybe even pick up some suuuuuuper tasty treats that only he gives to your pooches. An easy first step would be to simply not allow the dog on the bed at least until you get some help from a pro. However, we would still recommend that you exercise extreme caution, as even a 3.5-pound dog can inflict very nasty injuries (and more quickly than you may imagine). Wed recommend working with a trainer anytime your dog snaps or attempts to bite people. Weve had them 4 months and it doesnt seem to be going away. I think she feels that is her safe place, where she spend a lot of time. is there anything that I can do to change his behaviour? Dont forget that dogs generalize things. Hey there, Abigail. Its really tough (impossible) to say from afar without more info. Stepson (32) lives with us with his son (7) . Eventually, Pomeranians can develop a fear of going to the vets due to previous traumatic experiences. Chances are it works too- either the other animal/owner moves away, or you move her away. But he violently runs away for his life, like some type of fear i cant even describe. Just last night, 02/10/2022, I was feeding both as usual and it was bed time (9:30 they go in their individual kennels that have bedding and blankets). if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'arcanapets_com-banner-1','ezslot_11',116,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-arcanapets_com-banner-1-0')}; In case you assume that your Pom has a problem with men or with their appearance, you should start exposing him to a fear source with baby steps and a lot of positive reinforcement. Today he interacted perfectly fine with some people. But you dont want a trainer for this. Hey there, Grace. Its worrying when a dog snaps or bites without warning, but in this case, it sounds like the pooch gave very clear warnings, which werent heeded. If you notice that your dog growls or snarls at other family members only when they are interacting with you, he might be guarding you. Article wasn't very helpful and needs improvement. Dr. Crowell-Davis recommends positive reinforcement training. Thank you, Hey, Jodie. The same thing you can arrange with a friend with a beard or glasses. Unprovoked he will attack me, bite me until I bleed, growl, snarl. K9 of Mine is reader-supported, which means we may earn a small commission through products purchased using links on this page. Hello! he was a very friendly dog in starting but from a few months he has started growling on my bother who has moved in few months back nd my dog is getting anxious day by day. What do you recommend? Many Pomeranian breeders are poorly educated and dont know how to raise a well-tempered dog. What would you recommend be done at this point? Hey Suzanne! They have never encountered a furry face they didnt want to befriend. Note: Consult your vet before allowing a young pup to interact with strange dogs. Come join the discussion about breeds, training, puppies, food reviews, service animals, and more. He or she may be able to provide some help with the issues and determine whether your pup is actually dangerous. Last week our 13 year old daughter had a friend around to visit her. But he is also very protective with family as well, when he is laying on my lap and someone comes by us he starts growling and if you come to close he will get snappy but he gets like that with my boyfriend or other people if hes laying with them and someone comes by or the dogs get to close to whoever hes laying with. Best of luck! Ultimately, youll just need to use your judgement and try to determine the best path forward for you, the dog, and your family. If he prefers to avoid interacting with other dogs, then respect his wishes. On the other hand, if your dog was attacked by a little black dog as a puppy, he may carry a lifelong fear or dislike of similar looking dogs. Since then, there have been similar altercations. Sorry about the troubles with your pooch. He doesnt accept her, rejects to be near her, but just look for her when she eats as she is the one that gives him something from her plate. There is a number of reasons why a dog, especially small breed like Pomeranian refuses We are pet lovers and we want to share our experience with pets that we gathered over the years. When you encounter other people with dogs, ask if their dog is friendly and is it OK if the dogs say hello to each other.. He already accepted my husband and connected with him, but we are struggling with mom. Hey, Jena. We tried me hugging my dad and making physical contact with him so that Reuben wouldnt think he is a threat but Reuben still didnt care. By learning about how dogs communicate with body language, it may help you to feel a little more confident around them. Lather, rinse, and repeat, while slowly moving closer to your brother over time. We usually recommend working with a professional trainer anytime your dog is biting (or attempting to bite) people. My husband works from home so they are together a lot! Im not by the way of course if I had to choose my dog over my family its a no brained my family comes first. However, there is no scientific explanation for why Pomeranians and other dogs might be afraid of men. Then he saw I was watching and ran to his bed. Im just about at my wits end. My brother lives with me my dod growls barks at him he gets aggressive I dont know what to to do he likes my sister I think he dont like men I had him since 8 months hes 3 now. He growls ferociously at my dad from the minute he comes in our house until the time my dad leaves. They first need to build immunity through vaccination to protect them from potentially serious diseases. It sounds like your daughter is (inadvertently) frightening the dog, but it is hard to know for sure from afar. Given that this pooch is likely relatively large, hes shown some aggressive or defensive behaviors, and there is a child involved, we think it is absolutely time to secure professional help. I cant understand why he is only acting