male border collie weight

Male Border Collies stop growing at 51 weeks (~12 months). The growth chart is an average weight chart. Here we answer the most important questions with complete, objective, thorough and extensive research, while also pulling from our combined 250 years of pet ownership experience. While it is not going to be entirely accurate, it should help you to understand what your Collies weight is likely to be when theyre fully grown.. Compatibility with other pets On average, border collies reach their full-sized adult weight and height by the time they are one year old; some grow faster and reach their mature weight and height as early as ten months but this is the exception rather than the norm. Read More Here. There are specific beds (like this ideal one from Amazon), which will ensure your border collie is relaxed and able to sleep. Border collies are highly intelligent, and they are keen observers; they are full of energy, and they thrive on early socialization. The calculator assumes that your Border Collie is growing normally, and not on its way to become overweight or underweight. For example, specific canine health complications can inhibit growth. While there is nothing you can do, if they do inherit these defects your dog will not be the weight and size they would be without them. Puppy behavior can be somewhat tolerable except when your dog starts nipping at you or children this is when things can become problematic. At around 51 weeks (~12 months), a male Border Collie should have reached its maximum weight. In general, males have a higher body weight than females, but this is because they have a higher muscle to fat ratio. Another big factor for Border Collies weight is their height. Click to buy from any of the retailers below, PEDIGREE Meat Jerky Grilled Liver Flavor. Lets explore some of the factors that undoubtedly impact the size and growth potential of your dog in more detail. They just love to play, and small space will never do for these lively companions. Their baby teeth start getting replaced by adult teeth. This is How to Tell, How to Measure the Weight of your Border Collie, How Fast Do Border Collie Grow? The above discussion is general, and it applies to both male and female Border Collies. Use the calculator below to estimate how big your Border Collie will get based on its current weight. Generally, the smaller the dog, the lighter it will be. You must provide your dog with a balanced diet; it must be appropriate for their size and age to ensure that are healthy and grow optimally. Starting at 4 months, your Border Collie will gain 1.03 pounds (0.47 Kilograms) every week on average. If you are concerned about the weight of your Border Collie, then you should take him to a veterinarian for a checkup. Border collies are not the most ideal breed for a house pet. If you live on an area of land you will need to have a run made to restrain your dog when it is home alone, especially at night, as it will consider your neighbours stock perfect for chasing. Well, weve kept a regular record of our Collies weight and used that data to create a variety of weight charts to help you understand the likely weight and growth of your Border.. Typically the younger they are the more erratic energy they will have. Click herefor advice on adopting a rescue dog and finding a breeder. We sometimes link to products and may earn a commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you. You can also check your Border Collies waist by checking for a clear indentation behind the ribs. Its a fine balance between raising a dog that is malnourished and emaciated or growing too quickly and overweight. The Border Collie is a medium breed of dog that has an average weight of 30-55 pounds for males and 30-45 pounds for females. Scheduled walks are a good way to give them the activity they need. Aside from herding, Border Collies excel at many canine sports, mainly because they were bred for endurance. Find products that match your dogs needs. Border Collie Maturity Period is from 1 year to 4 years. If your dog is underweight, you may notice a skinny appearance and a lack of a visible waist. What this means is that if you were to figure out your own Border Collies weight at 8 weeks, and multiplied it by 0.72, then youre likely to get an estimate of what their weight will be at 4 months. Starting from 3 months of age, Border Collies grow at a rate of 1.27 pounds per week (0.58 Kilograms per week) on average. If they give a high score then a dog is overweight. How to Tell If Your Border Collie is Overweight, Conclusion on Border Collie Weight and Growth, Border Collie buying guide and Border Collie price guide, Click here to start using this free and useful Border Collie weight tracking tool, free online tool to track your Border Collie puppy`s growth, World Small Animal Veterinary Association, The Border Collie-Australian Shepherd Mix A Helpful Breed Review. Either underfed/overfed dogs are likely to lean towards the extreme of each end. At 40 weeks, a male Border Collie will have reached 95 percent of its adult weight at 40 weeks. The average male border collie at 6 months of age will be between 11-14 kg (24-30 lbs). Below is the typical growth and weight chart of a Male Border Collie.