apush gilded age test

- lead by Roscoe Conkling, The political machines such as Tammany Hall supporters, -Supported by mostly lower class immigrants since the didn't know any better, The populist party in the 1890's had a great economic and political impact. The bonds pay interest on March 1 and September 1. Congress voted itself a 50% pay raise. The lack of clean water was a primary cause for the spread of diseases such as cholera and typhoid that spread throughout the poorer neighborhoods. Newspaper journalists who called for social changes were known as muckrakers and advocated for social improvements throughout the city. Who took power in Cambodia, and what did they do? Garfield won but was shot, so Arthur became the 21st president. Answer. Coined by Mark Twain. New York Times exposed Tweed and he went to jail. 1794-1877: replaced iron rail tracks with steel; amassed a fortune of 100 million dollars. commerce between two or more states which can be regulated by the federal government, absorption into a single firm of several firms involved in all aspects of a product's manufacture from raw materials to distribution, absorption into a single firm of several firms involved in the same level of production and sharing resources at that level, term generally used to describe any large scale business operation inspired by horizontal integration, the consolidation of rival enterprises, to ensure harmony officers of a banking syndicate were placed on boards of these rivals. The time of economic growth, the second industrial revolution, urbanization, immigration, and political/economic corruption. The Gilded Age The powerful individuals that led and created these monopolies became known as robber barons. It sought to regulate monoplies. APUSH: The Gilded Age Unit Test Term 1 / 50 immigrants coming to America from Eastern and Southern Europe settled.. Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 50 settled in large cites in the Northeast or Midwest Click the card to flip Flashcards Learn Test Match Created by kayley_cunningham Terms in this set (50) About the College Board . This unification of the social classes in the desire for wealth created a growing support for the slave system in America. if someone's name was blacklisted, they would not be able to find work because no one would hire them. Defeat for unions. Tokens wouldn't be worth as much as gold and forced the gov to make silver dollars. Question 2 How did railroad companies obtain the majority of the land rights that were needed to build the first transcontinental railroad? Gave a socialist look at the future. This act provided for a civil service test to be taken by all government office seekers. Also helped immigrants find jobs in exchange for votes. HW: The West in the Gilded Age- Questions. Politicians of the Gilded Age used the spoils system to? APUSH - HIPPO - Gilded Age by Social Studies Odds 'n Ends 5 $3.00 $2.40 PDF (873.65 KB) This is a great activity to help students learn how to analyze primary source documents using the AP United States History "HIPPO" method. Civil Service reform was accomplished under president Arthur. However, a fortune shouldn't be squandered and must be donated to those wise enough to spend it properly. Replaced by the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey. Social Darwinism. In the face of the challenges of urbanization, newspapers and reformers began to call for change. 19th president of the united states, was famous for being part of the Hayes-Tilden election in which electoral votes were contested in 4 states, most corrupt election in US history, 20th president, Republican, assassinated by Charles Julius Guiteau after a few months in office due to lack of patronage. 2. offices for votes, kickbacks, and party service. Everything fed into one machine, money was constantly put into the hands of elected officials and made illegally. Named for legislator John Sherman, this act attempted to break up monopolies and trusts that exploited consumers. Political corruption further threatened the cities as political machines worked for their own interests instead of the cities inhabitants. The machinery is sold on September 1, 2011, for$10,500. Won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931, black normal and industrial school in Alabama headed by Booker T Washington. cartoon analysis of Thomas Nast, Boss Tweed. The government backed Union Pacific happily paid these prices. The group was arrested and disbanded peacefully in D.C. movements like this struck fear into American's hearts, 25th president responsible for Spanish-American War, Philippine-American War, and the Annexation of Hawaii, imperialism. Democrat nominee of 1896. Gilded Age. passed in 1890. Liberals tend to emphasize ethics over doctrine while stressing man's freedom--humanism. Showed how government reform movements would one day save the world from the evils of the trusts. Looked to ensure that railroad shipping fees were reasonable and just. Things with industry and invention were good but the common people were suffering. The Gilded Age brought immense economic and technological advances and thrust the United States to the forefront of economic productivity in the world. laid the foundation for the NAACP. they campaigned for enconomic and social reform. Brought down the political machines by showing ill-literal immigrants the corruption of the people they voted for. Andrew Carnegie used vertical integration by buying all the steps needed for production. These regulations initially did little to curb the power of these massive monopolies as the businessmen found loopholes to avoid it. fought for African American rights. these colleges became state universities and supplied military training. Gilded Age Game APUSH . only