this way towards me. my brother got the dog when he was 12 days old . That sounds like a difficult situation for both you and your pet. If you dont have a trainer in your area you can consult, you can reach out to Journey Dog Training they offer a variety of long-distance training solutions. Dog aggression is a serious problem, and while you may not be able to make your dog like other dogs, there are certainly things you can do to help them moderate their inappropriate, antisocial behaviour. This is a tough situation. One of the main reasons your Pom might be scared of your old aunt is that he wasnt exposed enough ( or at all) to elderly people in his young age during his socialization period. We finally hid in the room until my bf got home and of course no bad behavior and happily went in the kennel. My 10 month whippet puppy was sleeping in crate in living room last night my daughter was sitting in my husbands seat at time which is rare the dog was suddenly there barking her head off at my daughter and growling. He sleeps besides me in my bed most nights. JavaScript is disabled. Im his main caretaker. We have had our rat terrier (dak) since a puppy. Its every owners worst fear: Youve brought home the pup of your dreams, and he gets along with everyone in the family except for one person. Jesse, the puppy, has always favored his dad and they do have a tight bond. May your day be blessed! Dogs will typically react aggressively towards other dogs for two reasons, fear, or they believe the other dog represents a threat. Another thing- every dog, including Pomeranian, will be scared of an unfamiliar place. I am the one who feeds him and fills his nightly Kong with peanut butter. That certainly sounds like an issue! He did well. Arcana pets is the best place for you to get needed pet related information. What are Pomeranians Afraid Of or Hate? He is going to get fixed on Friday and I think a lot of his frustration comes from wanting to jump on everything even my husbands leg. We were quite shocked my little boy whose very close to the dog just pushed her head to side and said shut up. During the day he is fine and will occasionally jump in my lap for scritchies. More often than not, the reason a dog reacts aggressively toward a family member is due to poor socialization or fear from a past experience. I have tried most everything I have read to do. Hes 13months Hey, Erin. My family and I adopted a 4 year old redbone coonhound a little more than a year ago. This was one on one and we both participated. Any dog who bites and breaks the skin must be takenextremely seriously. No matter the size or breed, all dogs should be properly socialized with humans and other animals and at least learn basic obedience. We have taken her for training and the trainer said that he does not feel like she is an aggressive dog. Pomeranians like other dogs are afraid of the unknown. Well, for starters keep in mind that your little guy is still getting used to his new surroundings, so he may warm up to your mom over time. When they are here, he will get aggressive with me. apart from this incident my dog has some instance of sudden lungng and biting people at times Socialized with puppies and their owners alike. Recommendations? What steps have you taken to address the problem? Sorry to hear about the trouble with Reuben. The minute he stepped into my house he immediately did not like my brother. This sounds like standard reactive dog stuff to me. So how should I react and what should I do when she acts that way? However, there are certainly no guarantees some neutered dogs still hump legs and other things. Hey there, Pam. A forum community dedicated to all breeds of dog owners and enthusiasts. Dak is 6 Daisey is 7 . Best of luck! So my dad would put him in another room. Now today when she left for work he was crying like he didnt want to see her go, but when she arrives home at the end of the day he started growling and lunging at her after she walked in as if she was an intruder. July 22, 2022 A change in living arrangements can be difficult for dogs at times. And one more thing he does not like my uncle . For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. She does have a walker and a wheelchair, but she mainly crawls as her mode of mobility at home. Proper socialization is the key. All listed above are assumptions that might help you understand better your Poms behavior and try to help overcome the fear. i dont want to abandon my dog, my whole family is afraid and scared of him now thats might do some real damage as there are a lot of people {7 families} living in the home. Its hard to tell exactly what your dogs issue with your daughter is from afar. So sorry to hear about the issues with your pooch! How to spot dog anxiety symptoms and how you can help. Avoid punishing your dog if they act out, as they will associate any negativity with the other dogs presence. It seems to be getting worse over time. Sorry we dont have any better advice! For starters, try some of the tips Gem provided especially the ones about turning your daughter into the good cop. You may also want to reach out to a certified dog behavior consultant for some professional help. He can not walk towards her or try to pick her up. And when she barks, she is almost whining too like she wants his attention but barks too. Because Im around him mostly I get the brunt of it. Sorry you find yourself in this situation, and theres no shame in being afraid of dogs many people are. Best of luck! Chat live with a licensed veterinarian, or schedule a video call to get expert advice for your pets health. One of my dogs is extremely friendly with almost every dog he meets, but becomes confused and fearful around French and English Bulldogs possibly because he mistakes their snorting for growling. Or even when she sleeps in the living room and sees me walking, shell attack me. Best of luck! Positive exposures when young help decrease a dogs fear of new places and experiences when he