basset hound cross cocker spaniel

Although they have a laidback character this can be a disadvantage when it comes to training, as they may not to bother to obey. This group originated in Spain, where they were broadly divided into land and water dogs, and then further diverged to create the distinctive spaniel breeds we know today. With entropion, the eyelids curl inwards, pressing eyelashes against the cornea; whilst ectropion refers to droopy eyelids which allow the surface of the eye to dry out. It could look like a lot of different things, it could look like a basset, it could look like a pit, What Is The Best Food To Feed Your Basset Hound? Seborrhoea can be controlled, rather than cured, with the use of medicated shampoos and dietary supplements to improve skin condition. In 1892, the British Kennel Club recognised the cocker spaniel. She was superior to a pure bred in many aspects. They use their huge ears to direct scent into their nose for hunting hares, rabbits and badgers. We have a hound cockier spaniel cross he is an escape artist, we stopped him from digging most of the time but now he has figured out how to climb over the fence. Pray everyday. Behaviour-wise you could get anything from hunting (hound) to flushing and retrieving (spaniel). My Dog May Have Eaten A Suboxone Pill. Their barking to demonstrate their dislike for loneliness may risk upsetting the neighbours. Regular combing helps avoid this, paying special attention to areas where fur rubs against fur, such as behind the ears, armpits and groin. However, it is reasonable to look at the conditions linked to the parent breeds and assume they may show up in their pups. Although easy-going, they can be so laidback as to appear stubborn and may be distracted by scents. Some people put cutsie (or so they think) names to some mixes so that they are able to charge big bucks for the pups, but they are basically just mutts. If the skin becomes infected then a course of antibiotics may be required. This is a dog that likes the sound of their own voice, so be prepared for a sound reactive dog that likes to bark or howl at the drop of a hat. the cross is called a hush basset. Coat colours include tri-colour, ruby, or roan, with or without white patches. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Hopefully the owner of the female will not be responsible and have the female spayed. Here you'll find all collections you've created before. He was gold and had floppy ears with curved front feet. He would climb ladders and log piles when he was younger. They share common ancestry with the Springer Spaniel, with the two breeds diverging around the 1870s. The Hush Basset, also known as the Cocker Basset, is a hybrid dog breed that is a cross between the Cocker Spaniel and Basset Hound. Here are some related questions which you might be interested in reading. Also, they have sufficient bulk that they cant be forced to move if they dont wish to, which means finding the right motivation for training is the difference between success and failure. Would anyone who has a PHD be the smartest person on Earth? I have a 15 week old basset crossed with a cocker spaniel her name is lulu and i have to say she is a model pup apart from a little mouthing she is great house trained in a week to ask to go outside sleeps downstairs with no ruined anything in the morning. He thinks he is a person not a dog. Those dogs that take after the Cocker, have a longer, silky coat, prone to knots or matts. By 1882, the British Kennel Club accepted the breed. After the upheaval of the French Revolution, this hounds ability to follow scents made them popular with French peasants, as a scent hound they could keep pace with on foot. Left untreated they develop a dry, sparse coat, and sometimes have a tragic facial expression due to mild fluid retention of the face. Just lost with ideas on what to do. Those Hush Bassets with a greasy skin, require regular bathing with a medicated shampoo. Yes. What If You Already Entered The Wrong PUK Code? The cocker/basset mix is known as a Hush Bassetthe name comes from the Hush Puppies logothey are a lovely breed, My cockier and bass mix is 8 months the sweetest dog he loves people most is getting used to dog his sister lives near we just found out and they meet at the park last week and went straight for each other it was great they both have singular behavior gina. I have a basset hound / springer spaniel mix and she is owned by her nose. Indeed, playing fetch or similar, allows them to stretch their legs but stop when fatigued. Is It Better To Do The Right Thing Or The Smart Thing? Great personality! In 1875, Sir Everett Millais imported a Bassett Hound from France to England where he started a breeding program. Loves to eat and play. At 12 he is still going strong and I love him so much!!!! She is led my her nose as it is always to the ground and she buries every toy she gets her paws on. Exercising off the lead is a good idea, as this gives them a chance to sniff and explore at their own pace. These dogs lack energy, feel the cold, and gain weight. The Hush Bassets deep chest makes them prone to twisting of the stomach, a condition known as bloat. But all this said, the Hush Basset makes a great family dog that gets along with other pets. Those large sad-looking puppy eyes will attract loads of love and attention from everyone in the family. I have a 10 month old basset hound/ cocker spaniel mix named Sofia. In the 1860s, the distinctive St Huberts hound was brought to England as a gift to an aristocrat, Lord Galway. I have a 6 month Hush Basset Hound, she is wonderful! Could be 5 pounds or 55 pounds or anywhere What Does A Cocker Spaniel Mix With Chow Look Like? Copyright 2016 - 2019 - Privacy | Authors. He is the best dog in the whole wide world. Mixed Breed Dogs. Many causes require corrective surgery to make the dog comfortable. However my