thailand drug penalties

Are they herbal? Where a defendant accused of drug use or possession for personal use is not on trial for another offence that is liable for a term of imprisonment, the Court may issue an alternative sentence, e.g. Thank you very much. Hi, I am travelling to Bangkok tonight and carrying medication for high blood pressure, Cholesterol and Uric Acid for a friend from India. Did you find out about the testosterone Aaron? Because i cant sleep when i travel with airplane, will it be problem with the customs ig i have them with me? Is it ok for me to carry the same in my check-in baggage and the procedure I am required to follow at the passport control? Note that this prescription will not be covered under your medical insurance. I was prescribed Panamax by my Australian doctor for back pain which I did not take excessively but ended up with a heart problem (irregular heartbeat) which almost killed me before I was prescribed a blood thinner here in Thailand. ", Can you take non prescription viagra into Phuket. I am sure they will be fine though because these medications are required for your husbands MS, and no one is going to challenge that. I am leaving for Thailand and Vietnam in 1 week. If you read through the document I have linked in the post, you should be able to determine whether these medicines are okay or not. Laws Concerning Methamphetamine in Thailand - Ratchada Law Firm I imagine Thailand follows a similar stance as the US on this: Modafinil is currently classified as a Schedule IV controlled substance under United States federal law; it is illegal to import by anyone other than a DEA-registered importer without a prescription. Anywhere to buy Xanax in Sukhumvit, asoke. Is is the same in Thailand too, or am I supposed to believe that a military government is really the will of the Thai people? And do you really want to spend 1 day, 1 week or even more in a Thai jail? Vietnam is a major drug-trafficking hub despite having some of the harshest drug laws in the world. I have a letter from doctor but is this ok? Let them know you are trying to get this permit but the site is down and whether they know of an alternative website link ( I doubt it). Consequently, Thai authorities decided to reform the drug law and seek a different approach. I've been shaken down on the Ghost Road in the early hours and seen the guy stopped next to me carted off for some coke. Is it still possible to buy xanax / diazepam in Sukhumvit / Bankgok or Ko Samui? Have a great trip! I guess you'll have to get people to bring a supply out when they visit you, and perhaps try your luck at brining 60-days worth when you visit home. Various governments have changed their travel warnings to restrict travel during this time. To the administrator, Thanks for the well-organized and comprehensive post! Try giving your embassy a ring. A mid protests and growing international attention, Singapore executed another man on Wednesday for a drug offense. From what I can see this is not on the list, so as long as you have a prescription you are fine. but this is so grim and absolute you can tell it was written by someone who probably worries he left the stove on every day. This may surprise some readers, as many teenage tourists drink alcohol while partying in Thailand. If it does not come under one of the categories on the list then you should be fine. My email to the FDA has gone unanswered. Sorry Aaron, I have no idea. In Europe, the legal drinking age ranges from as young as 16 up to 18 years old, while in Australia, New Zealand and parts of Canada it is 18. Can i travel with 8nos of 100ml gm viagra or kamagra to bangkok airport ,?10 days vacation to pattaya and phuket. However, if you are concerned, go to your local doctor and get a letter too. Hi, I have 6 months supply of Moclobemide (anti depressant) as I am relocating to Australia from the UK via Thailand (and stopping over for a week). As long as it contain natural ingredients and no amphetamine or testosterone or anything like that. It's for arthritic pain. Can you help me with that? Do I still need a doctor's note and prescription print out for my co codamol tablets? The Ministry of Interior and Bangkok Metropolitan Administration will establish social rehabilitation centres based on criteria, procedures, and conditions determined by the Drug Rehabilitation Committee. Whether you need life insurance, pension planning or other investment advice, I can connect you with my personal IFA. Im flying to Hong Kong and London then sweden. In case of Viagra 100 pills, is prescription label (under patients name) on the original box enough or it should be only original proscription? They sell Androil (Testosterone Undecanoate) made by Organon in Holland its used by Thai's as Testosterone replacement. You mean posting it? Get caught with a substantial amount and your only hope is a pardon from the King, sometime in the next 60 years. Could you confirm if I need a letter or not? Its not prescribed drug in UK, so I cant get a prescription, it classified in a grey zone here in UK. I am wondering whether you could also help me out about it. You don't need that crap man. I have ordered from before and found the service very good. Threw them out . You could always just bring a doctor's letter to confirm the condition and the meds required. but I assume a lot of those websites aren't. Please follow the links in the post on how to do that. and when I go home to my country, can I carry it also? So do I need to get a doctor's letter too? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Find practical and legitimate guide about Thailand laws and legal acts on corporate matters, immigration, civil and criminal law, family law, and many others. Do you know if allapurinol is okay to take in? Boots might stock it. As you've said you will be needing 56 days worth of meds, this will cover you as you are restricted to a 30 day supply. It is not on the controlled substance list, however due to quantity (over 30 days) I wanted to check and I am none the wiser:(. Dont take to much with you.. Ummm.even if you got them out of Thailand wouldn't be illegal to bring them into your home country? April 25, 2023 10:30 PM EDT. I don't know the exact medications he takes but you can check on their status using the link to the help page in the article above. Hey , I am prescribed tegretol (carbamazipene) and diazapam, I have a letter from from my doctor stating I have this for epilepsy . Normally, I'd say bring 30-days worth with a prescription, and then go to Boots or a hospital here to get the rest that you need. But its not legal. Let your readers know if your medicines are in the orignal bottle with doctors name, their name, pharmacy name and expiration date they normally will not be questioned. I have birth control, anxiety, UTI, and food poisoning meds. Because, imbecile, I have replied to over 300 comments on this post saying the same thing over and over again. He is also required to present the document or medical certificate upon entry to the Red Channel and upon exit to the Custom VAT Refund. 'Just shoot them': South-East Asia is notorious for its tough-on-drugs The pharmacy on the crossroads as you come round onto Chaweng high street (the one way bit) sells all that stuff. It's just as easy to stay away from narcotics and people who use them. Can I bring vitamins such at Vitamin B, C, D, Calcium, Multi, Vitalux? dear sir, if some one innocent got caught in drug crime . If the goal of fentanyl laws is to prevent overdose and poisoning deaths, they should fund testing, treatment and information. Hi, I have viagra prescribed by my doctor, would that be ok to take to Thailand? i taketapentadol fromthe docter will that be all right. The police will arrest everyone in the group, not just those in possession of the drug. + Get Married You will then be prescribed what you need. Possession of 10kg or more of marijuana with an intent to sell can result in a 15-year prison sentence and a fine of 1.5 million baht (~USD$45,000). The majority of people who get caught with hard drugs go to prison. I'd be careful on this one. I get a lot of requests for recommendations on services related to living in Thailand. You should also bring a doctor's letter with you and evidence of your prescription back home. Is there a problem bringing my legal pills with me? Hi I live in the Philippines and this is the first time I will be visiting Thailand and I found out that it is possible to purchase Kamagra oral jelly at pharmacies since Kamagra is not locally available I would like to bring back maybe a box or two (a box contains 50 sachets) back home would there be any issues with Thailand customs? Thailand's big, bad meth boom, in the middle of a pandemic | VIDEO I have a chronic pain condition (fibromyalgia) for which I take a various prescription pain killers for: Imipramine, Gabapentin and Co-dydramol. Thanks! On the other hand, severe punishments are still in place to eradicate organized drug crimes. Need an international bank account that holds multiple currencies and lets you transfer, receive & spend wherever you are, with a MasterCard. 1.1 Application form (Form IC-1) Can you check the PDF linked in this post to see what category they fall under. Pollen, asthma, cat hair allergy. Herbal supplements are usually fine. Your prescription won't be valid in Thailand or Australia more than likely, but you probably won't need a script in Thailand and you won't have any problems getting a script in Australia, especially if you take a copy of the script from your homeland to show any doctor. From 2-10 years imprisonment or a fine of 40,000 - 200,000 Baht or both for disposal or possession for the purpose of disposal. Senior officials refer to the failure of suppression efforts to eradicate drugs, and need for proportionate sentencing of drug offences, as part of the rationale for the significant scope of amendments to Thailands drug laws, which came into effect this month. But the police became very unpredictable. Anabolic drugs are class S controlled substances: "Specially Controlled Drug ()". My wife and I are