the strongest, best, most elite species would survive. However, this dramatic move to the cities came with its own set of challenges for the political machines and city governments, especially in the poor areas of the cities that became identified as the slums. : The 1896 presidential election marked the last time that? AP US History Writing Rubric . NYC a center of corruption, bribery, and kickbacks. when there are four parties in politics at the time, the monetary system that prevailed between about 1870 and 1914, in which countries tied their currencies to gold at a legally fixed price. In late 19c cases dealing with the rights of blacks, the Supreme Court decided that? Utopian novel by Edward Bellamy. land given by a government (Morill Land Act gave states land for education purposes), defensive alliance cooperations form to protect their profits, give a reduction in the price during a sale. Q. 4.concept of recall-vote people back out of office. The Railroad Strike or Great Upheaval occured because of a cut to wages after the Panic of 1873. In the following paragraph, circle each letter that should be capitalized but is not, and draw a slash (/) through any letter that is capitalized but should not be. Which person would most likely have been inclined to vote for William McKinley in 1896? The Gilded Age brought immense economic and technological advances and thrust the United States to the forefront of economic productivity in the world. sought to improve problems from alcoholism and unemployment. Unions provided money to ride out strikes. Unknown who started the first shot. Led Americans to be against the idea of organized unions. Used the money he made in the iron business to support William McKinley's presidential campaign. Nevertheless, the Knights of Labor were toast: they became (incorrectly )associated with anarchy and all following strike efforts failed. requires the United States federal government to investigate and pursue trusts, companies, and organizations suspected of violating the Act. Calculate the anticipated break-even sales (units), assuming that the unit selling price is increased and all costs remain constant. 19 The Vitality and Turmoil of Urban Life, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self. Wanted senators elected by popular vote. Also allowed African Americans and women to join. Write a sentence using the past tense of the word. they were in fear of being blacklisted. In the 1870s, the Mollies were charged with a number of crimes. Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 78 higher wages and better working conditions/working hours and safety Click the card to flip Flashcards Learn Test Match Created by catherinertitzer they expanded after the Civil War. New innovations in electricity, mechanization, and communication gave rise to industrial production never before seen in the modern world. Grant signed this just before his second inauguration. millionaires were seen as a product of natural selection. Through it, Republican Rutherford B. Hayes was awarded the White House over Democrat Samuel J. Tilden on the understanding that Hayes would remove the federal troops that were propping up Republican state governments in South Carolina, Florida and Louisiana. Infiltrating the meat packing industry, Upton Sinclair exposed the unsanitary conditions in which some of the nations food supply was being made and packaged in his book titled, The Jungle. Conservation of natural resources b. consumption of goods c. business consolidation d. government subsidies for transportation and communications Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 11 a Click the card to flip Flashcards demonstrated by Andrew Carnegie. Social Darwinism would most likey be supported by.. Many of these homesteads were also purchased by businesses and railroads using families to claim the land. Severalty Act: passed to Americanize the Native Americans. It provided for open competitive examinations for admission to the public service. Bills which would benefit a legislator's local constituency, the political belief that compares the people (Farmers, workers, common people) with the elite (bankers, business owners, wealthy). Was a philanthropist. opened by women reformers such as Jane Addams (Hull House) - helped immigrants cope with American city life by teaching them English, nutrition, child care, and social skills. First nationwide labor organization to establish itself permanently. With some questionable evidence, several were executed. An American newspaper editor and founder of the Republican party. As cities grew due to industrialization, millions of immigrants flooded the cities in the search of jobs and a better way of life. APUSH Gilded Age Multiple Choice Quiz Term 1 / 11 Which of the following was LEAST associated with the Gilded Age? a. 7.gov ownership of RR and telegram. like Pulitzer he was extremely sensationalistic and built up a powerful chain of newspapers. Peoples homes became illuminated with light beyond a simple candle or two and the nations standard of living increased thanks to new inventions like vacuum cleaners, refrigerators, and sewing machines that utilized electricity. Railroads were given a lot of land from the federal government as the US had a vested interest in linking the country together. Onaizahlol. their goal was to attain equal rights for blacks through lawsuits. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. Jane Addams of the Hull House Settlement in Chicago. the major strikes in the latter part of the 1800's show that.. Housing shortages plagued cities and often times multiple families would cram into small unsanitary dwellings known as tenements. The College Board is a mission-driven not-for-profit organization that connects students to college success and opportunity. Write the correct word in the space next to given definition. APUSH TEST - THE GILDED AGE "Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That in all cases where any tribe or band of Indians has been, or shall hereafter be, located upon any reservation created for their use, either by treaty stipulation or by virtue of an act of Congress or Theres a way to do it better find it. each handout includes the primary source and questions for document analysis. answer choices Nativist Act Mexican Reparition Act Dawes Act Chinese Exclusion Act Question 3 180 seconds Q. Notable activists included Susan B. Anthony and Frances Elizabeth Willard. GILDED AGE POLITICS: 1868-1890s. "scientific evidence" to prove that rich deserve the wealth they had accumulated. meaning more jobs, money, and faster travel times Click the card to flip Flashcards Learn Test Match Created by Terms in this set (46) transcontinental railroad In 1883, the Brooklyn Bridge opened in NYC. Greeley used it to promote the Whig and Republican parties, as well as antislavery and a host of reforms. Hull House In Chicago "neighborhood guild" - settlement houses. 8.graduated income tax. Vague program, no clear goals, weak leadership and organization. Thomas B Reed (Republican-- "Czar Reed") was the most powerful House Speaker in the history of Congress. it became a model for other settlement houses. These men became some of the most powerful men in the country as they were able to create historical fortunes by bringing all these innovations to the masses at affordable prices. Was one of the "Robber barons", Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railroad Company v. Illinois. head of the black normal and industrial school at Tuskegee, AL in 1881. he advocated a policy of accomodation (accepted segregation in return for the right to develop economic and educational resources of the black community). famous quote- "..you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold", Supported by the democrats, populists- farmers and debtors. Unions were growing in power and infleunce. it was an insult to NY's Irish community. Yellow Journalism attributed to his newspapers. A system of government where they own and control the means of production to benefit the people. it urgers social, economic, and political change. Most came in through Ellis Island, Believed Christians should improve life on earth rather than waiting for the afterlife. APUSH: The Gilded Age and The West Flashcards | Quizlet Social Science Law Civil Law APUSH: The Gilded Age and The West Term 1 / 42 Wild West Show Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 42 -William "Buffalo Bill" Cody -creates myth of rugged individualism Click the card to flip Flashcards Learn Test Match Created by jbbx1906 He controlled his market through the Standard Oil Company. Devised a detailed battle plan for fighting the war of suffrage. Read the excerpts and answer the question below. Scandal in which federal whiskey taxes wound up in the pockets of distillers and politicians. lagging industrialization of the New South. separate but equal facilities for different races were constitutional. first policy taken by the federal government toward the Indians of the Great Plains.. Fort Laramie Treaty: Created the first reservation of the West, Natives were given gifts & $. Got bimetallism passed and passed ideas that we use today even though none were elected into major office. Pullman cars were luxury railroad cars. Henry Bessemer and William Kelly created a process that converted iron to steel..blowing air into hot iron to get rid of impurities.. Also realized things could be added to hot iron to make it into steel. President Grover Cleveland said that the strike actions disrupted federal mail. The accomplishment of one of Americas greatest inventors Thomas Edison, and his invention of the incandescent lightbulb at his research facility in Menlo Park, NJ was instrumental in changing the workplace and domestic life. [12] These forms, in turn, were developed in the united states by african Americans, from a tradition of Spirituals-hymns to god-from the south that dates back to before the civil war. Eastern & Southern immigrants: Italian, Polish. Gov. Started because of how the soldiers freaked out about ghost dances and a rumor of a native having a gun. Other salary increases were in the same bill. German scholars came to deny Scripture's power and they undercut the church's effectiveness. a politican ruled by greed. It condemned Darwinism. 2.adopt secret ballot. the term eventually came to mean monopolies, situation occurring when the majority of members of the boards of directors of competing corporations are the same; in effect, having one group of people manage both companies. 1886 - Stated that individual states could control trade in their states, but could not regulate railroads coming through them. Read the following sentence. it bought out its competition, a business that forms with the intent to monopolize business, to restrain trade, or fix prices. Labor disorders had broken out and on May 4 1886, the Chicago police advanced on a protest; alleged brutalities by the authorities. cities began to have own "towns" inside which were mostly filled by one ethnicity. Because of the Civil War many American scholars were unable to travel abroad for study. New innovations in electricity, mechanization, and communication gave rise to industrial production never before seen in the modern world. Learning Opportunities for AP Coordinators, AP United States History Past Exam Questions. However, crop diversification did begin to take place. a politically influential fraternal organization of several hundred thousand union veterans of the Civil War. Question 