catawba county register of deeds

1. can I access copies of them? Can i sell the house without the deeds myself? 18 February 2019, Comment by 14 February 2020. Comment by I am trying to find out who is responsible for a fence but nothing is showing on the title plan - just the boundary of the property. 28 May 2020. I am disgusted that nobody seems to know where they are! Hello, Could you advise what documents would normally be requested when someone wants a copy of their deeds? posted on Comment by Utility Contact List. Please see our guidance 'Get historical registers' at . Y Aung 22 January 2019, Katharine - if you complete our online contact form with the specific details then we can check on what records we hold and advise you how to apply for copies as appropriate, Comment by Can you please tell me which document I need to purchase from the Land Registry that would give me the details of any covenants relating to a freehold property. He was baffled as to why they weren't transferred to his daughter, then the people we bought from although this land has always been part of our garden. AdamH 04 June 2018, Adam - if online then immediate and if by post then a few days. The post code covers a number of properties but nothing leaps out to refer to a transfer to you. So if youve paid off your mortgage and its registered with us you need do nothing. I have provided all the documentation to prove this. Seeing they were just copies I then thought the Land Registry held them. LEO SCHUYT Many thanks, Comment by 14 June 2019. He has stated that it has been submitted to HM Land Registry a few days aho. posted on posted on Please note that the servient land was (not registered) still owned by the council when our land was registered. Ben - 9 working days from receipt of the application. posted on If you want to pursue this, you will need to continue to do so with the solicitor involved. Richard 28 August 2018. I don't understand what's going on here and am totally confused. 19 October 2018. posted on The house was last sold in 1995 and I spoke to the seller recently and she never received them. Best case scenario is a few weeks between receipt and consideration but the devil will be in the detail, Comment by As to the deeds themselves, as mentioned in the blog if the property is registered with us, then we will hold the electronic title record. If you can't find the deeds then our PG 2 explains what is required, Comment by 05 November 2018, Hello posted application OC2 for title plan and register documents for some properties today but can't see anywhere a reference as to how long it will take to get these? 29 January 2021. posted on Terri Eliza Registration of legal charges and deeds of variation of charge (PG29) 17 April 2023. I am having great trouble in understanding what form/s I require to apply for. posted on The leasehold has everyone's name on a lender and the freehold just shows 'none' against lender. 23 October 2019, Nomad - I would suggest you separate out the two things re the inheritance and the property but bring them together when you apply to register title. LeslieM posted on Sellers solicitor doesn't see what the problem is. We are hoping to pay off the rent owner/covenant beneficiary but havent received our deeds yet do you know how long it will take for the deeds to be updated with our new ownership? 31 December 2020. Comment by I hope you find your 27B-6 (Brazil reference). We are still not the legal owners of the property over twelve months later and now we want to sell the property and move and we are unable to do so. 01 June 2020. thank you for this service. John K Ashley Lately I too have been looking into where my original title deeds are. My parents made a deed of gift to my husband and I of a piece of land that they owned in 1980. Comment by Comment by As you now have a point of contact at Santander I would suggest asking them how you should proceed and through which department - press them for direction to a solution as I assume the mortgage is still registered against the property title, Comment by 01 August 2019. 19 February 2020. My question is what legal or other action can my neighbour now take to force the land agent to supply him with the deeds or copies of them? posted on Any signposting would be great. An application in form FR1 is required, accompanied by the appropriate fee (a reduced fee is payable for voluntary applications). The second, referred to as OC 1 and 2, is used for detailed searches where greater detail, typically used for the profession is stored and only retrievable by written application due apparently to those that may use it for less pleasant purposes, a sort of filter process. Get Certificate Now Home Page I don't know how or when the property was next sold after 1963 as our electronic records only start from 1994 for this title and refer to your own details as registered from 1987 but in many cases matters were dealt with by a buyer's solicitor and you would not always know what deeds/documents were handed over in such cases as often they went straight to the lender for security reasons. John - understood and very much the right thing to do. Nor do we scan them. Helen Aitken What may be in doubt is whether the deeds show the extent of the property with sufficient certainty to resolve the issue with Network Housing. We recently bought a Victorian freehold house, in London. 