my 7 month old golden retriever is aggressive

I would also recommend practicing the 'leave it' command with his toys etc. It will help you both learn to communicate better and to understand your relationship. Talk about 'cute puppy dog eyes'! I think my husband is really serious about getting rid of him. That does not mean you should beat or punish your dog. The smaller and younger he is, the easier it will be to correct him, he's already 4 months old so start now! Raising puppies is very similar to raising children, and if you don't set the proper firm rules and guidelines early on, life can be very challenging - for everyone. He doesn't realize the same rules apply in both places because he was allowed to do it before. My 6 year old son sees the puppy at least a few times during the week, but their meetings are very casual. How can I stop this behaviour without laying a hand on her because I am fast running out of patience. It sounds as though overall you're doing a great job with him, and this 'defiant' stage is perfectly normal because he actually IS a teenager, just a canine teenager rather than a human one! Once your pup is fully vaccinated I'd also recommend enrolling him at a local Dog Obedience School. It also has tips that should help you with that leash-walking problem), or even a strong piece of rope to your pups collar right before your visitor comes to your door. That means sending him down from the couch again and again, returning him to his pillow during meals again and again, and turning around and going through the same door again and again. I'm not sure if this is a new behavior, or if your pup has been 'mouthy' or shown attempts at dominance when younger. He will do this over the cord. Yorkie vs. 10-month old son - how to deal with aggression. Make sure she has plenty of sturdy chew toys as chewing is another way that dogs use up their excess energy. What is the nature of a demiplane's walls? It will help you to learn how to understand and control your puppy, increase the bond and respect between you, and give her valuable socialization. If he leaped and tried to bit at her sleeves, she would exclaim "OUCH" and the doodle understood it as a cue to stop. Let him see and enjoy the treats so that he realizes that your hand in his bowl means some sort of tasty morsel not that you're going to take away his food! A lot of it is trial and error and just trying to figure out what makes things worse, and what makes them better. I really don't think there's more to it than that as what you describe is a classic scenario. About breed specific behavior (like herding). Once you get this under control somewhat, you need to begin to increase her socialization. The biting, nipping and barking that you describe is normal, a little growling is also okay. It may make mealtimes a bit tedious, but it will help him learn that you are the source of his food, and that he can trust your hands to be in the same place as his kibble! The guidelines on the food bag are just that - guidelines. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. What should be done about this or will he just grow out of this? Dogs are just like people, they're all different and it takes all sorts to make a world :). You will need to be firm with your dog and correct him consistently, if you follow the guidelines on my Puppy Biting page they should help dissuade him from this. If she doesn't respond to the measure I've given above, you may want to have a professional trainer come to your home to evaluate her. I bark at the human as soon as he tries to stand up from the couch to keep my surroundings calm. Good afternoon, hopefully I'm doing this right. She gets a grip on their lip or tail and has them running away, sometimes with her still attached. He was pampered and loved by my mum and dad. As far as possible I would try to eliminate the potential for damage. Don't let him snatch or grab it. I tried to use the mother training technique of pining her down each time she bites me or barks at me, but it seems to have only worked the first couple of times, however now she comes after me immediately as she gets back on her feet. Many dog obedience schools offer one-on-one training (sometimes even in your own home) and I think this may be an excellent thing to try. Failing that, you or another adult. A dog won't generally act the way this pup did with someone they respect and see as a superior. It sounds as though Bella is a little dominant and she's at the age where she's trying to exert her authority and find out exactly how far she can go! I dont think the Lab would bite the puppy but the puppy doesnt seem to care that the Lab is getting aggravated. Check out myPuppy Socializationpage for lots of ideas. The "OUCH" technique then transitioned to stop the doodle from biting at my fiance's clothing. A forum community dedicated to Golden Retriever owners and enthusiasts. Have him obey your 'sit' command before you put down his food, give him a treat and so on. He'll get the message if you are consistent with this. It means you make rules he has to obey. Check out myPuppy Kibblepage for more information and links to the other dog food pages on my site. He humps the darn thing and starts to bit it. WE Have a 7 month old Male Yorkie who was fixed 7 days ago. 2yr old pitbull becomes demonic for fly spray, how can I stop this? Instead take a long, walk and finish up with 5 minutes of training. Of course, that's simply not possible. I'd also suggest enrolling her in a basic obedience class at one of the local dog obedience schools. JavaScript is disabled. The question is, should the puppy have been corrected and how? That must have been awful. 