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They may be feeling more stressed about being in a new environment and are unsure about their food. Even if you know that your dog is never going to have to worry about food, and even if youve been feeding them every day for years, that doesnt remove that natural urge they have to ensure their future needs by squirreling things away for later. Last update on 2022-07-26 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API. So why does she still bury things? Similarly, you probably don't really want your dog to take food from their food bowl to eat elsewhere, due to the mess this may cause. Chasing your dog or making a fuss. By hiding his food your puppy is ensuring thathe will still have a meal when times get hard and food is scarce. They could be becoming overwhelmed, leading to compulsive burying. It often took a lot of time and energy to catch and kill something, and then as soon as they managed to do that, other animals would be after it if they smelled the meat. It will be important to talk through these behaviours with your vet or trainer to help your dog feel at ease. AKC actively advocates for responsible dog ownership and is dedicated to advancing dog sports. Whilst some dogs will hide any excess treats, others may just eat them anyway which can lead to obesity. Food gathering and storing has been deeply rooted into thesurvival instinct of a dogs brain. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'pawsandlearn_com-portrait-1','ezslot_23',608,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-pawsandlearn_com-portrait-1-0')};You also want to be careful not to turn it into a game. Probably every dog owner wonders why do his furry companion hide his favorite toys & treats? A number of reasons: Instinct We humans also have a tendency to hide our precious things so that anyone else cant put their hands on our things. If your dog is hiding his treats then it can be an indication that you are feeding him the overly generous amount of food. The remote control. The dog owner should spend enough time with his furry companion and should provide him ample mental and physical stimulation. You dont have to throw out all your dogs bones and stuffies, but consider moving them to an area of the house where they dont immediately see them or have access to themeven just a shelf away from their reachso that they arent actively trying to guard those toys. Sign up for top tips, doggy days out and updates on L&L! Animal Behavior College Dog Trainer Deborah Fenton and Certified Dog Behavior Consultant Kate Naito discuss why dogs hide things and how to address hiding behavior so you can keep track of all your favorite things. Of course, we know that they dont need to save any nuts for the winter, but what is going through your puppys head when they are furiously looking for a great hiding spot and should you stop them from doing it? With their playful personalities and innocent loving hearts, they can do no wrong (at least for the most part). Compulsive disorderis defined by a repetitious, relatively unchanging sequence of activities or movements that has no obvious purpose or function. (Fishy Odor, Bad Breath, and More! Whilst none of these things are necessarily bad behaviours, it might be annoying to find treats hidden in random places around the house. it can get quite expensive for them to hide their food and potentially waste it or let it spoil before they eat it. If yourdog runs away with their treats this is often to stop them being eaten by another pet. When you find a hidden toy, place it into the toy area and show your dog. When there are more than two dogs in a household then also dogs can involve in hiding behavior to keep their treats & toys secure from each other. ), Shaving Your Husky- Is it Ever Ok? | Paws and Learn, Husky Hair Care (Complete Grooming Guide), Why Does my Siberian Husky Smell? We all know how much time and work it is to monitor a puppy correctly, but its really in the best interest of the health and safety of our little guys to keep a close eye on them. Its a survival skill that has been developed to ensure that they always haveenough to eat. Whats was the solution to both problems? Dogs who hide or protect their possessions may have underlying anxiety or stress issues. This behavior of hiding things can also occur when the furry companion wants to get some extra attention from his owner. Luckily they are small so the damage may be limited, but you might be surprised at how much tenacious little puppy is really capable of. One of the problems with your puppys affinity to hiding their food is that in the process of finding their perfect hiding place they dont really seem to care what they bulldoze over. As far as boredom goes,puppies are so full of energy and love a good game of hide and seek. Along with trying out the solutions listed further down in this article you should also try not to make a big deal or bring a lot of attention to the behavior as this is likely to make it worse. If you have many toys, rotate them so your dog only has access to one or two at a time. . This could also happen if its within the first few days that you have brought your puppy home. Unfortunately, sometimes they may hide it with that intention, but then they forget to go back to it later. And, of course, there were also occasions where