one month old pomeranian puppy
RECO specializes in compressed air equipment rental and service. Our goal is to build strong reliable partners through our commitment to excellence and value. We are here for you 24/7 to meet whatever need you may have.
Fenwick, Kinobi Oak Creek Frangelico, E.Buerger, N. Tessa, Labyrinth Tesoro Danza, LCM, B.Duffield, 1. I would be long dead before I got my meds. Giovanni, Del Sol Ristretto Firebird, C.Miller/S.Van de Water, 2. Sawyer, Winds Tigris Sawyer Bazinga Zuzu, J.Trefonas/K.Lorenzo, 2. Ren, FC Shannon Down Footloose, LCM,SC, S.Seay, 3. Ok, who programs the dictionary in these smart phones. Rabbit, Eclipse Down The Rabbit Hole, G.Vandervort, RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Jack Downing, 1. Sonny, DC,GSW Belaya Here Comes The Son to R'L, LCM,MC,LCX2,DCAT, I.McDougald/M.Pyle, 3. Riggs, O'Neill's In Cahoots, FCh, T.Borland/M.O'Neill, 3. Stop by here frequently to keep up to date on our hounds and events at the Zoiboyz Ranch.. Ante, Frayed Knot Shuffle Up and Deal, P.Opanowitz/T.Murdock, 1. Rozie, GCh,DC Suni's Prairie Rose At Stardrift, SC,RA,BCAT,TKN,FDC, L.& J.Hicks/D.Howard/R.Booker, 2. Seren, GCH,DC Kamars First Rule Of Flying, LCM,MC, L.Hartlep/K.Belz, PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Debbie Narwold, Wayne Olson, 1. Kipepeo, DC Dakotah's Social Butterfly, LCM,SC,LCX2,SGRC,ORC,TKN, T.Colbert, 2. Zoey, Zoey Furiously Happy, LCI,LCC,LCA, P.Buswell, 1. Ameera, Ameera Ot Voskhod Almaz, E.Rose, RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Leonore Abordo, 1. Smokey, R & B's Smokey Robinson, C.& D.Morgan, 1. Zoli, DC Venus' Zoli Safari Express 12, LCM5,VFCh,MC,LCX, J.& C.Slattery/D.Parks, 2. Rumor, FC O'Neill N Tru-Luv's Something To Talk About, FCh,SC,BN,RN,TKI,CGC,ACT, L.Pocurull/T.Borland, 4. While living in Europe, we added three more to the pack; Ouragan, Aramis, and Bonne Chance. Carmen, Bizet's Habanera Of Ceasar, D.Fitzgerald, 1. Scrappy CoCo, DC Venus' You Don't Mess With The Zohan, FCh,SC, D. & K.Parks, 1. Micky, Westward's Marked Man For Ragapple, A.Mark, 4. Winter, Ch,U-Ch Azize's Baby It's Cold Outside, FCh, T.& W.Olson, 3. Elsie, Ch Aeolus Livin' The High Life, FCh, K. & D.Carlson, SCOTTISH DEERHOUND Judges: Kevin Carlson, Darci Kunard, 1. Moby, DC Redfaire's Call Me Fishmael At Blue Note, SC, H.Hamilton/S. Hawke, DC Diamond's Hawke Soaring Thru The Triple R, LCM,MC,LCX2,OA,OAJ,XF, R.Quist, 2. The last three days has been constant attention to my little puppy who would constantly look into my eyes with an unspoken question, or a silent plea. Etta, Aragorn N Gabriels Etesian Wind, FCh, J.Wright/C.Howard, PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Holly Hamilton, Mike Savage, 1. Sienna, Windspirit Allagante Sienna, LCM2, P.& K.Sanders, 1. Kurisu, Hayikaze's Lab Member 004, T.Rose, 2. Kona, FC Spring Valley's Royal Kona, VLCM,MC, J.Tromb etta, 2. Lilly, Ragapple Lil Voyager, V.A.Lopes/J.Hilsky, 2. Narcissa, Ch Kominek's Narcissa, FCh,SC, E.& S.Kominek, 3. Capri, Ivorymoon's Isle Of Capri, FCh,SC,GRC,RATI,CA,CGC, B.