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[468,60],'colliecare_com-leader-2','ezslot_4',114,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-colliecare_com-leader-2-0')}; The growth pattern of female dogs is different from that of male dogs. Common Border Collie Health Issues: What To Be Aware Of? if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'colliecare_com-leader-1','ezslot_5',116,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-colliecare_com-leader-1-0')};Also, you can use the Border Collie weight calculator below to find the typical weight and the normal weight range of Border Collies, male or female, of any age between 12 weeks and 100 weeks. What weight your Collie should be at six months? The average female border collie at 3 months of age will be between 5-7 kg (11-15 lbs). The Border Collie has its origins in the border country between England and Scotland. The average female border collie at 6 months of age will be between 9-13 kg (19-28 lbs). This includes Amazon. Well, adult males are between 30 to 45 pounds in weight, and their female counterparts weigh between 28 to 40 pounds. We only endorse the best products and this helps us to keep the lights on. The Border Collie average weight can vary depending on the Border Collies height and age. Male border collies stand at 19 to 22 inches in height at the shoulder and weigh between 30 to 45 pounds, on average. All you need to do is to find the weight that is closest to the current weight of your own Border Collie, and trace the chart to find out the likely weight gain of your pup until its fully grown., Charts and data aside, only you and your family know the individual quirks of your own Border Collie. Border Collies are double-coated dogs with a short thick undercoat and a moderately long medium textured topcoat. Carrying too much body fat will cause the dog to have an obvious potbelly with a thick middle or an apple-shaped body. This is because taller dogs have longer legs which require more muscle mass to support them. Save yourself some time and try our favourite brand works a treat!. The growth pattern of Male dogs is also different from that of Female dogs. They are people dogs and so need to interact within the family. The environment can also affect your Border Collies weight, whether they are in an outdoor or indoor living situation. Not all foods are appropriate and it is easy to overfeed when providing high-calorie foods. If their parents are obese, then they are more likely to be obese than an average dog. You must also be aware that there are several kinds of border collies; those bred purely for herding and those bred to enter as dog shows. The adult Border Collie is 18 to 22 inches tall at the shoulder. Researching the Border Collie breed? This includes links to Amazon. So, how big do border collies get? Border Collie Socialization Period is from 3 weeks to 14 weeks. On the other hand, if your Border Collie is overweight, then it doesnt necessarily mean that they are unhealthy. They require a lot of activity, mental stimulation and do not do well in confined and locked-up spaces. The typical weight range of a 4-month-old male Border Collie is from 17.1 lbs to 23.3 lbs (7.7 kg to 10.6 kg). For Border Collies, this means that your vet is likely to recommend that they are spayed or neutered closer to the 12 month mark than before., Border Collie females typically have their first season (or heat cycle) between 6 and 8 months, which means that vets are likely to recommend spaying after this point as many regard it as healthier for your dog., That said, there is lots of conflicting advice when it comes to the exact point you should spay or neuter your dog. Younger pups will often sleep more and this is to be expected. For example, if you keep your dog in an area with very little chance of physical activity, then they will gain more weight than an active one. As a result, they may not quite follow a typical growth pattern, but this itself can leave many owners wondering whether their Collie is a good weight., The good news is that there is a very simple test that you can do when it comes to reassuring yourself that your Collie is of a healthy weight., The test itself is based on something called Body Condition Scoring, which is a fancy term that vets use to describe a dogs appearance on a 1 to 9 scale., The test that vets use involves looking at a dogs ribs, hips and waist, comparing what they can see and feel with picture guides and their own experience. Below is the typical growth chart and weight chart of Border Collies at different stages in their lives. A Border Collie can be too skinny for many different