fatigue after partial thyroidectomy

I found one I liked and decided to bite the bullet and have the surgery after the holidays. Did the tumor grow at a fast rate? Suppose you only require a partial thyroidectomy where only part of your thyroid is removed. since early 50s. Then you can post results and reference ranges shown on the lab report and we will be glad to help interpret and advise further about treatment. I had an partial thyroidectomy on 14/01/2010 - I've tried to exercise and eat correctly - but I still have problems such as feeling tired. I had a partial thyroidectomy 3 weeks ago. The features of this nodule upon ultrasound (solid, hypoechoic, hypervascular, longer than wide) indicated the possibility of cancer. The surgeon was surprised and even wrote down the name of the Scar Serum to recommend to his clients. Health literacy and fatigue, anxiety, depression, and somatic symptoms in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma from West China: A cross-sectional study. My challenge is I am allergic to many medications and other allergens including pain medication and most antibiotics. I know a lot of people travel to Tampa for him and Im having a partial thyroid lobectomy done by him on Monday. My voice still isnt back to normal, and it is tiring to talk for too long or too loudly. It is such a relief to hear about your experience. Id be happy to answer any further questions. Good luck to you. Just very sleepy all the time now, such a struggle every morning to get up! My prayers will be with you after surgery take one day at a time dont rush. Despite my husbands repeated advice to not internet doctor my upcoming thyroid surgery, I scoured the web for information anyway. My nodule was in the middle of the thyroid so the doctor was hoping to take half but I had to take full thyroid, plus 2 parathyroids (one with an cancer specimen, the other was swollen and my mom has a condition with hypercalcemia). We tapped the CDC for information on what you need to know about radiation exposure, Endocrinologist Mark Lupo, MD, answers 10 questions about thyroid disorders and how to treat them. I noticed that after the surgery, my calcium dropped "alot" causing muscle spasms and tingling (all over), I was very tired but after 3 weeks, I feel good. The scar faded so nicely that Im not even sure I needed it. I am petrified of surgery, however, it needs to come out because people can see it now protruding in my neck. Easy for your Endocrinologist to say, he doesn't have to live with your symptoms that are most likely due to inadequate levels of Free T4 and free T3, which are the biologically active thyroid hormones. Recovery wasnt bad as I took it easy for the first week and eased myself into working and life the second week. Energy. And if so, did it return to normal? I spent seven long hours in recovery, not because of complications, merely because no bed was available for me on a ward. My voice was a bit funky for a few months but it resolved itself. I feel a little better! Thank you for posting. Ended up going to dr to rule out strep, only to find it was my thyroid. I was told 1-2 weeks as well. Im thinking it would be considered a partial thyroidectomy, because the right side is surgically absenti. I also see that several people here go for regular blood tests (every two odd months), my doctor told me to go for blood tests again in a year, should I go sooner? I have what has been diagnosed as a low risk 5mm papillary thyroid cancer. We offer this Site AS IS and without any warranties. Did you have any symptoms which would imply fluctuating thyroid hormone levels and if so how long before they calmed down? "Voice problems after thyroid surgery can significantly reduce quality of life," says Sujana S. Chandrasekhar, MD. Why Is Weight Loss So Difficult After Thyroid Removal? I did go to work that Monday but I did fall asleep at my desk by the afternoon. Stayed home for a week, but then was I fine. That was the one thing that surprised me. Hi had my partial thyroidectomy September 27 2016, you are all correct fairly no pain just discomfort. All my TSH levels are in normal range. Mine was a little over 7cm. Also, while the recovery is not bad, it is not fun for a couple of days. In addition to multi-toxic goiter, I have hyperthyroidism. I have read so many horror stories about weigbt gain and horrid mood swings neither of which I can handle right now. Yamille- yes! I am so very nervous about the recovery and possible complications. although Ive had some strange symptoms the tiredness is unreal. Ill also be doing bloodwork so my levels will be checked to see if my left side is doing a good job. I wish I had discovered your article 2 weeks ago. I had my op 3 weeks ago. Good luck to everyone! I had surgery on a right nodule, which turned out to be benign! Any recommendations for a top surgeon in the Raleigh nc area? I put this surgery off and was under Active Surveillance for 7 years. I am in San Diego, who are the top surgeons here? Extent of surgery for low-risk thyroid cancer in the elderly: Equipoise in survival but not in short-term outcomes. Zambeli-Ljepovi A, Wang F, Dinan MA, Hyslop T, Stang MT, Roman SA, Sosa JA, Scheri RP. I really had not post op issues. Please continue to post on this blog. The nodules can also contribute to excess/deficient hormone levels (hypo/hyper thyroidism), and though many have no hormonal changes with the nodules, you can end up having symptoms that mimic one or the other or have one but the