rottweiler / german shephard mix has had non-stop ear problems since she was 6 months old and this is 7 years later. Those pups that are a true mix will be a long, low, heavy set dog, with sturdy bones, short legs, and a barrel-like chest. I have one they are very smart but arrogant deffo need training and on going they sniff round and run off down any rat fox or badger run which I'm working on mine was a mistake on his mum and dads part but for you guys who have kennal reg on both breeds you may be able to reg the pups but they are very very inquisitive and very very vocal and drool like mad and howl as pups and through out hope this helps but I'm still learning my self and if they don't want to do it THEY WONT ! The Bone Down The Center Of My Leg Has A Hard Knot What Is That? Another potential drawback is a coat that sheds heavily. Ultimate Pet Choice Guide Dog or Cat: Which is right An Ultimate Guide to Take Care of Your Injured Dog, 12 Reasons Why You Should Never Own Labradors, 10 Reasons Why You Should Never Own Golden Retrievers, 15 Reasons Why You Should Never Own Dachshunds. To reduce the risk of bloat its essential to feed a good quality food, have the dog to eat slowly, and always rest the dog for at least one hour after eating. Norfolk Dog Photographers Jim & Karl, had the pleasure to meet Baxter, a really friendly Spaniel Basset Hound mix with really sad-looking puppy eyes. I would like to get a similar dog but have found it very difficult. Does anyone know what could be going on? Cocker Spaniels were also bred to hunt small animals and they used to be experts. Retesting is required from time to time, to ensure the dose is correct. He Is About 75lbs At Is Crying And Moving Slowly. She is so happy a lovable and i have to say you need to give alot of love and reasurance as the HUSH BASSET is a very emotional breed she will be a lovely addition to any familey they love people. He was a great protector as he would sound to anyone entering the driveway and had kept much larger dogs away from our home numerous times. My family has owned a cocker basset mixed mutt up till two days ago he was almost17 years old. This seemsa ppropriate as both breeders are trying to make a living. There is no recognized breed standard for miniature American/English cocker spaniel's. Ask a Question. Despite a doleful expression these are happy dogs that love being with people and other animals.<---- like that >>Use google<< What Does A Brindle Pitbull And Basset Hound Mix Look Like? Both Basset Hounds and Cocker Spaniels are prone to greasy skin. Great dog, emotional, outspoken, and both lazy and outgoing all at the same time. I also hope that you will be responsible and spay/neuter your pups. Since it's a mix breed there really isn't any way to tell. Please and thank you? She is a wonderful dog, very affectionate but incredibly independent. I think a good female basset hound name would be Ruby. All things about dogs. These conditions relate to the eyelids. They like to use their intuitive and follow scents, which can make them deaf to their human's cues. He was a good rabbit dog as he had an awesome nose. They do require regular daily exercise, but wont cope well with long walks. In a litter of Hush Bassets, some pups will take after one or other of the parents, whilst some will be a blend of both. Although frequent vet visit and medicine were try'd it was it was time for him to go to dog heaven. You can get a wonderful mixed breed dog from a shelter/rescue, there is no need to buy one and fund someone's pocket for acting irresponsibly. The American Cocker Spaniel comes in three different colours i.e. This cross does not have a specific name. A happy dog that will demonstrate their happiness with excessive wagging of their tail. She is also an escape artist and will flee the yard at any given opportunity. This sight will answer just about all your questions. The Basset Hound originated in France when 16th century monks needed a dog to hunt rabbits. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Enter your account data and we will send you a link to reset your password. Many are low set with an elongated body, droopy features and large ears so they look very much like a Bassett Hound but their build is slightly more than a traditional Bassett Hound, thanks to the traits of the Cocker Spaniel parent. This painful condition requires rest and pain relief, sometimes for several weeks. He does lots of tricks and will do as he is told if only several feet away but anymore than 6 ft away he does run off we had Hunter for 2 years and tried everything to stop his bad habit to no avail. Their shorter legs mean they tire easily, and although the Hush Basset needs daily exercise, you wont have to walk too far. We have 3 acres so he has plenty of room and doesn't need to run off. Hopefully these pups you are getting are not from a purposely bred litter. How Long After Discharge Should My Dog Go Into Labor? If you have a family, then this breed will provide oodles of affection and friendliness. A Veterinarian's Review of the Raw Diet for Dogs, Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome, Doggy Dental Care How to Keep a Dogs Teeth in Good Condition, Travel Vaccinations & Preparing Your Dog for Foreign Travel. There is no name for puppies born to different breeds. Their coat is short to medium length, tending towards the silky. I have a basset hound cocker spaniel mix for 12 years now named Jack. The Bassett Hound was originally bred in France in the early 1500s for hunting. In Other Words Is The Runt Or Small One Of The Litter Considered To Be A Toy Or Miniature Cocker Spaniel Puppy? The latter then crossed the dog with Beagles and Bloodhounds to produce a dog recognisable as the modern day Basset. Hypothyroidism, or underactive thyroid glands, means affected dogs have a sluggish metabolism. What Does The American Cocker Spaniel Look Like? It takes several generations of statistics to assemble reliable information about breed-related health disorders. The long, low back of the Basset Hound makes them a martyr to slipped discs. 