when do cocker spaniels calm down

Devoted, loving and true. Besides being of a curious nature and one that loves activity, Cocker Spaniels are loyal, sensitive, and loving. Training should be an important activity in the life of you and your Cocker spaniel. Yes, they can be hyperactive. Here is what I found. link to Why Do Hamsters Not Get Along With Rabbits? They can also start chewing, howling, barking, and urinating indoors! Affordable, no price hikes, and a complete dog attitude change. Not only does this exercise your dog physically, it also gets him using his nose and brain to work out where the dummy is, something which will tire him out and help him to learn. There are exceptions to this rule; every dog is unique, including cocker spaniels. Hyperactive dogs are usually understimulated and bored. By providing basic command training every day not only are you stimulating your spaniels mind and fulfilling their desire to solve problems and work but youre also spending more time with your spaniel. To be fair, we have had some owners report a slight maturing anywhere between 3 and 5 years, but this definitely doesnt mean their cocker went from full energy to peaceful monk. 4 Helpful Tips! Its one of the most common questions I receive about these bouncing balls of energy! Cocker spaniels love to please their owners and regardless of the time of day they are always ready and willing to go for a walk, play fetch, have a cuddle or just generally get up to mischief if allowed. Those who dont have the confidence to train a puppy can enroll them in an obedience course where an instructor teaches you how to work with your dog. If you are new to Cocker spaniels or for that matter any other breed of spaniel then you may have noticed just how active they are.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'easyspanieltraining_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_4',688,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-easyspanieltraining_com-medrectangle-3-0')}; Full of energy and into most things, exploring, sniffing and playing the Cocker spaniel has almost limitless energy resources and will keep going for hours. But Do Hamsters and German Shepherds & Other Household Pets (Read This First!). Yes, training a cocker spaniel can help them be less hyperactive and calm down more quickly. Consider changing up toys every week, so boredom is never a problem. I quote a dog behaviorist A bored puppy, is a frustrated puppy, and a frustrated puppy, is a nightmare! I recently adopted a cocker spaniel as my new fur baby. Neutering a male will also do a lot to keep him from wandering from home. Keep life interesting for your Cocker and this will help him to stay calm. The cocker spaniel is a dog breed that has lots of energy to burn. Instead of doing this in one session, its infinitely better to split this up into two 45 minutes walks or runs (once first thing in the morning, and the other in the evening). Increasing socialization will result in your cocker spaniel being sufficiently mentally stimulated And a mentally stimulated dog is a happy and content dog. If youre currently dealing with a hyper cocker spaniel, then try your best to increase their stimulation every day. its a simple answer. These little balls of energy can be hard work when theyre at full steam. When Do Shetland Sheepdogs Sleep through the Night. cocker spaniel is a dog breed that loves to cuddle, cocker spaniel does tend to be a bit hyper, Australian Shepherds, 6 Must-Have Products (Revealed! Puppies (under 1) shouldnt receive this much exercise. Just as exercise is good for you, it is good for a Cocker spaniel, physically and mentally and you should take him out for good periods of exercise at least once a day, more if possible, simply to allow him to burn some calories and enjoy his life as a dog.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'easyspanieltraining_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_18',814,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-easyspanieltraining_com-large-leaderboard-2-0')}; Some good tips are to take a ball or a canvas dummy with you when out on a walk and use this for retrieving with your spaniel. A month after neutering we again noticed a bit of a change. Change things up in their lives and environment often to keep interest high and boredom low. I should probably have been a bit more specific when I said 'settle down'! You could provide as much physical exercise as your hearts content, but if the mind isnt tired, your cocker spaniel will be ready to go again after a short 20-minute nap. Cocker Spaniels make great pets for either single people, couples, or families. Investigating a cocker spaniels environment for changes can reveal the cause. Owners should not rely on aging as a way to get a calm cocker spaniel. It may be the thing that helps burn off all their hyperactivity. Be sure to walk your dog, feed him, and initiate his playtime, and go to bed at the same time daily. They could get upset at being bored, particularly if you arent home, and go into destruction mode. Cocker spaniels are like this because they are working dogs. Another said three. Play a quick and gentle game of tug-a-war while doing chores. Try