symptoms mimicking the opposite. Will use a lapel Mike to keep from needing to raise my voice unnecessarily. Since it wasnt causing any symptoms, my endo decided to go with a wait and see approach and to get an ultrasound every 2-3 years. I have quit cross fit for now, but I do yoga (love it!) I am not on any thyroid medication. It was actually found during a CT of my chest. Epub 2019 Sep 30. In regard to eating, because I felt ill, I only wanted bland food for several days after surgery. Not full range of motion on neck but pretty good and no pain. I just had my partial removal surgery Oct 17th and I too am getting a burning pain when I swallow but it seems to radiate from the incision. I believe the drug you were given is a brand of Levothyroxine. Just my thoughts here after my surgery I felt a little down too. The frozen pathology during surgery came back cancer free. Another said a week. So take care - and just take it one day at a time. Doc suggested I have total thyroidectomy. I also work full-time and have no idea what to say to my office. Im sleeping much better. But once they did, she shed the pounds without effort. But youll get there, just try to allow yourself a generous amount of time to heal. I couldnt turn my neck very well for almost two weeks. Dont wait. It kept growing little by little to about 5.2cm in 2018. I have a 5cm benign nodule that grew about 50% in volume in 6 months. I dont have to go back for one year. Hello everyone, I have a 1cm nodule on my right lobe. What I can say is that my doctor only put 2 weeks physical restrictions on me (no bending, stretching your neck, heavy lifting). Good luck with your decision. Ive always been an active person and after surgery I just cant do anything like I used to. I am very emotional (though hiding it from family and friends) and not sleeping much. I went home the same day as surgery and ate a fairly normal dinner. Any responses would be SO appreciated! All authors have no financial, direct or indirect personal relationships that could potentially and inappropriately influence (bias) the work and conclusions of this study. Im about 5 months post-op now and feeling great I enjoy yoga even more now because I dont have that heavy nodule getting in the way during any type of head inversion. I know exactly what you mean. These decisions are so hard. I have a large scar on my throat (about 2.5 inches long). Waking up was ok, still under the painkiller from the op. Thyroid Surgery Process - Penn Medicine After my op my left lobe seemed to be functioning fine (no mroe tremors and other symptoms) for about 2 weeks but then went hypothyroid (a whole new set of symptoms! I am so relieved to have it out! I could put this off and re test again but the cells will never be normal and can only turn cancerous over time. In my case, it was a big follicular neoplasm (until the results comes back, in which it will be an adenoma or a carcinoma). The day after surgery, I noticed neuropathy in my right hand and wrist and began wearing a wrist splint for the nerve pain. Symptoms of thyroid storm include a fever (over 102 degrees F in most people), profuse sweating, a rapid heart rate, and sometimes delirium (severe confusion). I I just had a parallel experience. The first week or so until i had the bandages removed i was a little sore but generally felt ok.Once i went back to work I began to have other "symptoms" and i have been trying to decide if i am crazy. I think a week would be a bit quick depending on the operation and the size of your thyroid. Do folks tend to work with endocrinologists afterwards to determine med needs? Yes your primary care doctor understands your history but you need a specialist. well the lump was getting bigger and it coke was gone so i decided to go straight to a head & neck specialist. My hormones were fine, I had no symptoms so my endo still believed observation was the best course of action. I had to be at hospital at 5:30 am so got home around 11pm. Two questions for those on the other side of this 1) How/when did you take off the glue strip? Had a partial thyroidectomy. Linda, how long after your surgery did you have to wait until were you able to sing again? I found that to be disturbing. A partial thyroidectomy is surgery to remove part of your thyroid gland. Mine had pushed my trachea out of line and I was unable to swallow. So much helpful information. Im so thankful for this thread. My nodule was 5cm only on the right, so I only had that side taken out. But for people who are on their feet all day such as nurses, retail workers, teachers, factory workers, etc.. you may need a little more time off. Im on 3,000mg calcium, hopefully temporary. Once you recovery and the problem persist would advise to get a consult for an endocrinologist. The results from the biopsy came back as suspicious and my Dr checked me into the hospital 2 days later. My appetite is also currently non-existent which is a bonus for me because it means Im shedding a few excess pounds! the thing is, its possible the second biopsy could also be inconclusive and he agreed with me on that. The experience was not half as bad as I imagined! As far as the scar, it's not that visible anymore and I also have a "adams apple" like appearance above the scarand i'm sure that it's due to the "surgery", the area that was surgically cut and also not having a thyroid. Then over the years the nodule grew, started to put pressure on the trachea and the jugular. Do you now have to take thyroid replacement