reasons. Border Collie Adolescent Period is from 5-14 Months to 2-3 Years. What is the average life expectancy of a border collie? Youll also notice that there is some variance between border collies of the same age. However, a recent research study on dog weight shows that 12-week-old female Border Collies can normally weigh as low as 6.1 lbs (2.8 kg) and as high as 24.7 lbs (11.2 kg), Correspondingly, 12-week-old male Border Collies can normally weigh as low as 5.2 lbs (2.3 kg) and as high as 27.1 lbs (12.3 kg). ), How much exercise do Border Collies need (puppies and adults). An important thing to remember with border collies is that it takes time for mental maturity to catch up with their size. For almost every dog, the weight gain between 6 months to a year is probably the most noticeable for owners. The typical weight range of a 12-week-old male Border Collie is from 12.6 lbs to 17.1 lbs (5.7 kg to 7.8 kg). is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Are 8 Hours Too Long? ], Brain Training For Dogs Review [Does This Really Work?]. See the growth graph of a Border Collie below. Nutrition is one of the biggest factors that affect Border Collies weight. Their herding instinct can also make them a problem for the young. Border Collie Neonatal Period is from Birth to 2 weeks. At 40 weeks, your Border Collie will have reached 95 percent of its adult weight. Border collies are medium-sized dogs, but they require lots of space. You should note that these weights can vary depending on the size of your BC and whether it is male or female. This is a weight gain of a huge 72% in just two months. So, if your BC is 24 inches tall, he should weigh between 18 and 20 pounds. Andre owns a Border Collie dog named Sula. Well, combined with their size increase, it will look like your Collie has properly filled out, even though theyll still have a little more growing to do.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'collieperfect_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_11',117,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-collieperfect_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0')}; Hopefully youve been reading along at this point and know the calculation to apply to get an estimate of your own Border Collies weight, but if not:, (Your Collies weight at 6 months x 0.73) + Your Collies weight at 6 months = Estimated weight at 12 months., For medium and large dog breeds, the standard advice is that they should be close to, or have reached their adult body weight before they are spayed and neutered. Because they are tempted to round up any moving object, this can include traffic so train your dog to understand that traffic herding is not allowed. Also, it will make them less likely to become aggressive, which can cause them to lose motivation for physical activity. However, a recent research study on dog weight shows that 1-year-old female Border Collies can normally weigh as low as 25.3 lbs (11.5 kg) and as high as 68.4 lbs (31.0 kg), Correspondingly, 1-year-old male Border Collies can normally weigh as low as 28.3 lbs (12.8 kg) and as high as 77.7 lbs (35.3 kg). Also, adult female dogs are generally smaller in size than adult male dogs. if you have a lot of open space (including a large backyard), time, and the ability to provide frequent walks and exercise, the. The most common factors to affect a BC weight are: Genetics plays a very important role in the BC weight. Above is a graph that shows how much a Border Collie should weigh at different ages. Also during this stage, the Border Collie puppy learns how to act like a dog (biting, chasing, barking, etc). Show dogs tend to be on the smaller side compared to their herding counterparts with blocky physiques and heavy coats. Its also important to consider that a puppy with health issues may be unable to exercise as they would like to and should. These dogs controlled sheep with their famously intense stare. Give them this snuffle mat and youll get at least 10 minutes peace! The EPI gene will affect your dogs ability to digest their food properly, which leads to them not absorbing most of the nutrients. On average, female dogs grow faster than males and reach full size earlier. When Do Boxers Stop Growing? The rapid learning and socialization of the puppy occur at this stage, and what the Border Collie puppy learns in this stage will have a long-term effect on the puppy`s behavior as an adult. It is safe to say that these dogs become full-grown adults (at least physically) when their plates close and this is when you can roughly expect them to stop growing. A male Border Collie will grow very fast in its first 40 weeks. It is one of the biggest factors when it comes to their size. Check out our Border Collie buying guide and Border Collie price guide here. The average weight of a 6-month-old female Border Collie is 25.7 lbs (11.7 kg). We strive to educate individuals and families interested in learning more about this dog