akc golden retriever when to spay

They will also prescribe you pain medications to give him for a few days. Even with the small number of cases, this breed was chosen for analyses because of the large body size: challenging the Great Dane for height, and where one might expect an increased risk of joint disorders. The study population was 220 intact males, 203 neutered males, 128 intact females, and 210 spayed females, for a sample size of 761 cases. The study, which was funded by the AKC Canine Health Foundation, tapped into disease epidemiology data from the national parent breed clubs and the Foundation. Spaying females before 6 mo. For cancers, the story is a bit different in that 5 percent of intact males were diagnosed with one or more cancers and 10 percent of males neutered at <6 mo., and 12 percent of males neutered at 611mo. The possible health effects of early spaying and neutering is a topic Hovan, the research facilitator for the Golden Retriever Club of America, holds close to her heart. The AKC registers the Toy, Miniature, and Standard Poodle varieties, all as the same breed. For male German Shepherd Dogs, the figures were 33 vs. 2% and for females, 29 vs. 9%. The occurrence of joint disorders in intact males was 7 percent and 5 percent in intact females. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms. However, because of differences in size, the varieties of Poodles are dealt with separately here. For cancers in female Goldens, the figures were 26 vs. 14%. For each breed represented on a separate page in Appendix 1, the numbers of intact and neutered males and females are given. "You have to look at the breed and gender of the dog in order to make an informed decision regarding spaying and neutering," says Dr. Benjamin L. Hart, distinguished professor emeritus at the University of California, Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine. The swelling will eventually subside, but it can take many months to look completely normal.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'goldenretrieversociety_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_1',138,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-goldenretrieversociety_com-medrectangle-4-0')}; In recent years there have been newer recommendations put out for large breed dogs, including Golden Retrievers, on when to spay and neuter. Simpson M, Albtight S, Wolfe B, Searfoss E, Street K, Diehl K, et al.. Age at gonadectomy and risk of overweight/obesity and orthopedic injury in a cohort of golden retrievers. In neutered males and females, there was no noteworthy occurrence of cancers. UI ranged up to 9 percent for females spayed from <6 mo. The study population was 318 intact males, 365 neutered males, 190 intact females, and 374 spayed females for a total of 1,247 cases. Learn how your comment data is processed. If the dog developed signs of the disease prior to neutering, the dog was considered intact for analysis of that disease. But in golden retrievers, this is very marked, with the likelihood of developing the condition going up by 80%. Neutering males before 2 years significantly raised the risk of a cancer over that of intact males to 32 percent (p <0.01). Deciding if and when to spay/neuter your dog is an important decision and worth the contemplation. "There is quite a bit of orthopedic data and anecdotal information about the potential ill effect of early neutering on performance dogs," she says. The overall major finding from the present study is that there are breed differences and sometimes sex differences with regard to the increased risks of joint disorders and cancers associated with neutering at various ages. There was no evident increase in cancer risk in males related to neutering, but with females, spaying at <6 mo. Lacking a noticeable occurrence of increased joint disorders or cancers in neutered males, those wishing to neuter should decide on the appropriate age. In other words, making them incapable of reproducing and having puppies. In previous studies on the Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever and German Shepherd Dog, neutering before a year of age was associated with increased risks of one or more joint disorders, 24 times that of intact dogs. Hart BL, Hart LA, Thigpen AP, Willits NH. This is a breed plagued by intervertebral disc disorders, and in this sample 53 percent of intact males and 38 percent of intact females were diagnosed with a form of IDD. Neutering males at <6 mo. was associated with risks of 18 percent and 11 percent (p <0.01, when combined). As in other small dogs, joint disorders were rare; none of the intact males, and just 2 percent of intact females had one or more joint disorders. PYO was seen in none of the intact females. The database included information about 1,444 Golden Retrievers from 746 respondents. Neutering at the various ages was not associated with any appreciable increased risk in cancers followed. There was no occurrence of MC in either the intact or spayed females. In the third format, the data-based findings, with statistical notations for each breed, are reported in Appendix 1. No animal care and use committee approval was required, and strict confidentiality of the owners and their dogs was maintained. None of the females left intact or spayed had a joint disorder. Spaying and neutering refer to the surgical procedures used to sterilize your pup. and 12 years was associated with increased risks of this measure to 19, 18 and 9 percent, respectively (p <0.01). Wait at least a year before the operation so they have enough time to develop in a normal hormonal