life expectancy of an infantry soldier in combat

As a result, Army Infantrymen 11B are trained to conduct mobilization in a variety of settings on land. 10 Answers Out of thousands of men that invaded that town in southern Afghanistan, we have lost 19. Replacement infantrymen were often treated as an outsider, and no doubt already somewhat fearful of what they were getting into, they bore an additional burden of being considered to be little more than a casualty waiting to happen. During the Second World War, the US military purchased about 1.9 million Colt .45 semiautomatic pistols, manufactured by Colt Firearms and under license by the Remington Rand Typewriter Company, Singer Sewing Machine Company, and other contractors. 5 seconds. happened. Those who arrived during actual combat received a warmer welcome than those arriving while the squad was resting. As I made it back to the road I remember seeing the Notify me of follow-up comments by email. He encountered the open fields and farmlands of France, the dense woods of the Ardennes, the mountainous terrain in Italy, Les Voges, and Alsace, in all weather conditions. Through it all, he carried all of the gear he needed to survive in the field, protect himself from the elements, and defend himself from the enemy. I was trained as a RTO in 1970 at Fort Ord then went to Fort Gordon for teletype school, my MOS was 05C20 when I finished. I sure feel for all you guys that went outside the wire. The Infantry makes up approximately 15% of the Armys total force. For example, life expectancy of Veterans at age 25 population, thus 3.6 and 0.5 life-years smaller income differentials for male and female Veterans, respectively, shown in Tables 17 and 18. HOOAH!!! The next morning, the blasting could still be, heard. 67-67 11B 4th Id. For some reason, the written word of this article was somehow deleted and lost. What was the average life expectancy for soldiers during World War 2? Sorry,I was one of your Brothers in Arms that helped talk you out of enlisting for another year in Vietnam. Transportation was provided, and troops were not allowed to wear unit insignia outside the camp, nor discuss their unit or the camp with civilians. I remember we were always short of replacements throughout 1968 because of the high Kia & wounded rate we suffered at that time ! OSUT training takes place at Fort Benning in Georgia. The overwhelming majority of the combat infantrymen deployed during the Second World War carried as their primary weapon the Garand M1 rifle. 1st Cav, 101st, etc. It began just as, it was getting dark. The Americans put about twenty men in each car when they moved by train, since with their full loads of equipment they could not fit in anymore, but conditions were still crowded. He used. Every infantryman must be fluent in any weapon and equipment that is involved in the operation. Total fantasy. Thank God I made it. Les Scates U.S. Army (Ret.) They run into the fire to help the wounded and many get wounded or killed. Ron. It was an honor indeed to serve with some of the finest soldiers I have ever met. We killed a lot of the enemy but we took few serious casualties. year old Marine thinking this is my last day on earth. The theory is the longer you serve in the U.S. Army the more you will make. It was just north of Saigon. I was an FO back in the day. I personally believe and agree with previous posts that when its your time, not much you can do. While all rifle companies had assigned medics, they were not always in the company of squads on patrol or deployed in forwarding positions. At times in Italy and later in France, infantrymen learned to sleep as they marched, stumbling forward as if they were sleepwalking, which in a way they were. Ernest, Im glad that your first tour with the VN airborne was rewarding. The need for special training for BAR operators, including the proper method of cleaning it, also contributed to its being carried by only one squad member. When US troops encountered German units with multiple automatic weapons, the US Army changed its approach, and authorized two BARs per squad, though in practice this was difficult to achieve due to the weight of additional ammunition which had to be carried by other squad members, and which led to some non-coms favoring the Thompson to counter the German automatic fire. Different strokes for different folks in war fer sure. Both served in A 2/18 1st Infantry Division. I too never understood survivor quilt, Enjoyed your article. Thats what I figured but didnt know for sure. The Americans who served in the Army in Europe were recruited and trained at various bases and camps in the United States before being sent to points of embarkation near major East Coast ports for transport to Europe. Wow I was 31.8 Gun shot Carried model 1200 Winchester shot gun WIA May 68 Article was great. Here are our sources: Company A, 