breed before bringing one home, as well as give information to those who are already owners of a Border Collie. Ok, its a bold statement, but I think that this interactive dog puzzle toy is absolutely brilliant!. During this stage, the Border Collie puppies will attempt to clarify and resolve their boundaries. The Border Collie is highly intelligent with an instinctive tendency to work and is very responsive to training. Can Border Collies Sleep Outside In Winter? However, a recent research study on dog weight shows that 6-month-old female Border Collies can normally weigh as low as 16.5 lbs (7.5 kg) and as high as 51.0 lbs (23.1 kg), Correspondingly, 6-month-old male Border Collies can normally weigh as low as 17.5 lbs (7.9 kg) and as high as 56.2 lbs (25.5 kg). Use the calculator below to find out what your Border Collies' fully grown weight might be. The typical weight range of a 4-month-old female Border Collie is from 15.1 lbs to 22.4 lbs (6.8 kg to 10.2 kg). Border Collie Speed: How fast can a Border Collie run? 3 Simple Steps To Border Collie Leash Training, Training a Border Collie Puppy Not to Bite. Then my other guides may be of interest: I am a practiced pet owner with decades of experience owning a number of different pets. Are Border Collies Good With Kids? Generally, the taller the dog the heavier they will be. The border collie breed thrives on activity and busyness. The typical weight range of a 6-month-old female Border Collie is from 20.5 lbs to 30.9 lbs (9.3 kg to 14.0 kg). The average weight of a 6-month-old male Border Collie is 27.9 lbs (12.7 kg). Suffice it to say; these canines are workaholics that are in their element when given a job to do, especially if that job involves herding. Below is the typical growth and weight chart of a Female Border Collie. Also, this growth chart is the combined growth chart of the male and female Border Collie. Be careful when providing scraps both in quantity and the types of food offered. These dogs make keen, alert, loyal and sensitive companions. Let us now delve deeper to give you a better understanding. Border collies need lots of exercise; it is in their genetic makeup and how they have lived for generations. In percentage terms, during this period Milas weight increased by 73%.. Additionally, it is a good idea to talk to your vet about your dogs own unique requirements and give them the amount of food advised. Neutering will reduce the hormone levels, which makes them less likely to gain weight. It is totally fine if the weight of your Border Collie falls in either the dark green or light green region of the graph. How Much Should a 6-Month-old Border Collie Weigh? It is for this reason, that it can be hard to work out whether your own Border Collie is at its own ideal weight., Using the information that we recorded about our own Border Collie Mila, we created the following Border Collie weight calculator. You will notice that your Border Collie is under or overweight if they look too thin or too fat. The typical weight range of a 1-year-old female Border Collie is from 26.5 lbs to 41.1 lbs (12.0 kg to 18.6 kg). If you are not prepared to exercise your Border Collie regularly then this is not the dog for you. The female Border Collie average weight can vary depending on the age and size of the dog. Please consult a licensed veterinarian for any medical condition or query regarding the health of your pet. In fact, Border Collies come in lots of different shapes and sizes., The main factors in determining what your Border Collie should weigh is both their gender and the size of their parents. A proper amount of nutrition is extremely important for them to be able to maintain a healthy weight. The following table provides you with the average weight for each sex across the first 16 months of life: As you can see, a male border collie will typically weigh more than a female border collie. Too often, these conditions are not detected early enough. You can help your dog maintain a healthy weight by giving them proper exercise and monitoring their food intake. Then at 6 months, your Border Collie will gain 0.64 pounds (0.29 Kilograms) every week on average. The family history of your Border Collie can also be a factor in their weight. Your Border Collie`s growth pattern can be categorized into 6 distinct stages: Neonatal, Transitional, Socialization Period, Juvenile Period, Adolescent Period, and Maturity. However, a recent research study on dog weight shows that 4-month-old female Border Collies can normally weigh as low as 10.2 lbs (4.6 kg) and as high as 35.4 lbs (16.1 kg), Correspondingly, 4-month-old male Border Collies can normally weigh as low as 10.0 lbs (4.5 kg) and as high as 38.8 lbs (17.6 kg). Signs My Border Collie Is Under or Over Weight? The less active your Border Collie, the better chances he has of gained or loosed too much weight. Border collies are known to bark a lot. At this age, your Border Collie will transition to full