state. In intact males and females, the level of occurrence of one or more joint disorders was 5 percent and 4 percent, respectively. Lacking a noticeable occurrence of increased joint disorders or cancers in neutered males, those wishing to neuter should decide on the appropriate age. A suggested guideline for the use of the data presented here for those who may wish to focus on a breed or two, is to first scroll through Table 1 to peruse the breeds for a brief look at the neutering guidelines for the breeds of interest. Another potential issue for all dogs when they are fixed too soon is the development of hypothyroidism. There was no evident increase of cancers in males with neutering, and in females, there was an increase of cancer to 40 percent in those spayed at <6 mo., which may have reached significance with a larger sample size. Two exceptions were the Boston Terrier and Shih Tzu where there was there a significant increase in cancers with neutering. In males and females left intact, the occurrence of one or more joint disorders was 5 and 8 percent, respectively. The occurrence of one or more of the cancers followed for both intact males and intact females was 2 percent. There was no occurrence of UI in spayed females. Each breed was analyzed separately, and there were no statistical comparisons between breeds. In males, neutering at <6 mo. Otherwise they are at risk of dying. If a diagnosis was listed in the record as suspected based on some clinical signs but not confirmed, the case was excluded from the analysis for that specific disease, but the dog was included in other disease analyses. The study population was 96 intact males, 106 neutered males, 63 intact females, and 118 spayed females for a total sample of 383 cases. At the same time, several investigations have revealed that joint disorders and some cancers may increase in association with neutering of males and/or females. This information can also help inform decisions on age of recommended neuter in purebred dogs where the breed is not covered in our data. Totallygoldens.com also participates in other affiliate programs and with other sites. Just 1 percent of spayed females were diagnosed with UI. Just like after spaying, you should keep your male Golden calm for up to 5-7 days after his neuter procedure. Thus, while the age of the last visit is a limitation for analyses on late-occurring cancers and joint disorders, the examples chosen for dogs seen at the age of 8 years or beyond are consistent with the overall results presented here; these results appear to represent what would be seen in the general situation. The data for these three breeds were expanded through 11 years of age, to provide continuity among breeds and diseases. Generally speaking, there are definitely more pros to spaying and neutering than cons. Exactly how their behavior will be different varies greatly. Neutering males any time prior to 2 years of age was associated with a significant increase in at least one joint disorder to 2324%, about a 6-fold increase over intact males (p <0.01). and transmitted securely. Neutering them will decrease this behavior, and thus decrease the risk of them getting lost or hit by a car. Certain cancers are also known to be more likely in neutered than intact dogs. and UI with spaying at 611 mo., the guideline is to delay spaying until the female is a year old. The cancers followed occurred in the intact males and females at a 6 percent level, and neutering at any age was not associated with any evident increase in this measure in either sex. The study population was 47 intact males, 88 neutered males, 53 intact females, and 87 spayed females for a total sample of 275 cases. Then for a third step, one could turn to Appendix 1 for detailed joint disorder and cancer tabular data as well as data on MC, PYO, and UI. Lacking a significant occurrence of increased joint disorders or cancers in neutered males or females, those wishing to neuter should decide on the appropriate age, but some people may wish to be cautious in view of the possible apparent risk in joint disorders. In neutered males at the 1 year and 28 year periods, there was a non-significant increase in occurrence of cancers to 6 percent and 13 percent, respectively. vs. intact, in males, there was a 6-fold difference (18% vs. 3%) and in females 3-fold (25 vs. 8%). Share your thoughts with the community in the comments section below. Lacking a noticeable occurrence of increased joint disorders or cancers in neutered males or females, those wishing to neuter should decide on the appropriate age. Lacking a noticeable occurrence of increased joint disorders or cancers in neutered males or females, those wishing to neuter should decide on the appropriate age. But for female dogs, the benefits are far less clear, and the process can also significantly increase their chances of developing cancer, so you may choose not to spay at all. The study population was 52 intact males, 57 neutered males, 37 intact females, and 66 spayed females for a total sample of 212 cases. Spaying or neutering your dog does not mean they will get fat! A Veterinarian's guide to the basics of raising a Golden Retriever puppy to be healthy and happy. In this article we explain the difference between a Flat Coated Retriever vs Golden Retriever. "We knew that we needed the research to be breed-specific, rather than generalizing across breeds," Hart says. There was virtually no occurrence of any joint disorders in males or females either left intact or neutered. The same pattern of increase in cancers was seen in spaying females with up to 20 percent of