brown bullmastiff cross staffy

they only act like that because of there owner. We were kind of shocked and worried. Actual pit bulls weren't bred for looks so you can't say it's a pit just by the way it looks. As a breed, however, pit bulls do have a tendency to be aggressive. I've encountered hundreds of dogs in my five decades of life. great w the kids awesome protetctor and he has became a part of our lives a great addition to our home. Some are more a fan of people than dogs. It is important to remember that, while proper socialization, responsible ownership, and training can do much to improve the temperaments of these dogs, not all aggression is acquired. Something needs to be done about it. I have a Catahoula Leopard and a Staffordshire Bull Terrier. @Doreen C There's no such thing as "bad dogs". The olde English bulldogge, while similar to the pit bull and sharing a lineage, is a very distinct and different breed that is generally thicker, with a larger head and a shorter, trademark bulldog muzzle. I used to not like doberman pinschers because they were always portrayed as aggressive guard dogs on TV. My husband is disabled and elderly. I'vehad them aroundmy children & now mygrandchildren. It's a shame that bad owners and in-breeding has caused this breed to assume a bad reputation. They play and cuddle and sleep together. After we attended dog obedience training together and me taking him to PetSmart every Friday to socialize him, he went from being terrified of humans to loving them. This breed was created in the 1970s with foundation dogs that were English bulldog and bullmastiff, American pit bull terrier, and American bulldog (breeds that all have the old bulldog in their lineage). The Cane Corso (pronounced kah-nay kor-so) is another very large breed. This probably adds to confusion with the pit bull, as many people have not seen boxers of any color other than fawn. Author of article, little shaman, what expertise do you possess on dog breeds, or is this just your( and many peoples opinion. i think pit bulls are very misunderstood breed i think that they can be okay with us. Owners are the main problem. I socialized him so he plays with other dogs too. People & doge left untrained & no experience all become nasty and Misunderstood. great with our small grandkids, other dogs, neighbors, very obedient, loyal, smart, easy to train and beautiful to look at---getting a lot of comments on our local walking trail. is there a 'term' or name people use to replace the generalized term pit bull..??? Aggression toward humans and other animals can be problematic if he is not socialized properly. It's about time that pits lose their stigma and get the respect they deserve. At least they are excepted by akc now not just adba. Amy being what she is, is a 52kilos of love and is 8years old in August. This is a respected breed that thrives in pulling competitions, therapy work, and obedience competitions. I'm 43 years old and have had pits for 43 years. Hes about 110lb, I have a lot of favourite dog breeds (Most of them are huge, I love big dogs) but whenever someone asks what my favourite is I just say pit bull cause even though I can't really decide a full favourite, pit bulls are a real special breed to me and I really wish people would stop judging them without ever once sitting down on a couch with a damn pit bull, they are so snuggly (But also crazy energetic, Im looking for a pitbull boxer mix male puppy i live in new jersey. They are a great choice for people looking for a very active breed they can hike, camp, climb, and work outdoors with. I miss her and I hope she is waiting for me when I pass on. Excellent article!!! Her one draw back is she is highly protective of our front porch.& she tend to be a little rough playing with our other dog. Pits are the only ones that seem to make the news though. He is a Border Collie mix who was easily enough subdued before he could rip off my check and nose (because I was in-tune enough to know what was potentially coming). He is friendly towards everyone and every dog who walks by our house, but most people walking their dog seem to be very cautious whenever they pass by our house! Both were Texas rescues, where overpopulation, is a real problem due to failure of owners to spay or neuter. The American pit bull we know and love today was created in part from this breed, as were a few others like the Black Mouth Cur and the Catahoula leopard dog. They are in a `pit`(or in the woods) fighting, w/ limbs hanging, ears dangling, noses chewed off & have to tolerate handling from the referees & the owner when the round is through. I own a purebred American Pitbull Terrier (with papers) and he does not show aggression toward other dogs or animals because he was properly trained. Bcuz it all falls bk to the OWNERS RAISING THE BREED PROPERLY. They were however, specifically bred not to be human aggressive. Paul you are wrong. I am so glad I did! Because most APBTs exhibit *some level of dog aggression* and because of its powerful physique, the APBT *requires an owner who will carefully socialize and obedience train* the dog. She has caused injury to smaller dogs as far as puncturing bites to cause bleeding, and now sending our another god to the vet with eye injury! My boy is curled up on his chair next to me now. Its common sense! The cat was subsequently euthanized for the attack, and the toy poodle nearly cost me my right foot. Sweet Gracie was absolutely the gentlest, most loving loyal dog I ever had. causing a very high stray, and fostered dog population. She is great with children but can be stubborn and protective. He requires a somewhat special method of training because of his intelligence (he dislikes repetitive tasks) and requires a firm hand due to his size. The bullmastiff