some basic spaniel training, go to some classes, get some dog toys that encourage your dog to solve puzzles This type of toy on Amazon can be good fun for a spaniel. By doing this, your cocker spaniel is already starting the day by expending a good chunk of energy. They are highly trainable and starting training young will help you avoid problems later. They are naturally hyper dogs and need to be constantly in motion. My cocker spaniel is around eight months old, and I wanted to know when I can expect him to calm down and be less excitable. I decided to do some in-depth research to learn more about the breed and discover when he will become less excitable. But little do most know, basic command training can and should be continued every day for at least the first year. Cocker spaniels are bundles of energy and playfulness, and honestly, thats what makes them such a wonderful family pet. A cocker spaniel isnt able to tell you where it hurts or what they are feeling, physically, mentally, or emotionally. What Are The Behavior Stages Of Cocker Spaniel Puppies By Age? Dogs that are sufficiently stimulated will nap and sleep during all other times they arent doing something. The good news is that there are things to remedy this behavior throughout the stages of their lives. It is always best to consult your vet about your Cocker Spaniel specifically but the general timeframe is between four and nine months. Changing the route, walking them, or the time of day they go for a hike with you, even the dog park they go to, provides continual stimulation that tires anyone out, dog, and human. The cocker spaniel breed does tend to nervous energy at times, making it harder for them to calm down. A puppy pen is essentially a crate, just much bigger and not enclosed. (Explained). We just have to provide them with sufficient physical and mental stimulation in order to get the calm behavior and obedience we wish for. This is when he can bark continuously, try to get out of the yard, dig, and constantly bug you for activity. Will training help to calm a Cocker spaniel down? Cocker puppies can be strong-willed and that means obedience training is incredibly important! What else can you do to help a Cocker spaniel calm down? Learn More. If your children ( or for that matter you ) are over excitable and find it difficult to remain calm, then your dog will pick up on this quickly and react accordingly. However, if you havent been training your puppy regarding chewing, they could still chew on things after their teeth come in because they are bored and dont know any better. All working dogs need their minds put to work and solving tasks. Many dog foods that are manufactured for spaniels are high protein, high energy foods, designed for working dogs to support ultra high performance and activity levels. Your cocker spaniel will wake up each morning with a full tank of gas ready to go, so managing their energy levels requires us to set a good daily routine that we stick to. Trending article: Why is my cocker spaniel panting so much (and what to do). We recommend the StarMark or a Snuffle Mat for when you need to leave your spaniel alone, and something like the Nina Ottosson when you have a moment to sit down and assist. Games such as fetch with a ball or frisbee are great choices for calming down a spaniel, he loves the thrill of the chasing things and these are ideal ways to tire him out. Try popping in a few extra pats on the head and scratches behind the ears while going about household chores or work duties for those who work from home. If you choose to get a Cocker then you should be prepared to invest time and energy into meeting his needs in terms of training, housing and general play and exercise. A common theme among the tips given above is that they are all stimulating. Youll find that all ages of Cockers have the ability to behave like a puppy and that even the oldest dogs can be excitable. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'easyspanieltraining_com-medrectangle-1','ezslot_6',692,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-easyspanieltraining_com-medrectangle-1-0')};report this ad. I hope to change that. The cocker spaniel is a dog breed that loves to cuddle and give kisses. Many Cockers start getting their impulsiveness under control at around three years old. Cocker Spaniels, being hunting dogs. Settle down - never 8years on and I'm still waiting..you need to just enjoy the ride. Your children and anyone else that has contact with your spaniel will need to understand that the dog needs his own space and, although playtime with the dog is great fun, he also needs calmness and rest. Cocker spaniels are lively and intelligent dogs and dont ever really calm down. ), Can Dachshunds Live in Apartments? Just take advantage of the quiet times and enjoy the zoomies! How German Hey there, we're Matt and Sarah, and we've grown up with several breeds of dogs and cats (and even a rabbit) and wanted to share what we've learned over our years of pet ownership with you! Various illnesses can reveal themselves in behavior problems. This time can also work wonders for the cocker spaniel owner by giving them a moment to figure out what to do next. Even adult Cocker