276th Infantry in World War II, by Frank H. Lowry, 1991, Life in the Infantry, by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick, The War, PBS online, 2007, Command Decisions: The 90 Division Gamble, by Maurice Matloff, Center for Military History, Department of the Army, 1960, online, The Infantry Organization for Combat, by Hugh Foster, April 26, 2000, online, The European Theater of Operations, ed. Each battalion contained a heavy weapons company with machine guns and mortars, and three rifle companies of infantrymen. But I made it back in one piece. Those determined to be too severely wounded to continue their recovery in theater were sent to either England or the United States on hospital ships, and then routed to recovery hospitals on specially equipped hospital trains. Shaving could be accomplished in the field during lulls in the fighting, often with water heated inside a helmet, using a camp stove or the heat canister from a rations pack as the heating source. Interesting, I carried a Prick 25, for 2 months. The names of the towns and villages were meaningless to the men, most of whom had no knowledge of French geography nor what their destination was. Most infantrymen did not carry additional ammunition for the .45, which was considered a defensive weapon of last resort, and those that did typically carried only one or two preloaded magazines. Thats why I never understand people talking about survivors guilt it should have been me, why him? etc. Amen I was a machine gunner for 7 months 503rd infantry 173rd airborne and you hit the nail right on the head. Was a door gunner and crew chief for just shy of 18 months (I extended to get out early). Interesting reading. Axes were useful, but not all men in the squad needed to carry one. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Elie Piha served as a paratrooper in the US Army from 2008 to 2012. Rest and recovery could be at the level of any of the units of command, or as little as the squad level. (Petty Officer 2nd Class. US Army. The infantryman often reached a designated point and had to dig in for the night. There are a few other skills that are not mandatory yet go a long way in proving what makes an excellent U.S. Army Infantryman 11B: Related Article Marine Corps Tow Gunner (MOS 0352): Career Details. When Roeski got hit, I took over the M-60. Belton Cooper, a soldier who supported an armored unit, recalled that the high number of tanker casualties forced the Army to hastily retrain infantry replacements as tankers. The system made the success of American infantry operations almost wholly dependent on the ability of the squad leaders to direct their men in the field. RT @starsandstripes: New York Army National Guard soldiers from the Syracuse-based 27th Infantry Brigade Combat team are on their way home after overseeing the training of 9,600 Ukrainian troops. They saw burned-out tanks and other vehicles, bombed-out villages and towns, civilian refugees with all of their remaining belonging in carts or on their backs. Really? Care of his feet was paramount to the infantrymen since they were his primary means of conveyance. It goes without saying that battle could claim a soldier's life and soldiers enlisted anywhere from 10 to 25 years, depending on their rank. In his work The 1865 Customs of Service for Non-Commissioned Officers and Soldiers, August V. Kautz writes that a soldier "should learn to wait: a soldier's life is made up in waiting for the critical moments.". I am one lucky SOB. John Doever A sled laden with ammunition is dragged by US infantrymen towards the fighting during the Battle of the Bulge in 1944. No trees or anything on the ground. A much better approach would be/have been: of all the combat-casualties, what was their I never thought of it that way before but have many times since. The infantrymen would have just enough time to wet down, lather up using GI soap, and rinse off. I was an Artillery Forward Observer 13F20 E-5 at that time. I handled Top Secret Commo on a daily basis. Required fields are marked *. 2 tour Nam veteran, Les Scates, U.S. Army (Ret.) As the war moved forward, an exhausted soldier often merely lay on his blanket at night in an effort to simplify his life and maximize periods of rest. A regiment contained an artillery company, an anti-tank company, and three battalions of infantry. Infantrymen serve in combat operations and reconnaissance missions. I was an M-60 machine gunner for a battalion recon platoon in 1967, for the First Infantry Division, Known as The Black Scarf Battalion. 