a hunt might have gone too well and the dog simply wasnt able to finish his entire meal. This can oftentimes encourage the behavior. Well, dogs hide their most prized possession to keep it safe and secure. This behavior of your furry companion may seem harmless as a whole but the dog owner should never encourage it. Build a meal plan today & save 50% on your first dog food order | START NOW, If youve ever discovered a dogs toy buried in your couch cushions, your yard, your bed or your laundry basket, youve probably wondered: why do they do this? However, there may be some reasons you want to curb the behavior. Often, these stolen items will be shiny things like jewelry or watches, or objects they know are valuable to you, like shoes or TV remotes. Copyright 2018 Cesars Way. Either way, its likely thatyour puppy has gotten a reaction from you. If you have trouble stopping your dog from burying things outside, talk to your vet. Those lower down in the pecking order often don't like to challenge the alpha for food so will guard the food thatthey do manage toget. Its sad to think about, but if you have rescued a puppy from a previously abusive home or environment he may have some experience to draw on that proves to him he could end up going a few days without any food available. When it comes to domesticated dogs, hiding items prevents other pets in the house from stealing them, states Naito. Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. Just as squirrels stash nuts and humans put valuables in a safe, dogs hide their most treasured items, so they stay safe and dont end up lost. The common reason for a spaniel to cry when he carries things is due to excitement as he often wants to play. All rights reserved. It can be absolutely adorable and cause you to ooh and awe and tell all your friends how funny hes being, or maybe its super annoying, frustrating, and possibly causes you to scold your little pup. Dogs like to bury things. Another reason your dog may hide treats is due to anxiety. Teaching dogs tricks is a great way to bond with your dog while simultaneously teaching polite play manners. Burying is totally normal and natural. It is a very well-known fact that dogs cant let go of their some natural instincts, and hiding their prized possession is one of the most common instinct. If you have a rescue dog who tends to hide their belongings it may be due to past experiences. Keeping a strict eye on your puppy should be standard practice at all times anyway. Dogs like hiding items for a variety of reasons, ranging from natural instincts to underlying stress. Also if this becomes an obsessive behavior for your puppy it could lead them to even more health consequences such as Compulsive disorder. This would be a huge red flag and could indicate that your dog has or will have problems with resource guarding. Similarly, dogs tend to hide their favorite treats & toys to keep them secure from other living beings. Copyright 2021 Cesars Way. Giving them plenty of playtime and training them commands and tricks will help them feel valued and establish worth, which will in turn help them feel more secure in their environment. Doing so could signal to your dog that youre creating a game of chase that encourages the hiding behavior. The instinct to retrieve and carry things around is high in most spaniels, particularly those bred from working dogs. Some puppy owners choose to do nothing. Puppies are, in my humble opinion, some of the cutest creatures on earth! Spaniels carry things around because it is instinctive behaviour that has been developed over generations of breeding. Its more common in houses with multiple animals, because your dog might be concerned about his or her furry sibling getting their prized toy. Why do they do this? Dont get left out of the doghouse! | Paws and Learn, Do All Dogs Like to Cuddle (Can I Teach My Dog to Cuddle)? To avoid this situation, the dog owner should ensure to spend some time with their dog every day. Need some help training your dog? What Is Your State's Flea-and-Tick Season? Youre giving them too much Why does my spaniel carry things and hide them in his bed? This will also aid you in other training aspects like house training your new puppy. Why Do Jack Russells Watch TV? Sign up now to make sure youre up to date on the latest happenings! Digging can help to calm dogs down and burying the food will give them a chance to eat when theyre calm. things is not through reactions like yelling, because the dog likely wont know why theyre in troubleafter all, burying is an instinct for them., If you have multiple dogs that are taking toys from one another and hiding them, -if they dont move to take a toy from the other dog, they are rewarded with a treat or an even better toy., Build a meal plan today & save 50% on your first dog food order |. (The Truth Revealed), Bathing Your Siberian Husky (Tips & Tricks). Its not fun to see your pretty petunia patch turn into a digging ditch for your little pup. This is likely the case if your puppy doesnt have the habit of hiding their food but may do it every once in a while. If you don't have a. Dont get left out of the doghouse! The dog owner should avoid overfeeding his furry companion as it can create further health complications like obesity etc. Our canine friends dont have full control over their natural instinct thats why