living with a greyhound

Cockroaching and our personal addition of chitter chattering because of the way she rattles her teeth. They are essentially sprinters and run for short distances at top speeds. Greyhounds are the fastest dog breed and they can run at speeds up to 40 to 45 miles an hour. I have filled my house with hints of my greyhound love over the years. We definitely agree with you. So that is at least 4 times a day - rain, hail or shine you must get dressed and take them all the way out to the street. Thank you for sharing! In addition, limit treats to those that are produced in the United States. So glad you agree. Then girlfriend is back laid up on her couch, happy as a lark, sawin logs. With proper care and good nutrition, greyhounds usually can live to between twelve and fourteen years of age (and somecan live to be much older!) He loved that breed so much. You Will be known as the man/woman with the greyhound people Will know the name of your dog, and where your dog lives. No greyhound can be considered safe with cats outdoors. Our organization has a program for helping adopters find lost dogs. I love the fact that your dog is just another kid in the family!!!!! Our organization has seen very young dogs die while other seniors that are adopted live for many more years. Since it took me over 10 years to convince my husband that we NEEDED a greyhound Im guessing you might have similar reservations. I spent rest of the day with her. Our organization encourages people without cats to adopt a dog that is not cat friendly. One is when you have one, you Will constantly live with the feeling you need a second one. Many people who have not seen greyhounds before are shocked at their conformation. She was friendly and the most beautiful dog I have ever seen. But if they are adopted, these adult greyhounds can easily adapt to home life and give you many years of great companionship. He may bark or become destructive. We think that is because most peoples image of a greyhound involves thinking of it running so fast around a race track. However, all of our available greyhounds are cat tested under all conditions before being placed into homes with other small animals. Rusty graced our lives for 17 years. This meeting quickly shows who is going to get along and who is not. Greyhounds have been with humans and other dogs constantly from the moment they are born and are the most sociable of all dogs! Copyright 2022 Greyhound Ranch Adoptions, Inc. You will have to bring in your entire family, including furry members, to meet potential adoption dogs. The Ladysmith Look: A Spin Around Miranda Lamberts Bed & Breakfast . Greyhounds are generally healthy dogs, but like all dogs they can be prone to certain health conditions. I loved that because it showed us their sincerity in making sure these dogs made it into loving environments. Heres a fun fact about greyhounds. Itssomething to be aware of and really just one more reason these sweet dogs need a caring owner like you! They love attention and attach to their owners in a special way. Greyhounds are different than other breeds of dogs in that they need to be treated by veterinarians who know their physical differences and requirements. They are so sweet and slow, contrary to the perception! Most adoptable pets will be retired racers, aged 3 to 5 years. Keyholders, tshirts, paintings, statues.your house might end up as a greyhound Temple. I got the collar on etsyjust search for Martingale collars and you will find some great choices. Looking for a great name for your new greyhound? Some greyhounds are more sensitive to some types of meat while others can eat just about anything. We meet three dogs on our family visit. My son volunteered for a Greyhound Rescue place here in San Diego when he was in high school. Greyhounds need to toilet every 3-4 hours, which includes as soon as they wake up and last thing at night. Its important to find the right fit for you and the grey. Another truth about greyhounds is that they *always* lie right behind your feet when youre working in the kitchen, and you quickly learn to check before stepping backwards. Greyhounds quickly form strong bonds with their humans. This age means they were raised on a dog farm, retired and then put out for adoption. Our neighbors have 3 rescue greyhounds and they are the gentlest animals and also the slowest walking dogs Ive ever seen! One couldnt even look at the kids she was so scarednot gonna work. Stuff like couch potato and needle nose. To learn more about greyhounds, read our article Breed of the Month: Why We Love Greyhounds. Allowing a greyhound off leash in an unfenced area is almost a guarantee that you will never see it again. Expect a gentle and loving dog that will warm your heart! A greyhounds toe nails should not rest on the ground or splay outward from the toes. They will need some time and patience to adapt to your home. They have to be introduced to their new surroundings. I could go on, but I wont except to say check out a greyhound. We take Gigi out and chase her around the yard for about 5 to 10 minutes a day. Dont tell my Dixie. Because of their gentle nature, greyhounds are generally safe around furniture, kids, and your valuables. A greyhound can also see a small moving creature from a very long distance away and can reach a speed of 40miles per hourin a few strides. They have an exceptionally gentle nature and do not need the amount of exercise that a lot of other large-breed dogs require. Many potential adopters ask for a greyhound because they think they would make good jogging companions. Actually, 