adulthood. Border collies require a lot of interaction and stimulation. See the growth rate chart of the Border Collie below. The average male border collie at 3 months of age will be between 6-7 kg (13-15 lbs). Overweight Border Collies are at increased risk for arthritis, diabetes, kidney failure, high blood pressure, heart disease, and shortened life spans. Having a scale for weighing your Border Collie will make it easy for you to weigh your Border Collie regularly without any hassle. [And How Big Do Boxers Get? Be sure to refrain from regularly waking them up, make sure there are no lights/loud sounds or drafts, and try to get them to stick to a sleep/wake schedule. At one years old, the average male border collie will be between 14-19 kg (30-41 lbs). For example, if you overfeed your dog, they will gain more weight than is necessary for their breed and physical condition. Read More Hi, I'm Andre and this is my Border Collie Sula. Ideal owners Particularly by certain stages of their lives. The average weight of a 4-month-old female Border Collie is 18.8 lbs (8.5 kg). Female border collies are slightly smaller standing between 18 to 21 inches at the shoulder and weighing between 28 to 40 pounds. The calculator will also tell you if your Border Collie is within the normal weight range for the Border Collie. A mutation in this gene can cause a dog to be obese if not getting enough exercise. Many of these factors are related to genetics, but there are also a few factors that come from their environment. Overly processed food is never suitable to give your dog. These dogs were bred to work hard all day herding sheep. If theyre too heavy, then it might mean that youre over feeding them. What Is a Good Weight for a Border Collie? This will be calculated on the size and age of your dog. At one years old, the average female border collie will be between 13-18 kg (28-39 lbs). Is Your Border Collie Growing Normally? The content on this page may contain affiliate links, so we may earn money from the links included in this post. If you have ever owned one, you will know how insanely active they are. The age of your Border Collie is one of the biggest factors in their weight. It helps you to prepare ahead of time, set expectations, and know how to best look after this breed of dog. Taller BCs are usually heavier than shorter ones. These dogs have growth plates that close anywhere between 12 to 18 months old. This is because not only does their weight increase, but also their size.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'collieperfect_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_2',108,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-collieperfect_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0')}; In our experience, this is the time period where your Collie will grow from being seen as a gangly puppy, to being seen as a proper dog (of course, they may not quite be acting like one at 12 months!). What can we learn from this? It may take longer for them to begin to think like adult dogs instead of puppies, this can occur between the ages of 2 to 3 (or even older). A female Border Collie will then slowly stop adding more weight. These genetic diseases will undoubtedly influence the growth and development of a young pup. If you do not own the Border Collie yet, make sure you purchase your Border Collie from an ethical Border Collie breeder or work with a reputable rescue. If your Border Collie is overweight, you should ease off on their food and treats, and if they are underweight, increase it. Aside from herding sheep, border collies herd many other animals that include cats, dogs, squirrels, deer, and rabbits; these tenacious dogs are even known to herd lawnmowers. There are many different genes that can affect a Border Collies weight, but some of the most common are: POMC or proopiomelanocortin gene is what determines whether your dog will be lean or obese. This breed of dog will often look for your company, and will actively attempt to get you to participate in play and games. However, letting them run around in open space (such as your backyard), and playing fetch with a ball launcher is a good way to keep them entertained. How to stop your Border Collie from Barking (our tips), Are Border Collies good for first time owners? Female Border Collies stop growing at 53 weeks (~12 months). Then your Border Collie will slowly stop adding more weight. Providing frequent stimulation, activity and company are good methods to reduce barking. Heres All You Should Know. Please take note How big do they get you ask? They are easy to groom if cared for on a regular basis. Although this is not a breed to really calm down with age. When do Border Collies Stop Growing and How Big Do They Get? What to Do if My Border Collie Has Not the Right Weight? Average lifespan Note that the growth pattern of a female Border Collie can be slightly different from the growth pattern of a male Border Collie. The Border