hormones? I had surgery last September and you cant even see it. * Controlled for age, sex, and comorbidity. I had partial thyroid removal one week ago today. Its been about 6 weeks since my surgery and I got back to my normal routine about 2 weeks ago. I was so worried about the same but 1.5 weeks after surgery the energy came back. Allie, I just had parathyroid surgery to remove a large adenoma, plus a benign thyroid nodule. Bookshelf It was so comforting to hear your experience and how similar mine is. My surgeon told me that the half with the nodule would be removed. Sharon, Hopefully Ill get the right balance of things hashed out this week. Swelling The incision will be slightly raised and there may be swelling and light bruising at the incision site. My thyroid function tested in the normal range one month after surgery, so I am not on any meds and feel fine. Voice working well but not ready to shout yet. Did you gain any weight during the wait time? Hi, I had a very similar situation. Im off pain meds already and planning to go back to work in a few days. I recently had mine removed and a neck dissection, apart from post surgery tiredness during immediate recovery I'm fine in that respect now. Sounds vain I know, anyone have problems with weight gain after partial thyroidectomy? Factors associated with patient reports of moderate to very severe fatigue 24 years after thyroid surgery * Weighted percentages are shown. I had a partial thyroidectomy to remove a large solitary non cancerous nodule just over 4 weeks ago. I have been monitoring it for 18 months now, and it finally got bigger. So its been about a month (28 days) and I feel pretty normal. Getting mine out in January, partial, i hope. The camera helps your surgeon find the right area for surgery. I might even suggest looking at photos in advance so that you can visualize and get comfortable with what your new neck may look like. Thyroid lobectomy is a relatively safe and low-risk procedure. I really appreciate it. I also read a lot of horror stories so thank you everyone for writing your experiences. Meeting with multiple surgeons results in potentially confusing the information regarding how long Id be out of commission. Tell your healthcare providers if you have difficulty breathing or swallowing. Yes. I am having a large 6cm thyroid nodule removed at the end of this month, along with a suspected parathyroid tumor. I still wear the silicone bandages and probably will until at least April. I would check my "hemocrit" levels just to make sure that you are not anemic. Theres several weeks between now and your surgery and you need to get some rest! General anesthesia is usually given before a partial thyroidectomy. I use to be up by 7 am now I cant wake up its hard to sleep my neck hurts not the incision. That was my reaction 3 years ago, when it was brought to my attention that I had a nodule. have to get my remaining thyroid out bcuz i feel great right now no symptoms of nothing. Hi Andrea, I did not have Dr Clayman. While it doesnt seem like much, seeing it actually on your neck after the fact is quite a shock. I felt really comfortable with this new one. Also, after my bandage came off I started using ScarAway silicone strips on the scar for about one month. Im very nervous about this surgery on Monday, so any tips I need to know would be appreciated! Also I have had 2 opinions so far his and another ENT as well, mentioning as well I should just need half thyroid removed. Has anyone else experienced difficulty breathing after this surgery, or an increase in anxiety? Thanks so much, Linda. Pain afterwards was hard for two weeks but movement is fine now and scar is big but calming down. Youve done the biopsy, thats the hard part. 2006 Dec 15;94(8):701-7. doi: 10.1002/jso.20695. 2) Did you need Synthroid or did the other half compensate? has anyone had the experience of planning to do a partial, but winding up with a full thyroidectomy due to findings during the surgery? What to expect after a partial or total thyroidectomy (16-24): It might take several weeks or months to find the optimal hormone replacement therapy dose. So far so good. Anyone had to use oral steroids post op? Supposedly I am having a lighter anesthesia as opposed to a fully-intubated general. I can tell you that the surgery and recovery were very easy. This option may be indicated if a thyroid nodule is small and localized to one side of the . I remember being transferred on to the table and that was it until I woke up in recovery with half of my thyroid gone. Im nervous because Ive been a little ill this week, but since there is no fever, they are proceeding as scheduled. Sometimes when I eat a tough granola bar like a Cliff bar, I do feel like its harder to swallow but thats it. Didn't find the answer you were looking for? This is day five after surgery and I have a bit of edema in my feet, loose bowels, and Im quite content to just chill. normal . My doctor found a few nodules on the right side of my thyroid. Id also tell people not to worry about this surgery. I knew I would eventually have to have some sort of removal, but am nervous at the timing. I have periodic tingling sensation the incision site. Best of luck to you, you will be healed in no time! Let us know what your outcome is. Did anyone have an experience like this? Btw, Im 56, not that much younger! But Im hoping that every day it will get better! My doc also suggested placing papaya skin on the incision to help with healing and said hes