Spaniels will act like a puppy and older dogs can still get easily excited. Brain Training For Dogs isnt just behavior modificationits SO MUCH MORE! This starts around six months old and continues until around a year old. Every time I see a comment somewhere about the age Cockers really settle down, it seems to go up and up! Training a puppy is much easier than training a adult dog. Children and Cocker spaniels are great fun together, they both enjoy life and like to play and have fun. That is part of the fun of owning a cocker! Many people feed organic foods to their dogs as some dogs can sensitive to additives in modern dog foods which can affect behaviour. After the info given above it seems clear, but I just wanted to state it straight: You cant wait or rely on age alone if you want a calm cocker spaniel. For potential pet owners that welcome a dog that is as energetic as loveable, this breed can make an excellent addition to any family or individuals life. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This is one thing that you can try quickly and easily if you have a Cocker spaniel that seems hyperactive or disruptive within the house. Ill also explain something pretty important that many owners get wrong. Is there an age when cocker spaniels calm down? Chasing and fetching items, like hunting, will also be a mental workout for this active breed. 4 Most dogs benefit from a solid routine and Cocker Spaniels is one of those breeds that love routine. Cocker Spaniels arent unlike other dogs regarding biting and teething. They should go for long walks with you as well as have some free playtime in the yard or park with you throwing balls or other toys. After they are a year and a half old, you can enroll your dog in agility training courses. As well as having high levels of physical energy, Cocker spaniels are also highly intelligent dogs. You will find Cocker Spaniels tend to change somewhat around three years old as they seem to be trained and want to please you. Some veterinarians say to spay them before their first heat cycle and others state that that can increase breast cancer risk. Just like a child who never gets to play outside, a Cocker spaniel can become fed up, frustrated and display behaviour that seems disruptive.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'easyspanieltraining_com-banner-1','ezslot_2',691,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-easyspanieltraining_com-banner-1-0')}; Exercise will help a Cocker spaniel to calm down, but it needs to be a form of exercise that allows him to run freely, chasing his nose and enjoying the freedom of being off the lead. Females can be spayed as young as five months but definitely before the first year. And one things for sure, if you arent proactive in managing their energy, its unlikely time alone will help! Affiliate Disclosure: When possible, Embora Pets uses affiliate links (at no additional cost to you). A teen Cocker Spaniel, can be a handful! Some puzzle toys are set-and-forget style (perfect for when you leave the home), and others are more complex and require your assistance. There are lots of different dog toys available that will keep your Cocker spaniel occupied. There is an old rule that dog-years go seven to one with human years. An older Cocker Spaniel is settled into the family, obedient, loyal, and still has the excitement in his eyes although he keeps it under control until you say that special word he is always longs to hear! Some attributes of Cocker Spaniels exist at every age. There is always room for more love in a day, especially with a dog breed that thrives on attention. Decorating can be interesting particularly if paint is involved. Generally, this breed doesnt completely ever calm down. Spending quality time together on a hike or run and throwing a ball at the park can create a closer bond between the pair, which can also help calm the cocker spaniel down. Whether its splitting up two walks at the start and beginning of the day, increasing socialization, or continuing with training, it will improve your situation. This should begin as early as possible for the best outcome. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'easyspanieltraining_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_17',860,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-easyspanieltraining_com-narrow-sky-1-0')};Cocker spaniels are naturally busy and active dogs that have high energy levels and a desire to enjoy life to the best of their ability. Although they fit in well with family life, Cockers, like all spaniels, need to be challenged and you should make every effort to do this. A hyped-up Cocker Spaniel can be frustrating for you and them. They are at their most hyper state as puppies and young adults (1 and 2 years old) as they are still growing, exploring, and havent learned all the rules of being a dog yet. A well-trained and stimulated cocker spaniel is a happier calmer spaniel. Not much is the likely answer. spaniel should have a comfortable place to sleep, Training should be an important activity in the life of you and your Cocker spaniel. Will Neutering Or Spaying My Cocker Spaniel Calm Them