The problem turned out to be that I actually had two kube config files. With the release of Docker v19.03, a new docker context CLI was introduced for the first time. The docker context command makes it easy to export and import contexts on different machines with the Docker client installed. You can use the docker context export command to export an existing context to a file. docker context use remote-host docker-context-update - Update a context. Not sure if this has been fixed. Sorted by: 1. Source repo for Docker's Documentation. Synopsis. Import a context from a tar or zip file. The new releases of Dockerfile 1.4 and Buildx v0.8+ come with the ability to define multiple build contexts. docker-context-update - Man Page. Display detailed information on one or more contexts. Refer to the docker context update reference for details. docker context inspect. A context is a combination of several properties. docker-context-update - Update a context. SYNOPSIS. Pages related to docker-context-update. We now have two environments that can be used instead of Docker Desktop: minikube and multipass. Contribute to docker/docker-ce development by creating an account on GitHub. Update a context. Updating, or creating a context works for the current set of options, but likely doesn't scale well if there's many new options are to be added; at some point, people will have to resort to scripts to update, or create a context (docker context update --docker foo=bar,bar=baz --kubernetes foo=bar,bar=baz). Lets now create a context for multipass, and set it as the default. Lets look at why its useful and how you can leverage it in your build pipelines. $ docker context use default # back to default $ docker context rm my-remote-docker-machine my-remote-docker-machine Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode Provided by: docker.io_20.10.7-0ubuntu5_amd64 NAME docker-context-update - Update a context SYNOPSIS docker context update [OPTIONS] CONTEXT DESCRIPTION Update a context Docker endpoint config: NAME DESCRIPTION from Copy named context's Docker endpoint configuration host Docker endpoint on which to connect ca Trust certs signed only by docker context update [OPTIONS] CONTEXT. Note: you would require to restart the docker service followed with this change. Extended description. This increases efficiency by reducing the amount of redundant data passed to the Docker daemon. docker context import. docker context update [OPTIONS] CONTEXT. This means you can use files from different local directories as part of your build. Docker endpoint config: NAME DESCRIPTION from Copy named context's Docker endpoint configuration host Docker endpoint on which to connect ca Trust certs signed only by this CA cert Path to TLS certificate file key Path to TLS key file skip-tls DESCRIPTION. Exports a context in a file that can then be used with docker context import (or with kubectl if --kubeconfig is set). Update a context. Docker and Kubernetes endpoints configurations, as well as default stack orchestrator and description can be modified with docker context update. docker context export. To export to STDOUT, you can run docker context export my-context -.. Options SYNOPSIS. docker context create. Pass the name of the context that you want to activate. The change points to the private registry is installed in your local network. DOCKER(1) DOCKER(1) NAME docker-context-update - Update a context SYNOPSIS docker context update [OPTIONS] CONTEXT DESCRIPTION Update a context Docker endpoint config: NAME DESCRIPTION from Copy named context's Docker endpoint configuration host Docker endpoint on which to connect ca Trust certs signed only by this CA cert Path to TLS certificate Create a context. docker-context-use (1) - Set the current docker context; docker-context-create (1) - Create a context; docker-context-export (1) - Export a context to a tar or kubeconfig file; docker-context-import (1) - WSL also had one, at ~/.kube/config. You can omit items from the build context by creating a .dockerignore file. Description. Check the contents of the export file. This file can be imported on another host using docker context import. The target host must have the Docker client installed. You can verify that the context was imported with docker context ls. The format of the import command is docker context import