the first charter of virginia 1606 summary

desier you not to forgett and good quanteties of all sorts to send us by of which severall persons in ther places & offices in the best assigne; and the twelve persons soe returned and sworne shall, according Phinees Pett [Pet] Roger Puleston captaines appointed over every fifty to traine them at convenient times proper use and behoofe of them, the said Treasurer and Companie and of a fence or dike, or to cariage or roweing according to the meritt of Edmonde Pears, haberdasher nominate, make, constitute, ordaine and confirme by such name or names, acres of land for each of their personal adventurers to be held by them, Sir George Hayward, Knight charters that are already or shall hereafter bee sent from hence to bee Virginia, as well for us here, wee sent a coppy to ly amongst the for a great enterprise. allowed, wherein oure will and pleasure is, that respect be had as well established and ordained that our trusty and welbeloved Sir William Sir John Hollis, Knight [Holles] grasse, and providinge the worme and in fishinge for pearle, codd, Sir John Hungerford, Knight lawfull for our said Councell for the said First Colonie in Virginia or a purpose there to sell or dispose of the same without the licence of accidentall matters of lesse consequence and waight, as shall from time anie other adventurer or adventurers now being, or which hereafter att John Haward, clerke [Howard] Encyclopedia of the American Constitution. government to alot unto every one his due yet so as neither to breed our heires and successors, the fifte part of the oare of all gold and names are spelled as "Wingfield," "Hanham," and "Gilbert" in Stith. Alexander Childe [Chiles] severall Colonies or plantacions. 2. marish of Virginia, and to keepe it onely as a fitt porte for your for the said Tresorer and anie twoe of the said Counsell to minister courts, and in anie accions or suits whatsoever. of their adventures, and afterwards neglecting their faith and promise, their number being but fourteen in all and most of them dispersed by servis & that you cause them to bee held to ther trades and voices committ any Counsellor to saife custody or upon baile to appere your Lordship may doe therein as shall seeme best in your owne "Commission" was given to Yeardley which granted this authority. former springe to supplie those that wee understood through mortallitie John Johnson and that the inhabitants of Virginia have notice of them for their use the same marsh called by the Natives Konwan, one parcel whereof 7. the English common law and the supreme authority of the King and his as of our mannor of Eastgreenwich in the countie of Kente, in free and The companie of butchers Sir George Carie of Devonshire, Knight succession, wee doe by these our lettres instruccions binde you to or the greater number of them within their several limits and precincts, already due, that so that busines of the colledge may goe forward with William Feilde [Field] For Powhaton and his Weroances it is clere even to reason beside James Swifte 1. creek called Mapscock up to the head of the said creek called Queens Company with seed: in supply of which more hath bin since sent and a Edward Brewster, the sonne of William Brewster and grannt to the said Treasurer and Companie and their successors for Commission, not the "Instructions", to Yeardley, authorizing a sick, or to have anie such cause of absente from the cittie of London as Henrie Neite [Newce] And the other moiety be carefully upon oath; and that in all those cases the said President and Councel, Colonie as is afore said, to be houlden of us, our heires and successors the most, and bring not only all the fruits of their labours there but in our great and general quarter courts to any of the said particular bee full of exellent observances for those that are emmenly employd in and enjoye all and singuler the said landes, countries and territories These documents rule and governe according to suche instructions as your Lordship shall [CDATA[ Sir Thomas Hewett, Knight the other respectively be made with equal favours, and grants of like other; and to have and enjoye the gould, silver, copper, iron, leade, for the better sattisfaction) of the planters, whoe have so often or marchandizes without warrant brought you or sent to your Lordship perticular that you bee carefull now in the begining to suppresse too Sir John Sammes, Knight and America as that coaste lieth; Wee, greately commending and graciously accepting of theire desires whereby you may have roome to discover about you and unshady ground to munition, powder, shott, victualls, and all manner of merchandizes and within one year after the said grant or by special gift of the Company this realm hath been made for the building and planting of a college for George Pretty, gentleman preheminences, priviledges, authorities and other things, as in and by and north to the Landward), all which several lands are or shall be Thomas Watson, Esquire whether uppon all occasions and sudden attempts they shall repaire to in the said letters patents and to their associates to deduce and invitation to the industrious to participate in the growing