Cluster, consul, docker, service discovery, service orchestration, service registration, Spring Cloud, swarm, swarm mode, AWS Senior Solutions Architect | 8x AWS Certified Pro | DevOps | Data/ML | Serverless | Polyglot Developer | Former ThoughtWorks and Accenture, Insights on Software Development, Cloud, DevOps, Data Analytics, and More. The following command will deploy the entire Consul cluster. What determines whether Schengen flights have passport control? You will note in the Widget source code, I commented out the @EnableDiscoveryClient annotation on the WidgetApplication class. Finally, let's create a quick script to automate the deployment process: Add a new file called to the project root: The code can be found in the vault-consul-swarm repo. And we check the proxy functionality for our test container (pygradle) published service paths (/p/health and /p/0.1/index, simple HTTP GET and HTTP POST endpoints, respectively): At this point, we have reached the following architectural schema when setting up Consul as a Service Registration and Discovery in Docker Swarm, while trying to: Consul is a distributed Service Discovery solution with a well documented API ( and Key-Value Store, whose features compare well to other solutions (cf. Increase the number of instances from three to six: All opinions expressed in this post are my own, and not necessarily the views of my current or past employers, or their clients. We will assign the Spring profile,docker-local, to the WIDGET_PROFILE variable. Load Balancing Apps in Docker Swarm with NGINX, Clustering with Docker Swarm - Dockerops 2016 @ Cento (FE) Italy. We can view the new overlay network using the docker network ls command. Running the docker swarm join-token manager command,outputs something similar to the following. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. These concepts included cluster management, service discovery, service orchestration, distributed configuration, hierarchical key/value stores, and distributed and highly-available systems. Let's look at how to deploy Hashicorp's Vault and Consul to DigitalOcean with Docker Swarm. For this posts demonstration, we will deploy theWidget service stack. This is unlikely to receive any updates in the future and the repo was recently renamed to "classicswarm" to help reduce some of the confusion. I don't understand Dyson's argument for divergence of perturbative QED, The Expanse: Sustained Gs during space travel. The script also retrieves your clusters credentials, to enable command line interaction with the cluster using the kubectl CLI. Majority of the time, this seed server was treated like a pet which I definitely not what I wanted. Published at DZone with permission of Arun Gupta, DZone MVB. Before we can deploy the Widget service, we need to store the Widget services Spring Profiles in Consuls hierarchical key/value store. Consul doesn't support running in "swarm" mode yet, but it can be run in "host" mode across a Docker Swarm. 10% of profits from each of our FastAPI courses and our Flask Web Development course will be donated to the FastAPI and Flask teams, respectively. In this post, we will explore the use of HashiCorp Consul for distributed configuration of containerized Spring Boot services, deployed to a Docker swarm cluster. Server Fault is a question and answer site for system and network administrators. Now he works for a start-up in cryptocurrency space. Separate database instances provide better isolation, fine-grained RBAC, easier test data lifecycle management, and improved performance. CodeLabs | Attribution-ShareAlike CC BY-SA Consul provides a basic browser-based user interface. Container Cluster The new GKE cluster should be composed of (2) n1-standard-1 nodes, running in the us-east-1b zone. The API can be access by connecting to any of the nodes using http://:8500/v1/. This value is the Consul server instance hostname or IP address, which the Widget service instances will contact to retrieve its configuration. Besides development, he enjoys building financial models, tech writing, content marketing, and teaching. One possible solution is to deploy a Listener that can understand Service Registration parameters as part of the Swarm service (which we could specify as service startup options in our docker-compose.yml stack) and would pass them on to the distributed Flow Proxy, which would then distribute them to Consul's KV Store. What is the music theory related to a bass progression of descending augmented 4th from ^7 to ^4? The second repository, microservice-docker-demo-widget, contains all the code necessary for configuring Consul and deploying the Widget service stack. Also, note the address of each agent matches the IP address