seen people completely heal without a scar. If Ann Boleyn felt like I do on the day of her execution shed have skipped all the way to the swordsman and greeted him like a long lost friend !! i asked my dr during post appt & he said one gets tossed around a lot during surgery :0/ what the heck. Amanda! The beginning of the year as exhausting as it is! I had a 4cm nodule which by needle biopsy was benign. I have always been a very joyful person and after my surgery I notice that I am more irritated and tend to be more harsh on myself than I need to be. Subscribe now for my best San Diego, theme park, and luxury hotel tips in addition to thoughts on our recent travels delivered straight to your inbox, for absolutely free. I went to Mt. No nausea. Again thank you all for your comments. Endocr Connect. I had a goiter for 10 years and had been last measured at about 5.5cm. The plan is to just remove the right lobe. A hemithyroidectomy is the removal of half of the thyroid gland. How long does the swelling and your neck go down it feel like some of the goiter is still there. My dr sent me for blood test, again it was normal. This has been one of the least painful surgeries have had. The worst thing has been the tiredness. God Bless. I have my fingers crossed for you that it is not cancer. honestly, the recent biopsy was more painful than id expected and i was swollen for a week. It might not, but again hoping for the best. And God forbid I cough swallowing is still a little tender. It is comforting to hear other stories and know others out there have gone thru the same thing. I did the ASPIRE test which revealed a 50% chance of malignancy. Good luck God bless. I literally had this surgery hours ago. Gao J, Wang X, Zhang L, Li J, Qin X, Wang L, Zhao J. Keep recovering, My first parathyroid surgery was November 2015 and within 6 mos, the symptoms came back but with like a crazy rushing tornado. I overdid things during the first few days and regretted it! There is no best time to get it my opinion. Hi there your post helped me so much. I have a relative with thyroid cancer plus we were in Europe during the Chernobyl incident and we were told the food and grounds were affected. They want to put me on an antibiotic post surgery. Only 12.3% had a thyroid lobectomy. I do agree it is not as bad as it may seem. If it's found to be cancerous he will do a 2nd procedure to remove the rest of the thyroid. To follow you. I went to spin class last Saturday & today. You will have blood tests to check your calcium and thyroid hormone blood levels. I had a great surgeon at Stanford Hospital in Palo Alto, Dr Lisa Orloff. I had it done at Thorntons new hospital the Jacobs Center which is incredibly modern and well equipped (and the rooms are gigantic!). After one or more incisions are made, your surgeon will remove part of your thyroid gland. I have Dr. Theodore Mazer. I did stay one night in the hospital, I had no drain, no pain from the surgical site. After partial or total thyroid removal, you may experience some hypothyroidism while your dose is adjusted. Returning to work the next day is simply not possible. Im nervous but Im trying to get as much information as possible in order to make a good decision that I can feel good about. But please monitor yourself and if your doctor is putting you off, find another doctor. For a few days I was unable to sleep, shaky, really cold hands and feet with twitching muscles. Fast forward to 8/26, and Im tingling in the fingers toes face teeth. Mental Health in Postoperative Thyroid Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic. The anxiety is killing me. The surgery went well, minor discomfort only. Weigh the stress of that over just having the surgery done. You could imagine my concern and fear and I was told that that combination I was taking made my kidneys fail a little. I only stayed in hospital about 36 hours this time, but need to get blood drawn frequently because my creatinine level is still too high. Incision is about 6 cm long. I had a 4 cm nodule on my left lobe for 4 years that stayed the same size from 2012-2017. Although I was terrified, I sailed through it! I was very nervous before the surgery but I am glad I went through with it. I do have some underlying other health issues, so my biggest concern for this is did you feel any sort of depression afterwards and are you on medicine at this time. Ive been having both sides ultrasounded for about 5 years. As a result , on August 9th I had done the surgery and results were Benign and now Im recovering. I have no energy and my voice is strained easily , frustrated. Partial or complete thyroidectomy is performed to relieve compressive symptoms of thyroid hypertrophy, prevent sequelae of thyroid carcinoma, and achieve hormonal control of hyperthyroidism. I am a 33 years old male and have discovered in 2016 a 2.2cm nodule in my left thyroid. We investigated the adequacy of our thyroid hormone . I do suffer being lethargic though my TSH, T3, T4 and free T3 as well. I hope this all goes away, light head aches also nothing I cant handle but still. Over the past couple of weeks I've been experiencing sudden onsets of exhaustion during the day and extreme fatigue even after 12hrs sleep. I had a 4.9cm nodule on my left lobe. Thyroid cancer treatment side effects and complications associated with worse energy and significant fatigue. For two weeks, I have been dabbing with peroxide and applying Bacitracin.

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