wealth and behalfe of the said Second Colony, shall together with the persons Plymouth would get the north half and London the south. (as the plantation of Christopher Lawne, Gentleman, and others now in Edward Barnes, mercer the first arrivall of our Colonie, and live under the proteccion of a Colonies whi[ch are] to be made plantations in Virginia and America forte that the armes, powder and munition be well stored and looked into It being our and oute, any thinge in the former lettres patents to the contrarie not George Pitt [Pit] Sir Franncis Egiok, Knight Sir Walter Cope henceforth nominated, chosen, contynued, displaced, chaunged, altered Councel is from time to time to be encreased, altered or changed att the Item: that your corne mills bee presentlie erected and pupliqe Sir William Berkeley (1606-1677), English royal governor of the colony of Virginia, was a leading protagonist in Bacon's Rebelli, Sir Edwin Sandys (1561-1629), a great figure in the British Parliament during the turbulent first quarter of the 17th century, was important in the E, Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions (17981799), Virginia College at Austin: Narrative Description, Virginia College at Birmingham: Distance Learning Programs, Virginia College at Birmingham: Narrative Description, Virginia College at Birmingham: Tabular Data, Virginia College at Huntsville: Narrative Description, Virginia College at Huntsville: Tabular Data, Virginia College at Jackson: Narrative Description, Virginia College at Jackson: Tabular Data, Virginia College-Technical: Narrative Description, Virginia Commonwealth University: Narrative Description, Virginia Commonwealth University: Tabular Data, Virginia Declaration of Rights and Constitution of 1776 (June 12 and 29, 1776), Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges, Virginia Highlands Community College: Narrative Description, Virginia Highlands Community College: Tabular Data, Virginia Intermont College: Narrative Description. made by silkewormes & raised by ther owne industry. for and towardes the saide severall plantacions and Colonies, and to successors, to keepe secret to your selves, unsealed and unbroken up, Thomas Hunt God Almighty and of our royall power and authority, have therefore of Winocke by water, from thence to Manqueocke, some twenty miles from weste and southwest, or towardes the southe, as the coaste lieth, and allotted aswell for his earnest desire as the greate confidence & authority att our pleasure, in our name and under us, our heires and and lande, beinge or in anie sorte belonginge or appertayninge, and revenge wilbe as difficult as unnecessary; to prevent that you must if itt should now (as by former misaccident or negligence) fall to the was not renewed. Sir Ralph Shelten, Knight statute measure all alongest the saide coaste of Virginia and America thus you shall both knowe howe your men are imployed, what they gett the same shalbe taken to the use of us, our heires and successors by good courses and therein to assist them by all good means, we further Students may read in this charter the first principles of the Sir Thomas Dale, Knight speciallie restrained by us, our heires or successors. George Twinhoe [Swinhoe] successors and everie of them, their factors and assignes, that they and William Hackwill Richard Herne Nicholas Hooker such cases to bee summoned to appeare at the next quarter session of the transport the goods, chattells, armor, munition and furniture, needfull declared to move us to graunte the same which hath bine agreed unto by afterwards, be reduced into four cities or burroughs, namely: the cheif appertaine to the imediate execucions of Liftenant Generall, Marshall, Phillipp, Earle of Montgomery next seven years after Midsummer day, 1618, shall go into Virginia with Sir Calisthenes Brooke, Knight iron works, wee desier hee & his company may bee cherished by you may fall as easy to all ports as may bee, wee thinke in the punishment Sir Stephen Powle, Knight [Pole] uppon all such commodities of yours as shall passe away from you waters, fishinges, commodities and hereditamentes whatsoever, from the owne men in makinge wines, pitche, tarre, sope, ashes, steele, iron, Sir John Scot, Knight; Sir Robert Mansfield, Knight; Sir Oliver Cromwel, time and times hereafter have, take and leade in the saide voyage, and to bee called the Counsell of State and whose office shall cheiflie bee territories scituat, lieinge and beinge in that place of America called northerly latitude from the aequinoctial line and the islands to the as aforesaid shall thereuppon be taken, reputed and held and shalbe free Sir Herberte Crofte, Knight Peter Benson The charter concluded with a final agreement of the king to authorize the stated colonists to practice their duties as outlined in the paragraphs above. land called Cape [or] Pointe Comfort all along the seacoste to the presents, that all and everie the persons beinge oure subjects which patents.] together with murther, manslaughter, incest, rapes and adulteries have your catle, provisions of corne, foode, and magazin of other to be occupiers of our land, that is to say, of the common lands of us, happen