80% of racing greyhounds are fine with cats and other small animals (not much different than other breeds of dogs). He goes everywhere with us on all our travels, and sleeps with us in our camper trailer, no mean feat for a small trailer, two adults and a very tall doggo. They also are not good at finding their way back home because by the time they stop, they will have run a long distance. So not true. Greyhounds need at least a 30 minute walk every day, but with no yard to potter in, you will need to do an early morning 15 minute walk before you head out and again when you return. Children must be taught how to act around a greyhound. We got her friom GAP Greyhound Adoption Programme here in Brisbane Australia. We advise people not to think about age when adopting. Our girl actually never raced and we got her very young, which is not the norm. Great article and I agree word for word! We hope that this will help you as you make the decision to adopt. Greyhounds can have a stubborn streak and they are very independent. The process will clarify things so you know if this is the right breed for you or not! That means your greyhound should be exposed to many different people, places, and situations. Because they have been raised with their littermates and are allowed to do dog things and enjoy their growing up time together, they are highly socialized (in termsof pack order)and friendly (because they have been handled a lot by humans who care for them and train them). We got Gigi from Greyhound Pets of America Houston and would HIGHLY recommend them. The top railing needs to be at least 1.4 meters high to prevent a greyhound trying to jump over when it spots a cat or bird. They are eager to please and intelligent, so it shouldnt be hard to get your greyhound to become a part of your family. There are approximately 120,000 Greyhounds living as pets in U.S. homes while only 55,000 greyhounds still race on the track. They are sighthounds, born and bred to chase. Every Racer That Makes It To The Sofa Is A Winner! She has the same personality as a whippet and consequently fitted in here straight away. If you have room for a dog bed (or a couch you are willing to forfeit)and a leash that you will use, you are good to go. There are no guarantees on how long any greyhound (or any dog for that matter) will live. The adoption procedure here is exactly the same as in Houston, very selective with whom they place the greys with. Usually a greyhound should not put on much more weight than a few pounds above their racing weight. Not all greyhounds will get any of these diseases, but it is important to be aware of them if you are considering getting a greyhound. Gigi is precious! He would be in the dog Hall of Fame if there was one. In fact, because of their laid back nature, they make wonderful pets for people living in apartments and even for senior citizens! Greyhounds do not do well with extra weight on their frames. Because thats all she wants todo. But for a dog that has lived a different kind of life, greyhounds can adjust quickly. Then Gigi trotted in and everyone had twinkles in their eyes and the heavens opened and said, Heres your girl! We didnt get a cat till later, but only because we felt certain after knowing Gigi for years that she would be ok with the situation. Because they are adopted as adults, most will walk away from a child rather than to growl or snap if they are bothered. However, prevention is much better. She has gotten better about even wanting to get out and the last time shesnuck out the front doorshe came back to the house on her own. Among these conditions are hypothyroidism, gastric torsion or bloat, osteosarcoma and anesthesia sensitivity. A greyhound might not be for everyone. Check labels carefully to make sure that theTREAT is from U.S. meat (and not just the packaging. Thank you! If you do the work up front and have patience, you will have a dog that you will like so much, that youll be back for more! April Is National Adopt-A-Greyhound Month so I wanted to shatter a few misconceptions, shed light on some truth and hopefully open up more eyes to adopting what I consider to be the best pet! Like other dogs, they should not have table scraps (mostly use common sense). I have days when O want another, but Im pretty sure I have enough mouths to feed for the moments, butwhen we add another it will be a grey for sure. Greyhounds are also low to average shedders, depending on the various times of year. While they are known for their speed, the greyhounds favorite pastime is actually sleeping. A greyhound requires only minimal grooming. You have room. Although you may be drawn to an adorable greyhound puppy, you should also consider greyhound adoption. Our girl was almost five when we adopted her ( she just turned eleven) and did race but other than that, your experience was the same as ours. He was gracious, sweet and kind, my best buddy andalways my shadow. They seldom bark except during play or with other greyhounds. They seldom soil their crates. You get to skip some of the puppy years! Our retired racer, Daisy gets on with everyone canine or human. Be aware of that. Our organization provides lots of information about these differences and can make recommendationsregarding veterinarians who have greyhounds as clients. We had three, but we had to let go of our brindle boy last July 4th. The health problems they experience as they get older are no different than what would be experienced in any other breed of dog. They have been raised in kennels with at least 20-80 other dogs from the time they are born. But keep your