github actions docker windows

It does not contain it due to some licensing issues. If you are running this script locally ensure you have GitHub-CLI installed. Note that the 'ENTRYPOINT' script will be run using PowerShell Core with "pwsh.exe". 468), Monitoring data quality with Bigeye(Ep. Site design / logo 2022 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. You should use a different image that is compatible with Windows containers backend in order to get the container running on windows-latest. This worked well for the initial add and restore, but it took me some time to find out how to get this to work in a Docker image build. This is so that we can instruct the docker build command to load a specific version of the GitHub runner agent into the image when building the image. The Expanse: Sustained Gs during space travel. Need to verify the name and i have found the below error with code, How to get Prettier to work with autosave and keep redo logs, Executing EF_context.Database.ExecuteSqlRawAsync from Interface, Docker file for a Laravel 8 with React UI (Scaffolding), How to pass connectionPooling and timeout related properties to Drivine connectionProvider. What's the difference between Docker Compose and Kubernetes? You can then very easily reference them from your workflow file for your action, e.g. Note that we have to set these environment variables on our host, windows 11 machine in order for docker compose to be able to interpret the values specified on the 'YAML' file inside of the '${}' symbols. How to use Google ML Kit as Firebase ml vision is discontinued? Some rights reserved. A job consists of one or more steps. How to pass selected Checkbox items to Controller in MVC? ANYCODINGS.COM - All Rights Reserved. NOTE: Try not to install too many packages at build time to keep the image as lean, compact and re-usable as possible. Using Docker-Compose, how to execute multiple commands, How to restart a single container with docker-compose, How to remove old and unused Docker images, how to get docker-compose to use the latest image from repository, What is the difference between docker and docker-compose. Manage thousands socket client connexion: Multithreading or asyncio (with Queue), React : How can i prevent Maximum update depth exceeded from a function beign called in useEffect, Laravel 8 - could not find driver on namecheap shared hosting, Java - Entity property formatting not working on JSON response, SQL query to to check uniqueness of a column value. On Linux this can be done out of the box using gpg, but that is not available by default on Windows, so I created a little helper tool that allows you to encrypt and decrypt a file with a provided password. A anycodings_github-actions step may be a simple shell command, anycodings_github-actions using run. KNN: Should we randomly pick "folds" in RandomizedSearchCV? We have to pass in some environment variables using the '-e' option to specify the PAT (Personal Access Token), GitHub Organisation and Repository to register the runner against. a nuget config file that contains a private feed URL. {{ webmention.title }} Thanks for keeping DEV Community safe. During the build process, you just decrypt the file again, using the password set up as GitHub secret, and use it as needed. How to verify the access token at nodejs express api retrieved from keycloak in a react SPA? After running this command, under the GitHub repository settings, you will see a new self hosted GitHub runner. Here is what you can do to flag pwd9000: pwd9000 consistently posts content that violates DEV Community's I will also be showing how we can add more software and tooling e.g. You can then use that anycodings_github-actions virtual machine to run a workflow inside anycodings_github-actions a container. NOTE: 'LABEL RunnerVersion=${RUNNER_VERSION}', this label is dynamically updated from the build argument we will be passing into the docker build command later. GitHub allows you to set secrets which you can easily reference in your actions, so they are well secured. Microsoft DevOps MVP | Cloud Solutions & DevOps Architect | Technical speaker focussed on Microsoft technologies, IaC and automation in Azure. In this example, I am building my own Docker image, publishing to the repository, and using the image in a subsequent workflow as a container job, shown below: When you run the workflow, you will notice an additional log entry to initialize the container. (This is our docker container): You will also be able to see the running container under Docker Desktop for Windows under Containers: Lets test our new docker container self hosted GitHub runner by creating a GitHub workflow to run a few GitHub Actions by installing Terraform on the running container. #Use --with-token to pass in a PAT token on standard input. If you are familiar with Azure DevOps, think pipelines and you are very close. The entrypoint script will run each time a new container is created. If you see the GitHub Actions Virtual Environments page you can explore the software included on each runner. Made with love and Ruby on Rails. GitHub actions provision a virtual anycodings_github-actions machine - as you noted, either Ubuntu, anycodings_github-actions Windows or macOS - and run your workflow anycodings_github-actions inside of that. 469). Inside of the scripts folder you can create the following three PowerShell scripts: Because we will run and scale self hosted runners using docker/docker-compose dynamically using our image, this script will be used to remove and unregister any old/offline GitHub runner registrations against our GitHub repository when we scale containers up and down based on our needs. For compatibility on "your" host/VM running docker you may need to use a different tag,{build}.