early settlers of albany, new york

This would have included Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York (including all of Long Island), and Connecticut. the Schuyler Families in America Prior to 1800, compiled Luykas Dirkse Goes, 1732. Catharina Janse Van Hoesen, 1694. Maritie Tomase Mingael, 1664. Andries Arentse Bratt, 1695. Jannetie Franse Clauw or Klauw, 1695. Gerrit Cornelis Van Nes, 1697. Local organizations such as the Albany Inter-Racial Council and churches, helped them, but de facto segregation and discrimination remained well into the late 20th century. Nicolaas Willemse Groesbeeck, 1746. Aeltie Janse Wemp, 1663. ARENTSE. Paulus Janse Van Gertruydenburgh, 1642. Christina Wesselse Ten Croeck, 1723. Evert Luykase Backer, 1677. Pieter Tomase Mingael, 1688-1700. Cornelis Jacobse Schermerhoorn, 1700. Jan Janse Myndertse, 1629. Jan Evertse Schoenmaker, 1661-5. Jan Pieterse Bronck, 1669-77. Aert Goosense Van Twiller, 1661-84. Pieter Janse Loockermans, 1656-79. Abraham Johannese Wendel, 1691. Benony Arentse Van Hoeck, 1700. Marten Teunise Metselaer or Demetselaer, 1685. Dog lovers told CBS2 on Monday . Henry Hudson first claimed this area for the Dutch in 1609. The author donated a copy of this work and some of Collette Casparse Winne, 1783. Johannes Volkertse Van Veghten, 1747. Cornelis Martense Van Aelsteyn, 1703. Bastiaen Janse Crol, 1630-41. Jannetie Hendrickse Van Doesburgh, 1698. Symon Jacobse Schermerhoorn, 1683-1705. Gerrit Janse Ruyting, 1690. Antje Pieterse Quackenbos, 1685. Matthias Cornelise Van den Bergh, 1714. Johannes Janse Van Hoesen, 1694. Abraham Franse Van Aalsteyn, 1700. NEA - New England in Albany, compiled by Jonathan Tenney (Boston, 1883). Michael Dirkse Van Vechten, 1689. Adriaen Cornelise Van Bersingeren, 1642. It was Rockefeller's only viable option, and he agreed. RNA Institute Researcher Receives Prestigious Early Career Award to Visitors returning to the Netherlands gave reports of the prosperity in Rensselaerswyck, which encouraged immigration. themes. Harmen Dirkse Van Vechten, 1793. Tryntie Janse Van Bristede, 1636. Gysbert Adriaanse Van Bunick, 1638. JOOSTE. In 1992, the "Friends" sponsored Wouter Storm Bratt, or Van der Zee, 1699. Cristen Cristyssen Noorman Van Vleckburgh, 1636. 69, pages, reprinted 1997 by Higginson The system of nomenclature in common use among the early Dutch settlers consisted in prefixing the child's to the father's Christian name, terminating in se or sen; in baptism but one name was usually given; the patronymic was used by custom in all cases, and in the absence of a surname was sometimes adopted as such. Luykas Luykase Van Hoogkerke, 1686-1705. Pieter Cornelise Van Munichendam, 1636. Dirk Hendrickse Bye, alias De Sweedt, 1675-80. Led by English explorer Henry Hudson, the Dutch first arrived in the land now known as New York City in 1609.The Dutch colony of New Netherland was established in 1614, and New Amsterdam became its capital city several years later.. By the time the English took control over New Amsterdam in 1664, the colony had fewer than 10,000 inhabitants.Because the descendants of those early colonists now . Cornelis Gysbertse Van den Bergh, 1683-1714. Cornelis Teuwisse Mulder, 1709. Hendrick Myndertse Roseboom, 1728-36. Publishing Company, Friends Magdalena Martense Van Buren, 1703. On September 13th 1609, a vessel called the Crescent came to anchor within Sandy Hook [New Jersey], about seventeen miles from the . Cathalina Andriesse Huygh, 1705. Jacobus Geurt Van Schoonhoven. Shorrock is studying the cellular processes underlying the class of genetic . In the absence of income taxes or property taxes, the patroons control of the fur trade and collection of rents from tenant farmers financed the operation and development of the colony. The population of New Netherland, at the beginning of Stuyvesant's administration (1647), is variously estimated at from 1,000 to 3,000; at its close in 1664 it was about 10,000. Burger Andriesse Huygh, 1705. Thus the surname of Jacob Abrahamse, found in documents dating 1665-84, was Vosburg alias Kuyper; in those of date 1706, it was Van Deusen. In the late 18th century and early 19th century, Albany saw development of the turnpike and by 1815, Albany was the turnpike center of the state. The question as to whether Fort Oranje, which had existed previous to Van Rensselaers purchase and the developing village of Oranje just north of its walls, were included in the original 1629 Dutch West India Company grant to Van Rensselaer, and his subsequent land purchase from the Indian tribes, became a point of contention that lasted for many years. Joseph Janse Van Zandt, 1753. More recently, the city has experienced growth in the high-tech industry, with great strides in the nanotechnology sector. Willem Wynantse Van den Bergh, 1749. Lucas Jans Van Salsbergen, 1693. Hendrick Cornelise Maasen, 1663. Barent Gerritse Van den Bergh, 1700-5. Troy is a city on the east bank of the Hudson River about 5 miles . Second. Andries Hanse Barhydt or Barheit, 1692-99. Michael Janse Van Brookhuysen, 1636. In 1790 the federal government conducted its first comprehensive census, and Albany County was still the most populous county in New York State, with 75,921 inhabitants. Simon Janse Turk, 1659. Meese. - The Ten Broeck Genealogy: Being the Records Hendrick Gerritse Van Nes, 1736. Leendert Arentse Graw, 1689. Hendrikje Geurt Van Schoonhoven, 1700. Annatie Isaacse Van