females having one or more of the cancers with spaying done before 2 years, an increase that was not significant, but with an expanded database may have been. There was no occurrence of the cancers followed in intact males and females. UI was reported in just 1 percent of early-spayed females. Wendy is a self-employed beauty therapist, mother of two, life-long pet parent and lover of dogs who somehow manages to squeeze in the time to satisfy another of her loves - writing. We have proposed that neutering much before the closure of growth plates allows the long bones to grow a little longer than normal, and may sufficiently disturb joint alignments in some neutered dogs to lead to a clinically-apparent joint disorder. Prevent clicks on page when mobile menu is being shown, Previous Article: Hypoglycemia Requires Quick Intervention In Toy Breeds, Next Article: Hemangiosarcoma Research May Help Identify Affected Boxers & Provide Treatment, Study Evaluates the Effects of Early Neutering and Spaying in Golden Retrievers. The suggested guideline for males, based on the occurrence of one or more cancers with neutering at 1 year, is to delay neutering until 2 years of age. Neutering at <6 mo. Neutering males and females was not associated with any evident increased risk in joint disorders. Hospital records of the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital (VMTH) provided the retrospective dataset used. When speaking of a Golden Retriever, it is recommended to wait until they are at least a year old. This paper deals primarily with the risks of diseases that are seen within a given breed and sex. range, so the suggested guideline is spaying at, or beyond, 6 months. Spaying and neutering are the most common surgical procedures performed on dogs, including Golden Retrievers. The suggested guideline, based on fragmentary results, for males is to leave the male intact or neuter before 1 year of age to avoid the possible increased risk of cancers seen in those neutered beyond a year of age. In the tables, the percentage of dogs with each of the diseases and the percentage having at least one of the joint disorders and at least one of the cancers (except MC) was calculated for intact males and intact females as well as those neutered at various age ranges. Sorry, you need to enable JavaScript to visit this website. Another option, notes Hart, is an ovary-sparing spay, in which only the uterus is removed. The study population for this small-dog breed was 47 intact males, 63 neutered males, 25 intact females and 96 spayed females for a total sample of 231 cases. Also included in the breed summary information is a suggested guideline for neutering age for males and females to avoid increasing the risks of a disease under consideration. However, fewer veterinarians are qualified to perform this procedure than are qualified to perform a traditional spay. The datasets presented in this study can be found in online repositories. PYO occurred in 5 percent of intact females. To assist pet owners and veterinarians in deciding on the age of neutering a specific dog, guidelines that avoid increasing the risks of a dog acquiring these joint disorders or cancers are laid out for neutering ages on a breed-by-breed and sex basis. Statistical analyses compared the occurrences of joint disorders and cancers between each neuter period and intact dogs. In particular, fixing your dog when they are too young can predispose them to a variety of serious health conditions in the future. Upon perusal of the data, it is evident that the mean age of data entry for intact dogs was younger than that of neutered dogs, especially for females, where there is disparity of almost 1 year. The occurrence of one or more of the cancers followed in intact males was 2 percent and none for females left intact. was associated with a significant increase of this measure to 11 percent (p <0.01). Some pet parents also do it to control aggressive or highly sexualized behavior, or to protect a dog from repeated and unwanted pregnancies. Your veterinarian will let you know how and when to give her pain medication and if she needs to go back into the clinic to have any stitches removed. "As far as we know, in all the animals we examined scientifically, the age of neutering makes little difference whether a behavior is changed. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'goldenretrieversociety_com-banner-1','ezslot_4',111,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-goldenretrieversociety_com-banner-1-0')};Up until recently, it was recommended that dogs be spayed and neutered before they are able to reproduce. "In my view, it comes down to the careful selection of puppy buyers, providing education and follow-up with owners to be sure they make the right decision for their Golden Retriever puppy and themselves," she says. Spaying and neutering are the best ways to slow down the population growth of our pets in order to ensure most pups have a safe place to call home. The fact that you are reading this article shows that you care about the health and well being of your dog. The occurrence of one or more of the cancers followed in intact males was 17 percent, and for intact females, 11 percent. There was a 7 percent occurrence of PYO in intact females. Careers, Edited by: Natali Krekeler, The University of Melbourne, Australia, Reviewed by: Ottmar Distl, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Germany; Andreas Pospischil, University of Zurich, Switzerland, This article was submitted to Animal Reproduction - Theriogenology, a section of the journal Frontiers in Veterinary