power bi filter visual based on selection

To get this to work youll need two measures: If you have a visualization that supports drilling, by default, drilling one visualization has no impact on the other visualizations on the report page. Yes, thats right. Its work only in Chrome browser not in Edge or IE.Is there nay specific reason? With Bookmarks you can control the visibility of individual visuals based on the click of a button. thank you for your hints. Youll need a disconnected Security table in your model. The issue you are facing has to do with the fact your card is covering the entire visual, which you need to do if youre working with a Map or Waterfall, etc. Dang: This doesnt work for me when saved to the PBI service and rendered in IE (version 11.0.120). Write a measure to render the visual blank when nothing is selected (type Whole Number). With the Matrix row selection, I am not able to achieve the same thing. Great technique, thank you! In my case it was not enabled for visuals with no data or for visuals based only on measures. Unfortunately the Map wont disappear with the Check Filtered trick (even if you have a different column slicing on the map, you still have an empty map in view), so the only way to hide the map is to make the card completely cover the map, but if you do that you lose any interactivity with the Map. awesome article!! Its like the visual should change independently. its returning 1 not True. Dharanidhar. appended item 1 and item 2 The Show/Hide technique will enable you to hide the bubbles on the map, but unfortunately the Map visual always renders the picture of the world. Another approach would be to set the title of the chart to give a message instructing the user to select a value first, Cool and clever approach, but the transparent card gets in the way of interacting with the underlying visual. The only problem, though, is related to our local report server, which is compatible only with updates until September 19 and doesn't have many-to-many relationships available, so now I'm trying to adapt the fully working PBI to the earlier version to be able to publish for others to see the dashboard, but this is an issue for another thread. Format by = Field value For me the scenario is, If All selected in my slicer then I should see a Line chart showing Lines for each value of the slicer. If anything on the slicer has been selected, then Show the visual. 6. They do not belong to other attributes. You should use the order by parameter for concatenatex to ensure the values in the returned string are in the same order as the string youre testing it against. Hi Abi, The filter is not being applied on card. Maybe the button says interact and it hides the overlay. 0) Hi Matt, Power BI service. Report filter applies to all pages in the report. ISFILTERED( Products[Category] ) Hi Rita, document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Matt shares lots of free content on this website every week. It is not easy, but it can be done as long as you make the selection for the hidden visual to be larger than the one that hides it. Alternately, given that the visual you wish to hide is a Matrix, you could set up the matrix something like this: Longer answer is, it depends what youre trying to do. I click on the first bar in graph A, which highlights that bar in graph A, hides my message card and makes a filtered bar graph B visible, while also filtering the table. The SELECTEDVALUE function simplifies the syntax required when you use a numeric column of an entity as a parameter in a calculation. Thanks million times! It is only necessary if you desire to have a visual that can be clicked after the initial selection has been made. The measures used are: I adapted this to work with Cross Filtering (using a scatter plot as the source), so the user can click a data point and the underlying data is displayed in a matrix below. This post might have what you are after: You may find this other article useful in giving you some ideas. APPLIES TO: Power BI Desktop Power BI service With the relative date slicer or relative date filter, you can apply time-based filters to any date column in your data model.For example, you can use the relative date slicer to show only sales data that's happened within the last 30 days (or month, calendar months, and so on). But I have an issue to select or show labels of the graphs that were hidden. Just make sure the card is only covering the Matrix header. Need experts advise on a requirement. As a result the [Hide Visual] measure doesnt have the same effect on this visual type as that demonstrated with the Matrix above. Providing the column you are using on your slicer has a relationship to the data being evaluated by the measure, the values will be evaluated under the context of the selected value. You need to have at least two values in the visual you are trying to hide (filter) with the Check Filtered. I was able to easily implement it for a stacked bar visualization, but when I try to use it for a gauge visualization, it wont work. Qlikview is a mature product, Power BI is not. Hi Matt, Thanks for sharing wonderful trick..But there is a problem when we using more then 3 visuals.. I like this trick, but ran into a quick issue when trying to incorporate my tooltips. But after adding Hide Visual measure to my Filters on this visual, the drop down does not work. It works OK for my purposes without making the underlying viz disappear. If you only have Reading view access, or the report has been shared with you, you can't change the visual interactions settings. Thanks. My advice is to set up your DAX formulas in a table and test that they do what you want. Sometimes however, it will be necessary to reveal the visual only if a specific selection has been made. See Filters and highlighting in Power BI reports. When the wizard pops up, make sure you have the color settings as follows: I assume that changing the cross filter behaviour between slicer and visual will not work in this case, but I cant be sure. I can do any conditional formatting