'aggressive' or dominant puppy, chances are good that you'll find the What is a wind chill formula that will work from -10 C to +50 C and uses wind speed in km/h? But they can have I wish you lots of luck. If you do this at every mealtime for a week, then cut back to doing it at one mealtime a day, then every other day.. you should eventually just need to do this on a random basis to keep his trust. Why has my 8 month old puppy started to whine? Then you can move on to following her around the yard, and eventually encouraging her to let you be the 'leader'. It's very likely that this issue will have been resolved long before he's big enough to hurt Tiffany. This can cause her to 'push back' as it were. He should always get a treat for doing this nicely AND get his toy back :o). I've tried to show him his basket with all HIS things in it and tell him, that this is MINE and his toys are HIS, but to no avail! My son had already greeted the puppy, but when my son went to pet the puppy again the puppy began barking at my son. I don't mean this harshly at all, the situation you're in is actually very common and although it may seem impossible right now, with discipline and perseverance (and a bit of time) YOU can turn this pups behavior around. He must be putting off a submissive attitude because the other dogs tend to want to bully him around. She refuses to move when I pull on the leash and will instead try to start a tugging war. Uniform rejection sampling by shifting or rotating bits from CSPRNG output, safe? Dogs respect whoever is in control of the necessities of life - the resources that they need. When I had her groomed we had to give her a tranquilizer pill to calm her, didn't work, she hates to have her face touched by groomer. I get so upset every single time because I can see and accident waiting to happen. So, if you find that they're just going at it and it's getting out of hand - step in and separate them. I'd recommend discussing this with your veterinarian and also talking to some qualified and experienced dog obedience trainers. Spark plug and coil only one is bad for 2012 Honda odyssey, Does sitecore child item in draft state gets published when deep=1 is set on Parent, Ethical implications of using scraped e-mail addresses for survey. Explains how the scarcity of dog information before the advent of the internet helped perpetuate the dominate training myth. For your peace of mind, puppy and dog health information on this site has been approved by veterinarian Dr. Megan Teiber, DVM, 2007-2022 owned & operated by Myway LLC, All rights reserved regardless of links or attributions, Privacy Policy - Advertising Disclosure. Keep in mind that even though he has been neutered, those hormones will still circulate for about 6-9 months afterwards, so neutering is not always a fail-safe. That reads like he was always allowed to do whatever he wanted and was never scolded for anything. Pets Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for pet owners, caretakers, breeders, veterinarians, and trainers. The leash is a strange thing to most puppies, and some seem to see it as an enemy at first. Puppies can be pretty annoying to an older dog, but they do grow out of this eventually. If she escalates from growling, to nipping or being physical in her attempts to get your attention correct her with a firm "NO" and then go about your business. We adopted a 9 week old female who is a sweetheart. That includes no treats during meals! I do feel like he knows Im the leader of the pack along with the lab (not sure about my wife yet). There's an article here on leash training puppies which I think will help you Also work on basic obedience commands and training at home, you can learn more about this on my, You are on the right track with the socialization, but there's a lot of different things you can also do to help him, just take it slowly and don't push him too fast. This is one of the problem behavior discussed in more detail there. The dog has been treated with the utmost care and love. :). I'm going to add thisI can see how a dog can electrocute themselves by accident. He has to sit or lay on the pillow, don't accept him sitting next to it. Flora was a very naughty girl between 8-11 months of age, and there were times when she scared me (growling at my family members when they wanted her to move, snapping at me over a treasured item), but we worked with it, and at 18 months she's really great. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Regular obedience training will help with this, as will making sure he doesn't get to sleep on sofas, beds etc., that he tolerates you handling his food (or him) while he's eating, doesn't guard toys etc. She also herds me around and nips at my ankles. Little dogs can have big personalities and it seems as though Duke is fitting right in with that mold. He's had 7 months to learn how to misbehave, and although it shouldn't take more than a couple of months for him to re-learn the correct behavior, it will take time. I really love the dog and want to find a way to fix this problem. Luckily, there are simple things you can do to help 'tame the beast' and negotiate the teen-stage successfully. Right now, he's becoming an adolescent and he's trying to exert his own authority and test his boundaries, he wants to know 'who's in charge' - he needs to find out that it's YOU. My girlfriend and I moved in together recently, and just a few weeks ago we adopted our second puppy, Molson. The room is being remodeled and he was able to pull the socket out of the wall, hence electricuting him. It helps to build and strengthen the relationship between dog and owner, the socialization experience is excellent for the puppy, and the energy expended by him will help to moderate his behavior. We try and only play fetch with him, nothing like tug-of-war. Your dog's aggression is in response to his changing environment. It may be hard for a few weeks, but the result will be a much stronger, happier relationship between you two and your dog, and that is worth whatever effort it takes to achieve it. Puppies don't understand housebreaking the way we humans do, and as far as Duke is concerned he knows that he needs to go outdoors at home, but thinks it's okay to go indoors at your grandma's. Fear biting is more difficult to manage and can be a hereditary problem, it is also more unpredictable. I'd also recommend feeding him a bit more than you are at present. My jack russell pup is 9 weeks old when he is playing with my little girls he get bouncy and starts barking and growling at her and does sort of pounces!! My husband's idea. However, although it's normal and understandable it IS important for him to learn that your daughter isn't a pup and that she is higher up in the pecking order than he is. I swear, raising a pup is like raising a childjust when you think you know enough you could almost right a book, you have a wild child come along who shows you otherwise. They know the texture of human skin. How could a man be made a bishop of a place while not having received major orders? He is brushed almost every day, if not every other. If I'm busy or my husband is not paying attention to him, he moves his bowels where ever he feels like it. It's important when you're doing this to make sure that when he lets you put your hand in his bowl, or pick it up, that he gets a treat or benefit. Let her fill his food dish, give him a treat for learning to 'sit', brush him etc. If so, I would like to get some help with my puppy Buddy. Just make sure she has some safe, sturdy toys to play with. When she's 'bullying' the older dogs, also tell her "NO" and distract her with something else such as a favorite toy. This happens over and over while he is in this crazy mood. Other puppies understand this, but children don't, and when they run and squeal they are actually encouraging her to continue (at least that's what she thinks!). My American Bulldog puppy, 4 months old growls at me and snaps when I go near his food bowl when he is eating. She has learned very quickly to sit, shake a paw, fetch and is mostly pretty sweet. It works best when the leash is fairly long, and the pup is barely aware of the person holding it. A week after he was neutered, he was electricuted and treated. It's a win-win for him :o). If I don't return the ball, she growls. If she behaves this way when you try to take something from her, make sure that regardless of how vigorously she defends it, that YOU win (firmly, calmly and gently). Personally I would agree with you that she's not being aggressive, simply 'assertive' and bossy and a bit of an attention-hog. If your pup is at home all day because you're at work, getting someone to take him out for a walk, or some playtime in the backyard at lunchtime may help. If your little guy snaps or growls at you or your wife, then you need to get hold of him and tell him "NO" very firmly. He completed puppy training about 2 months ago and knows his basic commands. This style of training will backfire and cause him to challenge you at some point. If she absolutely won't quit, put her in her crate for a short while. doesn't help. Is puppy barking a dominance/aggression issue? What's a lost family to do before it's to late? etc. Should I get him neutered sooner then 6 months? He was released with no issue. If she has something in her mouth she shouldn't, like a leaf, rock, sock, etc. He may just be an 'alpha' personality. I tried distracting him with toys, nothing seemed to work. Has he been neutered yet? Make sure that she 'earns' everything, from her meals to her treats/walks etc. It will tend to diminish as these two get more familiar with each other. I keep saying NO when she tries to nip at me and so she's actually only gotten to my ankles maybe 3 times. I'm hoping that I can get some advise. Celebrate his special unique qualities and continue to work with him on his social skills and training and he will grow up to be a wonderful dog I'm sure. If you touch the bowl he would rather tear your hand off for lack of better term. It's important that you persevere with disciplining him and