german wirehaired pointer duck hunting

The American Kennel Club (AKC) recognized the German Wirehaired Pointer in 1959, and the dog is popular in America for his hunting prowess. Check out for the history and info on the breed. Winter time, German Wirehaired Pointer Duck Stock Photos. 2022 The Orvis Company, Inc. required to hold birds when they several hundred yards away or out of sight from keep them within gun range for pheasants or forest grouse. It's easy! The Germans envisioned a dog that would hunt upland birds, waterfowl, hares, squirrels, foxes, wildcats, deer and boars. I avoid the word aggressiveness here only because of its negative connotation in America today, but some 19th-century Germans might have considered it a compliment. he is a hunting machine. he can handle geese very well on the retrieves. Does anyone hunt ducks with one of these dogs or maybe know of someone that does. Closely related to the German Shorthair Pointer, the German Wirehaired Pointer has wiry hair and a sturdier build. Our best dogs will stretch out several hundred yards, if needed, to find huns a couple minutes later he comes out with a dead rooster in his mouth that must have caught the golden BB I didn't even see it fall ! Great with strangers and other dogs so far.I have a buddy big into gun dogs and had a few german wirehairs .. One was good the other two had a switch and were aggressive with people and seen it first hand But that's my only experience with them. He is a machine when hunting and turns it off like a switch once told to. Wirehaired Pointer breed. Nahorn acknowledges (and applauds) the American divergence from German origins. Good luck with the new pup. This is desirable, since a dog that ranges farther and covers more ground is more likely to find game than a dog that is hunting close to the hunter. The dog gets dinged if it moves without a command. We feel that you can always take some out of essential to a great dog and will enable a dog to excel in the poorest scenting conditions. Comb his beard and mustache daily to remove food or dirt. Feel free to pm me. I never hunted with him, but that dog was hardwired for birds. We take delivery of a German short haired pointer pup on Jan 10 2021 ! Dogs with outstanding noses can also point birds from great distances which can Below German Wirehaired Pointers are prone toseparation anxietywhen left alone too long, so they should live indoors with you. Sign In or start your online account. He really shines on upland birds rock solid points great retrieves on land. I'm looking to have a dog i can train to track blood for personal use, duck hunt, shed hunt and maybe even some up land bird hunting. Complete access to a library of digital back issues spanning years of Gun Dog magazine. They have strong, lean legs and their gate is smooth and swift. If you arent happy with a product or service, we want to know about it. As a result of these differences, the VDD-GNA asserts that the GWP has become an altogether different breed from the original Deutsch Drahthaar (DD). 2022 Outdoor Sportsman Group. As a result, the genes of the GWP's ancestors were coded with a bit of back-alley, bare-knuckle toughness. Love 'em. lets hunt or go away !". Just love their personality. i paid 500.00 for mine 5 years ago and the price has increased over that time for a good quality pup. The breed was officially recognized in Germany in 1870, and came to the US in 1920. BobThanks for taking your time to write about what sounds like another great breed to put on my list. November 9, 2020 in Waterfowl / Bird Game. Why? A good friend says life is a series of dogs and will generally work mixed breeds ; less chance of hereditary diseases and MAY get a good mix of the breeds ? They all hunt upland and waterfowl quite well. flat-lying coat that is 3/4"-1 1/2" in length. Retrieve a duck, Hunting dog on the river during duck hunt. Dog pointing a trop. A dog's conformation is an important My other dog was wooly, like a GWP. But also doesn't mean that's how it always goes . Ps. Mine was sweet as could be - when I was around. Out Pheasant Hunting. Hunters on orange blaze. until your pup knows that you are his hunting buddy. While GWPs shed lightly, they do shed consistently year round. The original GWP incorporated elements of vastly different breed typesthe trainability of a bird dog and the relentless determination of a hound. Take this all with a grain of salt, as I have no retriever training experience what so ever. Hard to mis the excitement in the dog when he knows what were gonna be doing .Still working on "whoa" training as it seems yesterday he forgot what it was.Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-J327A using Lake Ontario United mobile app, Congrats dude. He retrieves great on land and in the water, he has great steadiness, hunts hard for upland (haven't been able to expose any live birds to point) but points everything in the yard, tacking deer like a pro (pretty easy tracks), very obedient. so on and so on. But always preferred drahthaarsSent from my SAMSUNG-SM-J327A using Lake Ontario United mobile app, For a tracking dog and all around pet i love my Blue lacy from Texas. Many of our dogs have made More saliently, they wanted a very particular kind of coat that protected the dog from heavy cover and cold water, but was also easy to maintain. go to navhda ( north american versitle hunting dog association) and see were your local chapter is and see if anyone has one , then you can go see them. Seemed like a good calm multi-purpose dog. GWPs have a strong prey drive and don't cohabit peacefully with other animals, including dogs, cats, rabbits, and hamsters. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United, Glad to see new postings ! Look at a Drahthaar.Versital hunting dog . Click Here to see videos of our GWPs in Action. GWPs have a lot of energy and should be supervised closely around young children so they don't knock them down accidentally. Pointing dogs have a very different style of hunting than spaniels or retrievers, which are "flushing" dogs. most beneficial to the dog in both the field and the water. However, Feazel said no Drahthaar is allowed to breed unless it demonstrates a quality he calls "mental stability" during evaluation. Great personality. San Antonio, TXph: (307) 751-7822alt: (605) We believe that in order to consistently produce the best dogs we also have to It was clear too us that she was born to hunt and point ! They are alert to any sounds and strangers approaching the house, and will bark to let their owners know if they sense a threat. I wish he was a bit more aggressive to strangers -I live in South Minneapolis and there are some unsavory characters. DEC Atlantic salmon stocking proposal MUST READ, Lake Ontario Charter Boat Association- General Meeting. This is desirable, since a dog that ranges farther and covers more ground is more likely to find game than a dog that is hunting close to the hunter. Our You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. I'll stop short of saying these two organizations are fierce opponents, but they certainly have differing aims. Socialization from an early age may help them accept cats and dogs as part of the family. have a 2 year old german wirehair Im really happy with. We certify all of our breeding stock as being Dirt easily brushes out of his coat. The hunter is waiting for the hunt to start and you can shoot. Trust your pointing dog to do their job when they are a long range, from you--when they find game, they will freeze into the classic. The breed is known to be aggressive with strange dogs, especially of the same sex. their ability to "turn it off" in the house. For Americans, "versatile" generally denotes a dog that does double-duty on upland birds and waterfowl. Feazel has hunted everything from sand grouse to raccoons, from Iowa to Namibiaall with Drahthaars. I would also check out Drathhars and Poodle Pointers as well they are both not recognized by the AKC breeds which in my opinion is a good thing rather than looks their standards are judged by strict genetic performance. Thanks for bringing up the thread ! Although relatively uncommon, hip dysplasia and The The GWPCA takes a more typically American approach to a parent club, in which membership is strictly voluntary and anyone is free to raise a litter of AKC registered wirehairs without the club's review or permission. Sent from my SM-G988U using Lake Ontario United mobile app. pps. However, there is no restrictive system of evaluation to ensure that only dogs conforming to that standard are allowed to reproduce. GWPs make exceptional watchdogs. versatile hunting dogs. You may be in for more homework (and in-person evaluation) if you think the German wirehair might be a better fit for you. GWPs that are from NAVHDA lines or DDs from the German testing programs will have no problem entering water or retreiving ducks. strong inherent abilities to hunt waterfowl in the harshest conditions that Nahorn feels the American adaptation is a better fit for most American hunters, especially those who primarily hunt upland birds. We prefer medium built dogs, longer than they are tall, GWPs are medium-sized dogs, agile and athletic with the endurance for long days in the field. It never ceased to amaze me what had been bred into him. Hunters approaching their hunting dog to flush a pheasant, Hunter with his dog in the early morning. a strong, bold search driven by the dog's burning desire to find birds. A well-bred wirehair should make an excellent waterfowl Hunter out with his dog hunting, Pheasant Hunting. They must also have a temperament suited for taking extensive training. The German shorthaired pointer is a female pup ; I could have the opportunity to cross her with a Nova Scotia duck toller which is very bright! "A beautiful hunting dog can win a show," said Nahorn, "but a strictly show dog might not hunt. You get out of a dog what you put into it " { again less 10 % who are hopeless and make good pets ! i have a german wire hair and love him. They would show aggression when confronted by non hunters which may work for home security otherwise I wonder what you expect from a dog ? The Germans recognized in order to retrieve game, the dog might need to kill it first. Awesome pup. German wirehaired pointer swim to retrieve a duck, German wirehaired pointer swim in river. temperament flaws. Clean his ears with a dog-friendly cleanser once a week, and trim his toenails once a month to avoid cracking. As one of Americas oldest catalog companies, our printed catalog is still a great way to shop quality Orvis products. retrievers in the marsh. Hunting season. I'LL 2ND the drahthaars, great nose and unbelievable game drive.I use mine on rivers,creeks,and marshes, but would be afraid to put him out on seaducks in the open bay. It is the job of the dog to find whatever game is in the area you are hunting, point that game, and then find and retrieve it if you shoot it.Trust your pointing dog to do their job when they are a long range from you--when they find game, they will freeze into the classic"point" and will wait for you to come and shoot the game for them. Summer time, The hunting young dog retriver German Wirehaired Pointer. hunted hard on upland game and waterfowl, undergo a strict training and German Wirehaired Pointers are smart, energetic, and eager-to-please dogs who need to stay busy so they don't resort to destructive behaviors when they are bored. I also agree that they can be a bit aggressive towards strangers. The original German breeders had a much broader vision of versatility than we have in America. Today's DD breeders don't register their dogs as German wirehaired pointers with the AKC. Several types of dogs contributed to the ancestry of today's German wirehaired pointer (GWP). They are boisterous and may knock things over in their exuberance, especially when they are puppies. Remember it is just a baby, and even though the pup has a lot of natural instinct, it still needs to learn what hunting and game are all about. A long drive but going to be worth it! At Bone Point Kennels our goal is to produce high-caliber versatile gun dogs a couple things about them, they are stuborn, you will need to put your time into training with him. Gunnar as over achieved more then I could have ever expected for just turning 8 months. Get the top Gun Dog articles delivered right to your inbox. And breeding is not allowed if the dog fails the evaluations. We prefer confident dogs with stable, We prefer males 58-63 lbs and females 50-60 lbs. Pic below is my 12 year-old after a hunt for state birds. All Gun Dog subscribers now have digital access to their magazine content. Of course, hound blood brings something else with it besides determinationwhat I call "ground-orientation." bullet-proof temperaments. The German Wirehaired Pointer requires a lot of exercise. breed's most distinct feature. A process of hunting during, Hunting season, pheasant hunting. Remember it is just a baby, and even though the pup has, a lot of natural instinct, it still needs to learn what hunting, and game are all about. The GWP requires extensive socialization. Not sure that all of them fall into that category but then again maybe they do? Heck, he retrieved those before I even got a shot over him myself! Here's a few pics from the last few weeks. German Wirehaired Pointers are also known as Drahthaars, or go by the initials GWP. Horizontal, Hunting season, pheasant hunting. To get started, click the link below to visit and learn how to access your digital magazine. that can compete with the field specialists in the uplands and with the shorter life-spans, cancer, hip and elbow dysplasia, seizures, bloat, autoimmune To appreciate what all the fuss is about, and determine which breed is best for you, it helps to understand the history. The German Wirehaired Pointer is built to hunt from dawn until dusk, so the breed has the stamina for long training sessions or runs. Wired for versatility, this sturdy and respected line has diverged into two distinct breeds heading in vastly different directions. *Exclusions apply. Many people may in fact choose to believe it's a good thing, because it opens the door for variety within the breed, in order to suit the varying tastes of different buyers. The breed eventually followed German immigrants and American servicemen to the U.S., where the "German wirehaired pointer" was first recognized by the AKC in 1959. We prefer a dense, harsh, "I would not say they're aggressive, but they're not golden retrievers. With patient behavior training, your GWP can stay home alone for a few hours at a time, but will become bored if you leave him longer. I know I asked about this a while back now, but just wanted to update since we are two weeks away from getting our Wirehaired Pointing Griffon!!! "There is some truth to the notion that the original German dogs are very tough and self-confident," said Feazel. German Wirehaired Pointer Club of America (GWPCA), Verein Deutsch Drahthaar Group North America (VDD-GNA), North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association (NAVHDA), Receive (6) 120-page magazines filled with the best dog training advice from expert trainers. He is best for experienced dog owners with active lifestyles. We like athletic dogs that are build to run. "I like to see a puppy that is calm when I pick it up, and busy but not hyperactive when I put it on the ground," said Nahorn. Their brown eyes have an alert expression and their faces are distinguished by longer hair on the muzzle that makes it look bearded. By contrast, the VDD-GNA is a much more closed system, operating and enforcing its own registry. of a all trades' it does not have to be a 'master of none'. { We have a large yard enclosed on a creek . Shy, sensitive or aggressive dogs all have As a result they leave pet dander in your home, the most common cause of pet related allergies. Consequently, they wanted a dog with the requisite resolve to track, locate and, in some cases, dispatch game. A pointing dog should typically range at least 100 yards away from the hunter in a quartering manner, and many times, they will work much farther from the hunter in big open country. Clearly these dogs take a lot of work and if anyone wants a good field dog you have to start YOUR training with a puppy ! When hes hunting he all business. what you can expect from a Bone Point puppy. And, for the record, I suspect it might indeed be the better fit for many readers of this magazine. in an effortless manner. The pup may want to chase game at first, but it will quickly learn to point game, and that you're the guy who's going to shoot game for them! be an asset when hunting late season, wary birds. Though generally healthy, the German Wirehaired Pointer may be prone to some breed-specific health concerns, including: You can minimize serious health concerns in a German Wirehaired Pointer by purchasing from a reputable breeder who engages in responsible breeding practices, and through screening for common diseases and conditions. "There's no question that the Deutsch Drahthaar is the original breed," admits GWPCA member and German wirehair breeder Janet Nahorn from Oconomowoc, Wis. She has been raising AKC-registered GWPs at her Mason Creek kennel for 28 years. Love to get them together this summer. hypothyroidism are two of the most common health problems in the German I will agree to most that is said here and also disagree with some. Birds was what he lived for. Although Nahorn has titled dogs in bench shows, she urges hunters to focus first on hunting ability and then on looks. The hunting young dog retriver German Wirehaired Pointer ( Drahthaar ) felt a partridge in a grass, A process of hunting during hunting season, process of quail hunting, drathaar, german wirehaired pointer dog. They are pheasant machines!Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk. Their coat repels water and protects them against thick underbrush on the hunt. Just today he had shown me at least six areas where the pheasants were earlier, just none that were currently beating their wings. He shouldn't live outside, however, because he is prone to separation anxiety. Feazel owned several other breeds before settling on the Drahthaar 25 years ago. make great family dogs. Exclusive bird dog training videos presented by Gun Dog experts. Sent from my SM-N975U using Lake Ontario United mobile app. They are excellent swimmers and one of their favorite activities is jumping into the water to retrieve a hunting dog training dog toy or stick. utility duck search. We feel that just because this breed is a 'jack Bill would bring him over if we were having trouble finding birds in the weeds. Breeds in the crossbreeding mix include the German Shorthair Pointer, Pudelpointer, Griffon, and the Polish Water Dog. The head is liver, and may have a white blaze marking. Apartment living is difficult with a GWP, unless you can take him outside often. Mental stability is one of the most important aspects to breeding great Hunting dog. Sign up for a new account in our community. Though called a pointer, GWPs were painstakingly developed in Germany in the 1800s as versatile hunting dogs adept at scenting, pointing, and retrieving on land or in the water. I have friends with Griffons and they are great dogs. or start your online account, Already a subscriber? Gun Dog Premium is the go-to choice for sporting dog owners and upland hunting enthusiasts. If your dog is hunting too close to you, they won't find any game you wouldn't have found by yourself, without a dog! Foxes, wildcats and boars are no pushovers when cornered. The strongest and healthiest dogs live long, happy Socializing German Wirehaired Pointersto be calm around children is important. Navhda lines or DDs from the German Wirehaired Pointer has wiry hair and a build. These dogs or maybe know of someone that does which are `` flushing ''.. 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