travelling to Bangkok in January for 11 days, Then flying down under to my sons in Oz. Have a good trip. Prescription drugs are heavily regulated too. Just wanted to let you know that I spotted a couple of errors you may want to correct. Siam Legal is experienced in handling various narcotic and illegal drug cases including drug possession for personal use and serious drug offenses. Visa is required for most foreign nationalities to travel and stay in Thailand for more than 30 days. Which is not more than 3 pill each? I'm going to Thailand in 6 weeks, I take morphine for pain. no one is telling you to smoke a crack pipe in front of a cop. Just want to know if I can bring some male enhancement pills(5-6 only) legally without getting into any trouble? Moreover, the worst that could happen is a confiscation and you'd then be able to get the prescription again at a hospital in Thailand. Singapore drug execution: Tangaraju Suppiah hanged for marijuana But my advice is to exercise caution and know the law on what you're buying and carrying. See if you can email the embassy or go down there if possible. I understand though, they don't want drugs destroying their society. as a general rule, the medications that you have to be careful with those that are opioids, or that contain amphetamine, or medications that may potentially cause hallucinogenic effects, et cetera. No worries. The executioner fired a barrage from a sub machine gun at each condemned man's heart". Just to ask, I will be taking a small amount of testosterone (as part of my replacement therapy) to Thailand with me. Thank you. it is making me not want to go. I would assume so, but I can only advise on the rules are not really individual medications. The individuals are encouraged to attend a treatment facility and undergo rehabilitation depending on the amount of drugs possessed and other conditions. It has long been known by the lay man in US that recreational drug prohibition is a mode of oppression. In 1979 Thailand passed a sweeping Narcotics Act, mandating harsh penalties for using and selling drugs, including the death sentence. However, bringing it into your home country in such a large quantity may be against the law. Just before a film begins a video is shown celebrating the Thai Royal family, during which the audience will stand quietly. Buying a Condo: 9 Questions Before You Decide, 8. Generally the restrictions apply to opiates and amphetamine-based drugs, but do double check. I find it very difficult to believe that some of these folks listing horrendous problems actually know of what actually occurred. Please help. The ones that the market stools carry are completely fake! The messaging from the government on the need to reduce the numbers of people in prison, ensure proportionate sentencing, prioritise treatment over punishment and aim for improved social and health outcomes is a welcome development. Hi, Thanks. I was struggling to find this information from the Thai Embassy website as I take strong medication for pain relief after a spinal fusion. Why let a holiday be ruined by an overzealous official with an agenda. Great to hear that! I don't think so, but check the website. Is the stance on codeine and rohypnol the same? I will be on the islands (koh chang). Cheers. Thanks! Hi! Anymore abuse and you will be banned from the blog. Category II: Ordinary narcotics such as morphine, cocaine, codeine, medicinal opium; You can rest assured that every legal procedure will be taken care of with utmost professionalism and expertise. If you are comfortable doing that, then go ahead. There is no issue with having the medication mailed to you on a monthly basis. + Best Visa Run Option, Contact |Privacy Policy|Site Terms & Disclaimer|Media Pack. Secondly, if you overstay your Thaivisa by between 90 days and one year, you face a one-year ban from re-entering Thailand, and will find it more difficult to get Thai visas in the future. Steroids are illegal to buy over the counter but I'm sure you will be able to get them at an "under the counter pharmacy". Narcotics have been described by Narcotics Act to include any form of chemicals or substances which upon being consumed may cause physiological or mental effect. You can certainly visit a hospital and get prescription from a doctor, but I'm not sure how long he/she will issue a prescription for. But I needed them. Thailand Drug Laws - Know The Facts Before Your Visit Siam Legal has a team of foreign legal professionals from America, Europe and Asia who are committed to extend impeccable service to its foreign clientele. I take no drugs at all, besides prilosec for heartburn. Herbal supplements are fine, as long as they aren't drugs like kratom or marijuana. Being retired and enjoying travel a lot, as well as knowing a number of foreigners and Thais there, I stayed for one month or more in about 20 different places around the country, and never, not once, felt that my safety (or my wife's) was in danger. All the medications available in chain pharmacies are allowed to be sold to the public only