11 c mos , meaning I was also cross trained for mortars . KICK ASS AS NEEDED!!! Michael Doolittle..I was with 1/8 inf, 1st Brigade, and that day, March 22nd was also our darkest day. In previous American wars volunteer units were often composed of men from the same communities, but not in World War II, when a typical squad included members from all over the United States. All the members of the squad carried additional weapons, including a sidearm and bayonet, and when deployed in the field carried both smoke and shrapnel grenades. Military-friendly employers are known for being large corporations that seek experienced and trained veterans for the skills they attain while in the U.S. Army. Different type units, different locations, different opinions on dangers. By February 1944 the US Army discontinued purchasing the Thompson, after approximately 1.5 million units had been obtained by the Army and Marine Corps. How Awful Life Was For A Napoleonic Soldier. Bathing and shaving were unheard of luxuries at the front, and when units did receive an opportunity to shower it was often through the use of a lister bag shower. BUT WE MUST ALSO BE COGNIZANT OF OUR REQUIREMENT TO BE COMPASSIONATE HUMAN BEINGS. As an Infantryman, you may be listed as an MOS 11X. 1ST MAW 66-68. So I guess I defied the odds. As I remember it the life expectancy was based on after the ambush was sprung or the fire fight started. It was a daily challenge to know who your real enemy was. I was an Infantry Scout Dog handler. Sanitation facilities were a box filled with sand in each car. For example, infantry units directed to disrupt German lines in Les Vosges in January 1945 had no idea they were preventing the reinforcement of troops involved in the Battle of the Bulge. American parachute infantry advance in the Huertgen Forest in February, 1945. Good article. Education: Army members can earn full-tuition, merit-based scholarships, allowances for books and fees, plus annual stipend for living expenses. Welcome home!! Lt lost a finger, same time. In Fury, starring Brad Pitt and Shia leBeouf, we follow the story of five American soldiers, a crew serving in one tank in Germany, 1945. The special military bonus is reserved for particular in-demand, or highly-dangerous positions. A Civil War soldier would find that modern axiom very familiar. Mech. At this time- senior Army leadership ordered us all to read the Geneva Convention to our troops because of the My Lai debachle. Vehicles of the US First Infantry division stalled on a Belgian road in late 1944. It was also shipped to both the UK and the Soviets as part of a lend-lease. well I wonder how long your going to last lieutenant? I saw aircraft loaded with troops explode in mid-air. They were marched or trucked to holding areas, where they encamped in accordance with their division procedures to await the arrival of their heavy equipment and logistics facilities. Great story!!! Ambulances are not supposed to be armed (either) though in training, medics are told they and their vehicles will be a prime target. But it was my jobso I tried not to think about it much. In my tour everyone had the same chance of getting shot. During the winter sleeping bags were issued. I also was 2/327 B company. The extra socks they needed to carry to protect their feet was one example. The key may be the word initial since we became more savvy with successive combats and had improved survivability. Here are 10 of the most dangerous: 1. The one that should be there is the combat medic. I always found life expectancy numbers interesting in that I could never find any supporting information that could be validated. Men in the field soon learned to carry as many extras as they could, frequently stuffing them under their shirts and in empty pockets. Lived too tell about it. The men couldnt eat them anyway, so they made excellent trade items with the candy-starved French. Some of these men were discharged following recovery, while others remained in the service performing administrative or training duties. The needs of the Army will dictate which MOS youre assigned. National Archives. They endured the monotonous rations, lack of hygiene, bombardment by the enemy, accidental bombardment by their own artillery, constant tension, and the constant loss of friends because they were there to protect themselves and their fellow squad members, finish the job and go home. If a battle ensued, a triumphant army would lose 5% of its men but a defeated army would usually lose around 15% of its force. Ambushed on October 4th,1967. Absent an opportunity to prove themselves, these arriving infantrymen found the squad wary of them, and sometimes almost hostile. Certainly got my attention. Fortunately, it was recorded on Spotify and can be listened to here: Your email address will not be published. (and yes, you cant ask them, so it would have to be derived from the AA-reports and survivors). Dont know why, but generally, their aircraft were not armed (door gunners, etc.). I will always think/say, we had absolutely no reason for being in that place. During mobilization in the military, it is not uncommon to have skills associated with landmine warfare, anti-armor