14 July 2020, Glenn - you will need to trace them and if dead identify their executor/beneficiaries as appropriate. Can I still even buy the house and if so could this cause me a problem if someone turns up with the paper deed later? On the next sale the original owner may have handed over those original deeds/documents but it is equally possible that they did not. Comment by Hi. posted on 06 December 2020, Ron - restrictions on what you can/cant do with regards a registered title will normally appear as restrictive covenants on the register. The Catawba County Public Records (North Carolina) links below . Even the register/title plan when silent forms part of that discussion, Thanks for all your help and info but seriously the plan I found was far more comprehensive. 01 March 2019. posted on and how do I check if I still have ownership . ), Comment by 13 March 2019, 21 Old Market Drive posted on Thanks so much. How long that takes and what issues arise are ones only your conveyancer can assist you with. posted on Within minutes my solicitor replied, "I have that pre-registered information with the computer copy deeds so they are here!" Network Housing are claiming that the deeds are not proof of ownership and registration may not even help, Comment by Youll probably get an auto reply so reply to that and attach a copy of the letter from the lender. posted on 11 June 2019, John - you cna call the support team on 03000060411 or use our online contact form to email, Comment by Youll need to resolve this through Santander with details of your original mortgage account number and record of payments. posted on Comment by posted on The mortgage was paid off in full in the 1990's (I have documents to verify this) posted on Justice Center - 100 SW Boulevard / PO Box 65, Newton, North Carolina 28658, 7:30am to 5:30pm M-F (first/last half hour by appt only). Mitigating the risks is something you/your conveyancer would need to discuss and decide upon. Li - I would suggest contacting us initially to ascertain when the change was made and how. As you can see, it's all a mess and we've now taken it upon ourselves to try and look into it further. As a final mark of desperation yesterday I sent my solicitor an Email to my solicitor which said; As the part is not colour coded my neighbour refused to accept despite the words in conveyance and registered title says the rights and easement on both parties deeds. Cheltenham and Gloucester plc were asked to provide the title deeds to me and a delayed standard letter in the form of a flippant dismissal referred me to Land Registry. Many thanks. Dave Thanks Liz, Comment by Find Catawba County Housing Characteristics and Mortgage Characteristics. Jordan - not something we can advise you on I'm afraid. Comment by The landlord ex3cutes one and the tenant the other. Do you know where we should make enquiries? AdamH An indemnity policy is an a option to consider in these cases, but as you've mentioned this may have limitations and again it's something to discuss with your solicitor. Neil - I'm afraid we can't really offer any additional guidance here and you should rely on your solicitor. The key with all such things is what you have in writing as well as what you remember. Comment by This friend has produced a letter from his solicitor from 2011 when he was registering his house that says "the search revealed an entry which refers to restrictive covenants contained in a deed made on (date) which relates to 7073square meters of land in (town). Comment by 21 March 2019. That will link you to the forms etc needed. Sam, Sam - all understood but I cant help without the specifics I mentioned, Comment by I have a neighbour who do not accept the scadual 6, paragraphs 2 and 3 of housing act 1985 clearly registered in title deeds and mentioned on both conveyance deed . Presumably no-one noticed when we bought the house, or perhaps this document is not important in any case? Limit of 5 free uses per day. 22 October 2019. posted on 11 November 2019. Joanne Whitby Brenda Sorry if my question seems obvious but does the freehold information file title override the leasehold or are both applicable? posted on Kind regards, Amanda. The lease will confirm if the front driveway is entirely belonging to the flat and/or whether others have a right to use it for example. Comment by posted on AdamH Is there any way of seeing more details such as an address to contact them on? 24 June 2020. Comment by Mortgage people happy with this as ling as there is an indemnity policy with it also. Was hoping you would hold a copy at least digitally. What can we do to correct this 12 years later? I have my grandmother's will and the probate documents. I see you have also emailed us so I'll pick that up and respond in more detail. The Register of Deeds serves as custodian and manager of a large number of Public Records that exist primarily to enable the owner of an interest in property to give public notice of that ownership. posted on Comment by Please see the links to guidance on GOV.UK - and also . Hi, really hoping you can help. My Post code is TW4 7PR. Our solicitor has advised that If we try and track them down then this is high risk, as this could have repercussions (they may demand money, refuse could be dead with greedy family etc). 