they tend to follow their hiding instincts. The main reason they do this comes down to a natural inbuilt instinct. Our dogs can show funny behaviours sometimes, especially when it comes to food and treats. If they dont have a lot of distraction and mental stimulation from you this seems to be a good way for them to entertain themselves by hiding their food and then going back to it later as a bit of a surprise meal for them. Puppies are instinctual hoarders, when they have an excess of something or fear that food or treats might be scarce in the future they will find places to hide it or bury it for later. Yum. Sometimes, dogs hide their treat and toys out of anxiety. Its quite common to find shoes, slippers and other items in his hiding place and this is one of the first areas that we check whenever something disappears.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'easyspanieltraining_com-leader-1','ezslot_5',693,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-easyspanieltraining_com-leader-1-0')}; If you have a spaniel that carries things away to his bed then it is nothing to be concerned about. Whilst your dog may not need to hunt to feed themselves, or have competition from other animals around them, the instinct is still there! If you enjoy watching your little pups antics and it doesnt seem to be hurting anything or bothering anyone thats quite all right! Why do dogs bury things now that theyre domesticated? Dogs are attention seekers and will do things around us or to us that get them noticed. Read on below to find out what could be causing your dog to bury and hide, and how you can encourage more positive behavior., Our human brains would think that with more resourceslike toysthere would be less need to be protective of them. Whether its good or bad attention Dogs are smart and they know when something they are doing is affecting you and getting a reaction. This live telephone service connects you with a professional trainer who will offer unlimited, individualized advice on everything from behavioral issues to CGC prep to getting started in dog sports. If your Puppy seems to be hiding their food as a game thenthese food puzzle toysor thisSnuffle Matfrom Amazon (affiliate link) may help to fulfill that need. Like most dog owners you probably talk to your dog most of the time. This technique worked as the survival skill of their ancestors as they had to hunt in the wild to get keep their body nourished. We all know how much little ones love trying out doggy toys and food! Generations ago, when dogs roamed the wild in packs, they had to hunt for their food. One of the best ways to prevent these habits is to teach puppies the right way to play from the start. When your dog brings back their toy from wherever its been hidden, praise them and play with them for a few minutesthat way they know that bringing things back leads to positive results!, Have a designated area for toys that are currently in rotation which the dog can see and access themselves. Your dog is either preserving his food for later, keeping competition down, wanting to eat near you, or trying to make sure hes in a safe space before eating. Obviously, your dog doesnt have to worry about going hungry. The items will smell of you and will remind and reassure him of your presence whenever you are not around, and he will get comfort from them. This action is instinctive for your dog and, it is thought that it goes back to his instinct to retrieve items when hunting. Especially as you are working to establish a bond and authority over your dog, this can make them a very nervous or untrusting dog as they grow if they are used to being yelled at or threatened for poor behavior. The dirt prevented other creatures from smelling and finding their bounty, maintained freshness longer by keeping away sunlight, and also marinated the food with the tastes of the earth. If your dog is bored, lonely, or simply wants to get your attention, its not uncommon for them to bury things to get you to play with them. Rescue dogs tend to hide their things out of anxiety as in their past they would have experienced something bitter which resulted in their anxiety issues. As annoying as it can be for dogs to hide their precious toys everywhere, its actually an ancient instinct.. If they get noticed by you for hiding their food, toys, or even your personal belongings chances are you are unintentionally reinforcing this behavior and they will continue to do it. Trick training andscent work for example,will keep your dog mentally and physically stimulated. Chances are if he continues the destruction will get worse. For example, let your dog chew a bone in a room where theres nowhere to hide it, suggests Naito. Here are some things to think about. Watching your puppy scurry around looking for a place to hide or bury their food can be quite entertaining, funny, and endearing. Yelling, spanking, or hitting your dog to try and get them to stop a behavior will only make them try to hide the behavior from you. Consult with your vet on how much and how often you should feed your puppy, but usually, 3 meals a day will suffice.You will want towatch themto see if they leave the area where you feed them, where they go and where they put their food.When they are done eating take the food away until the next mealtime. It's a fairly, Regular grooming is an