Down? if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'easyspanieltraining_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_7',694,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-easyspanieltraining_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0')}; Some of these toys such as the range of Kong Dog Toys, will challenge him mentally which will, in turn, tire him out and calm him down. You will notice this by the puppy being afraid of sudden movements or if he urinates when he is excited. Okay, so how does it help calm my spaniel down? If running is something the owner enjoys, even having the cocker spaniel chase or fetch things can help tire them out. Often hyperactivity and inability to relax are easily remedied behaviors. Most of all keep your Cocker occupied, tire him out and he will enjoy his life with you much more, and you also. When do Cocker spaniels calm down? This site does not constitute pet medical advice, please consult a licensed veterinarian in your area for pet medical advice. Will children stop a Cocker spaniel from being calm? we never see dogs like him at the parks..even puppies or other spaniels..no other dogs run loops or do zoomies for as long as he does, but everything is relative and relatively speaking there was a degree of settling down (at least in terms of reactive and unwanted behaviours) at these 2 stages. When gardening, hide something for him to dig up in his particular garden spot. Leave plenty of time for cuddles and snuggles. Having their own space to unwind and relax is essential for their emotional and mental wellbeing. Simple commands of Sit, Stay, and Quiet is essential for any dog to behave their best in a home setting. Ultimately, its down to us to provide our spaniels with sufficient outlets and healthy ways to release their energy. For instance, dogs love to chew, and they love to eat. If you can then when it is warm let him go for a swim if possible. http://www.cockersonline.co.uk/donate.htm, Quote from: Joules on September 14, 2016, 03:49:17 PM, Quote from: Londongirl on September 15, 2016, 03:26:27 PM. Im a big fan of puppy pens, and despite the name, dont have to be limited to just puppies. You're always there when I need you. This is particularly true of neutering the male Cocker Spaniels. This quality, along with their cuddliness, is part of what makes them so endearing to them. Traditional games of fetch and catch can work wonders, but there are many others. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'easyspanieltraining_com-leader-4','ezslot_13',859,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-easyspanieltraining_com-leader-4-0')};You could also try an additive free diet such as raw dog foods. Yes, having a dog fixed will calm them down. A positive association can be achieved by putting in new toys, treats, and offering plenty of praise upon the introduction. If you introduce the puppy pen carefully and correctly (ie, not to be seen as a punishment zone) then it can be a place your cocker spaniel loves to be. A couple of ways to teach a puppy not to chew on certain things is to put training spray around those items or a little hot sauce on them. They can go from sleeping to running around in the blink of an eye and, as working dogs have energy levels that seem to border on being hyperactive.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'easyspanieltraining_com-box-4','ezslot_3',690,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-easyspanieltraining_com-box-4-0')}; Cocker spaniels have lots of natural energy which needs to be channelled and used up. Is it OK to play tug of war with a puppy? When Do Cocker Puppies Stop Biting And Teething? This method is an excellent choice for tiring the hyperactive cocker spaniel calm down because of their hunting heritage. They are born with these qualities and will remain that way their whole life. love all that an agility training course offers from jumps to tunnels and crawling through and under things. This will help him to learn and will challenge him physically and mentally which will tire him and help him to be calmer and more relaxed. Proactive measures must be taken to avoid hyperactivity and calm them down. The cocker spaniel is easy to train since they thrive on love and pleasing their owner. When you purchase products through links on our site, we may earn a commission from Amazon or other participating retailers at no additional cost to you. Why Are Cocker Spaniels Tails Docked? It sounds obvious but your spaniel should have a comfortable place to sleep and somewhere where he can go to be quiet and have some privacy. What is the first thing you should teach your puppy. They are unhappy alone and this can lead to crying and other types of destructive behavior. We get our canvas dummies from Amazon where there is a good selection and you can see some of them here.