greyhound on a leash during a walk to prevent him from taking off after small animals. Two myths in one. Remember, greyhounds are no different than any other breed of dog; all dogs can chase and go after cats. yes! I met a golden grey once when my husband was visiting friends. Greyhounds are very docile and quiet with a low indoor energy level. Please share this post so another hound can find a home! I hope youll allow me to get off the DIY/Dcor topic today about something near and dear to my heart that goes way back. We promise not to over stuff your inbox! This is 100% for their safety, even the best trained greyhound will not stop when it sets its sights on a target, like a squirrel, rabbit, cat or even another dog. Shes not also a small one. We supply all adopters with a muzzle and we highly encourage them to use it. The majority of greyhound pets in America are former racing dogs. People Will no longer know your name. Just remember that this is a sensitive breed, so you will do better with patience and training methods that use rewards rather than punishment. Rusty forever will have a spot in my heart since it was his story that brought us together! Read more. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. You may be surprised to find out that there are actually more ex-racing dogs in homes than there are still on the track. When their racing days are over, many retired racing greyhounds are abandoned, euthanized or sold to laboratories. Fate determines the length of any dogs life and there is little we can do about that. At the track, greyhounds wear muzzles to help determine who wins the race (in the case of a photo-finish) and to prevent injuries from the excitement of the chase (bumping and nipping). When they are together in numbers, they should be muzzled because their competitive nature and eagerness to chase may cause them to nip which can tear their thin skin. Also, dog foods containing meat by-products should be avoided, as these are the ground-up remains of animals (like beaks and feet). She loves.everything especially runs walks people and car rides Copyright 1999 - 2022. Im so sorry for your loss. As much as you might want to adopt a greyhound, it may not be the right breed of dog for you. They are sweet, gentle and loving. They are less likely to develop health problems found in other dogs because of their selective breeding. Before buying food, some research should be done to find the food that will work best for each greyhound. They range in size from 47 to close to 100 pounds but they can navigate the smallest areas with ease. Most people who adopt greyhounds are surprised at their loving and sweet nature and by the fact that they are fairly low energy. Don't miss out! Actually greyhounds can live from 12 to 15+ years of age with average care. Untill you tell them you are the owner of the greyhound. It s just who they are. I just love them! We agree Gigi is a beauty . He sealed the deal that hounds were my breed. That was in 1968 and I have had Greyhounds ever since. Will your Apartment lifestyle suit a Greyhound? They are sweet and lovable additions to any family! I dont ever want to be without one as long as I live. You just might be surprised! With the exception of old healed track-related injuries (like broken legs which usually do not impact the dogs status as a pet) most greyhounds are healthy and resilient. However, theywill need follow up trainingin their new homes. They are curious and even if Gigi isnt running she can cover more ground than me in a flash if she gets out. The adoption process is outlined on their website, but this is a heads up it isnt like a local shelter where you go in and come home with a dog. The term 40 mile-an-hour couch potato is used often to describe them! He was my heart dog. When we knew the end was coming we felt getting another dog might help us ease the pain of loosing our beloved Rusty. Most adoption groups (as does ours) test retired racing greyhounds to determine which ones can live with small creatures. The majority of greyhounds usually retire and become available for adoption between the ages of two and five. Whether you buy your dog as a puppy or adopt him as an adult, you should begin training your greyhound as soon as you get him home. I fell in love with a friends Whippet but I had always had Collie sized dogs so I set out to find a Greyhound. I remember when we got the call from Houston interviewing us bout how you all would be as greyhound parents. It is also a very thin hair coat, which means your greyhound can get the shivers in cold or wet weather. Greyhounds live in crates at the track and are turned out four or five times a day to relieve themselves and for exercise. Im pretty sure she even helped Rusty hang on a little longer with her strong shot of youthful banter. My best friend had whippets growing up and I always loved them, such sweet temperaments. My beautiful shiny black boy Mouse would like to send Miss Gigi a cold wet nose boop he says shes very pretty Like Gordon Wiseman who commented earlier, we adopted him from GAP, from the branch in Townsville, north Queensland. Once they start to run, they do not know the danger associated with cars or other moving objects. We make sure that all potential adopters understand the difference between retired racing greyhounds and other breeds of dogs. Much depends on personalities. They need to learn that your house is their crate and you have to help them learn. Read about understanding and correcting separation anxiety. They also are low-dander dogs and that makes them a good choice for people with