homemade dog food for saint bernard

I hope the information in this article helps you when/if you start making your dog's food. sniff, sniff. Jaye Denman (author) from Deep South, USA on February 05, 2014: Nellieanna - You were far ahead of the trend to feed pets people-quality food--a trailblazer while on your own quest for personal health. Unfortunately for my dogs, making dog food is a way to save money for me! on October 17, 2012: Jaye Denman (author) from Deep South, USA on October 11, 2012: Thank you so much, Barb, and I hope your Cee Cee will enjoy my doggy recipes. These are the healthiest oils, for dogs as well as humans, and are beneficial to their coats. My miniature schnauzer girl's health and potential longevity are very important to me. But in general, good ingredients of foods for dogs must contain meat, vegetables and starch with percentage of 40%: 30%: 30%. Great article. A much better option is to purchase your meat from a source you can trust: a small local farmer or rancher, or a reputable online producer with verifiably safe and ecologically sound practices. A complete blood workup will be done the morning of the surgery, and should anything look even slightly worrisome, the surgeon will postpone surgery until its alright. The source of the rice crop is also important. (In fact, if there is such a thing as 'perfect potty', hers fits the description each and every time. Im sorry to hear of the difficulties your Puppy Girl has had and still shadow her life. I am still including rice and she loves green beans. I'll check out your new hub about supplements tomorrow. I now alternate between feeding my dog cooked organic chicken breasts and organic ground turkey breast, which I can buy locally at Whole Foods Market. (When Puppy Girl first went blind, a friend suggested I have her put to sleep! She prefers a half banana as a hand-fed treat, and organic fruit is better for her than processed treats. (she's always eaten fishbeef doesnt agree with her.) Also, avoid those fruits known to be highly toxic to dogs, such as grapes, raisins, and prunes. Ask your vet to recommend the appropriate amount of food intake per day. ;D Great ideas! While she is already anesthetized, her teeth will also be cleaned. I'm glad you found this article helpful. When bison was the choice, I ordered it already ground in one-pound packs online from Northstar Bison, and it was shipped to me frozen and packed with dry ice. You can always adjust the amount if he either still acts hungry or doesn't eat it all at once. This makes it even easier to prepare her meals. Healthy crunchy treats, including those formulated for doggy dental care, will give your dog something to chew that will help keep her teeth clean. You neednt apologize, dear Jaye! JAYE. The oats don't bother her, but I've switched to the steel-cut brand. (I like your explanation of that!) Thats all the answer to How to Make Homemade Dog Food for Your St. Bernard?, hope it helps! Sensible advice as most commercial foods list Corn as the first ingredient. Jaye, Lisa - One way you might get your 'fussy eater' to change his diet is to cook a small batch and add just a bit to his current food every day, gradually adding more until you've made the switch. Anita Saran from Bangalore, India on June 28, 2014: Just a note here JayeWisdom - I just read a well known book which says that we need to puree the veggies because otherwise they are not digested and come out whole in the feces. At least, her part of the grocery bill is higher. I hope to be able to continue it in a positive fashion for many years to come; hopefully, for all the years Im to be allowed to live. (This is a non-paid endorsement.). The ophthalmology vet told me last year Puppy Girl would need the enucleation procedure because, even though I put thick nighttime eye ointment in her eyes every couple of hours (day and night), that treatment doesnt guarantee she wont feel pain. Peggy Woods from Houston, Texas on April 29, 2013: I love that last ingredient that you put into your dog's food. P.S. Gypsy Willow from Lake Tahoe Nevada USA , Wales UK and Taupo New Zealand on October 13, 2013: What a lucky little Puppy Girl. I look at the clock one minute and the next minute, its hours later, too often most of the night! Meat dog food is one of the greatest ways to maintain your pet healthy, buying premium quality meat for pet also an important thing! Jaye Denman (author) from Deep South, USA on April 29, 2013: Thanks for reading, Peggy, and for your feedback (as well as the tweet!) Small amounts of garlic may not harm your pet and may, indeed, have some health benefitssome people swear it repels fleasbut garlic should be used with caution, preferably with the supervision of your vet, because a lot of it can cause organ damage. Jaye, I keep coming back to this article you wrote since I started making home-cooked meals for my 11 year old American Eskie. she did and thank you for writing this hub. More people are preparing healthy food for their dogs these days, and that is a good thing. It's dreadful. Im not confident that it is all home-grown, anyway. Jaye Denman (author) from Deep South, USA on May 25, 2014: Mary - I'm so glad Baby's new homemade diet is controlling her food allergies so she doesn't itch. It comes in packets, and you don't have to measure each vitamin, etc. (I haven't been diagnosed with OCD, but there are family members who would swear I have itespecially where my Puppy Girl is concerned!). Rice brands that are grown in some U.S. states are also high in arsenic. If they are not being chopped, you can slice