2022, Learning Amazing Pet Compatibility Through Astrology, Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko: Maintenance & Care, Mediterranean House Gecko: Maintenance & Care, How to Start a Pet Grooming Business: Step-By-Step Guide, Double Dog Dare: Steps to Take After Suffering From A Canine Bite, 8 Essential Tips to know when Hiking With Your Dog, How Languages Influence Career and shopping, Advantages of Veterinary Housecalls, Over a Clinic Visit for a Pet, 6 Characteristics Of The Best Cat Harnesses. This makes for a sturdy, medium-sized dog that is longer than they are tall. To avoid a maelstrom of shed hair, the Hush Basset owner is advised to brush their pet daily with a slicker or deshedding tool. I have a 9yr old black lab / basset hound mix, lost feeling in his hind legs, drinks water and wont eat. The latter are designed to remove the grease (which reduces the chance of infection) without over drying the skin. Her biggest fault is that she jumps on everyone that enters the house and I have had a very difficult time breaking her of the habit even with tips from the "dog wisperer" Her ears also need to be cleaned on a regular basis but they are the cutest, floppiest things I have ever seen and is probably the only reason that people let her get away with her continuously jumping on them. The worst affected dogs may lose sensation in their legs, which is an emergency that require urgent surgery to remove the extruded disc material from the spinal cord. The sturdiness and short legs of the Hush Basset mean they tire easily on walks. As well as not looking their best, this predisposes the dogs prone to yeast infections, which make them itchy and scratchy. Can astrology help parenting? The Basset Hound Cocker Spaniel mix is a new breed with a fairly short history, unlike its parents. He has had the seizures all his life,but are more often now. Sounds like kidney or liver failure sorry to tell you take it to a vet What Temperature Is To Cold For Bassett Hound To Be Outside? He was a male and was neutered when we first got him. I feed Innova, green bag, and many of the Natura products are usually in the 'best dog foods' lists (different My cocker spaniel -beagle mix is having seizures and is panting heavy and coughing. Both conditions cause discomfort, which can range from mild to severe depending on how badly affected the eyelids are. Is The Toy Or Miniature Cocker Spaniel A Different Breed From The American Or English Cocker Spaniel? Hope you like it. Any help is appreciated. Both parent dogs have a reputation as heavy shedders (despite the Bassets short coat). (I have a lovely but stubborn Taurean baby daughter), Didn't find the answer you were looking for? And about Harka's comment about the ear problems, my Molly has the floppiest ears ever and has not once ever had an ear problem. What Should I Do? With a short to medium coat coloured black, black and white, tan, brown & red with black or white markings. The Cocker Spaniel belongs to the spaniel group of working dogs, which have been around since the 15th century. and after all this time with my wonderful hush basset, i must say that they are a very wonderful breed! He will always be remember as one of the family by my immediate and extended members. I have a bassett/lab and his name is TANK! The Cocker Spaniel has their origins as a dog used to flush out woodcock from the undergrowth. I had a cocker basset, Maggie whom died three years ago at the age of 17. Ether a basset spaniel or a cocker hound. An outstanding feature is their long heavy ears, covered in silky fur, whilst the other end is topped off by a long straight tail with feathering. As with most new-hybrid-pups-on-the-block, the story of the Hush Basset belongs to the parent breeds. His only draw bag was that he shed pretty regularly. These dogs How Tall Does A Yorkie Mix With Cocker Spaniel Get? The breed was called the St Huberts, after their founder. Probably because of the lame attitude that pure breds are in some way superior to "mutts". (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); A well-socialised Hush Basset pup will grow into a happy, laidback fellow that loves their owners company. I did not know there was a name for them until I did a little research. Loving social situations, you really do not want to leave this breed on their own for too long. There are no user reviews for this listing. This life-threatening problem happens when the stomach flips over on itself. The exact origin of cocker spaniels are unclear but is believed to date back to Spain in the 14th century. They make excellent pets. He was a very lovable dog. I hope you enjoy the breed. Norfolk Dog Photographers, Jim and Karl would love to meet your Spaniel Basset Hound mix and capture some memories that you can cherish forever, so why not call us today and book in for a memorable dog photography experience. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The only reliable source I have seen are from breeders whom tend to charge about the same as pure breds. This condition is known as seborrhoea and affected dogs have greasy feeling skin and a lank coat. Unfortunately over the past two years he started having congestive heart failure. The working-dog parentage of the Hush Basset gives them an excellent sense of smell, which can be a distraction to them at times. As a newbie, such data is lacking for the Hush Basset. Hypothyroidism is diagnosed with a simple blood test and easily corrected with a daily pill containing a supplement of thyroid hormone. i adopted this mix 4 1/2 years ago and just recently found out that there are actual breeders for this cross. 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