techniques, urban terrain, squad tactical training, as well as the operation of M203 grenade launchers. All the comments and replies are of absolute truth, I was only 18 when I got to Nam ,Im a country boy from NC so here I am Yet the famed French commander could not have achieved success without the hard efforts of . Cameron Rogers from 1st Battalion, 66th Armored Regiment, 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, plots points on a map during the fire . Sure but so was everyone else who went 12 months without getting killed or wounded. In a strange country scared shitless .I was a minesweeper.My first time out on a mission they put me on the drag line fifty yards from the road which was route 1, Then all hell broke lose The M1 was a semi-automatic rifle, allowing its operator to fire an entire eight-round clip simply by squeezing the trigger for each shot, without having to operate the bolt manually to chamber the next round. I would suspect that stating with any accuracy the life span of a grunt like me, or any other MOS, would be pretty much pure speculation. [1] However, this claim is as much an indictment of US Army personnel practices and miscalculations as it is an indicator of tank crew losses. Very Good , I was a radio operator up in I corps in 68 & to me the worst thing was the walking . 1 / 6 Show Caption + Hide Caption - Sgt. Infantryman must know how to receive and implement combat orders, direct deployment of personnel in a number of different operation types (offensive, defensive, retrograde, etc). I was a grunt with c co. 4/31 196th it inf bade. Foxholes were dug by individuals, with each man responsible for his own hole, or in the case of weapons teams, dug together for joint occupancy. I carried the PRC-25 for most of a year. Over 600 Navy FMF Hospital Corpsmen were killed in Vietnam. Boot camp for an Army Infantryman consists of two sections: Basic Combat Training (BCT) and Advanced Individual Training. Your Dad and I had the same job. Related Article 5 Best Combat Jobs In The US Navy. Often as not he was right beside you with a stolen chicken and a bag of rice. Even during the period of rest, the possibility of a sudden attack was always present. I wasnt aware that they kept life expectancy statistics. Walked point way to many times but never had contact. May they rest in peace. I was one of the many others I rode river boats in the Mekong Jan 68 to 69. A radio operator carried the normal load for a rifleman, as well as a radio which weighed nearly forty pounds. While at the front he faced not only a determined enemy, but ice, snow, rain, mud, bitter cold and stifling heat. then youd carry an extra 200 rounds of M60 ammo for the machine gunner , plus drag grenades , one smoke grenade plus etc. The job title is the epitome of the U.S. Army as you are the primary means of attack and defense on land for the military. US Army. Though I flew only about 1/2 dozen missions as a Huey door gunner, I was initially told to sit on my flak jacket I always did so (personal protection first). It was a lull before the storm, since more and more infantrymen were needed at the front. A typical United States infantry division contained about 15,000 officers and men, divided into three infantry regiments, with supporting companies and battalions. Many were damaged, and the Germans had left them behind as they withdrew because they considered them useless. Camp Standish was both a staging area for embarking troops and a prisoner of war camp. Comments were more interesting than the article it self. Photography by James Salzano. I applaud the courage and difficult and all so dangerous job of Roger Herforth when he served as an RTO for the Hawk Recon Platoon of the 101st airborne division in Vietnam.. Four platoons in a rifle company. Squad leaders were given limited objectives, leaving them to speculate for the most part on aspects of an operation outside of those in which they and their men were participating. The job training for 11B requires 14 weeks of One Station Unit Training (OSUT) which is a combination of time spent in the classroom and in the field.*. The Browning Automatic Rifle, of which each infantry rifle squad had one (and which was incidentally a favored weapon of Clyde Barrow of Bonnie and Clyde fame) was also a .30 caliber weapon. Now, the wisdom of this soldier tough but humanly compassionate warrior ethos can be assessed through the 2d Bn recordNO complaints about mistreatment of prisonerswhile achieving the most combat SUCCESSES IN THE BRIGADE. The combat infantryman, and for the most part their immediate superiors at the front, had little information about the overall situation of the war. Our patrols were typically about 14 hours 24/7 We operated of old LSTs and large barges. We were probably not too far away on that day. Where do we find this stuff? I kept the radio because I understood the