insisting on appropriate behavior while he's young. It will help you learn how to communicate better with Molson, and he'll learn to obey commands and listen to you. At these times it would be good to keep a favorite chew toy in your pocket and offer him that as he runs past you to distract him from your pant legs. What you describe is absolutely normal. It's an all-around win. What can I do to fix this behavior? I have a 10 week old Wheaten puppy that we just got. answer you need here. If you can get some friends to 'visit' you so that you can practice this more often, so much the better. However, the fact that Tiffany comes back after Molson to reprimand him when he's stepped over the line is a good thing. Paper trained him, but at 6 months put a doggie door in, which he goes out & in of, sometimes does his business in the designated area we made for him, but for the most part goes on the paper. We've had her two weeks now and she has taken an extreme dislike to her leash. is also necessary. Whenever he growls at you, tell him very firmly "NO" (but don't ever shout or smack him etc., that will only make him resentful and maybe even scared). FYI: If you buy something through a link on this site I may earn a commission - at NO extra cost to you. Before we go down the path of a bad dog owner, I will put it to rest right away. I didn't do the blood tests but did switch her food from Purina puppy chow to Royal Canin veterinary quality food. Buddy's Dad- check your PM- I have a very good trainer for you-, puppy adolescencegood times. The socialization experience is an added plus for your pup, and you will learn how to overcome any problems with one-on-one instruction from a qualified dog trainer. The other day my niece was in the backyard with the puppy, while we were out there as well doing some yard work/playing. Right now, although she can draw blood (and being a bulldog she has the right jaw design to hold on very tightly), she still has baby teeth. This won't upset her crate training. We feed him small meals 3 times a day and he has now started inhaling it if you touch him while he's eating. NO! However, what's worse is that Tiff sometimes comes after Molson with a few nips and bites, and the cycle of puppy fights continues! This is pretty normal adolescent puppy behavior, and your pup may be a touch on the dominant side. For the most part he never acts this way. It seems to be a developmental thing and is their way of 'letting off steam' and reducing the level of excess energy they contain. He may gorge himself the first time or two, but once he realizes that there's always going to be enough food he'll start to slow down. Our dog walker just emailed me with concerns with his behavior. I don't see her as aggressive as guarding, but she has a lot of energy and wants to play all day. Large or guardian breeds do NOT need a more authoritarian style of training than any other breed. But if either of them snarl, curl their lip or put back their ears etc., this is a more serious warning than just play growling. (My pitbull is food, my goldendoodle is play!). We got our puppy when he was 6 weeks old and from day 1 he has acted like he was starving. It would be such a tragedy for him to lose his home over something like this, so I beg you both to be strong for his sake and help him learn what's right. But, a firm corrections such as a simple 'NO', followed by a redirection of your pups interest to his own toys etc. What you are describing is actually pretty normal puppy behavior and I definitely would not term it 'aggression'! Either you or your husband holds the leash and the other person opens the door, when the visitor steps in and your pup rushes forward to jump on them, give the leash a short/sharp tug so that he isn't able to jump and is put off-balance. I've bonded with Riley (feed, bathe, groom, try to walk him, play with him, etc) although clearly he loves my husband and my hubby is his favorite. Also, evening can often be a tense, hectic time in many busy households. Meanwhile, start making him 'work' for his meals, treats, petting etc. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. This If he starts jumping again, repeat the process. Yorkies are adorable, but they can be very stubborn and willful, and the fact that their cute little faces can melt your heart in a second (photo above is proof of that!) She is simply following her personality and instincts and doesn't really know that this behavior is 'bad', she's a baby and is just making her feelings known. He does not try this new behavior with anyone else just me. Puppies are basically babies and raising a pup is like raising a child - it needs lots of repetition, patience, consistency, discipline and love. Also, be sure that you go through doorways first, eat first (don't feed her at the same time that you eat) and so on. Eventually you'll be able to make his treat just once in every half a dozen times and he'll still be obedient. With what you are describingit really could be rough play or it could be something else. The puppy is on the timid side, but has grown out of its shell since joining his new family. Also be sure to feed a premium food as it has more nutrition per cup. The dog must always obey them. This will make her more unsettled. She