under the Data colors. Solved: Filter based on another visual result - Microsoft Power BI Well Done! The filter on the slicer must be different to the filter on the visual for this technique to work. Dynamic Filter based on another Filter - Power BI Please see the response to Marcoss question. The Show/Hide needs to be triggered by a different column to the one displayed on the hidden visual. Can you Hide Show as a table option in Power Bi? Hello, Im having an issue with the Check Filtered measure when I add this into Filters on this visual I cant interact with it at all? I used this to allow for a dynamic axis generated from multiple slicers and a categorical measure. Like, we dont want to visualize the Month slicer once Monthly value is selected in Interval slicer. Hi Matt, I have tried to create other measures to work as a filter as well with no luck. For a scenario where it is necessary to have a specific combination of values from the one slicer selected before the visual can be revealed, ISFILTERED() is to broad and SELECTEDVALUE() is to narrow. Otherwise the visual is self fulfilling the show/hide requirement. Is it because the category Country can not be the filtering/blank condition while being an axis of the chart ? In the bookmark settings (overflow menu, ) there is an option to have a bookmark alloy to selected visuals, not all visuals. Then simply turn off the Category Label. Power BI service. When trying to select the measure as field value > Hi Ajay, Simple and very helpful walk-through, I was able to follow it step by step and replicate the function. 1. Your insight of using Treemap as a controllable color shape was brilliant and an eye opener for me. In the Power BI service, select a drillable visual to make it active. In the future I would expect that expression based formatting will solve the problem but as of today I dont know of a solution, You could take a different approach however. )) Have a look at this article showing how to conditionally format https://exceleratorbi.com.au/conditional-formatting-with-a-text-field-in-power-bi/ Just apply the same logic with the above transparent approach to do what you want. Hello, I think I have a new version of PBI. So as long as you can write the DAX, you will be able to do what you suggest. I believe this is what you are seeking. The same applies to Cards. ISFILTERED() is just checking if there is a filter being applied on the specified column of data, so in that case any selection or multiple selections on the column will result in the hidden visual being revealed. This however comes at the cost of losing the ability to select data on the map, as card will always be covering the entire map, it will just be transparent when data is visible. My cards hide and show my graphs an tables depending on the selection. Write a measure to check if there is a filter on the desired column (type Boolean). In the Action settings, I chose Type = Page Navigation, and then selected the fx next to the Destination bucket. If there are multiple places on a visual you want to cover with the card, you might be better off creating another card that just renders white or transparent based on the show hide. . I am unable to drill through additional details from results as its covered by the card. mountain, road) Make sure your card is only covering the top of your hidden visual. If a Part Name however can have multiple Part Numbers, then you will get the alternate result (a blank) returned by the [Measure] if more than one part number for that part name is selected. Usually this is to make space in the page for other visuals and because customers don't want to use the filter pane for some reason. Please suggest me a workaround. I am trying to implement as you per your artice but here issue is getting error cannot convert value Monthly of type of text to type True/False, Check your measures. Thanks. Jason Cockington holds an MCSA in BI Reporting and is a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) and consultant at Excelerator BI Pty Ltd. Jason has been training Power BI users for more than 2 years and has 15+ years experience in using data to deliver strategic business value in an applied scientific research setting. Yes, its not perfect by any means. i.e. Note, MS made changes in April 2020. My approach checks for a filter on the column. That means a potentially large DAX query is still running in the backgroundpossibly slowing down other visuals. Hi , Hi, in my case I wanted to hide a table. If you place something onto the rows, then the Check Filtered measure will work. You can see the result in the solution file here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1fnVEK3FJ_e0dB7GHxHa35pTZS1EzUoul?usp=sharing. That just seems like a lot of overhead. 2. Planning Year holds the following year. i have the same problem where i cannot select the measure? Any ideas why would this be? At this point, I'm considering reporting this to my manager as something impossible to achieve on PBI, so this community is my last hope. Hi Matt, I just downloaded the recent version of PBI. Vote here https://ideas.powerbi.com/ideas/idea/?ideaid=b05ea746-910f-ec11-b76a-281878e6855d. After this when I select button4table , the chart visual should change to table (the first visual table should remain table) This is a hack and it has consequences including that you cant interact with the header. adroll_adv_id = "SL2RPW5XMVH4XEWMDBMJGV"; I am not 100% sure but I think you can do this with a matrix and table (you definitely can with cards), you would have to check. IF ( HASONEVALUE( Table'[ColumnName] ), VALUES( Table'[ColumnName] ), [AlternateResult] ) I know the subject may seem as somenthing obvious or irrelevant, but I'll try to clarify on the thread. Awesome! Select your card, then go to the Visualizations Pane, and select the Formatting Paintbrush. If I for example filter by the message card, I can see the message card change but pie chart remaining the same. The only issue you have to manage here is that you cant put Matrix 1 over the top of Matrix 2, as the