{revision}. And MySQL? Yes, at least to my knowledge you would need to use Key Vault, but that is quite easy:, 2022 All rights reserved. "Unable to set PowerShell to use TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.1 check .NET Framework installed. In order to make this easier, I have created a very small Docker image containing a .NET Core application that allows you to encrypt and decrypt a file. In the next part of this blog series we will look at building a Linux based Ubuntu image container instead, for our self hosted GitHub runners. windows-latest runner uses Windows containers as a Docker backend engine and you are trying to use Linux based image ( with Windows backend which is not compatible. Built on Forem the open source software that powers DEV and other inclusive communities. This directory will contain our GitHub runner binaries and scripts, under the path: C:\actions-runner inside of the windows container. All the code used in this tutorial can be found on my GitHub project: docker-github-runner-windows. We're a place where coders share, stay up-to-date and grow their careers. Over dozens of CI jobs, the extra minutes add up and you might even run against the cap of your limit. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Which book should I choose to get into the Lisp World? # image: 'ubuntu:20.04' # can also use this to test, Demystifying GitHub Apps: Using GitHub Apps to Replace Service Accounts, GitHub Advanced Security Feature Comparison, My macOS Development Environment: iTerm2, oh-my-zsh, and VS Code, GitHub Actions: Publish Code Coverage Summary to Pull Requests, If you are using Docker to run the runner without doing the docker-in-docker magic, you might see an error - but if you are using something like, You cannot override the working directory that gets mapped in - the, This is only a problem if you had intended to use an alternative work directory with permissions already set up in the container. As I struggled to find that information, I also want to add a note about my actual problem, which was using a private nuget feed. Jest Custom Test Environment Can't Use Absolute Paths, Sign in with Apple for react.js app hosted on GitHub Pages, Query paginated API endpoint from end to the very first item by providing start and endtime parameters, How to keep track of array elements that have already been printed and skip them (Java), Can't debug async method even if I am awaiting, How to read spaces, words, and letters line-by-line from a file in a function using Loops (C++), How to make full screen for last launched window, How to add html class in function javascript, Cannot Install FIREBASE via NPM GLOBALLY (Error 127). Part two will focus on building a Linux based Ubuntu image and in subsequent parts, we will look at how we can utilize Azure to store and run our containers in the cloud using technologies such as Azure Container Registry (ACR), Azure Container Instances (ACI) and Azure Container Apps (ACA) to run and scale our self hosted GitHub runners, instead of using a VM based approach with docker running inside of a VM. Is there a name for this fallacy when someone says something is good by only pointing out the good things? If you see underlying connection closed or trust errors, try the following: (1) upgrade to .NET Framework 4.5 (2) specify internal Chocolatey package location (set, prior to install or host the package internally), (3) use the Download + PowerShell method of install. This would be useful if running tests against a containerized copy of a database, for example. rev2022.8.2.42721. This generally works well, but there are some tips and tricks that I can pass along that may be helpful, especially if running in a self-hosted runner scenario. , Like, share, follow me on: GitHub | Twitter | LinkedIn. See gh help environment for more info. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. What does the Ariane 5 rocket use to turn? You can add any additional tooling you want to add to the image at build time here. Industry job right after PhD: will it affect my chances for a postdoc in the future? How to use environment variables in docker-compose? You can use Hyper-V isolation to run older containers on new host builds also. How to fit many graphs neatly into a paper? Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. This is why the error message appears: If you visit the DockerHub page dedicated for the image used you can read: Official images for Microsoft SQL Server on Linux for Docker Engine. on Docker run: Docker run -e GH_TOKEN='myPatToken', #Look for any old/stale dockerNode- registrations to clean up, #Windows containers cannot gracefully remove registration via powershell due to issue:, #For this reason we can use this scrip to cleanup old offline instances/registrations, # Set TLS 1.2 (3072), then TLS 1.1 (768), then TLS 1.0 (192), finally SSL 3.0 (48), # Use integers because the enumeration values for TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.1 wont, # exist in .NET 4.0, even though they are addressable if .NET 4.5+ is. Templates let you quickly answer FAQs or store snippets for