is often confused for other breeds, including the pit bull. It then graduates to chickens or small animals tied to a tree. To Sherae Drake, I've been running a daycare for about 18 years. In a 10 minute read!!! When I was a child , I lived in a trailor park. Both are family dogs and as sweet as can be, MOST of the time. The bull terrier has a very distinct appearance, with an egg-shaped skull and triangular eyes, both of which are exclusive to the breed. It's passed down from previous generations. I am getting older now and all three of my dogs think they are lap dogs. It is not in their nature to fight, and, sadly, many actually end up being used as bait dogs, and are killed because they naturally resist fighting! Pit bulls always make up a large portion of dog attacks that occur each year. Since he found his furry soul mate his blood pressure is much better & he's had only 1 small A-Fib attack.She keeps him CALM. They've had a really rough deal. Hes been attacked way too many times and yet hes never retaliated. Pitbulls all day long keep the breed alive. German Shepherds train by the police department to bite people and purpose get a better rap then my bull terrier companion dog who is trying not to bite. He comes in two types: standard and bully, with the bully type being stockier with a shorter muzzle. He is very easily distinguished from the American pit bull because of these unique features. Ive a cane Corso Pitbull mix. Once she has her shots then take her to puppy class and go from there. we had an instant connection so he joined us. And have the dog trained after; they are super smart & love new challenges. They all go outside and stay in the yard and come back when told too. I am aware that individual pit bulls can be good, non-aggressive pets. They were bred to NOT be aggressive towards humans. With the chihuahua mixes, they were atrocious whenever anyone came by. I have an American Pitbull Terrier her name is Lady Marie and she is ten years old. You will also get to see how they are with other dogs in a classroom setting. When was the last time you read about someone being attacked by a a Fox Terrier, or other dog under 25 pounds? They have all been around countless other dogs, children, and adults. And it really pisses me off to hear how ignorant some ppl can be about any breed of pittbulls. She is showing and active aggressiveness toward my smaller dogs. I have a 6 month old puppy, she is an American Bulldog, Boxer, Blue Nose Pitbull, and Akita mix- all of which are very misunderstood breeds. We have had 2 English Bull Mastiff cross Great Danes for that were the biggest soppiest most gentle loyal dogs you could come across and had good long lives, not leaving this mortal coil u til they were 13years old and both were 77kilos sobig boys. So is it a pit bull or isnt it? You may have never heard of this breed, but it is an old breed, surviving since the 1800s in isolated places in the South until 1979 when it was resurrected with a passion. The rescue place told us that we can return him if we want to. She will learn this at a DP. I am suppose too have a blue pit she's mostly white. I just lost my gottiline pit she was the best thing in my life. I have people that are afraid of my boy because he's so big & he "talks". There's dogs but l but more people then pitbulls and are much more annoying. Anyone saying it's all in how you raise them is sadly mistaken. He had been severely abused by terrible people. Tall and proud, she can weigh up to 80 pounds and is often recognized by her fawn-colored coat. Take care everyone. Dont get me wrong everyone, opinions are like a**holes and everybody has one..only some are bigger than others. The American bulldog is an accomplished hunting and sport dog and a favorite in the show ring. lap dog). Do you, perhaps work with akc? Tommi Grace from Woodward on March 12, 2019: I adopted a Dogo Argentino some years ago. Sadly, she passed, at the age of 15+, due to inoperable cancer. What can I do. I trust my pit's instincts, they haven't been wrong yet. Then, to dogs its own size, whether it is in a `pit, or a backyard. He lets me know when he's got a concern. A super-athlete bred for hunting wild boar, killing mountain lions, and protecting her human to the death, the Dogo is a fierce hunter and a brave guardian, excellent for use in military and police applications. So fuck yes, they are seriously misunderstood! You only get out what you put in. Anything happens to her, I'm leaving the country! the Staffordshire bull terrier (or Staffy), lower-than-average aggression toward humans. They fight for the owners love & `treats` the same way they `sit` for treats. SinDelle runs the Georgia Herb & Egg Co. on her homestead in Dublin, GA. He moved back from his bowl and watched her eat. I eventually had to purchase supplemental insurance so I could keep my family members (yes my dogs are members of the family). The other two both resulted in antibiotic treatment. If you get too close to me or I sound an alarm, you may lose an appendage. We will clear up some of the confusion by identifying the top 10 breeds that are mistaken for pit bulls. My male 8 yr old named Buddy and my 6 month old female named Lola (a.k.a ) "lou-lou" are very lovable pets and its all in the owner raising them as loving lil family members. But then Gogo has always been such a sweet, loving puppy, we decided to keep him. In fact, I can't say I've ever met an aggressive pit ever in the years I worked as a veterinarian technician, the ones I had the pleasure of working with were the sweetest creatures that just wanted to cuddle and lick you to death! He started being aggressive they finally had to give him to a rescue. I've been the responsible friend and custodian to a 110# Purebred American Pit Bull, a 90# American