power of having the first communication with the support mechanisms of the military. How they got there depended on the condition of the roads and railroads between their consolidation point and where they were needed. It is still an impressive statistic but utterly meaningless. Newspapers and magazines were available for the troops as were recreation activities such as baseball and softball, volleyball, and during the warm months swimming if a suitable body of water was near. Alsace had for more than a century been a region disputed between the French and the Germans, and many of the residents there were more supportive of the latter than the former. The infantrymen didnt know the reasons why they had to fight and too often die for a particular hill, or seemingly useless French farm or village, they simply had to do what they were told. July 68 to July 69. wias. The TOTAL number of CIB and CMB awarded would give you the answer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You of course had the radio plus xtra batteries & handsets plus your rucksack with 7 to 8 canteens , 20 mags ( I used to carry 17 rounds in the mags instead of 20 ) because the springs would force the round into the chamber causing jams . Prayers for all. Welcome Home Brothers ! The cars were antiquated, dating back to before World War I, and were unheated. Men of the 47th Infantry Regiment pass through Remagen on their way to the Ludendorf Bridge, March 1945. Theres 58,276. I loved it. This was both damaging to morale and weakened the reliability of the unit, and was avoided as much as possible, but became necessary during the rush to contain the German counteroffensive in the Ardennes in 1944. The name came from the labels painted on the sides of the cars, which in French read 40 Hommes chevaux 8 meaning 40 men or 8 horses. of what was usually 5 or 6 going in and many times the leads would find traps, punji pits or the VC waiting. Infantrymen in the Second World War quickly learned that everything they needed to know to survive in the field was not part of the training curriculum in basic infantry school. We were expecting, an attack. When in close proximity to the enemy smoking at night was forbidden, as were cooking fires or open flames. LUCK pure LUCK. Mail though censored was read and written. In Vietnam 70% 0f the casualties were Infantry BUT it might be 70% of ALL the Infantry that served in Vietnam. Bravo, 3/187th Inf, 101st Airborne Div, 2nd Plt, 2nd Sq, Hamburger Hill, May 69. 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Either way, thats a lot of soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines and coast guardsmen, male and female that made the ultimate sacrifice for our country, and there are still people dying as a result of their wounds receiver so very long ago in a place called Vietnam. The Bronze Star was awarded to ALL that were awarded the CIB in WWII because the Infantry accounted for over 70% of the casualties in WWLL BUT NOT 70% )F ALL THE INFANTRY !!! Marching through rain and mud, or in snow, soaked the feet, making them susceptible to blisters and trench foot. I was sitting on the ground one day trying to dry out my gear and better configure my ruck when my squad leader came walking over to me and said, Gow, youve got the radio. As he turned and walked away! both tours. After consolidating the division and its equipment infantrymen were moved to the front, which by December 1944 was nearing the Siegfried Line, defensive fortifications protecting Germany from invasion from the west. aND, mAY GOD BLESS AMERICA!!! Units would send a thorough report of their KIA and WIA, battle action coordinates, estimated enemy troop strength, enemy unit KIA/captured and any known direction heading. They are responsible for capturing, destroying, and repelling enemy ground forces. Ive always considered myself damn lucky to make it out alive. Hi, the whole thing is going nicely here and ofcourse every one American infantry from the 28th Infantry division march on the Champs Elysees in Paris. approaching a village and a firefight starts). Both my tours were in the Delta (IV Corps) where the only ground troops were regular ARVNs and RUFF/PUFFS. Each rifle squad had one man assigned to carry a Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR) while the rest of them carried rifles, usually the Garand M1 rifle. It was just part of the job. Housing: Allowances for living expenses, utilities, and maintenance. The Army considered its use as an embarkation point a secret, and so warned the young soldiers when they arrived. Again it fell to the squad leaders to decide when enough hazing had been conducted by the veterans of combat on the new arrivals. When you think of the U.S. Army, probably the first job you think of within the branch is an Army Infantryman MOS 11B. It was capable of processing an entire division for embarkation