from the pharmacist no prescription is required. I dont want my pain medication confiscated. Hi, I am travelling to Phuket in September for 5 days. I can't really comment on specific medicines, because I'm not a doctor or pharmacist and I don't know exactly what ingredients these medicines contain, which would determine whether they are okay to carry without getting the permission needed for some drugs as stipulated in the post. To be honest, even without the prescription evidence, if you only have small amount I'm sure no one would give you a hard time. Personal use (of category I, II and V substances, e.g. Thank you so much. To this end, the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention recommends against the detention of people only for drug use and possession for personal use, including compulsory requirements for drug treatment or rehabilitation, as well as non-custodial alternatives to prison for people suspected or convicted of minor, non-violent drug offences. Copyright 2023. By telling us your country of residence we are able to provide you with the most relevant travel insurance information. Please do not hesitate to contact us for your urgent needs. All time high - Thai drug smuggling in Thailand | Thaiger Its called . Your "Click here" links are not working, they produce the '404 error'' code, page not found. How much cannibus am I allowed to bring to Thailand? When I check for cannabis oil (CBD) I get this response: I am on fentanyl patches for a spinal and nerve disorder. Under the Narcotics Act of Thailand, narcotics are classified into five categories such as: Category I: Dangerous narcotics such as heroine; Category II: Ordinary narcotics such as morphine, cocaine, codeine, medicinal opium; Category III: Narcotics which are in form of medicinal formula and contain narcotics of Category II as ingredients in accordance with rules prescribed by Minister and published in the Government Gazette. Can you please tell me if my friend with Parkinson's needs a letter from his Dr to take these meds with him to Thailand please and thank you. Can buy without prescription. quantity not exceeding 30 days of prescribed usage when accompanied by a certificate/medical prescription from the prescribing physician.The certificate/medical prescription from the prescribing physician must indicate: If so, is it in the prescription container with all the relevant information on? In Bangkok, it was a search near Asok station as I was walking to meet a friend for a drink. The guidelines laid by the authorities of Thailand are changing hence, it is necessary to abreast oneself of the new guidelines as well as laws of Thailand. Since my time is shared between work and family, I don't always have the time to ensure every post lives up to your standard of perfection.Here's a tip. 18th Floor, Unit 1806 Two Pacific Place, 142 Sukhumvit Rd, Khlong Toei, Bangkok 10110, Thailand, freehold, nor sor 3 gor, nor sor 3, possessory right, Category I: narcotics that are threatening and dangerous such as heroin and amphetamines, Category II: narcotics that are regarded as ordinary such as cocaine and morphine, Category III: narcotics that are medicinal and may contain Category II substances as ingredients subjecting to the regulations stipulated by the authority in charge, Category IV: narcotics that contain chemicals used to produce Category I or II narcotics including acetyl chloride and acetic anhydride, Category V: narcotics that are not listed as part of Category I to IV, such as magic mushrooms. I am quite sure this will be fine with a prescription and doctor's letter. Social rehabilitation is defined as measures to support people who are drug dependent or who have completed drug treatment to achieve an improved quality of life in terms of housing, education, employment, including monitoring of progress, until they are able to reintegrate back into society. I take Effexor X-ray for anxiety and migraines. To be honest I can't see any problem with a hormonal medication for something so serious. So if you decide to buy marijuana while on holiday in Thailand, youd better be certain it contains only the lawful amount of THC. You could face a long imprisonment if found in possession of cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, LSD, opium, amphetamines, benzodiazepines, ketamine or magic mushrooms (among others). + Find a TEFL Course If people read the post properly instead of commenting blindly and being too lazy to do a bit of reading, they will see that there is a link clearly highlighted in the post that takes you to a page where you can determine whether you need a permit or not. I mean, the likelihood of having you bag searched and being asked what it is, is little to none, but to avoid any confusing or assumptions on behalf of customs you should always carry a prescription slip or doctor's letter. Why risk it?I'm not sure what you mean by "Good luck and stop trying to apply western logic and practices to the criminals in the police force."

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