Bulldog, and a 50# Pit Bull 'Pocket Pittie' mix. The biggest problem I've EVER had with any of them would be the feather pillow "fight" they had a year ago, & what we came home to today. In my experience and opinion, it is rarely a matter of genes, but (like Cesar says) a matter of responsible owners able to make the time to instill in a subordinate species Rules, Boundaries, and Limitations. The media plays a huge part in influencing the minds of all of us unfortunately, and it's usually hugely wrong. A fashion accessory for their back to front cap, and trousers around their knees. I think it is bad to claim ALL put bulls are bad and ALL dogs similar are bad I have a American bulldog who came into my home age 1 1/2 years and my granddaughter 2 and he loved her from the first moment she hugged him and they played all the time. me and my girlfriend Kate adopted (rescued) HULK An American bully 14 months old. Some are trained to kill people, especially those dogs used to guard meth labs & crack cocaine houses. If you love dogs, you gotta own one or more of these at some point. Shes prone to mischief such as excessive barking, chewing, and other nuisance behaviors if she is not exercised enough. Loves to play . We have trained him to stay within our property line and not venture into the street. In October, 2017 we adopted Gogo (10 weeks old) from a rescue organization and was told he was a labrador and springer spaniel mix. He had to be put down. The person feeding them! He was also mean she was told by her parents never to bring him to their house again. The pit bull is also much smaller, with very different physical features. I DON`T CARE HOW BIG YOUR BACKYARD IS!! So gentle and all the kids on our estate love her and she gets very drag arsed if she doesn't see her humans. No aggression at all with people, he just idolises kids, and has shown no unwanted tendencies toward other dogs. What About the American Staffordshire Terrier? This is just my experience with a variety of breeds and many may disagree, but I do know for a fact, ANY dog can be dangerous if not properly socialized and trained, and ANY breed of dog can cause harm to people or animals. Now he is almost 10 months old and still the same sweet, loving dog. To show they arent and aggressive dog, that theyre a lover, not a fighter? Actually, more people are treated, each year, in ER's for attacks by small, and "toy" breeds, than larger dogs cause larger injuries, so get the media attention. Thank you for all the amazing facts about our new family member Dilema, she's a mastiff-pit bull and we just love her . i think dogs attack not because they hate whats infront of them, because they love whats behind them. He is powerful and formidable, making him a great choice for activities such as pulling carts, which he greatly enjoys. They actually whined for an hour! This breed does very well in performance events because of its high level of intelligence and its willingness to work.". I have a xl bully american pit and shes a big baby. German Shepard which in sorry but they are very hard to trust and also by a lab but the worst of them all are the toy breeds. When I watch TV, he sleeps on my lap. An absolutely wonderful dog in every respect. Pitbulls are the most misunderstood animals in the world!! The majority of the general public (80%-90%) does not own a pit bull, but a mislabeled mutt instead. I have a American pit bull terrier one of the most protective dog I had since my Doberman he is great with kids and is very loyal to me and my wife .don't judge all pits because it's how you raise them I never wanted one until now I LOVE my castor troy. He was also, often, mistaken for a "pitty." All in the house. My homeowner insurance did not list the Dogo as a non-covered dog; however, it did list my Am Staff Terrier as non-covered. You can check online. I just choose to be open minded about all breeds of animals better known as wonderful lil family members I would rather read up on things than to listen to hear say. It's not the dog, it's how the dog was brought up and treated. I see Pit Bulls find homes almost everyday from our no kill shelter. They worried about the grandchildren. Lol! They are now three months old. I've been attacked twice. I have had my boy Mack for 2 months. Humans cut their ears off, overbreed them, make them fight, And yet their the bad ones, their the ones we fear? Adopted a rescue Pitt bull. Out of nowhere one night we were laying in bed watching TV. The true American pit bull terrier is people-friendly to a fault and weighs no more than 60 pounds at the absolute largest. There is so much controversy these days about pit bulls. They gave the dog back and he did go to a home. Had to choke her with her collar to stop her. A fairly new breed that originated in Argentina and still largely resides there, these dogs are relatively rare in this country but they are growing in popularity due to their stamina, loyalty, and exceptionally beautiful appearance. If they were, they would be eliminated on the spot as in electrocution, hanging, drowningplease do your reading on this breed & get an education instead of getting information from your next door neighbor or the media. Why cant Cities, Counties or States have some kind of a test for ALL DOGS to go through, to show how tolerant and wonderfully behaved theyre? I often look into his gentle eyes and ask him "how can you ever be mean!?". As a terrier, he has a highly-developed prey drive and has been known to kill smaller animals if they challenge or harass him too much. BTW, I have 4. He is a breed that needs no training in protection; he will react on instinct to any threat which presents itself. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners.

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