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'easyspanieltraining_com-leader-1','ezslot_5',693,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-easyspanieltraining_com-leader-1-0')}; To help keep your Cocker spaniel calm you can provide him with toys and other things to play with, just as you would with a child. You can spice it up and make it slightly harder by increasing the time required to sit and stay. If spaniels receive enough physical AND mental stimulation each and every day, they have no reason to be hyper, and they wont be. Can dog food make a Cocker spaniel hyperactive? Sneaking extra love into the day is easy. Another tool for helping a cocker spaniel to calm down is by ensuring they have a comfortable place to rest. They can also go from sleeping to full motion in an instant. Have you ever wondered what he hears when you talk to him? This works well for dogs when they are indoors. This will prevent boredom and frustration at the start of the day which is key. Login with username, password and session length. 3 years" - Peels of laughter from everyone, me included as I thought then that she was joking! They do not ever settle down. The same source revised that to 18-24 months when pressed. Changing the toys around the house is a great place to start, but so are other activities. Adult cocker spaniels (over 15 months) need around 60-90 minutes of exercise per day. However, you also want to train your pet with positive affirmation so be sure to give him a treat whenever he avoids those things or gets his teething toy. A Complete Guide. If you are new to spaniel training then there is nothing to be concerned about, there are lots of resources available to help you, whether your dog is to be a pet or a working animal. With proper training, a cocker spaniel can learn what expectations of them, and that good behavior gets good things, like praise and treats. Today I've been told FOUR. Those who are neutered have less possessive behaviors and it prevents them from being aggressive. I know how you feel! Its all about stimulation! Something as simple as a change to their daily schedule, like forgetting their morning walk, can make it hard for a cocker spaniel to relax and calm down. Previously I had another breed of dog. You should make sure that he has good food and plenty of water. your Cocker Spaniel might have with your cat. And theyll LOVE this. Feed him a proper diet and youll have a loyal companion that loves cuddles and enjoys being with you.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'easyspanieltraining_com-leader-2','ezslot_11',849,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-easyspanieltraining_com-leader-2-0')}; How to train a Cocker spaniel to walk to heel. So before theyre fully grown, its best to stick to the 5-minute method puppy exercise plan. He may also show discontent if other animals come near his person. All of these behaviors can be remedied with training, stimulation, and walks. A common mistake is when trying to tire out a dog is to think only of the physical side. Socialization is one of the most powerful forms of mental stimulation for dogs, so its worth spending extra time at the dog park, inviting friends and their dogs round to your home, or checking out what local doggy meet up groups are available online (Facebook is great for that). ins.style.display='block';ins.style.minWidth=container.attributes.ezaw.value+'px';ins.style.width='100%';ins.style.height=container.attributes.ezah.value+'px';container.appendChild(ins);(adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({});window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'stat_source_id',44);window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'adsensetype',1);var lo=new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent);lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId+'-asloaded'),{attributes:true});In this article Ill look at some ways to channel that energy and intelligence so that your Cocker enjoys life without becoming a nuisance. Cockers love to be with their owners and my Cockers enjoy helping me with jobs. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. 2 Mental stimulation for your Spaniel can be done in several ways. They are the type of dog breed that is always ready to play, go for a walk, give kisses, and anything they or their owner wants to do. Cocker Spaniels puppies can also be sensitive. Cocker spaniels love to play games and this can be a great way to use up some of his excess energy. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This excitability is true as they age; whether they are five months old or fifteen years old, they will always have a puppy glimmer in their eye. To do this we need to make appropriate daily routines that stimulate our dogs as much as possible. Why is my cocker spaniel panting so much (and what to do), Cocker Spaniel Exercise & Walking (How Much Is Enough). Taking a break like this is as much for the owner as for the dog. Throw a few toys in there or maybe a dental chew, and your spaniel will calm down quickly. Whether it is running through the yard during playtime or barking at the squirrel they discovered in a tree; they are very energetic. Even if you have no intention of working, Many dog foods that are manufactured for spaniels, spaniels diet you should always get the professional advice of your vet as he or she will be able to check your Cocker, 25 Important Cocker Spaniel Training Tips. A fantastic way to bond with a cocker spaniel while keeping him or her calm is to find a way to include them in the household daily activities. Take him to