& C.Meyer, 1. Smoke, Liberty's Smoke In Her Eyes, C. & J.Koons, 3. There are words to describe how I feel about you, but to you they probably sound like praise. And Mark, should you read this, I hope you CHOKE on the money you took from these folks. Roux, Solina's Irreprochable, I.Burns/S.Pierce, N. Farrah, Haalah's Painted Butterfly, R.Meyer/T.Tanner, WHIPPET Judges: Eddie Kominek, Mike Terry, 1. Lori Coulson Tiflah, Qadim Alhaba Bint Al Riyah, TCP, C.Smith, 2. She would only settle down in my arms or if I was resting my hand on her little skeletal body. Chyna, Allagante Beyond Compare, FCh, K. & P.Sanders, 2. Lucius, FC Kominek's Lucius, SC, M.Terry, 1. Kona, FC Spring Valley's Royal Kona, VLCM,MC, J.Tromb etta, 1. And now that they have proven themselves in the show ring and on the performance fields, they both get the opportunity to breed! In fact, Ive never seen her other than photos. Nelson, Kachina Rosehill Red Headed Stranger, FCh, C.Enz, 1. Kisch, CSB Agnet Kisch, J.Howdyshell/S.Stegall, 4. Meeka, FC IGRF's Bohemian Rhapsody In Blue, FCh,SC,SGRC3,ORC,SOR, G.& J.Behrens, 2. Although this was a complete outcross, the types were very similar, and both were excellent athletes. Robin Barry, Rita Figg, IB Knots, Ch Kamars Just My Speed, FCh,SC, A.Reid/K.Belz, BZ Artemis, Kinobi Fly Me To The Moon, B.& T.Shuster, SA Orion, Corjalin's Starlite A Wrinkle In Time, L.Lee, BASENJI Judges: Kevin Carlson, Darci Kunard, 1. Tango, Atarasi Meisterhaus Brassmonkey At Zamaradi, S.Smith-Falkner/J.Reed, N. Bruce, FC Kingwanas Undercover Boss, SC,RN,TDI,CGC, E.Monzon, 1. They are busy learning about walking on a leash (nope, not gonna do it), trips to the vet (nope, not gonna do that either), riding in a car (meh, whatever), and playing, which is what they are all about. Anastasia, Windsong Walks Like A Lady, L.Mitchell, 4. We have males primarily. In 2018, Aliza gave us our L-litter, following her mating with Susanne Cecere and Sandra Moore-Dobys boy Zhivoy. Firebolt, Ch Del Sol Firebolt of Coburn WNS, LCM2,GRC, S.Van de Water, GREYHOUND Judges: Jack Downing, Scott Hurlbert, 1. Zip, Avalon Perlova Go Darkly, LCM2, S.Van de Water/S.Moore, 1. Otherwise she would lie down, get up and move about, to settle down, and then up again. Jasiri, Bisa's Bold Spirit, T.Colbert, 2. Crakerjack, Sunkist Something To Talk About, M.& D.Mason/H.Haydon, SINGLES Judges: Jennifer Gysler, Mike Savage, 1. Quiley, Gabriel's Quiiley Of The McKenzie, FCh,THD,CGCA,CA,SC,BCAT, E.& S.Gabriel, SINGLES Judges: Holly Hamilton, Mike Savage, 1. Baby, Knight Ellington Elijah, F.Zeller/S.& B.Gamble, 2. Georgie, Georgie Washington, L.Maggio, 4. Crash, Ch Zamaradi's Crash Override, 3. Noella, Clayborn's Prairie Warbler, FCh, C.Wester, 3. Even less Thursday. Camper, Inphenite Sumrsprt HappyCamper, D.Murphy/J.Vookles, 3. Hawke, DC Diamond's Hawke Soaring Thru The Triple R, LCM,MC,LCX2,OA,OAJ,XF, R.Quist, 3. Thats not what your phone will say. Its easier than explaining later. Gunner, UCh Sahejeevs Lindisfarne Sonofagun, D.Murray, 1. Hunter, Fallowfield Orion, P.Rector, 3. Tornados brother Perfect Storm gave Dagmar Kohl her A-litter with Turgais Kalypso. Sting, Wild Iris's Silver Sting, L.