allergies. Our Mission, Vision, Method and Adoption area. A dog farm is different than a regular home and many things like swimming pools and glass doors are new to them. Read more. As with all breeds, they each have their own distinctive personalities. Their friendly nature is enjoyed by many people who meet them. Greyhounds will nip at other dogs and can hurt smaller dogs and animals when their prey drive takes over. Greyhounds have a very strong prey drive. Greyhounds require (and enjoy) a daily walk to help keep them from becoming bored. Independence America Holdings Corp. All Rights Reserved. Your Gigi is a beauty. Shes a young blonde beauty that has filled our home with a fun loving spirit. Greyhounds have no fat layer on their bodies to keep them warm in the rain or cold weather. Because of their training at the track, no greyhound should be trusted outside with cats and small animals. We adopted Emma from the Humane League. They are serious and that is a great thingthanks for vouching for us . We recently added two three year old rescues from our local track, our fourth and fifth greys over the years. Text Me / Download Our Free App / E-mail Subscription / Shop / Tik Tok / YouTube / Pinterest / Facebook / Instagram / Grow Your Creative Business. Third is the loss of your identity. Although we have loved every dog weve ever had, the greys are special. Many are not used to being awakened by touch and theirthin skin cannot tolerate children grabbing and/or pinching them. This will help to ensure that your greyhound grows up to be a well-rounded dog. Your email address will not be published. We get a lot of the same questions from people who visit our greyhounds at our meet and greet events. My husband and I currently have two wonderful greys. I came as close as possible with the sweet little hound mix my husband and I adopted while we were dating. Greyhounds are actually not skinny! You should always do the research to find out what breed of dog is best for you and your family. Welcome To Greyhound Ranch Adoptions, Inc. Even though they are fast runners, the greyhound is a fairly low energy dog. Second is you Will feel the need to buy all sorts of greyhound related things. PetPartners, Inc. is an indirect corporate affiliate of Greyhounds over five years are usually more sedate and less destructive and so suited to the more sedentary life of an apartment and not having a yard to do zoomies in. This is one of the biggest myths about greyhounds! So you need to be confident and consistent in your training methods. Some younger greyhounds may become available if they do not do well racing or do not seem to be interested in racing. I had never see one. Rescues often recommend muzzling adopted greyhounds until they get settled into their new home. An old friend surfaced last Spring when my mom pulled out boxes of my childhood Barbieswhile purgingout her attic. Even if you live in an apartment. Thanks Barbie! Required fields are marked *. GreySave is a completely volunteer-staffed Southern California-based Nonprofit Public Benefit Charity. Then you should have a better idea of their temperament. A crate, afenced-in yard and a good routine is most helpful. Greyhounds are sighthounds. The adoption is a process. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Other dogs also play-nip, but their thicker coats prevent them from getting injured. Join our FREE newsletter and get new projects, ideas and inspiration straight to your inbox! Their physical characteristics are unique to them just like other breeds of dog (such as a dachshund or chihuahua) They havethe abilityto run very fast (they are the second fastest land animal on earth) and their bodies are sleek and streamlined to do the job. I agree they know what is going on and will be right by your side through it all! We profile all of our greyhounds carefully to determine which ones will get along with children. I was a die hard Barbie girl that meticulously organized all the dolls, clothes and housewares I adored. They do not suffer from genetic problems (like hip displasia) that are typical in other large breeds of dogs. Their coats can also be various shades of brindle. In fact, they are much quieter and gentler than most small breeds of dogs. We will not adopt to anyone who thinks that agreyhound can be trusted off leash. This is not a destructive dog. They join our three cats. But they have know idea Who you are anymore. It is so hard when you love them so. I thought our adoption chances might be tainted, butall was fineand we saw first hand that these pups are raised differently than most. Where did you get that adorable collar with the pink flower on it in the first picture? My personal companion now is a dachshund. There are no regulations in many of these countries and sometimes harsh chemicals are used to process the food. Any time that several greyhounds are together in a fenced in area, all greyhounds should be muzzled. Have you ever wondered about owning a greyhound? Greyhounds make great pets, and they are suitable for any type of home including an apartment or condo. All bets are off. (Note: R2R conduct physical home checks for adoptions). And obviously she is good with a multitude of friends. This is one of our most frequently asked questions! Im not in the market for a dog but you present a great case! They seem to have a sixth sense when you arent feeling well and will come up to you and let you know they are there for you. They are serious about forever homes and you will go through interviews, a home visit and a site visit or two to assure you are a match. Many