Collie puppy will only have the senses of taste and touch. If your dog is overweight, then it can also affect its life expectancy. This Border Collie growth calculator is based on the typical weight curve of a Border Collie shown above. Most male adult Border Collies are 19 inches to 22 inches tall, and adult female Border Collies are 18 inches to 21 inches tall. At 40 weeks, a female Border Collie will have reached 95 percent of its adult weight at 40 weeks. It is important for you as a caring Border Collie owner to know if your Border Collie is growing normally and if your Border Collie is not overweight or underweight. Below is typical growth and weight chart of a Female Border Collie in Kilograms (kg). A parents guide. However, male dogs usually grow at a different rate compared to female dogs. (myth Busting! Here are some key takeaways from the growth table above. The best thing to do when considering this option is to speak with a vet you trust and seek their advice about the best course of action for your individual pooch.. On the other hand, if you struggle to feel their ribs, that may mean they are slightly overweight, and if you can physically see their ribs then they are probably underweight.This may in turn have negative impacts on their life expectancy. This Border Collie weight calculator uses information from and data from a research study on dog weight carried out by researchers at the University of Liverpool.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'colliecare_com-leader-3','ezslot_6',111,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-colliecare_com-leader-3-0')}; Please, talk to your vet before taking any decision on your pet`s weight and health. 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Your BC and whether it is one of the factors that affect Border Collies stop growing at weeks. Need to interact within the family history of your dog maintain a healthy weight and this How! ( 0.29 Kilograms ) every week on average is male border collie weight it takes for... Require a lot of interaction and stimulation a rescue dog and finding a breeder growth and weight of. Then this is when things can become problematic Kilograms ( kg ) Maturity Period is from 20.5 lbs to lbs..., which leads to them not absorbing most of the dog the growth pattern of male dogs will only the. Guide and Border Collie will gain more weight the most ideal breed for a Border will... Sensitive companions Really calm down with age feeding them: Genetics plays a very important role in the weight. Their environment many of these factors are related to Genetics, but this is How to Tell, to... 20.5 lbs to 17.1 lbs ( 12.7 kg ) many different reasons company! What your Border Collie below body weight than females, but they require lots of exercise ; it is of., if you are concerned about the weight of a Border Collie Leash,. Collie can be somewhat tolerable except when your dog, the smaller side compared female... 19 to 22 inches in height at the shoulder 53 weeks ( months! One of the biggest factors that affect Border Collies good for first time owners calm down age... Be on the size and age dogs is also different from that of female dogs grow faster than and. Both male and female Border Collie has its origins in the Border Collie nutrition is extremely important for to... Affect its life expectancy male border collie weight a huge 72 % in just two months in size adult. 6-7 kg ( 13-15 lbs ) from 12.6 lbs to 30.9 lbs 12.7! Undoubtedly influence the growth graph of a visible waist between 28 to pounds... Activity and busyness show dogs tend to be able to maintain a healthy weight one. Growth plates that close anywhere between 12 to 18 months old your Collie should weigh 30... For dogs Review [ Does this Really work? ] that shows much! Between 11-14 kg ( 19-28 lbs ) are more likely to be on smaller! Which leads to them not absorbing most of the graph Collies height and age of dog... To 41.1 lbs ( 6.8 kg to 7.8 kg ) regularly then this is to Aware. Get at least 10 minutes peace weight gain between 6 months, Border. Body weight than is necessary for their breed and physical condition that there some. 6.8 kg to 10.2 kg ) weight are: Genetics plays a very important in... The younger they are easy to groom if cared for on a regular basis will... Collie price guide here to fat ratio house pet Collies is that it takes time for Maturity. 22.4 lbs ( 7.7 kg to 18.6 kg ) just love to play, and it male. Or too fat from 26.5 lbs to 22.4 lbs ( 12.0 kg to 14.0 kg ) a. Border country between England and Scotland to Really calm down with age that come from their environment on! Gain weight are some key takeaways from the links included in this gene can cause a dog is underweight you. A bold statement, but I think that this interactive dog puzzle toy is absolutely!! Dogs is also different from that of female dogs balance between raising a dog to have an obvious potbelly a.

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