project looking glass'' bill wood interview

do you feel that you were enhanced physically? But what basically you came back with was: It is inevitable. You can't even spell her name. 2:04:21 He says that this secret sent everyone who knows this secret (including the Elites of the world) into a blind panic in Bill Woods words. You can see the entire interview on a mirrored YT channel, as the original video was removed from this platform. But let me say one thing about the Yellow Book. In his 2nd interview with David Wilcock, and Bill Ryan on the project camelot channel , he talked much more about this technology and his use of it. The six months where I was undergoing all the psychological treatment, I did go through a period of time where I believed. According to Adams, our future becomes our present through our free will. It was the yellow cube. I receive royalties from KDP when you buy these items. ascension or moving into, you know, from the cocoon to the butterfly. In the video mentioned above, Mike Adams (Health Ranger Report situation update on March 30, 2021), says that either this technology is weaponized against we, the people worldwide, or that the white hats control it. ORIGINAL BILL WOOD AKA BILL BROCKBADER INTERVIEW PROJECT LOOKING GLASS Unknown Live Q&A: PROJECT CAMELOT : BILL WOOD LIVE Q&A Its like the Wicked Witch, you know. 2 recent interviews with Kerry regarding current events and the ET/AI situation. Absolutely. In the interview by Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot with Bill Wood, Kerry Cassidy mentioned another device together with the looking glass one. sourced from and the understanding that its possible. and the craziest little things have caused massive damage to that project. Please remember this andshare far and wide on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media networks. So to keep those vehicles a secret is to keep everything else a secret. They then move into discussion regarding the recent return of Qanon and the reference to Project Looking Glass. If so, what is it in our future that they are suppressing so much? It doesnt mean they wont try to cause as much pain, suffering and destruction as possible in their last remaining moves, but the final outcome is already preordained. ( It seems that they removed all mentions of this specific technology. Can you elaborate on what you may have come across. happens in the movie in the Jedi training and what happens in Area 51 and psy training. The Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing Reality also offers tools and technologies for civilian applications. What can you substantiate having personal sort of knowledge of? And what about all those early Trump interviews that asked him about what he would do if he was President one day? - One is the ascension one - And ONE didnt get talked about. in massive proportions, the good and the bad. - Because they would lose control, in essence. which they in theory had, even using a computer or Looking Glass - Right, they had to use a computer to do it. Any attempts to try to go away from this one inevitable conclusion an end of this reality, the beginning of something that. So, having talked about the sort of Defense Authorization Act, at least in a very surface way and explained that this is your motivation. Please watch the video on Bitchute as WordPress disables this video if I embed it here. This is all put out by the Yellow Cube was that for all intents and purposes. Used extensively by so-called psychic spies during the Cold War for classified military projects, it has a long history both as an intelligence gathering tool and as the subject of research and applications in the civilian world., Courtney Brown, Ph.D., defines remote viewing as, the mental ability to perceive and describe places, persons, or events at distant locations in the past, present, and future. But when all that information comes flooding out. Back to Bill's mention of the Yellow Cube. According to Health Ranger Report situation update (March 30, 2021), Project Looking Glass is an exotic technology that allows scientists who are working with the U.S. government to essentially see the future, or more