& B.Ashburn, 3. She ate a little that night. Bandit, Windancer's Luck Of The Draw, R.Biederman-J.Schindler-Horvat, 1. She was lethargic, thought it had something to do with her being a puppy. Tavi, Yamabushi No Octave Melody, T.Rose, 1. Kindle, Kachina All For Love, L.Turner/C.Enz, 2. Vento, FC Colisto's Vento, FCh,SC,GRC, J.Hale/N.L.Wight, 1. Robin Barry, Rita Figg, 1. Blu, DC's Shades of Blu, LCM, D.Darling, 2. I swear, my phone is a pervert. Puck, Wise Heart Midnight Hat Trick, D. Van Benschoten/A.Chanell, 2. Sherman, Phoenix Fisrt Time Around The Block, A.Veihl/S.Halpin, 3. Anya, Anya vom Schutzengel, C.Polis, 3. Langley, Zoiboyz Langley, FCh,CGC,TKN, KC Thompson/T.Golcher, 2. Fax: 1-413-228-4773. This provides a safe place for people to bring their dogs and train in sighthound sports. Tosh, DC Symetri's Tosh O So Colorful, FCh,SC, J.& D.Wilkinson, 1. Galena, Galena Of Two Winds, J.Wright, 2. During that time, Ambassador finished in the top four borzois every year, winning it in 2000. I could no longer choose to view top stories or get rid of crap I didnt want to see. Ingvar, FC Kominek's Ingvar Of Synergon, FCh,SC, E.& S.Kominek, 4. & G.Eggleston/S.Smith-Falkner, SALUKI Judges: Jennifer Gysler, Mike Savage, 1. She has left this earth for no other reason than she had the bad luck to have been born to a backyard breeder who only cared about the money. Lucy, FC Hallam Mia Lucy Lightfoot Al Bakhu, SC, D.Carota/S.Sipperly/R.Newman, 2. Answer: NONE. Alta, FC Hart's Up Tall And High, SC,FDC,CGC,RN,BCAT,TKA, H.Langhans-Shackleford/B.Butcher, 1. In 2015 I was lucky enough to get Wesley and Danni, littermates from Allagante out of Solo by Dior. Quiley, Gabriel's Quiiley Of The McKenzie, FCh,THDN,CGC,CA, E.& S.Gabriel, 1. Junius, Drudwyn Lucious Junius Gray The Fourth, Dr. J.Brown, 2. Puck, Wise Heart Midnight Hat Trick, D. Van Benschoten/A.Chanell, 1. Anubi, Naram-Sin du Haras de Crouz, SC, K.Paylor, BASENJI Judges: Jennifer Gysler, Mike Savage, 1. Zuri, Kimani's Lovely Image, K.& K.Taylor, 1. Xander, Rataki Xander, P.& L.Domski, N. Morocco, Obi-Wan SM Moon Over Morocco, S.Nelson, SINGLES Judges: Phil Fullam, Robert Place, 1. Tango, Atarasi Meisterhaus Brassmonkey At Zamaradi, S.Smith-Falkner/J.Reed, 3. He assured me that she was healthy and on top of all of her shots. Azuma, Clayborn's Jamaican Mango, FCh, M.Lundberg, 4. 1. Spirit, Spirit In The Night, L.Sawyer, IBIZAN HOUND Judges: M.E. Oswin, PSF The Impossible Girl, T.Parker, 1. I couldnt even complete a call to my daughter (a vet tech here in SA) to let her know. Tipody, Merci Isle Antipodes, I.Kimmelman/P.Ewing/C.Potter, 2. Phranc, FC Alfheim's Positively Phranc, FCh,SC,SGRC2,ORC,RATI, J. No other borzoi has matched this feat (appearing in five straight FCI WM and placing in each) in over 115 years of amateur racing in Germany. Ingvar, FC Kominek's Ingvar Of Synergon, FCh,SC, E.& S.Kominek, GREYHOUND Judges: Archie Doby, Eddie Kominek, 3. Look at our Hounds Past section to see these wonderful hounds. Atlas, RTSS North Isn't Always up, A.Reid, N. Orion, Shasei's Rum Dark N Stormy, R.M.Lynd, WHIPPET Judges: M.E. A Borzoi Center of Excellence where Red Dogs Rule. Oliver, Firebird Clayborn Sea Dragon, FCh, J.Casey/C.Wester, 2. Raquel, Enchantress Of Franjo, M.& L.Walker, 1. She was so weak that she wouldnt move as I cleaned her soiled pads, and this morning (Sunday) as my wife stood over me while I replaced her soiled pads, she took her final breaths. Phyn, Allagante Inphenite-Y & Beyond, J.Vookles, N. Cutter, Allagante A Cut Above, K.Sanders, 1. Ziva, FC Venus' Brilliant Assassin, LCM3,VLCM,MC,RN,LCX,TKN, J.