will growl harshly and if they try to touch her will snap at them, she hasn't contacted with anyones' flesh yet. This is definitely not acceptable behavior, and you need to be very firm in correcting your pup. Every time I vacuum my Tucker pulls out his pillow. I have a 9 week old female bulldog puppy, she is getting overly aggressive and stubborn. Start working on teaching her how the 'pack hierarchy' works in your home. I'm seriously considering puppy classes or a personal trainer before this gets out of hand. All puppies bite/nip to some degree, and many take an instant dislike to their leash. I have pulled him away from his food, and he is fine as long as the whole time he is eating I never leave his side. For now I would stick to taking her outside in the yard on her leash, it's normal for a puppy to resist the leash at first but if you are persistent and patient she will learn to accept it. He does wonderful at my house (goes to the door, barks if necessary) but at my mom's house his accident prone side comes out (where he peed on the floor.) Begin by hand feeding Zeus his meals - one piece of kibble at a time. Just be firm, loving and patient with this little guy and he'll do just fine. When i tried to pick him up to get him of the sofa he turned round to bite me. After a few minutes they start to growl and bark at each other which worries us. The first question I would have is whether or not you've had Zeus dewormed several times by your veterinarian (not with over-the-counter products). Now, none of this is going to result in a well-behaved pup overnight, but if you are consistent, loving and patient - but firm, your little guy WILL get the message. Once again he only does this once he reaches that point of no return and running around like crazy wild man. My puppy is 4 months old German Shepherd cross Rottweiler and when you stroke him he sometimes growls. So stay calm but be firm, and always loving, he will understand and respect you for it. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. He then gets a good walk in the morning and at night along with playtime and attention at night. I think she gets plenty of exercise (playing fetch, walking). I have a 8 month old maltipoo spayed female. Gently block his path to assert the claim to go first. When we are walking they don't fight. This is definitely a problem, but isn't unusual. Most puppies are submissive to older dogs, and most older dogs are more gentle with a puppy who's 'taking liberties' than they would be an adult. At first I thought that Buddy was being agressive during playtime and didn't know the difference, but it can happen at any point. I adopted a terrier puppy at 6-7 weeks of age from a shelter - she was a stray. The jumping on people is a problem that needs to be addressed to - but at least this is a 8lb pup and not a 80lb pup you're having to deal with! She scolds me. Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Explains how biting is attributed to fear! It's not aggression as such, but when you have a large breed pup and a young child, you always need to be cautious because the potential is there for someone (most likely the child) to get hurt, even if by accident. and I try to get it out, she will start growling and trying to bite. I hope this has helped some and wish you the very best of luck with your little girl. However, this sort of 'humping' behavior isn't necessarily sexual in young puppies, and tends to be more of a dominant behavior. This is why they're often not recommended as the ideal choice for first time dog owners (among others). In general, dogs WANT to behave the right way, they just need to be shown clearly what that is. It almost looked as if my son was cornered by the puppy and because the puppy has already developed a deep bark my son got scared and began to cry. If he growls or snaps, take him by the scruff of the neck and shake him (not roughly, just enough to get his attention) while telling him "No growl" or something similar. In fact, if you use a loud, stern or harsh voice with her, or act in that way, she may misinterpret it as an aggressive behavior. The trainer's most important video posted. He was pampered and loved by my mum and dad. Here's how You will need to attach a long training leash (See this website page for some samples of long training leashes. What you're describing isn't truly aggressive behavior, it's normal puppy behavior but it does sound as though your pup has a bit of a dominant personality - and bulldogs are known to be stubborn. Use positive reinforcement to perform proper training. Why does my dad's dog really like me when others are there but seems afraid if we're alone? If she insists on chewing on her leash all the time, try spraying it with bitter apple or smearing it with hot-sauce so that it doesn't taste good to her. If you can't stop her with verbal commands or a gentle muzzle-wrap (holding her mouth closed for a few seconds while telling her 'no bite') then it's okay to put her in her crate for a time out. However, you're right when you say that it's more the fault of you and your husband, than it is the puppys'! I do training with Buddy almost everyday and he is not aggressive towards other animals. 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