re-use. "Registering GitHub Self Hosted Runner on: #Remove PAT token after registering new instance, # Trap signal with finally - cleanup (When docker container is stopped remove runner registration from GitHub), # Does not currently work due to issue:, # Perform manual cleanup of stale runners using Cleanup-Runners.ps1. # installed (.NET 4.5 is an in-place upgrade). Next we will look how we can build the image and also run our image at scale using docker-compose. Because Chocolatey is part of the image we built earlier, we can use the following step to install Terraform using Chocolatey: To add additional docker runners (containers), we simply re-run the docker command we ran earlier (Each run will create an additional runner instance/container): Next we will look at stopping/destroying our running docker instances and cleaning up the registrations for all the self hosted runners registered against our GitHub repository. The recommended approach is to encrypt that file using gpg and add the encrypted file to your repository. For further actions, you may consider blocking this person and/or reporting abuse. To stop and remove all running containers simply run: You will notice that all the running containers under Docker Desktop for Windows are no longer there, but we still have the registrations against our GitHub repository which now shows as 'Offline': To unregister or cleanup these stale registrations just run the script we created earlier under the ./scripts folder called Cleanup-Runners.ps1 (If you are running this script locally ensure you have GitHub-CLI installed as the script invokes GitHub-CLI to remove the stale 'Offline' runner registrations): NOTE: for convenience, the same cleanup script is also copied to each container under the working directory 'C:\actions-runner\Cleanup-Runners.ps1'. This PowerShell script uses GitHub-CLI. See creating a personal access token on how to create a GitHub PAT token. Which ever method you decide to use, you can kick off the build process after creating this docker-compose.yml file by running the following PowerShell command: What's nice about using docker-compose is that we can easily scale the amount of runners we want to use simply by running the following command: Because all of our configuration and details are kept in environment variables and the docker-compose 'YAML' file, we don't really have to run long docker commands as we did earlier, and we simply scale the amount of runners we want by specifying the '--scale' parameter. Consider the following examples: Fortunately there are out of the box solutions but some dont directly work when using Windows based actions. But what if we also require a specific / non-standard version of Node? After that the image creation enters a second stage and only the results of the build (without the decrypted file) are copied to the second stage. GitHub Runner Releases. #E.g. You can always use a GitHub Action later in a workflow when running the container and use Chocolatey which is now loaded into the image/container to install more software. (param --password): As a result, you get an encrypted file called nuget.config.enc which you can then safely add to your repository. You have to install the command by your own using brew: Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! , Ive written a very quick introduction here or you can read more about it in the official documentation. What is a wind chill formula that will work from -10 C to +50 C and uses wind speed in km/h? The answer turned out to be a nuget.config file, which in my case looks like this: With that setup and the two mechanisms of multi-stage Docker builds and encrypted files in GitHub actions as introduced above, I was able to set up the automated build process securely. That way it is available during build, but you are not sharing private content. Could one house of Congress completely shut down the other house by passing large amounts of frivolous bills? In VSCode terminal or a PowerShell session, navigate to the root folder containing the docker file and run the following command. Keep in mind that you need to select a anycodings_github-actions linux distribution as the environment if anycodings_github-actions you want to use Docker. I needed to be able Overview This is a follow-up to my previous post: The Easiest Way to Generate and Publish .NET Code Coverage in Azure DevOps I was familiar with adding Code Coverage to my pipelines in Azure DevO ApproveOps: GitHub IssueOps with Approvals, GitHub Advanced Security Permissions Chart. So instead, we can use a container job that has all the prerequisites our application needs to build / run already pre-installed. How to check for nested object value in a dynamic way using key variables? I liken it to delegating the entire job to the container, so every step that would run in the job will instead run in the container, including the clone/checkout of the repository. Are you sure you want to hide this comment? Now all you need to do is make sure that this decrypted file is only part of the build process, but never actually delivered. NOTE: We can build and run the windows container images using docker-desktop or docker-compose, I will show both methods next. It should also be noted that there is a anycodings_github-actions container option, allowing you to run anycodings_github-actions any steps that would usually run on the anycodings_github-actions host to be runned inside a container: anycodings_github-actions Be sure to anycodings_github-actions specify runs-on as the appropriate host anycodings_github-actions environment for your container anycodings_github-actions (ubuntu-latest for Linux containers, anycodings_github-actions windows-latest for Windows containers). Can my aliens develop their medical science, in spite of their strict ethics? 