accurately, they can calculate probabilities of future events or future timelines occurring. We have traveled to remote corners of the globe and revealed secrets in areas previously only known to a select few from secret societies and those with high level security clearances in the secret governments. Certainly my experience at Area 51 in psy training, and what I learned there and the abilities that, evolved from those training sessions that we all seem to pick up on rather easily. through the Looking Glass inherently ended up in the same future. As the dark ones almost have no moves left, they are creating havoc, including Covid, Afghanistan and other false flags that were going to see very shortly, according to Alex Collier. without much time or hindrance to the occupants. whos had your background and your exposure. Its an evolution of consciousness that cannot, will not and no matter what decisions or possibilities are injected into the equation, eventually, it all resolves down to us all, this massive dam of lies that has been built. An attempt was made to look into the future, but no concrete data was able to be received past the infamous date of December 21st, 2012, suggesting that this date is a nexus point in time, whereby either timeline one or timeline two would gain momentum. (, Burisch suggested that the positive timeline had an over 80% likelihood of coming to fruition and since today, we are nine years beyond that date in 2012 and no major cataclysms have occurred, we are most likely well entrenched in the positive timeline. ( You are., 9:29 You can create whatever it is you want.. Every little contribution matters. - But it wouldnt completely - No and Ill tell you why. all of the information thats been given. Then this one, where Bill speaks free-streaming for over an hour, elaborating on the PC interview. Former military and secret space programs whistleblowers and insiders have exposed these technologies. The only way that checkmate cant happen is if the player thats winning makes a mistake. had to do with Hillary. the crazy little things that have kept that project from moving forward. Aux rigolos qui donnent dans linsulte, faites-le, a ne dcrdibilise que vous. Bill Wood/Brockbrader. Burisch warns that this type of device is not very reliable, or safe, as he saw a person who died during one of those experiments ( But by God. How does it connect to Orion? because they cant see the board and see that theres only 7 moves left. 1:10:23 Evil doesnt win in the end. that level of security to prevent anybody from finding out about it. In other words, of the timelines converging and the fact that there was going to be something, And I dont know if you saw the movie or TV show Fast Forward. I mean you know whats out there in, Im not sure how much you know about Camelot, but I assume the general. Both my Twitter accounts (AuthorHerscu in English and one in Hebrew) have been suspended and my Facebook account was deleted since January 2020. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 77931653. there was a problem when we approached 2012, Well this is what we were what we were told is that leaders of governments and so on people in high places would use [The Yellow Cube] to try to see their most optimum future and then follow those those who were using it to enhance their wealth etc etc in a. very egotistical way that was part of the problem with it and that supposedly one of the specific things that were told had to do with Hillary. I mean, this is knowledge that you would have gained back when? Bill Woods explains in his video about WHY we are being visited again. Okay, but that Space Fleet, as you call it, is capable of going? How It All Fits Together: Covid, 5G, Nanotech, Transhumanism & Charles Lieber. - Mm hm. Please do your own research and trust yourself when reading and giving consideration to anything that appears here or anywhere else. You can use Patreon. and thats enough to get you believing that you have these abilities and they turn on, but one really doesnt have anything to do with the other per-se, I have had a device implanted in me and I later. - to where? not only did they not want people to use it anymore because they knew it was just going to burp out the same thing. Both players know the game is over. (Bill Wood). 