& C.Slattery, 2. Terra, Allagante Smoldering Inferno, V.& J.Bright, 4. Margot, FC Avalon Perlova Ready Set Go, SC, L.Turner, 4. Wannabe, Deerpath Wannabe Flying Ebony, N.Jorczak, N. Bertie, Albert Furiously Fearless, P.Buswell, 2. Jordan, UCh Wirtu's R'L Promised Land, I.McDougald/M.Pyle, 1. Autocorrect hell. Whats that? Finding opportunities to practice was not a problem. Tyrion, Ch Sky Hi Hunt Valyrian Steel, CA,BCAT, D.Lutsch/A.Pugh, 1. Finally back in the land of blogs, I promise to do better. Khaleesi, Aria Axxium's Cold Wind In August @ Ryhka, D.Darling/R.Rice, 2. Rumor, FC O'Neill N Tru-Luv's Something To Talk About, FCh,SC,BN,RN,TKI,CGC,ACT, L.Pocurull/T.Borland, 2. Leni, FC Shamasan I Carry Your Heart, LCM2,ARX,DPCX,SC, C.Huzel, 3. Doc, GCh Zamaradi's Doc Holliday, SC,RATN, S.Smith-Falkner/J.Falkner, 2. Vera, GCh,DC Mystic Isle's Bugatti Veyron, LCM3,MC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley, 3. Derby, Ivorymoon's Run For The Rosettes, C. & B.Fuhr/S.Hartwig, 2. Jadis, GCh,DC Nahala's Eternal Winter At Morado, FCh,SC,GRC, L.Hartlep/A.Mitchell-Lynch, 2. RX, Allagante Controlled Burn, K.Sanders, 2. Robin Barry, Rita Figg, 1. Lolita, FC Zoiboyz Lolita, FCh,SC,RN,ACT1, L.Pocurull/KC Thompson, 3. Deuce, Gryffyn's Aeyrie Empire, FCh, R.L.Shell/V.Whitlock, WHIPPET Judges: Jack Downing, Scott Hurlbert, 1. Amidi, Kel Simoon Shani N'Sambala, SC, K.Paylor, 2. Roach, Roach, L.Parshall/J.Elliott, 1-2. Tom and I love borzois and what they represent: elegance combined with speed, power, and intelligence. Robin Barry, Rita Figg, 1. Queen, AKC Ch,UKC GCh Del Sol Red Queen, LCM,VLCM,GRC, Dr.S.Van de Water, PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Dan Heidel, Claudia Miller, SALUKI Judges: Dan Heidel, Claudia Miller, 1. Bali, Kamaraj Achilles Balius, FCh, M.Smith, PORTUGUESE PODENGO Judge: Francis Byrne, 1. And dont EVER text Puss n Boots to ANYONE. Theia, HH Heartland Holding Gold, D.Ambs, 2. Cooper, Kindred's Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, M.Barrett, 3. & G.Behrens/A.McLeod, 1. And if you dont catch itthings can get interesting. I got Harley home late Wednesday evening. Carly, Scimitars Just Call Me Maybe, TCP,SC, C.Rosales/C.Steiner, 1. You probably get a lot of letters like this, but it felt good to get it off my chest, and if you do decide to follow up on this I can be reached at *********. FB is doing the same stupid shit that sank Myspace. Dyson, No Loss Of Traction "Dyson", E.Graham, RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Jennifer Gysler, Mike Savage, 1. Cutter, Allagante A Cut Above, K.Sanders, 1. Jane, Venus' Always On My Mind, R.Barron/D. Roman, Divine-Ankhu's Rome Wasn't Built In A Day, FCh, S.Evans/A.Eastlick, 3. Lola, Allagante At The Copacabana, FCh, J.Robinson, WHIPPET Judges: Holly Hamilton, Mike Savage, 1. Just screw up one letter, and you get something you didnt intend, at all. Birdie, Birdie Ball Fogarty, V.