9. . Along the East coast immigrants from Europe came through Ellis Island before they moved to the already congested areas of New York, Boston, and Philadelphia. employees had to sign these (also called "iron clad" oaths) that would not allow them to join a union. He wrote the Adventures of Tom Sawyer and the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. It was the most important women's suffrage group in the 19th century. Before the ICC, farmers pressured Illinois to create legislation to prevent inflated prices for hauling crops on railroads. - wanted to control everything If you are using assistive technology and need help accessing these PDFs in another format, contact Services for Students with Disabilities at 212-713-8333 or by email at [emailprotected]. It was a trust (monopoly) that demonstrated horizontal integration. influenced elections. Grant's naive ways caused him to dump lots of federal gold into the system in order to balance it out from Fisk and Gould's cornering of the gold market. Helen Hunt Jacksons book entitled "A century of dishonor" (1880). (APUSH II) Chapter 20: Gilded Age Presidents. Known as A.D. Trust, it was outlawed by the Supreme Court of Ohio in 1899. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains *.kastatic.org and *.kasandbox.org are unblocked. He has been actively involved with the AP Reading as a grader for the past 3 years having scored the DBQ, LEQ, and SAQ sections of the exam. using Civil War memories to gain support for presidents, Boss Tweed, NY, stole about $200 million from the people, eventually found out and jailed until he died. Sympathy strikes spread throughout the country from West Virginia to Illinois. What are two ideas or attitudes of the romantic movement that reflect the ideals of nationalism? The Act guaranteed that everyone, regardless of race, color, or previous condition of servitude, was entitled to the same treatment in "public accommodations" (i.e. passed in 1887. it was the first large scale attempt by the federal government to regulate business in the interest of society. 82 terms. represented in thought by Thomas Nast (political cartoonist)- favored reconstruction policies to help African Americans, continued liberal Republican ideas with anti-corruption. Six years later, a newly elected Illinois governor recognized this gross injustice and pardoned the three survivors. he led the American Federation of Labor (AFL). Throughout the 1600s, tobacco still was the most profitable crop in the south. Immigrants from Asia passed through Angel Island near San Francisco before pursuing their own dreams in America. b. Carnegie fought unionization and violence occurred between strikers and Pinkerton/private detectives. khulathashmi. the glitter and flashiness of the time seemed to mask the ugliness and crass materialism that lay beneath the surface. While Samuel Morses telegraph grew with the railroads and was successful, it was Alexander Graham Bells invention of the telephone in 1876 (patent received) that truly revolutionized country wide communication. 1 / 32. political machine led by Boss Tweed in Tammany Hall in NYC. system in which landowners leased a few acres of land to farmworkers in return for a portion of their crops; usually virtually enslaved the workers because of debt, barrier preventing blacks from participating in various activities with whites, sumpreme court ruled that segregation public places facilities were legal as long as the facilites were equal. they created and supported the subtreasury plan. One theme of the Gilded Age politics was the? This chronological designation requires some additional consideration to account for the historical complexities that emerged in tandem with the rise of large cities. Carnegie's steel plant in Homestead Pennsylvania began to unionize. Irish American coal miners in Pennsylvania who belonged to a secret society and were labeled as anarchists who opposed the established government. a Republican faction led by Roscoe Conkling (senator)- favored the Spoils System. Specifically brought down Boss Tweed. Often involved in strikes although Powderly was against excess striking. refrain from paternalistic meddling in the economy. Creates Carnegie Steel. Why do you think that control of Boston early in the Revolutionary War was important? people who oppose all forms of organized government. This organization, founded in 1874, worked alongside the Anti-Saloon League to push for prohibition. It encouraged street cleaning, sanitation, pure milk and water, etc, 1893- temperance movement. This scientist received more than 1,300 patents for a range of items including the automatic telegraph machine, the phonograph, improvements to the light bulb, a modernized telephone and motion picture equipment. South prospered after Atlanta journalist, Henry Grady, wrote poem of about a funeral which symbolized the South. first target of congressional restricting immigrants. -Generous land grants along the railroad's right-of-way. Click again to see term 1/85 Created by abigailkparker Tags related to this set Interstate Commerce Act Of 1887 Sitting Bull And Crazy Horse New York Central Railroad Terms in this set (85) 10th grade; Quiz by . DuBois was the editor of their journal Crisis. the settlement house of Chicago started by Jane Addams (one of the first college-educated women). His New York Tribune was America's most influential newspaper 1840-1870. Browse Library. - the establishment of standardized time zones throughout the country.. not rapid distribution of the old south. Q. American capitalist of the Gilded Age whose contributions benefited society. Was one of the "Robber barons". These colleges were called land-grant colleges; they became state universities and supplied military