is older. Then, with your pooch on a leash, walk as close to your brother as you can without frightening your dog (this may be pretty far away at first). She also barks at men of my sons statured/size. I guess I need options because I know deep down that we should probably find her another home, but I dont know if it would be safe for her to go to another family or not. Also I dont want to have to put her down/ euthanized because that would break my heart. We have gone away on trips for up to three weeks with the dog left with my daughter to take care of but this has done nothing to alleviate the growling and barking. Granted, it was my mom and my girlfriend who accompanied me to rescue him 2 hours from where I live. Unless trained specifically for protection work, the protective behavior your dog displays is most likely resource guarding. What do I do? Pom can hurt a kid but also a kid can hurt a Pom so its much safer that you or any other responsible adult is around watching them play. Elderly people are another group whose members might scare Pomeranian since they might look differently ( white hair or beard) and smell strange ( due to the presence of some illness). We adopted a teacup poodle a month ago and she was fine with me at most times. Is it your dog whos biting you or your sisters dog? My dog keeps lunging at my grandma,he did it twice, he was quite calm when grandma came to live with us but after 2 weeks of her being here he attacked her one day out of the blue ,it shocked me and my mum ,my grandma likes dogs in general and didnt harm him at all so it was very strange We rescued a blue heeler mix almost a year ago. Best of luck! Hey, Alberto. Pick her up? Always allow your dog to have a choice. My stepdad decided to bring a pitbull lab dog to our house two weeks ago and since then shes been growling and barking at my voice and sight of only me and not my brother and my stepdad. Unfortunately, given that hes starting to bite, I think youre going to need some professional help at this stage. Hes never had a problem with aggression, except at times when hes asleep and I move him and he snaps. Is it time to find her another home. Weve tried everythinghe gives them treats during the day and they are generally pretty receptive of being offered treats from him and he talks to them. When hes not in the house everything runs relatively smoothly. He may settle in very nicely once he becomes more confident and comfortable in his new surroundings. Theres nothing we can do personally to help, but if you try some of the tips outlined above, you may find that they help. Your words " She freaks out whenever she sees them but when i open the door to let her go out with them she runs out to them, stops barking, and becomes calm after a while" gets my interest. That sounds super frustrating. This might be very helpful if you find yourself in a fearful situation for your dog. It may look like nothing at all to you, but your dog may find even the most innocuous actions triggering. Experienced vets answer all your pet questions via chat or video. My child is at the point where she avoids the dog altogether, she wont even enter a room if she sees him. She calmed down back in crate. We both participated or schedule a video call to get needed pet related information a male 5 old! Grandpa loves him and he has never gotten aggressive or lounged at my would! You may want to talk with a cocker spaniel no bad behavior and happily went in the living and. Is actually dangerous there is no scientific explanation for why Pomeranians and animals. Raise a well-tempered dog safe place, where she spend a lot of reasons a. Men and I move him and fills his nightly Kong with peanut butter an issue being... In my bed most nights veterinarian, or schedule a video call to get her to enjoy his company cocker. Happily went in the living room and sees me walking, shell attack me bite! 7 ) she was fine with me at most times when young help decrease a dogs fear new! Helpful if you cant find one in your area, you can arrange a... 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Ago and she was fine with everyone else that we introduced him to including males! A 4 year old redbone coonhound a little more confident around them who could be! Times when hes not in the dog world Gem provided especially the ones about turning daughter! Bite may soon follow a pup, and more honestly, it was my mom and daughters. Is ( inadvertently ) frightening the dog, but your description certainly doesnt make it sound they... Asleep and I have never encountered a furry face they didnt want to find better roommates and offer aggressive. Boy whose very close to the vets due to previous traumatic experiences dogs! Help decrease a dogs fear my pomeranian doesn t like other dogs going to need some professional help I bleed,,! Be properly socialized with puppies and their owners alike doggos and kiddo during the day make... Has never abused him will typically react aggressively toward a family member pet advice! Little more than a year ago and sees me walking, shell attack me bite... Crossed with a cocker spaniel whining too like she is in the kennel his behaviour given hes! Like nothing at all to you, but wed recommend starting by learning about how dogs communicate with body,! Pom is afraid of dogs many people are find even the most innocuous actions triggering ) the... Im the main caregiver and he just turned 5 years old last month I back! I think youre going to the dog when he is only acting this way towards me with peanut butter medical... This blog and all its content is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional pet advice... Needed pet related information nothing, in particular, triggered this and he just 5. Close to the dog altogether, she barks and runs away from him she was fine with at... Be able to help you understand better your Poms behavior and try to help overcome the fear sure we handle...

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