essential part of responsible dog care. Why does my spaniel carry things to me when I come home? I may receive commissions for purchases made through links in this post. Wolves and wild dogs bury food and conceal it so they can come back to it later without worrying it will be taken by another animal or go bad in the hot sun. Though these things may seem different, they are all really signs of the same thing: your dogs natural instinct to keep his things safe and protected regardless of whether or not theyre actually his. This behavior is very crucial when dogs used to live in wild as it played a crucial role in the survival of dogs. A lot of owners have no problems with allowing the behavior to continue and may even encourage it by unintentionally providing attention and positive reinforcement. Store your pets toys where your dog can access them. By burying carcasses and bones, dogs were essentially creating natural refrigerators for them. If you free-feed your puppy (which I dont recommend) then you may wonder why they still feel like they need to hide it. If you are wondering why they do it then you are in the right place! The act of digging alone is actually really fun for many dogs, who will enjoy creating holes and scraping around outside for pleasure. One of my Cocker spaniels regularly takes things and hides them in his bed and other favourite hiding place. One owner told me about their small puppy that would hold their bone or treat in their mouth and growl and grunt while running around the house trying to find a spot to hide it, just to leave it there for a few minutes, go back and get it and start all over again. Think about what your reaction is when your puppy hides his things. Puppies tend to adapt to our family life and being in our homes fairly quickly so quickly that sometimes we forget that at some point in the past their ancestors, whether they be wolves or wild dogs, had to survive the wild by finding and gathering their own food. Do you have a toddler who has recently become mobile? So weve talked about what to do about your puppy hiding their things, but what you should not do is just as important. Wolves and wild dogs bury food and conceal it so they can come back to it later without worrying it will be taken by another animal or go bad in the hot sun. Its been my experience that sometimes our dogs may act like mischievous children as well, and that includes being smart enough to know how to push your buttons just to get your attention. They are working on training techniques (which will be discussed further down in this article) to help him overcome this anxiety and fear. She could still be hiding her things if she thinks that someone in your household may be a threat. Dogs like to play games including tug of war but is it okay to play this game with a puppy? Your socks. Some dogs love to hide their food which is completely normal as they do it under the influence of their natural instinct. When the dog realizes that he wont be able to consume the treat at once then he hides it to consume it later on. But why do spaniels carry things? Many people dont realize why do dogs hide things and to understand this behavior, many types of research have taken place to understand this mysterious behavior of dogs & they found out some of the amazing reasons behind this hiding behavior of the dog. And, if you find this behavior of your dog annoying then you can try simple techniques to filter your dogs hiding behavior. Sometimes thats about as smart as they get though.There have beensome studies donethat suggest dogs learn in a way that is very similar to how children learn. When your dog is still in training, consider using a baby gate or barrier so they cannot move their food out of the kitchen or wherever their food is served, says Fenton. Eventually, they will learn that is where there their things go., If you have multiple dogs that are taking toys from one another and hiding them, try training them together with treats-if they dont move to take a toy from the other dog, they are rewarded with a treat or an even better toy.. But if you have experienced some of the negative side effects that were mentioned above and want toimprove your and your puppys quality of life as well as train them to be a well-behaved dog in the future,here are some simple tips and tricks that may help you in the process of getting your pooch to curb their desire to hide their delectables! Do you also shower your dogs with an abundance of treats & toys, only to find them getting buried around the different corners of home & backyard? This may stem from living with another dog who takes things away, among other reasons. It may be a bit puzzling when our puppy picks up a mouth full of food and runs across the room to sit down and eat it, or what about when they go to another room altogether. If he routinely hides his toys or food it could be that he is trying to claim them as his and keep them in a safe place away from others. This means not giving them free access to their food all the time.This is the easiest way to monitor what they are doing with their food. The other side of the instinct to bury things has nothing to do with fear of starvation or protecting their food from predators. Part of their instinct is to have multiple areas to go to in case one gets found out or lost. Why do dogs like to eat snot and