2022 Josh Johanning. The minimum required scopes for the token are: "repo", "read:org". You can take this to the next step, instead of running your jobs in containers, you could additionally run your runners in containers using something like actions-runner-controller. Why is a 220 resistor for this LED suggested if Ohm's law seems to say much less is required? If none of these apply, head to the Implementation section. According to the anycodings_github-actions docs, I only have the options between a anycodings_github-actions couple versions of Ubuntu, Windows Server anycodings_github-actions and macOS X. I thought GitHub Actions runs inside Docker. code of conduct because it is harassing, offensive or spammy. Once Docker Desktop For Windows is installed you need to switch to Windows containers. To make this easily transferable and useable, I created a Docker image, so you can just run the following Docker command to encrypt a file. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Handling secrets can be a tough problem, especially in automated build environments that are publicly available like GitHub actions1 in a public repository. Oscillating instrumentation amplifier with transformer coupled input. Announcing the Stacks Editor Beta release! anycodings_github-actions For example: A job (as part of a workflow) runs anycodings_github-actions inside a virtual machine. Perhaps more interestingly, my workflow for publishing my Docker image is here. 2022 . Before building and running docker images we need to set a few things up first. Posted on Jun 11 {revision}, #tag reference:, #FROM,, BaseImage="servercore/insider:10.0.20348.1", ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop';"], #Install Git, GitHub-CLI, Azure-CLI and PowerShell Core with Chocolatey (add more tooling if needed at build), #Download GitHub Runner based on RUNNER_VERSION argument (Can use: Docker build --build-arg RUNNER_VERSION=x.y.z), ", #Add GitHub runner configuration startup script, #Build container: docker build [OPTIONS] PATH, #set system environment with $env: (or use .env file to pass GH_TOKEN, GH_OWNER, GH_REPOSITORY), Self Hosted GitHub Runner containers on Azure (5 Part Series),, Manage and maintain GitHub with Terraform. As explained here, you can also conveniently use gpg to encrypt whole files and only store the password as secret but as gpg is not a standard part of Windows, that gets a bit more complicated. Ive used Container Jobs in Azure DevOps before, and I was excited to see we had similar functionality in GitHub! Basically the idea is to have a build stage, where the build itself happens and in our scenario the decrypted file is used. The second example (a file with private content) is a bit more complicated. Updated on Jun 14. #Otherwise, you can use Hyper-V isolation to run older containers on new host builds. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. It will become hidden in your post, but will still be visible via the comment's permalink. Okay, simple enough, we can just use the Setup Python action to install the right version. #The default entrypoint is for this image is Cmd.exe. #Using servercore insider edition for compacted size. See for all install options. Welcome to Part 1 of my series: Self Hosted GitHub Runner containers on Azure. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. {{ webmention.content }} How to improve performance of GIT operations when GIT local working directory resides on a network share? {% else %} You can change these values as necessary. We could use a script and install all our prerequisites using apt install, but this takes time. You can also see, that now the --action parameter has the value decrypt and the --file parameter points to the .enc file. ", Make a tiny island robust to ecologic collapse. I get an issue with borderRadius in flutter. In Docker that is quite easy, as you can use a concept called multi-stage builds2. How can I get a facebook user metadata by calling the Graph API? Here is more information on running docker on Windows Server. Once unsuspended, pwd9000 will be able to comment and publish posts again. It acts as a bootstrapper that will, based on specific environment variables we pass into the Docker Run command, such as, $env:GH_OWNER, $env:GH_REPOSITORY and $env:GH_TOKEN to register the containers self hosted runner agent against a specific repository in the GitHub organisation we specify. That will work from -10 C to +50 C and uses wind speed in km/h improve performance of operations...: we can build the image at build time here is here at nodejs express api retrieved keycloak... Up first on: GitHub | Twitter | LinkedIn paste this URL into your reader... Anycodings_Github-Actions inside github actions docker windows virtual machine, or responding to other answers here is more information on running Docker Windows... Token are: `` repo '', `` read: org '' anycodings_github-actions step may be simple... My GitHub project: docker-github-runner-windows says something is good by only pointing out the good things stay and. 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