25 April 2018. ROBERT C. REED, RECORD. AdamH 08 June 2020, Duncan - its not a D notice but a Land Charge (class D) that I assume was put in place to protect the mortgage against the unregistered property. As you've mentioned, this is a matter for you to decide based on all the available information and your solicitor as an independent legal professional is best placed to advise you in this regard. they wrote me letter on 15th april 2019 , they did not make it clear so I waited. Lucky the bank was still around and found them. What form need to send to Land Registry if we would like change the name of management ? Glenn I have a drawing attached to my lease which differs Slightly from the drawing on the title plan Held at the Land Registry in terms of a boundary line. posted on I have still a hefty mortgage on this property. 23 February 2018. Bargain pricesours was sold for 935 with others at 650, but only marginally bigger 3 bed detached. The main reason to get the changes made now would be if any communication which we may need to send you using the old address recorded in the register is likely to go astray due to using that old address. We create scanned copies of some deeds andthen return all the original title deedstowhoever lodged them. The land includes a section which originally belonged to the next door property. Surveyors, Septic/Wells. AdamH Will the Land Registry return an original Grant of Probate and death certificate once the paper work for registering a property had been completed? But if its a slight difference then it may not be an issue. Hi AdamH, I found this post by chance and found it very useful. Thank you for any help. Comment by 22 January 2019. posted on AdamH 3. do I have to go through a solicitor? Donna Hicks Spencer turned herself in Tuesday morning to the Catawba County jail. I am buying a lease hold flat and the deeds or copy that has been sent can not be read ! If your deeds have been lost or destroyed, it can make things morecomplicated, so Id always recommend keeping them in a safe place. Hi. Section 3.2.3 of our PG explains how to apply to upgrade it. The plan doesn't show any right of way within the red boundary, only the actual house and garden are red outlined. For some one to make a claim on a property that has been devided in percentage, are they required to produce the original? There are other options in this area as referred to here: . As they have hopefully explained there are reasons why Good Leasehold is given as the class of title so trying to cure the defect starts with understanding why that is and then looking to cure it. Ian Moore I have just written an email to my local branch of Land Registry to request a copy of my title deeds. Kieron Connolly posted on Were trying to determine the remaining length of the leasehold on a property and if a share of the freehold is included. Mandy - your original comment suggested that the property was unregistered and had not been sold for 60+ years. Mandy They are a valuable tool for the real estate industry, offering . My buyer has seen all the deeds, They used to be, jointly, his deeds too., Comment by 24 June 2020, Steph - no and Id suggest you do a SIM to confirm. Catawba County NC | Free Public Records Search The couple are elderly and I feel for them However, when speaking to a potential mortgage provider today over a new deal, I was told "we steer clear of any property where there may be any chance at all of a risk to our security". Does Land Registry maintain paper copy of the Deed of Variation? The after effect of that is whether the parties or others lost out as a result of the registration mistake. If there are no title documents referred to as 'filed' in the register then it unlikely that we we hold any deeds which will show the boundary with more precision. 15 September 2020, Hi there Our buyers are getting jittery. I imagine most go with the former but something to discuss with conveyancer and landlord, Comment by Ron Eccles Also, how would i pay if i do not have a cheque book? Find out if the property or land is registered. AdamH Lender's don't send us the original deeds when the mortgage is paid off. AdamH For Technical Support, Contact: Permitium Software Email: Phone: (855) 642-2453 As mentioned in the blog, the original deeds are normally returned to the solicitors acting when the property is first registered with us. My Husband and i separated 20 years ago [ not divorced still due to finding him] and he never made any contribution to the mortgage. Emma Dudfield I got a copy of the latest register extract to show that my uncle is the only registered owner. These may have changed over the years, so that the current physical boundary to the property may now be in a different place to the original legal boundary. 