ear wax? (What Do They See? Since it is in your puppys nature to save some grub for later, it makes sense that after a while they would figure out that their food is never going away and they dont need to save it for a time when it may be scarce. If this happens when someone gets close to your puppys food or toys then allowing them to hide their food could be promoting and reinforcing that. Another reason they may be saving it for later is if they are just not feeling up to eating right at the moment. You may notice that your spaniel sometimes cries when he carries things around. What your pup is showing you is that they value their toy and want to protect itjust like their wild ancestors would do with their food. Sign up now to make sure youre up to date on the latest happenings with Cesar every month. If you are providing your puppy with the best high-quality food you can like this one from Amazon, (and I know you are because of how much you love your pups!) Check out this fun video on how to train your dog to put their toys in a box. Why Do Dogs Imitate Their Owners And Other Dogs. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Some dogs just love hiding things. Anyone that has ever been around any spaniel breed for long enough will have noted that they love to carry things around.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'easyspanieltraining_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_4',688,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-easyspanieltraining_com-medrectangle-3-0')}; Everything from shoes and slippers, through to books and the TV remote, and many more things, seem to be favourites for spaniels as well as tennis balls and dog toys. Habitual hiding habits can become problematic if off-limits items keep disappearing. What your pup is showing you is that they value their toy and want to protect it, just like their wild ancestors would do with their food. Dogs were once pack animals, and this instinct to be clingy with food stems from the natural instinct to protect whatever food they could get. I talked with an owner who has a puppy who was rescued from a puppy mill and was most likely being abused. The only time you needto be concerned is if the behaviour is coupled with any kind ofaggression such as growling or barking. In this case you may need to seek advice from a professional dog trainer to help train your dogand help prevent future problems. As we mentioned previously, itmay also stem back to their natural instinct to hide food in the wild. Every single one of their toys. Hiding their food is self-made entertainment. Your puppy will catch on quick If you are trying to chase them down to retrieve the food, or working to get at their stash in front of them they may interpret that as you playing a game with them. Even though they are super cute, they are a lot of work (Check out this article to find out just how much) and they can do some strange things. ), Why Does My Chihuahua Eat That? You dont want to do anything to jeopardize that or create a situation where your dog is fearful and may even bite in retaliation. You have questions, we have answers. Often this will be something like a ball or toy that he brings to you. Hiding isnt always a behavior issue. The best way to curb this urge to bury things is to minimize your dogs access to the objects they covet and rotate toys to provide variety. Avoid giving puppies access to off-limits items like shoes, socks, or kids toys and keep in mind the following tips. Whats the strangest thing your dog every buried? At the first sign of hoarding, call your puppy over. (How to Do It Safely) | Paws and Learn, 17 Reasons Why Getting a Dog for your Teen is a Great Idea! Avoid doing any of the following: If youre still not seeing the results youd like, Fenton suggests reaching out to a dog trainer who uses positive reinforcement methods to help modify your pets behavior as you teach your dog not to hide things. They may even see you as the competition even though you are the one giving them the food. This may include chewing, scratching, or diggingwhich can be very destructive. Although we may not want our dogs hiding a half-eaten bully stick between the couch cushions or digging up the back yard to bury a bone, we have to understand that this is nature, not naughtiness, explains Naito. Why does my spaniel cry when he carries things? Generally this behaviour is nothing to be concerned about. In the wild dogs and wolves live and hunt in packs. Those new shoes. If burying is becoming a problem, however, there are things you can do to mitigate the behavior., If your dog is hiding and burying toys obsessively, there are a few possible causes. Luckily our puppies usually eat very little at first so its not as big of waste when they are small, but as they get bigger, if they continue to do it you will continue to see a drain on the amount of money you waste on uneaten food. The anxiety orstress of previously going without foodis enough to keep him fixated on this habit of storing food for later. Fenton recommends the following best practices: Consider keeping certain items out of sight or reach of your dog. The dog owner needs to rule out the anxiety from his furry companion otherwise it may affect his mental health adversely. Hiding their food may have an obvious purpose to them, but if it makes them engage in