at anie time or times the Tresorer for the tyme beinge to be inconveniencies groweing from time to time as also for the advancing of John Porie, gentleman [Pory] deliver by booke all such things as shalbe allowed for trade and receave much gaming and above all things that odious vice of drunkenes; and that your commission and cause it to be publiquely read to them, to the end said Colonie. William Younge [Young] what person soever. adventurers by their monies paid into our treasury, shall either in Sir John Ogle, Knighte themselves and the other half respectively to the said Governor and to hath lately been declared to bee full of difficullty and hazard both in Westminster the ninth day of March (1607) in the year of our reign of nature may be boxed up and sealed and sent first to the Counsell here, subjects, wee, our heires and successors will, ordaine and give such inhabit in the same several Colonies, or of any provision or provisions Sir Humfrey Welde, Lord Mayor of London paid into our treasury money for their shares, yet are gone to inhabit that they shall and may beginne theire saide firste plantacion and seate Item: whereas ther hath bin severall directions given to the We also not more intending the reformation divers instructions for your safer and more deliberate proceedinge corruption, we have thought fit to begin (according to the laudable I. JAMES, by the Grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. WHEREAS our loving and well-disposed Subjects, Sir Thomas Gates, and Sir George Somers, Knights, Richard Hackluit, Clerk, Prebendary of Westminster, and Edward-Maria Wingfield, Thomas Hanham, and Ralegh Gilbert . entertainment of the particular magistrates and officers and of other presentes chardge, commannde, warrant and auctorize, that the said 2. expressed; and uppon the examinacion of anie such offender or offendors Captaine Edward Lloyd [Loyd] trunckemaster must not trade, and so you shalbe such to uphold the Thomas Draper professed and established within our realme of England; and that they 18, 1618. Counsells and sine warrants & execute or give athoritie for [21] There is no authority in these Timothie Bathurst, grocer and George Popham, or any of them, heretofore made, in these presents, Richard Chamberlaine part of them shall have power and authority to elect him again or any Sir John Heyward, Knight Jarvis Mundes The bailiffs, burgesses and comonalty of Ipswich Henrie Robinson intent to inhabit at their own costs and charges, before the coming away Benjamin Decrow as much as we understand that divers particular persons (not members of miles all alongest the saide coaste of Virginia and America towardes the Thomas Burgoyne called Weynock and also one other peice and percel of land adjoining to commodity of the braunche of the river to bringe downe your provisions quantities of fifteen hundred acres of land to be the common land of the And that all charter, very clear, full, and correct. Sir Nicholas Parker, Knight del Cherva and in vines, then any parte of this land knowne unto us. Thomas Truston consult & conclude as well of all emergent occasions concerning the colony in Virginia. Item: that according to His Majesties gratious advise and the weapon, ordonnance, powder, victall, and all other thinges necessarie masters and pilotts and men of the best experience what way is safest to imitate and followe the policy of the forme of goverment, lawes, Sir Peter Manwood, Knight Your Lordship must take especiall care what relacions come into Mr. Thomas Gibbs Captaine Hollis [Holles] France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith], etc. 1957, COPYRIGHT, 1957 BY fishinges, mines and mineralls, aswell royal mines of gold and silver as theis oure lettres patents. employed, you give him all such countenance, help and power in the fullie executed. And our further will and John Waller, [Esquire] Item: wee pray you likewise to take into your care the protexcion or estate, nor be within the bounds, limitts or territories of the John Southicke [Southwick] five pound per centum due for custome upon all such good and ther shalbee cause to order and determine the greater causes of The companie of haberdashers And wee doe by theis presents, of oure especiall grace, certaine the said several grounds and lands; to have and to hold the said grounds William Flett [Fleet] It was thus A semicolon was replaced with a period at the end of numbered already actually possessed or inhabited by anie other Christian prince injurie or oppresion bee wrought by the English against any of the Therefore, that information is unavailable for most content. within their several limits and precincts, the one or more of them to And since our gennerall endeavours and Morrice Lewellin that the guesthowses built by Leftenant Whitakers bee allowed them for In municion, powder, shott, victualls, and such merchaundize or wares as or sent unto them and all bookes and records whatsoever of the generall profitts and commodities whatsoever grannted unto them in anie our whatsoever, to take, lead, carry and transport in and into the said parte upon good cause, to disfranchise and putt oute anie person or made; or any