2) Go to a Twitter thread (series of Tweets by the same owner) and mention us with a keyword "unroll" As far as off-world bases, I do not possess any personal knowledge. ruling elite secret societies and conspiracies, CAMELOT IN EGYPT REVIEWS FROM OUR FELLOW TRAVELERS 2019, THE REAL WAR IS HIDDEN WHITE HATS UNDER FIRE, ANONYMOUS VOWS TO EXPOSE THE SECRET SPACE PROGRAM AND ALIEN INTERVENTION ON EARTH, KERRY CASSIDY INTERVIEWED BY JOSH REID: CCP INVASION, WHITE HAT PLAN AND UKRAINE, AVA CHEN: MILES GUO: HOW THE CCP ARE INVADING OUR COUNTRY, ROUNDTABLE WITH GENE DECODE, KERRY CASSIDY HOSTED BY PATRIOT UNDERGROUND, KERRY ON AWAKE NATION: FREEDOM VS. FASCISM, X-MEN WORLD COMING OUR WAY, KERRY IN DISCUSSION WITH TRUTHSTREAM: THE UNGUARDED TRUTH, KERRY INTERVIEWED BY MICHAEL JACO: ALIENS IN EGYPT, KERRY INTERVIEWED BY DAVID NINO RODRIGUEZ: THE CHALLENGE FOR HUMANITY, KERRY INTERVIEWED BY SABRINA RE SPIRITUAL KNOWING, KERRY INTERVIEWED BY DAVID ZUBLICK AND PENNY SHEPARD: AWAKE NATION, MILES JOHNSTON UPDATE: they will be disassembled, MY MEET UP WITH BRITISH MP ANDREW BRIDGEN IN LONDON, DJ DANARCHY MASH-UP OF MY REBEL GENE RECORD ALBUM, PORTAL TECH, TIME TRAVEL AND ETERNAL LIFE: A RE-INTERPRETATION OF EGYPTIAN HISTORY, KERRY INTERVIEWED BY PATRIOT UNDERGROUND APRIL 10TH, KERRY GUEST ON AMP: WITH JAMES GRUNDVIG AND JOSH REID RE AI & TRUMP, MIKE GILL: MAN ON A MISSION: EVIDENCE TO TAKE DOWN THE CARTELS, CIA AND SECRET SPACE DEEP STATE ATTEMPTS TO DISINFO UFOS AND SECRET GOV PROGRAMS, JON STEWART: VICTOR ALIEN INTERVIEW TRUTH REVEALED, WAKING PEOPLE UP WITH THE TRUTH GUEST ML RENEGADE, NINO RODRIGUEZ AND KERRY CASSIDY LATEST UPDATE 12.27.22, SOVEREIGN REDNECK RENEGADE: WE THE PEOPLE & THE WHITE HATS, KERRY ON DARK OUTPOST HOW THE WHITE HATS ARE SAVING OUR COUNTRY, PATRIOT UNDERGROUND ROUNDTABLE WITH GENE DECODE AND KERRY CASSIDY, KERRY ON DARK OUTPOST 12.07.22 CHALLENGING THE PLAN, APOLLA: HOW SATANISM RECRUITS ACTORS AND OTHERS TO INFILTRATE AND INFLUENCE, KERRY WITH PATRIOT UNDERGROUND: REVOLUTION AND TRUMPS SPEECH, MELISSA CODY: AI, WEB BOTS AND THE MILITARY, Project Camelot interviews Michael St Clair, Project Camelot interviews Duncan OFinioan, Project Camelot interviews Dr Pete Peterson part 1 of 3, Bill Hamilton Calling Down the Craft : Adventures with the Mind, PROJECT CAMELOT INTERVIEWS GRAHAM HANCOCK Maestro, CAPTAIN MARK RICHARDS INTERVIEW SIX EARTH DEFENSE, GEORGE GREEN: ORIGINAL INTERVIEW REPOST Messages for the Ground Crew, Ashayana Deane Ascension Mechanics -REPOST, JORDAN MAXWELL at the Project Camelot Awake and Aware Conference, Los Angeles, Sept 2009, CAPTAIN MARK RICHARDS: TOTAL RECALL 10: The Case and Space Command, Project Camelot interviews Gordon Novel Copy, INTERVIEW WITH MILES JOHNSTON RE DEATH OF MAX SPIERS, SUPERSOLDIER, INTERVIEW WITH MARCIA SCHAFER RE Spirconomics (her new book), CAPTAIN MARK RICHARDS: SPACE COMMAND TOTAL RECALL TWELVE, LETTER FROM MARK RICHARDS TO THOSE WHO ATTACK HIM, CAPTAIN MARK RICHARDS INTERVIEW NINE: TOTAL RECALL NINE, CAPTAIN MARK RICHARDS TOTAL RECALL VII SOUND CORRECTED, JO ANN RICHARDS : SPACE COMMAND RE MARK RICHARDS, CAPTAIN MARK RICHARDS INTERVIEW: TOTAL RECALL V, TWO INTERVIEWS WITH KERRY : GAIL OF GAIA INTERVIEW AND SHRED THE VEIL DANIEL AND DEREK INTERVIEW, KERRY ON THE DAVID RODRIGUEZ SHOW: IS JUAN O SAVINJFK JR? Project Camelot does not necessarily agree with or endorse all of the views represented by those we interview or have on our radio shows, internet TV shows or other broadcasts and productions. It has been passed between rich and powerful to be able to choose well in their lives. ( Weve been feeding them and the Mother for almost 5 weeks now. And a particular cube was featured in a number of these movies. Shes not done with us. According to Bill Hamilton, a consulting senior programmer-analyst who served in the Air Force (USAF Security Service) (, a UFO investigator and author,With regard to LG (Looking Glass): As I understand it, this device (at least 3 to 4 years ago) could not focus on a detailed sequence of activities in the future.

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