training. President Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909) was an early reform minded president advocating for preservation of natural resources as well as challenging political machines and reforming social services. As massive oil, railroad, and steel monopolies were built, millions of immigrants from all over the world flooded into the country looking for work and a better life. Founded as a craft union, which had people of a similar craft or job in the same union. established socialogy as a respected discipline in the US. Political machines like Tammany Hall took advantage of the needs of these immigrants to consolidate political power and benefit financially from their positions. The Gilded Age (practice) | Khan Academy The Gilded Age and the Second Industrial Revolution Social Darwinism in the Gilded Age Misunderstanding evolution: a biologist's perspective on Social Darwinism Misunderstanding evolution: a historian's perspective on Social Darwinism America moves to the city Development of the middle class Five were sentenced to death, one of which committed suicide; the other three were given stiff prison terms. Employers used them against unions. The Gilded Age created record economic growth and made the United States the most dominant industrial power in the world. formed groups like the Order of the Star Spangled Banner and the Know-Nothing Party. He headed this. a serious effort to win the White House would be made with mostly agrarian votes. Gets bought out by banker JP Morgan and renamed U.S. Steel. After modernizing their economy, many immigrated to US, but faced segregation and discrimination. Incandescent light bulb by Thomas Edison stayed on longer than earlier light bulbs. came forth turning people away from traditional values; glorified weath and personal freedom. taught useful trades as a means toward self-respect and economic equality rather than classical education, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Marked by political corruption and shady business deals. Q. ", Popular novelist during the Industrial Revolution who wrote "rags to riches" books praising the values of hard work. Westerners-miners- and Farmers (who wanted inflation) wanted this. proved to be ineffective in the regulation of business abuses. built the first transcontinental rr west (Omaha to Sacramento) started Carnegie Mellon University. 1. he had a research laboratory-Menlo Park- responsible for the invention of the electric light, phonograph, mimeograph, dictaphone, moving pictures. headed a "ring" of politicians that cheated New York City of $100 million through fraudulent contracts and extortion. Pased in 1882; banned Chinese immigration in US for a total of 40 years because the United States thought of them as a threat. What reason was given by President Cleveland for intervening with federal troops in the Pullman Strike of 1894? favored high tariffs. A clause in registration laws allowing people who do not meet registration requirements to vote if they or their ancestors had voted before 1867. Due to the institution and expansion of the slave system, rice and indigo became profitable for planters as well, and by the turn of the century they were main crops in the south eventually giving way to cotton in the early 1800s in what would ultimately become King Cotton. apush: the gilded age {review for test} Flashcards Learn Test Match Term 1 / 78 what were workers in labor movements fighting for? Largest unit in the American oil industry in 1881. introduced in 1870, forced nations to live on barren land, it confined people so they could not support themselves in their accustomed way. must by 2-4 million dollars of gold a month. "One Big Union." Decide whether it should be written in the present or the past tense. it results in great corruption. 1866 - established by William Sylvis - wanted 8hr work days, banking reform, and an end to conviction labor - attempt to unite all laborers, 1st effort to create National union. populist (or people's) Party supported by.. it cast serious doubt on the literal interpretation of the Bible, especially creationism. The ability to produce greater quantities of stronger steel led to the expansion of railroad lines that crisscrossed the country. one of America's most gifted lyric poets; she was a recluse and lived alone, Idiolized the "cowboy" life during the migration to the west, offered people in East a look into what was occurring on the other side of the country; "Buffalo Bill". Republican Speaker of the House in 1888, he gained a reputation for an iron grip over Congress and kept Democrats in line. Was finally voted out and punished from Thomas Nast's cartoons. Gilded Age, Antebellum d) Reconstruction, Gilded Age, Antebellum, Progressive Era e) None are correct 34) The Federal Reserve Act which established the bank of all banks for the United States occurred under whose John D. Rockefeller and his corporation Standard Oil came to dominate the oil and gas industry that fed the machines of the Industrial Revolution along with Andrew Carnegie who created the largest steel producing company in the world. modelo: despus de atrapar / pelota / jugador / volver correr / al gol Gospel of Wealth. he spent the rest of his life as a philanthropist- he built lots of public libraries. Gilded Age Politics: 1877-1892 Industrialization: 1869-1901 The Labor Movement: 1866-1894 Gilded Age Society: 1870-1900 The West: 1860-1900 The Rise and Fall of Populism: 1892-1896 The Spanish-American War: 1898-1901 Roosevelt's Big Stick Diplomacy: 1899-1908 Roosevelt and the Progressives: 1901-1908 The Taft Presidency: 1909-1912 Named after the Mark Twain book with "gilded" meaning having a thin veneer of gold, but no gold on the inside.

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