people tell us that they would love to adopt a greyhound but cannot because they only have a small yard or no yard at all. She travels well in the car & like most hounds can sleep for hours unless there is the promise of a walk. I have to say, one thing I wish was different is the factGigi, as do 99.9% greyhounds, has to be on a leash when not enclosed in our yard. Then they Will ask for your dog. They are well bred; you can trace their ancestors back for many generations!. The disposition of greyhounds is very loving and affectionate. When we had thehome visit a representative from the agency brought her two hounds toour house to point out areas that may behazardous to our new pet. Her dog ran straight into our pool. It has a net and it looked like a solid surface, which it isnt, and he ran straight out and fell through. They are the best dogs on the planet! The next had Rusty looking away in feara no go. Prior to owning Daisy weve always had whippets and I was after another whippet when Daisy became available for adoption. Breed of the Month: Why We Love Greyhounds. We had just lost our Lab I never ever thought I would get over Jack. Greyhounds are like many other breeds of dogs; some are more energetic than others. Greyhounds are gentle, affectionate, and fairly laid back dogs that make excellent house pets! If you work full-time in an office or elsewhere, then a greyhound is not going to suit. But little by little Emma wrapped me around her lovely kind heart.I feel in love like never before. A greyhound has been taught to chase down its prey and has been bred for thousands of years to do this. They are athletes at the track and are actually fed quite well (but they burn it off). So glad you stopped by! They test the waters on all dogs through foster homes before they adopt the dogs out into forever homes. He was just three months shy of his fifteenth birthday. If toe nails are allowed to grow too long, they can have problems walking and it can even throw off their entire body and cause health problems. They hunt totally by sight. sweet baby they are such gentle dogs. The old saying in greyhound circles is that you'll never go to the bathroom alone again. However, greyhounds, like other breeds of dogs, have their limits and should not be pushed or treated badly. Like all dogs, they need average exercise and a leash walk is sufficient. One question. Very few, not all, greyhounds are not safe around cats and other small animals. So take the time to properly socialize your greyhound. Extra weight can causemany healthproblems and even shorten a dogs life. I went into the house to find him. Your email address will not be published. They are 110% couch potatoesit is one of their top nicknames and for good reason. If you live in colder climates, you should have a warm coat for your greyhound to wear in the rain and snow. Pining away and waiting till the day I wouldhave my very own greyhound. Cat friendly greyhounds can get along with one catbut havea problemwith another. Many people who adopt a greyhound for the first time are totally won over to the breed and always adopt more! Hed been a fairly unsuccessful racer and was retired at 4 years old, which was our great good fortune. They have short bursts of energy followed by a nice long nap! They are also handled by their trainers from an early age and, as a result, they are used to interacting with humans. If your greyhound were to take off after a small animal, youd have a tough time catching him because of his ability to run so fast. They are not long-distance runners. Thats why we refer to them as fast friends.. The process works and you will gain a ton of knowledge and resources along the way. I am also a greyhound owner. Because of its strong prey drive, a greyhound should never be allowed to run off leash except in a securely fenced area. Our late galgo welcomed her with open paws & they would occupy the 7 foot sofa in a tangle of legs. sorry! They will give over rather than to challenge anything in their way. Learn to grow a creative business with Kim from Salvaged Living! They can and do run if they have the opportunity (in a fenced-in area), but most people are surprised to see them run only a very short time before they are ready to quit. Many people make the mistake of over feeding their dogs because they want to fatten them up. We advise adopters against this. Greyhounds may be healthier than the average dog. Racing 2 RehomeGreyhound Adoption Program, Victoria. But if you are going to leash walk your greyhound, you WILL have to make the effort to train your greyhound to relieve itself on the leash. Easy DIY home decor and craft projects for budget home decor. Think of each experience with a dog as something special -its what they do! Our philosophy is to educate people about what we know about greyhounds and to be perfectly honest in the process. 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Are no regulations in many of these countries and sometimes harsh chemicals are used being... And gentler than most ( or any dog for that matter ) will live dog, and valuables. Other dogs constantly from the toes osteosarcoma and anesthesia sensitivity purgingout her attic and is... Old rescues from our local track, our fourth and fifth greys over the years and was at... That brought us together of it running so fast around a race track greyhound circles is you! Scraps living with a greyhound mostly use common sense ) and other dogs from the moment are. Securely fenced area result, they do not do well racing or do not do racing...

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