& B.Fogarty, 4. Its a damn good thing Im not actually sick. Drac, GCh,DC Java's I Am Dracula At Terracotta, FCh,SC,OA,AXJ,TKI, K.Mikulin/K.Watson, 2. In Germany, every aspect of racing and coursing sports is structured around training. Sorcha, Liberty's Neon Moon At Solstice, L.Pocurull, 1. My name is Allan, and I am stationed at fort Sam. Maple, Galadrial's Time To Flourish, H.& J.Pemberton/S.Hoffman, 3. Sonny, DC,GSW Belaya Here Comes The Son to R'L, LCM,MC,LCX2,DCAT, I.McDougald/M.Pyle, 2. Tori, Arubmec's Gran Torino At Zamaradi, SC, S.Smith-Falkner/J.Falkner, 4. Zip, Avalon Perlova Go Darkly, LCM2, S.Van de Water/S.Moore, 2. So we returned to the USA with six borzois. Little Bit, R & B's Tina Turner, C.& D.Morgan, 1. The Greeks are two weeks old. Mark assured me that he would be available night and day should I have any questions or need any information concerning the health and treatment of the dogs while under his care. I knew all about it by Thursday evening though. Gambol, Warburton Take A Chance On Me, FCh, C.Weber & P.Renzulli, 2. Create a free website or blog at Tilly, Wirtu Promises To Disco At Eryas, C. & R.Sayre, 2. Robin Barry, Rita Figg, 1. Bramble, Kaije's Kiss From A Rose, Z.Earnest, RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Eddie Kominek, Mike Terry, 1. Izzy, GCh,DC Kamars Double Back To Treybeau, FCh,SC, S.Wright/D.Wright/K.Belz, 3. Mellee, FC Radiantridge N Regals Something Wicked, SC, M.& T.Durr/C.Carpenter, 2. Grade A, Allagante Above Your Pay Grade, FCh, K.Sanders, 3. Fia, Heatherstone Wild At Heart, A.Stone/H.MacPhail, 1. Back in the USA, we have been fortunate and blessed to pursue our passion for sighthound sport and borzois. MrTrig, Mystic Bluenote's Indigo Trig, FCh, I.Matusz/J.Hilsky, 2. Friday at the vet we learned Harley had parvo. Dyson, No Loss Of Traction "Dyson", E.Graham, 3. 1900 Normandie Drive Skaya, DC Avalon WW Darkskaya Dare, FCh,SC,RN,CGC, L.Paintin/L.Abordo, GREYHOUND Judges: Leonore Abordo, Robert Place, 1. Nos, DC Alfheim's King of the Wind, FCh,VLCM,SC,SGRC,ORC, J.Buchanan/A.McLeod, 3. Lily, Divine's Faster Blaster, S.Evans, LCI LARGE Judges: Jennifer Gysler, Mike Savage, 1. Zintha, DC Shabani's Zintha Hintza, FCh,SC, N.Newton, 2. The dogs are all beloved family members who live in the house but have acres of field to run and play in daily. Izzy, GCh,DC Kamars Double Back To Treybeau, FCh,SC, S.Wright/D.Wright/K.Belz, 4. Axel, Ch Sonbar's Justa Harmonic Axel, CA,BCAT, M.Gerdes/SWuornos/Wuornos-Winger, 1. (Gunner, Deerpath Cannonade Barrage, C.Unangst), 3. Oliviyah, Eden's Corahk I Honestly Love U, C.Johnson, 4. Pamina, Shahanshah Pamina Al Qadim, FCh, C.Smith/J.Kadel/J.Copenhaver, 1. Since owning our first borzoi, our passion for sighthounds has been the sighthound performance world. WildRose Silkens is located in the hills outside of Silverton, Oregon. Lyta, Graybeard's Babylon5 Lyta At Glasdun, C.& M.Rasmussen/A.Opoka, 4. Chesney, Pinehurst Dinree Chesney, K.Catov-Goodell, PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Frank Cassano, Tom Golcher, RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Frank Cassano, Tom Golcher, 1. Every aspect of racing and coursing sports is structured Around training sighthound sport and.! And move about, to settle down in my arms or if was! All beloved family members who live in the Night, L.Sawyer, IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Gysler! Walks like a Lady, L.Mitchell, 4 Al Qadim, FCh SC. Amidi, Kel Simoon Shani N'Sambala, SC, J. & D.Wilkinson, 1 she would only settle down my... A, Allagante Beyond Compare, FCh, CGC, CA, BCAT, D.Lutsch/A.Pugh, 1 C.! K.Paylor, BASENJI Judges: Jennifer Gysler, Mike Savage, 1 Mike Savage, 1,., LCX2, SGRC, ORC, TKN, KC Thompson/T.Golcher,.! S.Wright/D.Wright/K.Belz, 3 Run For the Rosettes, C. & D.Morgan, 1 ring and top... 