Deusen. Jan Franse Hardick, 1737. [25] Over the years Albany would lose much of the land to the west and annex land to the north and south. Early Settlers of New York State, Vol. II - Ancestry Jurriaen Teunise Tappan or Van Tappan, 1671-94. Tomas Janse Schipper, 1660. Early settlers of New York State - Archive The most comprehensive family resource. Mattheus Isaacse Van Deusen, 1740. Caspar Leendertse Conyn, 1683-1721. compiled by Jonathan Pearson Gerrit Wynantse Van der Poel, 1683-91. Deliveries . Mateuwese. Learn About Albany, NY's History: From Colonial Times to the Present Jannetie Cornelise Van Schaick, 1703. Cornelis Teunise Bos or Bosch, 1631-67. Wouter Jeronimus Barheit, 1713. Jan Barentse Poest (alias Wemp?) Adriaen Dirkse De Vries, 1654. Original work encompassed more than 800 pages. Numbering only a few thousand, they settled primarily in the lowlands that became the states of Delaware, New Jersey, and New York. In 1620, the English Puritans landed at Plymouth, Massachusetts and the following year the Dutch West India Company was chartered and given the exclusive right to conduct trade in New Netherland. Hendrick Gerritse Verwy or Van Wie, 1689. Mayke Janse Goes, 1697. It succeeded Poughkeepsie as the capital of New York in 1797. The population of Fort Orange at this early period can not be exactly known; that it was small may be justly inferred from several facts: First. Elisabeth Dirkse Ten Broeck. Catharine Helmerse Otten, 1703. Johannes Janse Witbeck, 1683. Hendrick Gerritse Van Meulen, 1671-80. Adriaen Janse Croon, 1660. Engeltie Arentse Slingerland, 1713. Stephanus Claese Groesbeeck, 1707. Segerse. The extensive and personalized treatment of the military career Jan Cornelise Buys changed to Jan Jansen Damen, 1634. Who would recognize the ancient Du Trieux (pronounced Du Troo) in the modern Truax, or Beaufils in Bovie, or Barrols in Barroway, or finally the familiar names of Jones in such laughable disguises as Tsans, Tjans, and Shawns. Contributions for the genealogies of the first settlers of the ancient county of Albany, from 1630 to 1800 Genealogy Gophers. If you can help with transcription, please contact Debby Masterson. In 1629, the Dutch passed the Charter of Privileges and Exemptions, a plan for the colonization of New Netherland. Revolutionary Times" series. Reinier Myndertse Van Iveren (Smit), 1707. Genealogies of the Descendants of the First Settlers of Schenectady primary source material. Ripse. Gysbert Cornelise Bogart, 1661-86. [19], The Dutch briefly regained Albany in August 1673 and renamed the city Willemstadt; the English took permanent possession with the Treaty of Westminster (1674). Andries Hanse Scherp, 1674-84. When New Netherland was captured by the English in 1664, they changed the name Beverwijck to Albany, in honor of the Duke of Albany (later James II of England and James VII of Scotland). Judick Janse Goes, 1697. "First Settlers of Albany County, New York", by Professor - RootsWeb Maria Franse Clauw or Klauw, 1700. Marten Pauluse Van Benthuysen, 1697-1705. With increasing potential for settlement, the English formed the first counties to better administer their new domain. Early settlers The Van der Heydens In June 1707, Derick Van der Heyden purchased the farm of Pieter Van Woggelum, which included land that extended from the Poesten Kill to the Piscawen Kill, a creek that . Early History and Manuscript Collections [ edit | edit source] Annual Report by New York State Historian. Jan Janse Van Rotterdam, 1662-90. He had his agents purchase large tracts of land on both sides of the Hudson River at a place where the Hudson is wide and travel between the two parts would have been difficult and at some times of the year impossible. JACOBSE. online. The Netherlands had long been known as a haven for followers of persecuted religions and that tolerant religious attitude was carried into New Netherland. Geertruy Gerritse Van Schoonhoven, 1701. Jacob Abrahamse Kuyper ) Aert Pieterse Teck, 1661. JANSE. Cornelia Gerritse Spoor, 1719. Early Settlers of New York State, Vol. I - Ancestry Johannes Evertse Kuyper, 1725. Dutch fur traders established the first settlement in what is present-day Albany with the building of Fort Nassau in 1614. We were unable Jan Claese Bakker Van Oosanen or Oostrand, 1658-64. Jacob Claese Van Woert, 1736. COSTERSE. Evert Brantse Van Amersfort. Teunis Cornelise Van Vechten, 1637-83. Dirkje Teunise Metselaer, 1685. Anna Catharina Wesselse Ten Broeck, 1723. He provided them with food, clothing, shelter, tools, farm animals and implements. Maritie Johannese Wendel, 1691. Frans Claese Van der Bogart, 1724. Reminds me of the Astors empire building on the Pacific, Your email address will not be published. The Mohican were driven to the east side of the Hudson River and the Mohawk occupied the land surrounding Oranje. New York Officials Failed to Address the Housing Crisis. Now What? Maria Melgertse Van der Poel, 1710. English Publication: New York, New York : J. Munsell, 1872 Physical: 182 p., [2] leaves of plates : ill. ; 23 cm. Jacob Bastiaense DeWit, 1700. Johannes Gerritse Roos, 1695. HMGFM - Hudson-Mohawk Genealogical and Family Memoirs, compiled by Cuyler A four-volume compendium of family-based material Jan Pieterse Mebie, 1603. DHM - De Halve Maen Jan Janse Van Otten, 1657. Myndert Harmense Van der Bogart, 1683-1706. Pieter Harmense Knickerbakker, 1708.

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