visual never really hides, it just becomes empty, so Matrix 1 will always be on top. I have the same issue. This is achieved simply by holding CTRL down when you click between the charts. It seems that the transparent card does not let me interract with the graphs below it. I am sure my solution has other applications too. If the user selects a list of value from Segment slicer then bar graph should display Segment Target column, if the user selects combination of segment and team then bar graph should display Team Target column. Ive a requirement where specific chart/s in a page shall be available to the user based on user role. The tree map is also cross-highlighting the column chart. And is there a way to clear out all filters so that if you have multiple drill downs to the same page, it clears out all the filters by default first? I came up with two . APPLIES TO: Power BI service for business users Power BI service for designers & developers Power BI Desktop Requires Pro or Premium license One of the great features of Power BI is the way all visuals on a report page are interconnected. Place [Hide Sales] on your chart X-axis (values) 1st challenge: while joining the Sales history with Customer (Appended) i couldnt make it active (seems data granularity issue) Its too bad a basic function this cant be impleented with a simple IsVisible attribute on a visual which takes a formula that evaluates to true / false vs this (clever) kludge. So simple, clear and works just great! Correct. The measure must return a color code for this to work. Using SELECTEDVALUES To Capture Power BI Slicer Selections it doesnt seem to let me add any visual filters onto it, the drop down menus dont populate and I cant click in the boxes to enter text. In my case I have a bar chart that I just want to show if a particular element of a dropdown is selected. Thanks. In this case, rather than using ISFILTERED(), the [Check Filtered] measure should be using a SELECTEDVALUE() test. Thanks for the quick response! Im unable to apply filter on Measure applied on visual. When I try to apply the filter Filters on this visual is not working, as the matrix is not recognizing when the Check Filtered vales is 1 or 0. I used fiscal month as slicer. If I understand your model correctly, you should be able to do this with a switch measure. Did you ever figure this out? However if I add a slicer . Sales 1 joined with Sales lines 1 and Item 1 table. Thanks for sharing your solution. From the Fields pane, select the field you want to add as a new report-level filter, and drag it into the Report level filters area. In the same table there is another column called level which show values for Reactor, but Nil for Pump. What this will show is the selected PO with all line items in that PO. You can't use a measure directly in a slicer, so here's a way to get a similar exper. However, I got an issue when my Slicer is selected ALL, which I guess the CheckFilter could not tell its a selection so coded it to 0 (Display the wording You must select) I have four buttons , 2 on top of each visual the user has to see picture with message in the card and when he selects the filter it has to show the result, Currently you cannot control the visibility state of a picture. Can you please suggest? My guess is that you have cross filtering set to highlight. I cant think of a way to differentiate between no filter and all. Thanks, You cant compare the feature list of Qlikview (launched in 1994) with Power BI (launched in 2015) and say Qlik has had this for 10 years. This meant both my slicers were independent of each other and when either is used it displayed the relevant data on the table visual. Would you know why it is not getting applied the filter in visualization filters? It works nearly perfect to me. I like it. I wanted to control both items. Can you pls help me on below senero: But if only one value is selected in the slicer then it should show Current year & previous year Line for the selected value. The solution only works when the trigger column does not form part of hidden visual in any way. Hide Visual = IF( , 1, 0) Indeed, you need to be careful about the type of the measure, it should be a text. Hi Paula, Have you experienced the same problem and have maybe (hopefully) a solution? Lets say I have two visuals I want to hide/appear based on selections. Looks great. One issue with testing the result of concatenatex over the values function as in your example is that If there are other filters that could be applied, you cant be sure which item will appear first in the array returned by values. Is it possible to solve it? I can confirm that this still works in December 2020 release. What could be the issue? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Best learning resource for DAX and Power BI. This solution worked great for me. But our users have IE as the default. Hi Julius, I cant figure out why. Start by selecting a visualization to make it active. This helps greatly! Hi Keertika, I had a master table and a child table and I wanted to show no data on the child table unless I click on a row in the master table. So I hope and expect that at some stage we will be able to use a measure to make any visual visible or not. adroll_language = "en_AU"; Power BI for the Business Analyst (with live Q&A), Dimensional Modeling (Excel and Power BI), 30 Reasons You Should Be Considering Power BI. Yes, this would be another approach. Since adding the additional measures to the method, that allow the hidden visual to still be interactive after being revealed, significantly more questions surrounding implementation challenges have emerged. I am also seeking a solution to be able to have both options to select a value by either selecting a value (which your instructions cover) or by searching from a Text Filter visual. Unfortunately, this will not work, as Select All is the same thing as No Filter Applied, therefore the [CheckFiltered] will return False, and the therefore the visual will remain hidden.

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