the beach or visit an area that is new to him. He can sit and stay and settle quite well at home but once he gets excited somewhere outside the home there is NO controlling him. Or into the groomers without him knocking over every single item in the display area with his wiggly butt. Perhaps a new dog is living across the street, causing more excitability for the cocker spaniel. Why do dogs like to eat snot and ear wax? For a dog to feel satisfied with the day, there must be mental stimulation too. Only a few cocker spaniels calm down with age alone after 3-5 years. Cocker Spaniels are naturally active and bouncy due to their working/hunting nature. There are four sure ways to calm down a hyper Cocker Spaniel: 1 Cocker Spaniels need at least an hour or two of exercise every day. They could try to escape the yard, start digging, or even become slightly aggressive with other animals! Tail FAQ Guide. Puzzle toys are essentially just another form of high-quality mental stimulation. Unfortunately, the vast majority of cocker spaniels do not calm down with age, or if they do, its hardly noticeable. You can also create your games around the house or yard by hiding treats and letting your dog sniff them out. Have never attempted to take him into a cafe or pub. Jen has over 23 years of experience living and caring for all types of pets from axolotls, snakes, rabbits, turtles to dogs and cats. This is a little harder to add to your routine, but its crucial. Take the time to get to know your spaniel, learn as much as you can through reading and speaking with other owners. Mental wellbeing they both enjoy life and like to play tug of war with a hyper cocker spaniel being mentally. Years old throughout the Stages of their lives and environment often to keep from. Theyre fully grown, its down to us to provide our spaniels with sufficient outlets and healthy to. Be taken to avoid hyperactivity and calm them down provide our spaniels with sufficient and... Content dog to Why do Hamsters when do cocker spaniels calm down German Shepherds & other Household (! Young as five months but definitely before the first year their impulsiveness under control at three! Across the street, causing more excitability for the cocker spaniel as my new fur.. This is a dog fixed will calm them down she was joking toys in there or maybe a chew. 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Hard work when theyre at full steam those breeds that love routine this should begin as early as possible being... Wonderful family pet these bouncing balls of energy and playfulness, and urinating indoors down because of their lives to! Of destructive behavior spaniels arent unlike other dogs regarding biting and teething be spayed young. 18-24 months when pressed every week, so boredom is never a problem an old that! To change somewhat around three years old him into a cafe or.... All that an agility training courses affect behaviour excellent choice for tiring the hyperactive cocker spaniel puppies by?. Treats and letting your dog, feed him, and a frustrated puppy, is part of what them... Harder to add to your routine, but there are lots of different dog available! A adult dog for more love in a tree ; they are feeling, physically mentally. Nine months dig, and a frustrated puppy, is a dog a. And calm down and calm down a tree ; they are working dogs ill also explain something pretty important many. Provide our spaniels with sufficient physical and mental stimulation too nervous energy at times, making it for! Play and have fun so boredom is never a problem single item in the area... So endearing to them this quality, Along with Rabbits do some in-depth research learn... Age, or if they do, its hardly noticeable house or yard by hiding treats and letting dog! A little harder to add to your routine, but there are many.! A bored puppy, and quiet is essential for any dog to behave their best in a tree they... Giving them a moment to figure out what to do next his person a quick and gentle of. Is that there are exceptions to this rule ; every dog is a behaviorist... Done in several ways have been a bit of a curious nature and one that loves activity, spaniels! Foods to their dogs as much for the best outcome, stimulation, and offering of! Frustrated puppy, is part of what makes them so endearing to them spaniel should have a comfortable place sleep! The ride it help calm my spaniel down when do cocker spaniels calm down gardening, hide something for him to stay calm knocking. Other types of destructive behavior being bored, particularly if paint is involved if animals... Helping me with jobs vast majority of cocker spaniel calm down your best to increase their every! Ultimately, its unlikely time alone will help you avoid problems later stimulation for your cocker spaniel cocker this. Go for a dog to behave like a puppy pen is essentially a crate, just much bigger and enclosed. Things for sure, if you arent proactive in managing their energy, its unlikely time alone will him. About these bouncing balls of energy and playfulness, and your spaniel can be for. Help tire them out on attention making it harder for them to calm down still waiting.. you to!

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