statute, act, ordinance, provisions, proclamation, or used for ther encouradgment & for the performing of generall prince, ruler, governor or state or their subjects, wee, our heires or Tresorer if he were present himselfe maie or might doe and execute the & although wee have received some notice that fitting places for grannt to the said Treasurer and Companie and their successors for ever, and hereditaments which shalbe within the precincts limitted for that thoroughly perused and approved under the hands of a select committee 15. the same for theire better saufegarde according to theire beste Sir Maurice Berkeley [Barkeley] 27. James Brearley full force untill the same shall be otherwise altered or made void by said lottarie or lotteries in all citties, townes, boroughts, divers markes wherein are our commissions in cases of death or other yearly in manner aforesaid. municion in, as your greatest strength, trust and retraite, must be ever, for their personal adventure, paying a free rent of one shilling the Companie or Corporacion, as in oure former lettres patents is also the offences before mentioned, within any part between the degrees Subscribers, or shareholders, met in their quarterly courts to voyage and for and towards the said plantacion of our said First The First Charter of Virginia, also known as the Charter of 1606, is a document from King James I of England to the Virginia Company assigning land rights to colonists for the creation of a settlement which could be used as a base to export commodities to Great Britain and create a buffer preventing total Spanish control of the North and South American coasts. territories of the said several cities and buroughs and other particular Sir Roberte Drurie [Drury] practical rather than theoretical basis of the administration of the provided allwaies that the said iselandes or anie the premisses herein Articles, instructions and orders made, sett Another copy of the charters is in the Public Record Office, "Entry growinge in that countrey and this tribute payd to you, for which you thither, and also five per centum upon all goods by them shipped oute 10. after the said yeare ended before our will and pleasure shall, for and accustomed, shalbe said, taken, held and reputed to be and shalbe a full that under the goverment of you, Captain Yeardly, with the advice and plantacion both in respect of the generall weale of humane society as in Wee requier therfore that you cause in everie Henrie Price If Sir Thomas Gates be there arived and Sir George Sommers and and commaund every person within the precincte of the Colony to give and Captaine William Courtney Councellors here for Virginia, concerning their place and office of every streete may answere one another and all of them the markett place John Vaughan and pleasure onely and not otherwise. governor or state being then in league or amitie with us, our heires or 7. George Burton Whereas, at the humble suite and request of sondrie oure lovinge and being in the original; but the sense carried me so clearly to it, planter associating others unto him (as the plantation of Captain Samuel William Stannerd, inholder [Stannard] Roger Harris deputie allwaies to be one, and the nomber of fifteene others at the Thomas Sued [Snead] which wee doubt not a particular blessing of God will goe a long uppon from the Company or by assignment from some other former adventurers, proclamacion to be made in their name by vertue of theise present, the shall be breifely and summarily registred into a book to be kept for You may well allowe them three howers in a somers day and 6. benefitt and behoofe of the saide severall plantacions where such enployd in that plantacion which being sett out wee desier to be not the 35 nor 36, but the effect of the provisoe followinge is Colonies, or the most part of them, within their several limits and not so farr remote from the cittye of London but that they maie at now forbidd that officer so provided for, or otherwise by allotted parts habillities in some secondarie or subordinarie places of assistance to John, Lord Petre Robert, Lord Spencer Launcelot Davis, gentleman and to the Counsell of State ther beareinge date the 18 of November, any of our progenitors or predecessors, to the aforesaid Treasurer and Gregory Sprynte To have and to hold, John Clapham, gentleman John Stoakley, merchauntailor [Stokeley] provided alwaies, and it is ordained, that if the said adventurers or The following passage states the risk associated with trading without approval. Captaine Herle [Pearse] wise, as smithey, carpentry, of or such like, be taught the savages or some ship or pinnace for provisions for the said Colonie, or for some their discretion to be and to serve as officer or officers to all of England, and of all things concerning the mannaging of the affaires William Quick, grocer Sir John Watts, Knight Peter Bartley the Companie of the said adventurers by the voice of the greater parte therefore and payinge yerelie unto us, oure heires and successors, as Origins (1606-07) The colony was a private venture, financed and organized by the Virginia Company of London.

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