them into tiny pieces. Im here for only a short time, anyway. In a way, thats all our fates in this life, isnt it? You should, however, be guided by your dog's vet in selecting the appropriate diet for her to keep her from getting too thin. Thanks for reading and commenting, Phoebe. BTW, Kathleen Cochran says you are a marvelous editor. (Fat Free Treats), Homemade Peanut Butter Dog Treats That You Need To Try Now | DIY Beauty Fashion. The remainder is frozen in daily amounts that can be easily defrosted overnight in the refrigerator. As you know from reading my hub, the food I prepare (such as the batch I made this afternoon) is not measured (at least, nothing is except the two pounds of ground bison that provide the protein). Im sure Ill be a basket case from the moment I leave her at the vet surgical suite until I pick her up when shes released, but I can get my angst out of the way before I go back to get her. Dividing her day's food into two meals keeps her from eating too much at one time, helped by three separately spooned "servings" at each meal. Self-discipline is probably all the more necessary now, but one still can decide about it, which is really fun. JAYE, Thanks, Audrey - Cooking my fur-girl's food is only one of the things I do to (hopefully) prolong her life. With her well-being in mind, I decided after a spate of pet food recalls to begin making her food. Also, I wonder if she is getting enough protein by just eating chicken, rice and green veggies. Mary Hyatt from Florida on July 22, 2014: Just wanted to give you an update about my Min. I cook the meat separately until tender. If your girl can't tolerate beef, can she eat chicken, turkey, lamb, duck, domestic rabbit, or bison as a protein? Beef is also one of the foods that may cause allergy in some dogs. Our cat was an outside cat and so it had the run of the farm. One of those things I'll 'get around to' as soon as I have time. So for Epis benefit, yes, cats benefit from home-cooked healthy cat food, too. Repetition aids memory, and I'll add to the list of foods that are toxic for dogs. Some other ingredients allowed for the dogs are eggs, clams, chicken, turkey, and some other kinds of meat. Hope you're having a great weekend. Love your thoughts. That isuntil yesterday, when the first Whole Foods Market in the state opened not far from my home. She told me how she and her mother would cook up a huge kettle of buttered carrots for the dogs from time to time to keep their coats shiny and their skin healthy. Corn seems to be one of the most prevalent canine allergens, and--as far as I'm concerned--GMO corn is dangerous for animal or human consumption. There is a Natural Foods store in my area and both the local Fiesta, Albertsons and Krogers have pretty good selections of organic produce and other products. What is vital to me is to eat plenty of fresh produce of the best quality I can get within reason. As I'd written earlier, I stopped using brown rice after reading reports that it tested high in arsenic. I've been buying regular chicken breasts and ground turkey breast at the supermarket for her, but I'll start buying it from the whole foods store. I have done a lot of research on homemade dog food but I have yet to find some good recipes to start her out on. I'm passing this on to my better half and we'll give it a try. I've talked to vets who have had to intervene when inadequately prepared home diets endangered the dog's health. :- ), I appreciate Kathleen's kind words and your passing the comment along to me. I appreciate your reading, the vote and sharing. I'm only an individual and have no access to a community of home chefs (for pets or people); however, you can use a search engine such as Google to look on the Internet for others who cook for their pets. Dogs are as vulnerable to cancer as humans. Yes, you only need to slice the meat after it is being washed at first. In fact, I can almost do it with my mind on something else..and probably would if I weren't afraid of setting the kitchen on fire! I coworker I remember from one of my jobs years ago used to raise purebred St. Bernards. I start with two pounds of dense, very lean, organic, grass-fed meat and add enough other ingredients for the final amount to equal two 8-ounce cups per day and last an entire week. As long as you're adding the appropriate amount of each to your dog's diet, they can provide energy as well as healthy skin and coat. To say they were surprised, even shocked, would be an understatement because I'd never expressed interest in getting a dog. Puppy Girl adores chopped apple, unsweetened applesauce, banana slices, pears, and blueberries. 2. Jaye Denman (author) from Deep South, USA on August 05, 2012: Hi, Bob.Thanks for your positive comments about my method of preparing home-cooked dog food and for recommending the "Jaye Waye!" Generally, a larger breed dog that is not overweight and gets daily exercise may need 3 or 3 1/2 cups food per day, fed in two separate meals--especially since eating too much at once can cause bloat in larger dogs with large chests. Many fruits are good for dogs in small quantities: bananas, apples, pears, peaches, even a bit of orange (NOT seeds or pits, which are toxic), blueberries, cranberries, also melons (no seeds). (Ingestion of only seven grapes can be fatal to a moderately sized or smaller dog, something you don't want to chance.) They went on our trips to the ranch for 13 of our 15 years of regularly going on them (till George really had no business being so far from medical help).

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