in a single day, but it seldom did due to the nature of shipping schedules from the Port of Boston. Digging in was an exercise which added to sore backs blistered hands as the entrenching tool chipped away frozen ground. My father was on a lrrp team!65-67never was shot but killed alot.He never really got over it though died in 2012! Death by a Bottle! We had 5 kias and roughly 50 wounded in our company so about one in three got hit. we were getting it with machine gun and mortars. Look at the armament options in this article---those are all LRPF guns from .50cal to 30mm to 105-120mm cannon---and no "area saturation," "area destruction," and "mass fire" that China and Russia have. The Army provided waterproof boots and galoshes, which made the feet sweat on marches and could cause the same problems. I was an O5C-20 in Vietnam. I was to have that experience two more times before it was over. Lucky you. 58,148 were killed and 304,000 wounded out of 2.7 million who served. The Luftwaffe was still a potent threat during the summer of 1944 as the Allies pushed across France. I spent 10 1/2 months in the jungles of Vietnam. Our Aussie Dust off choppers had door gunners, we worked on the theory if the Noggies would shot at Red Cross choppers, we would return fire, Aussie grunt, 60000 00 Aussies fought in Vietnam, Up the Old Red Rooster and more beer. The shortfall, on the other hand, is over 7.9 and 3.3 life-years for male and female in U. S. population, respectively. The PaYS program is a recruitment option that guarantees a job interview with military-friendly employers following retirement. TONY DISAGREED> hE SAID TAKE A 19 YEAR OLD, WHO HAS JUST TAKEN TWO ROUNDS TO HIS BODY, And IS watching his best friend die from multiple, bleeding wounds he wont give a shit about the Geneva Convention. Hey Robert I was with the 38th Scout Dog Plt. All of the next day, we could see SMOKE from the fire caused by the explosions of the AMMO at, the AMMO DUMP. I was also told that the Radio did put a target on my back. An interesting comment I had. I was a cmbt engr demolition specialist carried a 45 auto and an M70 grenade launcher in addition to the C-4 and Det Cord. The basic unit for any infantryman in the United States Army was his squad. It is an important role of MOS 11B and just one of their many responsibilities. I have a fried Who is killed in Vietnam six months before I got there cause of death was other how would I find out since his parents are long gone, Do a search for his name n, Sir, would you mind me translating this into Spanish and getting it posted in our blog? There were instances when some men used grenades to try to blast the frozen soil, a practice which was quickly stopped by the sergeants. Related Article Army Combat Engineer (MOS 12B): Career Details. At age 55, World War 2 Veterans were estimated to live 21.4 and 26.1 life-years, 1.4 and 0.3 more life-years for Korean Conflict Veterans, and 3 and 1.5 more life-years for Vietnam Era Veterans for male and female, respectively. It was only in the direst of circumstances that an entire division was engaged in combat simultaneously, usually several units were held in reserve. No high security clearance is required to become an Army Infantryman. So I guess i lasted longer than I was supposed to. 10 1/2 months in the bush. For an infantryman, the Expert Infantry Badge is the gold-medal standard. It didnt matter who you were or where you were. I carried the PRC-25 Radio most of that time. I always felt that Infantry units were in more danger because of ambush issues and no permanent defensive structures. A wounded American soldier is loaded into a halftrack converted to serve as an ambulance in Germany in early 1945. We went out typically in two boat patrols one lead one cover . The British lost 704,208 dead in the Great War, and if they were to form up in three ranks and march at the standard British army speed of 120 thirty-inch paces to the minute, they would pass in one day, fifteen hours and seven minutes. They were glad to see me as it had been a while for replacements with the unit. At age 55, World War 2 Veterans Their war was a personal one, with the enemy when engaged in plain sight, and the casualties inflicted by themselves and their unit revealed before their eyes. If you would like to get a copy, and cant find it, let me know, and I will make sure you get one. If it was your day to get hit or die, it happened. You can follow the pay table below to figure out what you can expect to make based on U.S. Army rank for Infantryman MOS 11B: The U.S. Army has several benefits included with a monthly salary: It is also worth noting that you could earn up to $41,000 in cash bonuses for enlisting under certain Military Occupational Specialties. An American infantryman inspects the body of a dead German in July 1944, near St.

Marchioness Survivors List, Articles L