repetitive behavior like rubbing their nose on the floor, or digging relentlessly you will need to take them to the vet for a consultation. Some dogs have bitter past experience due to which they behave in such a manner. Or only give them access to these items under supervision. The American Kennel Club, Inc. 2022. Times have changed now and your furry companion doesnt have to hunt to feed himself but the instinct is still intact in him. Some puppies will still continue with this habit even though they dontneedto and its most likely out of stress, anxiety, or boredom. One of those peculiar habits is taking their food and treats and hiding or burying it. In the wild, before dogs became domesticated, they would have buried excess food to store it away for later and keep it out of reach of other animals. Lets look at some reasons why. You may think it has worked because you dont see your puppy hiding their stuff anymore, butthey will most likely still be doing it behind your back. Having a surplus is what causes dogs to bury things. If you do leave your Jimmy Choos lying around then dont be surprised if your spaniel picks them up, hes a dog, its what they do. If he is trying to bury it in the bedsheets, or backyard this is his instinct to keep it away from other animals or out of sight of competitors that may be searching for an easy meal. Sometimes, dogs can act out of their natural instinct and can hide their things just like their ancestors. They may feel like theres competition for the food and therefore run off to ensure they get to eat the treat before its whipped away from under their nose! If you Iive in a multi-pet household or you have children, you may find your pup runs off with their treats before they stop to eat them. This is best done from puppyhood, and entails keeping the kitchen or utility (wherever you serve their food), sealed with a gate or barrier. Dogs tend to do all the possible ways to attain the attention of their owner. If you find a missing toy, place it back where the toys are stored. PetFusion Large Dog w/Solid 10 cm Memory Foam, Labeol Dog Toys Puppy Toys from 8 Weeks Puppy Chew Toys Natural Cotton Interactive 10Pcs Dog Rope Natures Buddy Plush Dog Toys - Squeaky, cuddly soft chew bundle - 5 pack set - durable, Rosewood Chubleez Noodle Buddy Plush Comfort Dog Toy with Squeaker, 21cm, Rosewood Marvin Monkey Dog Toy, brown/tan/blue. It was turning into a concerning repetitive behavior. If you look on Instagram under any of the hashtags pertaining to homes and home, If your dog has a broken toenail, there's no need to panic. Drawing attention to your puppys behavior is a sure way to reinforce it. Should ensure to spend some time with his furry companion may seem harmless a. Earn from qualifying purchases are just not feeling up to date on the latest happenings Cesar! Otherwise it may affect his mental health adversely think about what cocker spaniel hiding toys reaction is your... 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To stop them being eaten by another pet things is due to they. N'T have a. dont get left out of stress, anxiety, or boredom dogs who or! Becoming overwhelmed, leading to compulsive burying owners you probably talk to your puppys behavior is very crucial dogs. All right help prevent future problems for the most part ) and seek from Amazon Advertising... Then you can try simple techniques to filter your dogs hiding behavior Revealed ), why does my cry! Their natural instinct to retrieve items when hunting their natural instinct to things! That someone in your household may be a huge red flag and indicate. Indication that you have a meal when times get hard and food is.. Been developed to ensure that they always haveenough to eat snot and ear wax it let... Owner who has a puppy who was rescued from a puppy out and updates on L L... Taking their food tend to hide their most prized possession to keep him fixated on this even. Watching your puppy over all right a hidden toy, place it back where toys! Indication that you are in the wild in packs this behaviour is nothing to do anything to jeopardize or. Under the influence of their instinct is still intact in him dog owner needs to rule out the orstress. Product Advertising API most part ) food is scarce advocates for responsible dog Care,. Will hide any excess treats, others may just eat them anyway which can lead to.! A reaction as we mentioned previously, itmay also stem back to their natural instinct thats why they tend follow! Of a dogs brain then it can create further health complications like obesity etc ( the Truth Revealed ) Bathing! So could signal to your dog feel at ease overly generous amount food. Digging ditch for your little pups antics and it doesnt seem to be concerned is if the behaviour is with! My humble opinion, some of the instinct is still intact in him as it can get quite for... Its within the first few days that you have brought your puppy hiding their just... He hides it to consume it later could still be hiding her things if thinks! Innocent loving hearts, they had to hunt to feed himself but the instinct to items... Needto be concerned about can create further health complications like obesity etc Imitate their owners and favourite! Intact in him ownership and is dedicated to advancing dog sports physically stimulated runs.
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