of their swarm hosts. The Docker swarm cluster and all Docker images pulled to the VMs will be left intact. Why is a 220 resistor for this LED suggested if Ohm's law seems to say much less is required? Thanks for contributing an answer to Server Fault! With our new swarm-listener up and running (check with docker service ps swarm-listener), we can then check the service registration for a test image ("pygradle"), that exposes two applications ("/p/0.1/index" and "/health"): Once the test "pygradle" service is up, (check with docker service ps pygradle), we can query Consul's Key-Value Registry for the registered service parameters: curl "http://$(docker-machine ip swarm-1):8500/v1/kv/docker-flow/pygradle?recurse". Using the docker node ls command, we should observe the resulting Docker swarm cluster looks similar to the following: Note the three swarm Manager nodes, three swarm Worker nodes, and the Manager, which was elected Leader. Using this configuration, the swarm will be distributed and highly available, able to suffer the loss of one of the Manager nodes, without failing. rev2022.8.2.42721. It provides a great visualization the swarm cluster and its running components. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. At the end of this guide, we will have a 3 node Consul cluster deployed which has the following characteristics: The easiest way to try this guide out is by deploying Docker for AWS with 3 Managers and 1 Worker. I chose to include Registrator in this example, to demonstrate an alternative method of service discovery, which can be used with other tools such as Consul Template, for dynamic load-balancer templating. Code samples in this post are displayed asGists, which may not display correctly on some mobile and social media browsers. Cluster, container, Distributed Systems, docker, GCP, GKE, Google Cloud Platform, Google Kubernetes Engine, IoK, Istio, Kubernetes, Service Mesh, Posted by Gary A. Stafford in Build Automation, DevOps, Enterprise Software Development, Software Development on February 28, 2017. Most importantly, we made was no attempt to secure the services, containers, data, network, or hosts. 1 / 26. This option also allows an initial Leader to be elected automatically. The three Manager nodes will then elect a single Leader to conduct orchestration tasks. For this post, thedeployment-manager method will suffice. We want to provide service discovery and registration for Consul, usingGlider Labs Registrator. We can thus start by creating a new Swarm network and attach to it all services that should be accessible through a reverse proxy (all other services would use a attx-backend network): docker network create --driver overlay proxy. Once we are confident v2 is functioning as intended, we will promote and test v2,across the dev, test, and uat namespaces. For redundancy, the nodes should be spread across multiple physical hypervisors, separate availability zones and/or geographically separate datacenters (regions). After deployment, using the docker stack ls command, we should observe that the widget_stackstack is deployed to the swarm cluster with two services. As part of the deployment, an external IP address and a load balancer were provisioned by GCP and associated with the Istio Ingress. This tutorial assumes that you have a basic working knowledge of using Vault and Consul to manage secrets. Managing Applications Across Multiple Kubernetes Environments with Istio: Part1, Developing Cloud-Native Data-Centric Spring Boot Applications for Pivotal Cloud Foundry, Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters,, Deploying and Configuring Istio on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE),,,,, Distributed Service Configuration with Consul, Spring Cloud, andDocker, Developing Spring Boot Applications for Querying Data Lakes on AWS using AmazonAthena, Building and Deploying Cloud-Native Quarkus-based Java Applications toKubernetes, Monolith to Microservices: Refactoring RelationalDatabases, End-to-End Data Discovery, Observability, and Governance on AWS with LinkedIns Open-sourceDataHub, Data Preparation on AWS: Comparing Available ELT Options to Cleanse and NormalizeData, Install Latest Node.js and npm in a Docker Container, Running PySpark Applications on Amazon EMR: Methods for Interacting with PySpark on Amazon Elastic MapReduce, Spring Integration with Eclipse Using Maven, DevOps for DataOps: Building a CI/CD Pipeline for Apache AirflowDAGs, LoRa and LoRaWAN for IoT: Getting Started with LoRa and LoRaWAN Protocols for Low Power, Wide Area Networking of IoT, gcloud deployment-manager deployments create springdemo-istio-demo-deployment \, gcloud container clusters get-credentials, kubectl apply -f ./roles/clusterrolebinding-dashboard.yaml, kubectl -n kube-system describe secret kubernetes-dashboard-token, kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o jsonpath=, gcloud container clusters describe election-nonprod-cluster, Provision a series of virtual machine hosts, using Docker Machine and Oracle VirtualBox, Provide distributed and highly available cluster management and service orchestration, using Docker swarm mode, Provide distributed and highly available service discovery, health checking, and a hierarchical key/value store, usingHashiCorp Consul, Provide service discovery and automatic registration of containerized services to Consul, using Registrator, Glider Labs service registry bridge for Docker, Providedistributed configuration for containerized Spring Boot services usingConsul and Pivotal Spring Cloud Consul Config, Deploy multiple instances of a Spring Boot service, backed by MongoDB, to the swarm cluster, using Docker Compose version 3. It displays useful information about the Consul cluster and the services which have been registered with Consul. Note this command also shows us where the services are running. First, we will provision a series of six virtual machines (aka machines, VMs, or hosts), using Docker Machine and Oracle VirtualBox. Therefore, all election deployment scripts perform a kube-injectcommand. Given that Consul doesn't yet support deployment in native Docker Swarm mode, it will have to be deployed in host mode, as per the following docker-compose.yml example file: This example docker-compose.yml can be used to deploy the Consul Server in our running Swarm Master with the following commands: With the Consul Server running, we can test Consul's Key-Value Store HTTP API: We can now deploy the Consul agents to the other two nodes in the cluster: And test the availability of the Consul agents in the worker nodes and that replication between the different instances is working: At the end of this initial step of our exercise, our system will look like this: With Consul is thus possible to run a Service Discovery service in Docker Swarm (albeit in "host" mode), that enables us to register the ATTX services via a HTTP API, and query the registered information as well. Using private physical networks with Docker swarm mode, Architecting a Docker Swarm with persistent storage. We will create a swarm (a cluster of Docker Engines or nodes), consisting of three Manager nodes and three Worker nodes, on the six VirtualBox VMs. As Agile software development practices continue to increasewithin organizations, the need for multiple, ephemeral, on-demand environments also grows. The Swarm Visualizer should be available on any of the Managers IP addresses, on port 5001. This initialManager node advertises its IP address to future swarm members. Now if you could print your customers names on the tags, that would be even better (like @. To provision the GKE cluster and deploy Istio, first modify the variables in the file (shown above), then execute the script. What is the rounding rule when the last digit is 5 in .NET? "", VAULT_LOCAL_CONFIG={"backend":{"consul":{"address":"http://server-bootstrap:8500","path":"vault/"}},"listener":{"tcp":{"address":"","tls_disable":1}},"ui":true, "disable_mlock":true}, --cap-add=IPC_LOCK unavailable in docker swarm, Provision hosts on DigitalOcean with Docker Machine, Configure a Docker Swarm cluster to run on DigitalOcean, Provision three DigitalOcean droplets with Docker Machine. As opposed to the traditional Java propertieskey/value format the Widget service uses YAML to specify its hierarchical configuration data. Specifically, the installIstioRelease configuration variable is only 0.6.0. The normal setup is the application accessing the Consul node which is running on the same machine. Once the Swarm is created, we can deploy Consul in our Docker Machine Swarm hosts. The inventory of widgets is stored in the widgets MongoDB database. The lack of the -server option, indicates Consul will install this agent as a client. Spring Cloud Consul Discovery would have automatically registered the Spring Boot service with Consul. With the Docker toolset evolving so quickly, features frequently change or become outmoded. Initialize Swarm mode on the first node, node-1: Use the join token from the output of the previous command to add the remaining two nodes to the Swarm as workers: Point the Docker daemon at node-1, create an attachable overlay network (called core), and deploy the stack: Then, test out the Consul UI in your browser at http://YOUR_MACHINE_IP:8500/ui. Optionally, I also set 0.7.1 as the default. (To the extent that they can exist in JavaScript). As part of the environments creation, the script deployed an IstioIngress, one to each environment. The volume must be created on each host in the swarm cluster, which may contain the MongoDB instance. Thank you. We are almost ready to deploy the Widget service instances and the MongoDB instance (also considered a service by Docker), in Docker containers, to the Docker swarm cluster. The Widget service stack is composed of a simple Spring Boot service, backed by MongoDB; it is easily deployed as a containerized application. All other configuration will come from the default profile. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Swarm talks to ahosted Discovery Service thatmaintains a list of IPs in yourcluster. Cheers! In Part Two of this post, we will learn how to utilize the sophisticated API testing capabilities of Postman and Newman to ensure v2 is ready for UAT and release to Production. In Docker 1.12 and higher, Swarm mode is integrated with Docker Engine. There are multi ways to store configuration in Consul. In Part One of this post, we created the Kubernetes cluster on the Google Cloud Platform,installed Istio, provisioned a PostgreSQL database, and configured DNS for routing. There are a limited number of GKE and Istio configuration defaults defined in the istio-cluster.yaml file, all of which can be overridden from the command line. It also makes uncertain the Key-Value Store status of a new Consul Server instance in a scaled-up Docker Swarm. If you recall from our GKE/Istio configuration, we chose manual sidecar injection of the Istioproxy. With the profiles loaded into Consul, and the overlay network and data volumes created on the hosts, we can deploy the Widget service instances and MongoDB service instance. To deploy v1 of the Election service to all three namespaces, executethe script. The keys followdefault conventions. LegacyDocker Swarm was succeeded by Dockers integrated swarm mode, with the release of Docker v1.12.0, in July 2016., Using Multiple Azure Storage Accounts From a Single Spring Boot App, How to Leverage Speech-to-Text With Node.js. For development, its easy to use thedefault discovery service hosted on Docker Hub. According to Docker, Manager nodes implement the Raft Consensus Algorithm to manage the global cluster state. Note the Consol instances names. More like San Francis-go (Ep. Each environment consists of a Kubernetes Namespace, Istio Ingress, and Secret. He is the co-founder/author of Real Python. The scripts are designed to be easily adapted to a CI/CD DevOps workflow. I also disabled automatic sidecar injection and chose not to install the Istio sample book application onto the cluster (gist). Also, setting disable_mlock to true is not recommended for production environments; however, it must be enabled since --cap-add is not available in Docker Swarm mode. This can be confirmed using the following command (gist). To optimize the cluster, and keep compute costs to a minimum, I have overridden several of the default configuration values using the properties flag with the gcloudCLIs deployment-manager deployments create command. Shown below is the initial view of Consul prior to services being registered. Most users should use integrated Swarm mode. Furthermore, if we need to scale up the Docker Swarm and deploy a new Consul Server instance in a new node, what will be the status of the Key-Value Store of that new Consul instance? See the following GitHub issues for details: Wait a few seconds for the services to spin up, then check the status: Again, you should see something similar to: Next, ensure Vault is listed on the "Services" section of the Consul UI: You should now be able to interact with Vault via the CLI, HTTP API, and the UI. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. Ive been playing around with Docker Swarm Mode since it is simpler to understand than Kubernetes. In order for our Spring Boot service to connect to Consul and load the requested active Spring Profile, we need to add a dependency to the file, on Spring Cloud Consul Config. Then, log in and create a new secret. To get started quickly, use one of the two following options (gist). This blog will show how to setup Docker Swarm Cluster using Consul. The video series, now four years old at this point, shows how to: The author acknowledges that this is all rather involved, and hints that, at the time of shooting the videos, core Docker might simplify this stuff in the future. I hope I have not given you a lot of work to do! The example needs centralized logging, monitoring, and alerting, to better understand and react to how the swarm, Docker containers, and services are performing. To the extent that they can exist in JavaScript ) two following (. 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