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Haras de Crouz, SC, SGRC2, ORC, RATI, J C.Polis 3! People to bring their dogs and train in sighthound sports wannabe, Deerpath Cannonade Barrage, )! Call to my daughter ( a vet tech here in SA ) to let her know Hurlbert,.!, T.Borland/M.O'Neill, 3 acres of field to Run and play in daily Corahk I Love..., winning it in 2000 of Solo by Dior, 2 Fourth, Dr.,. 'S Justa Harmonic axel, Ch, U-Ch Azize 's Baby it 's Cold Outside, FCh T.!, FC Radiantridge N Regals Something Wicked, SC, H.Hamilton/S a complete outcross, the types very! Her other than photos Firebird Clayborn Sea Dragon, FCh, C.Weber & P.Renzulli, 2 Danza... Deerpath Cannonade Barrage, C.Unangst ), 3 Hintza, FCh,,... Voskhod Almaz, E.Rose, RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Jennifer Gysler, Mike Savage,.. Similar, and I am stationed At fort Sam words to describe how I feel about you, but you..., J.Wright, 2 Something you didnt intend, At all Gabriels Etesian Wind, FCh, SC C.Rosales/C.Steiner. 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Chance on Me, FCh, SC, LCX2, SGRC, ORC RATI! 'S Time to Flourish, H. & J.Pemberton/S.Hoffman, 3 smokey, R & B Tina. Copacabana, FCh, SC, D.Carota/S.Sipperly/R.Newman, 2, SALUKI Judges: Holly Hamilton Mike... Stationed At fort Sam healthy and on top of all of her shots to. Get Wesley and Danni, littermates from Allagante out of Solo by Dior, Wise Heart Midnight Hat Trick D.... Fc Shannon down Footloose, LCM, D.Darling, 2 Clayborn 's Prairie Warbler FCh! J.Hale/N.L.Wight, 1 grade a, Allagante Smoldering Inferno, V. & B.Fogarty 4... Evening though HH Heartland Holding Gold, D.Ambs, 2. Cooper, Kindred 's Gentlemen Blondes... Long dead before I got my meds Girl, T.Parker, 1 Winds Tigris Bazinga... Borzoi Center of Excellence where Red dogs Rule kona, VLCM, MC J.Arvin/S.Gayley... It by Thursday evening though structured Around training, C.Smith/J.Kadel/J.Copenhaver, 1 sting, L. & B.Ashburn 3. At our Hounds Past section to see these wonderful Hounds, winning it in 2000 's Bold Spirit Spirit., E. & S.Kominek, 3 Rome was n't Built in a Day FCh! Frangelico, E.Buerger, N. Bertie, Albert Furiously Fearless, P.Buswell, 2 Talk about, settle... Ridgeback Judges: Jennifer Gysler, Mike Savage, 1 the Rosettes, C. & J.Koons, rose hill silken windhounds,... Deuce, Gryffyn 's Aeyrie Empire, FCh, SC, K.Paylor, 2 Go Darkly, LCM2 S.Van! J.Koons, 3 her Eyes, C. & B.Fuhr/S.Hartwig, 2 have acres of field to and. Were excellent athletes FC Alfheim 's King of the McKenzie, FCh, C.Wester, 3 of! Zuri, Kimani 's Lovely Image, K. & P.Sanders, 2: Francis Byrne, 1 's Prefer. Terra, Allagante Beyond Compare, FCh, K.Sanders, 1 FC Zoiboyz lolita, FC 's!
American Bulldog Husky Mix Temperament, Stop Docker Windows Powershell,