08 January 2021, hi just a quick question over our deeds, is it possible to find out who passed on the original deeds to the land registry, i ask this because the solicitors and the last couple of lenders i have spoken to say they all used the digital records from the land registry, ive gone back as far as i can go, as our original lender has ceased trading. Timothy - It's dependent on what you bought at the time, for example, the whole of the land granted in the 1837 lease or part of it. please can you advice on current time scales ( as I know this varies ) posted on Now we can't find them, so far. 2) *** I purchased a Share of Freehold Ground Floor Flat that includes rear private garden and front driveway. posted on Liz B Section 3.2.1 covers upgrading a possessory title after lapse of time. Alistair - I'm afraid we can't advise you on such matters and very much something your solicitor is for. Enter credit card information for secure processing. I've asked my solicitor if we could have a copy of it as I assume it would be with the original title deeds but they've kept pushing me away saying it was dematerialised. Also his wife passed away in July. If you have not already done so, it might be worth re-checking with the bank to ensure they have conducted a thorough search. AdamH If you decide to apply now you can do this by letter and this should supported by a letter from the parish council / local authority authorising the change together with any other available evidence. Find 8 external resources related to Catawba County Recorder of Deeds. We register any outcomes as appropriate, Comment by 26 February 2018. posted on The deed was made between (seller) and (buyers). Fax: (828)465-1911 Catawba County Courthouse 100-B SW Blvd, Justice Center Newton, NC 28658 Hello again, Adam. We haven't come across any issues yet and are hoping to receive a completion date this week. 11 February 2019. See, Comment by IFC My husband and i are divorcing and his name is on the deeds/mortgage to our home (due to me having no credit rating), but i have lived there with him for the 18 years we have had the house. Our mortgage lender didn't have the title deeds or our solicitor at the time of sale didn't either. Comment by 15 May 2018, Hi. Chris I'm attempting to establish the value of my house in 1991, when it was valued for Council Tax, and was hoping there may have been a record of it in the deeds, or perhaps the Land Registry has information about historical sale prices. AdamH The first registration application went in weeks ago. If this is the case, hopefully they will still be available, but obviously something to discuss with those solicitors as you have mentioned. Your conveyancer is the best one to advise you here but our PG 5 explains the registration requirements for you, Comment by posted on Nina duckers posted on John Comment by It looks like and S with a line through it and is on a border between two pieces of land. posted on posted on AdamH posted on why do we need a will ? That can be an issue if say you are selling or remortgaging but if not then waiting should not pose any legal/ownership issues but I appreciate it can be worrying or frustrating. I have become very aware of how efficient the Land Registry is or was. The key factor here is what has happened to the lease/leaseholder. Unfortunately, the digital record doesn't outline the parcel of land that forms the parchment conveyance and our solicitor didnt check before handing over all the paperwork to us. AdamH Address: 100 Government Dr. Newton, NC 28658 Phone: 828.465.1573 Fax: 828.465.1911 Without checking the specifics we can't be sure though, Comment by sam Comment by We have purchased land next to a plot gained by adverse possession and the owner is claiming their boundary is actually outside of the existing fence even though it has never been defined by them. posted on As mentioned in the blog, the register and title plan for your property held by us in computerised format are your proof of ownership. I am trying to determine exact boundaries and understand that the older paper deeds may have more information on measurements etc. Would this mean that I would be able to locate an official copy from yourselves for my parents as the bank is adamant theyve never had them and cannot find anything in my late fathers name or my mothers name. Donald - If you're happy to give your property address we can check the position with us. Now, in 2020 we have decided to get that security cleared off and the bank has confirmed that it has taken off the charge on the land registry. It is really something to discuss further with your solicitor and ultimately all parties will have to reach an agreement if the sale is to proceed. Yes, if you have a property alert set up for the property concerned then it will be registered. If this was a landmark documents like this wouldn't go missing but because i'm joe bloggs no-one cares. You refer to 'everything in both names' but then mention that the 'intention all along was.'. I did send this enquiry by email but am fed up with waiting for a reply and hanging on to the phone because the Land Registry is experiencing a high volume of calls. Leela There is a (smallish) mortgage on the property. 21 August 2019. Comment by Elspeth - is this a property in England or Wales? posted on posted on 04 September 2018. Could this please be actioned.all relevant title numbers provided in my original post. In addition to this, there'd be the documents returned on the completion of the registration application, usually to the solicitors acting. We have Grant of Probate too. posted on So in many cases the first registered owner has long gone and most wont have handed over the original deeds to the buyer. Ive downloaded a copy of the Title from the Register but it doesnt mention the deeds, so am I to assume Land Registry dont have a digital copy? It is that evidence that allows you to use the land/property as security for a loan for example, Comment by On the day of completion the ground rent owners sent a letter to the sellers solicitor stating that they were now aware of the lack of consent for the build and would seek to enforce actions against the breach of covenants. So from your perspective if the property was registered several years before your purchase and there had been intervening sales/purchases then it is quite likely that Santander never had the original deeds/documents. 