Science. In intact females, there was only a single case of MC and no case of PYO in intact females and no occurrence of UI in spayed females. For comparisons where the Kaplan Meier test showed significance at the p <0.05 level, both the log-rank and Wilcoxon tests were used for further analyses. Many intact (non-neutered) male dogs tend to get away from their home to seek out a female dog. The study population was 51 intact males, 72 neutered males, 87 intact females, and 76 spayed females, for a sample size of 286 cases. By the way, we have this great article about dog pregnancy you might be interested in! One resourceful tool was published results from a national health survey conducted in 1998 by the Golden Retriever Foundation and the Golden Retriever Club of America. Prymak C, McKee LJ, Goldschmidt MH, Glickman LT. Epidemiologic, clinical, pathologic, and prognostic characteristics of splenic hemangiosarcoma and splenic hematoma in dogs: 217 cases, Reproductive capability is associated with lifespan and cause of death in companion dogs. Our dogs are part of our family. Division 14. If you follow the instructions on a typical bag of dog food, you will likely be feeding your dog too much. Historically, the rationale for neutering or spaying dogs seems evident: no unwanted litters, no indiscriminate breeding by ill-informed owners, no bitches coming into season, and reduced aggression and roaming tendencies in males. With funding from the American Kennel Club's Canine Health Foundation, Hart and his colleagues tracked the health histories of over 1,900 Labrador retrievers and more than 1,200 golden retrievers, including males and females that were spayed, neutered, or intact. The study population was 104 intact males, 112 neutered males, 77 intact females, and 139 spayed females for a total sample of 432 cases. Rzechorzek NM, Saunders OM, Hiscox L, Schwarz T, Marioni-Henry K, Argyle DJ, et al.. Network analysis of canine brain morphometry links tumor risk to oestrogen deficiency and accelerated brain ageing. The term choice means there was no increased risk for any age. The occurrence of UI was 14 percent for females spayed at <6 mo. There was no occurrence of MC in any of the females left intact or spayed, and a 4 percent occurrence of PYO in intact females. Of interest was the possible association of early neutering and the occurrence of intervertebral disc disorders (IDD) in the Corgi and Dachshund, two breeds known to be at risk for these diseases. Do you have any advice for other golden parents? An official website of the United States government. For joint disorders (HD, ED, and/or CCL), dogs typically presented with signs of lameness, difficulty in moving, and/or joint pain. Duval JM, Budsber SC, Flo GL, Sammarco Jl. ", Noting that goldens are known for developing cancers, Hart adds, "When you look at cancers in goldens, intact males have a 10 percent risk. Lacking a noticeable occurrence of increased joint disorders or cancers in neutered males or females, those wishing to neuter should decide on the appropriate age. However, relevant to the discussion of MC is the recent meta-analysis of published studies on neutering females and MC, finding that the evidence linking neutering to a reduced risk of MC is weak (23). For females left intact, 11 percent were diagnosed with MC and 5 percent with PYO. Your veterinarian can help you determine how much dog food your pup should eat on a daily basis after they are spayed or neutered. Of females spayed at 611 mo., 13 percent had UI. For females, the suggested guideline, also based on limited data, given the risk of UI in early spayed females, and the possible increased risk of a joint disorder, is to consider delaying spaying until beyond 2 years of age. (p <0.01) to 19 percent for those spayed between 1 and 2 years (p <0.05). With the evidence-based information on the risks, if any, of joint disorders, cancers, PYO and UI associated with neutering at different ages for males and females of various as dog breeds, dog owners, and their veterinarians, can use this information to select an age for neutering for the long-term health of their companion dogs on a case-by-case basis. For females left intact, 4 percent were reported with PYO. In an attempt to address the absence of breed-specific information on joint disorders and cancers associated with neutering, we undertook a project focusing on various specific breeds using data collection and analyses with our extensive veterinary hospital database where the same diagnostic criteria could be applied to all breeds. Lacking a noticeable occurrence of increased joint disorders or cancers in neutered males or females, those wishing to neuter should decide on the appropriate age. There was no UI diagnosed in any of the spayed females. This is a giant breed where one might expect a high risk of joint disorders. Lacking a noticeable occurrence of increased joint disorders or cancers in neutered females, those wishing to neuter should decide on the appropriate age. As with other dogs of small body size, both males and females had no occurrences of joint disorders in either those left intact or neutered. The study population was 109 intact males, 91 neutered males, 53 intact females, and 108 spayed females, for a sample size of 358 cases. The increase was particularly seen with dogs neutered by 6 months of age. You can learn more about the benefits of spaying and neutering here. The suggested guidelines for males given the increased occurrence of cancers around at ages 12 years, is neutering beyond 2 years.

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