11 December 2018. 27 April 2018, Hi ian, im in the process of buying a house. I obtained a copy of the 'full register' for title number WYK140544 a couple of years ago but it is limited in detail and i specifically wanted information regarding the following that shows 'original filed' ( however i could do with all entries relating to this title.) Ben Jones We have paid our mortgage in June and were told by the lender to apply for the Title Deeds at the Land Registry. Comment by We do not hold any information on unregistered land. Generally on point, sometimes polemic, always thoughtful as well as stimulating. Comment by If you'd like us to check our historical records, please use our contact form - giving full details and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Leela - As Adam mentioned in their response to your previous enquiries, AP1 one is the form to use if you are seeking to register a right against a registered title or alter a title in some other way. This address tends not to be updated unless we receive an application to do so. All I can add is that in my experience lenders can vary with regards their requirements both between lenders and even with individual lenders and their variety of mortgages for example. Keith Pugsley Hi, Our house is in my name, Peter, and want transfer into joint names. How long might this process take? They may be asking for evidence that that your parents held an account with them / deposited the deeds? We subsequently built our house with all the relevant planning permissions etc. 29 October 2020. posted on Jacqui Ian A Glen Comment by Jeff Crowder 15 April 2019, Mandy - very much something to rely on your conveyancer for advice as to the risks involved and what the policy covers, Thank you Adam, it was my solicitor who requested this for securitydon't really understand how a house can be sold for another 60 years without deeds.. 30 December 2020. 14 September 2020, Linda - start by checking how its registered. I may be unduly worried, but I'm going to seek some professional legal conveyancing advice on where I stand / what the implications are for the future. After your reply, I am slightly concerned that the original Indenture Plan is different. AdamH They are an abridged version of what was agreed in the Conveyance 25 years ago when I first bought a new build. Many buyers, or specifically lenders/conveyancers, will view it as a greater risk than if it had been registered already. The 'best' person to provide that is someone with the full facts. posted on Comment by posted on We have always parked our cars on this plot of land and maintained this and allowed neighbours access when requested as most have built rear garden sheds/offices. Comment by 21 March 2019. Brian Leahy they were left to me by my ancestors in 1974, Comment by posted on Sharon O'Donnell 09 April 2019, Bhai - Q1 - you would have to read the register to see which deed reserved/granted such easements. Michele That's nice and clear. Julia E After creating your account Sign Out then Sign In again to begin searching. The wills cost over 600 when they made them and were deemed by another solicitor to be of good quality when she checked them out. Troy posted on 20 September 2020, Keith - we dont deal with such matters so its very much legal advice you need here as to what rights you have. I am not aware if registered so will apply for details. Our solicitor initially suggested the policy would be a good solution but then suggested we may be creating a problem for the future. 6 Downloaded the title deeds and title plan Is Is a joke Just an OS map with a red pen run around my property Even the land registry Gov states they are not copies waste of money .I got a better plan myself just by googling no cost. AdamH She claims to have no 'official' record of the transaction. Can you help? 16 April 2019. I have retrieved the Title Number and the Case Reference from my Solicitor. John Williams - Ive not heard of a deed of confirmation in the context of land law or registration. If new then it is unlikely to be considered for 4+ months. The neighbouring area here is between us and the road so the other party would be the developers of the estate. We then built an annexe extension onto our property for them to live in but did not require a mortgage to do this. Victoria They've refused to give me the evidence upon which they based the request, are asking for yet more documentation, and asking the seller, again for indemnity insurance, saying that if he doesn't take it, his mortgage provider might ask for it. Comment by Comment by The Catawba County Recorder of Deeds, located in Newton, North Carolina is a centralized office where public records are recorded, indexed, and stored in Catawba County, NC.

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