lainey's goldendoodles

At two weeks of age the puppies leave the neonatal period and enter what is called the transitional period. The Neonatal period last for two weeks. Mom has already started to distance herself a little by spending less time in the box with them. We have been anticipating this small sized litter with her for quite some time. Lots of our doodles are influenced by their poodle ancestors and they absolutely love water. One Extreme parti girl will have a curly coat and all the other babies will have a soft loose wavy coat. We will also clip sharp little toenails as needed. We will start some sound, with them this week. This will be Laineys retirement litter of puppies. When theydon'tuse their potty area they are using their play area but havestoppedeliminatingin their sleep area. They teach each other that lesson as they constantly mouth and play with each other. 1. This is week threeof thesocialization period. Shed: sd/SD He/She hasalsobeen dewormed and a record of this will be in the folder I will send home with you when you pick him/her up. We put all their soft bedding in the crates to encourage them to choose the crate for sleeping. Chew toys. Seeour Supply page to determine the size of crate to get. We simply, them with a handful of soft treats and we give a treat to any puppy sitting quietly. Elaine. This interaction is important to learning good dog social skills. Cardiac: Normal, Cleared by parentage for all other common DNA genetic disease found in goldendoodles Please contact herfor more information208-731-0053, Anne (Purple collar)-looseCurlred abstract Female Mr. Big (Blue collar)-Wavy apricot abstract Male. It is so important to have a good "recall" with a puppy to help keep them from trouble. The puppies live in our living room so they arenaturallyexposed to a variety of noises that will help them adjust to family life: TV/movies in the background, children playing, vacuums running etc.are all familiar sounds to these babies. Puppies are all steady on their feet now and are starting to get more and more, . we will scale back and individually help them overcome those fears slowly. Puppies are now transitioning over to solid dry crunch kibble as they are getting their teeth. Puppies have now learned to take food from my hand and are doing great with manding. Theyare surprisingly agile little crawlers but they aren'tableto get up on their feet yet. Lainey has been a. great mom. Food. A few tips to remember when you first meetyour puppy: Puppies use smell as their primary sense. Iwillinclude vet notes and a medication record withyourtake home packet. A new puppy is always an exiting and welcome addition. Take water up a couple of hours before bedtime. This is week 4 of the socialization period. Parents:Poppy and Norris Its always best to have a dogapproach you and sit (without being asked) rather thanjumping up on you because they want something. We gave the puppies their first bath this week. The puppies had their first barrier challenge this past week. We are enjoying giving them short times of daily, The puppies are entering their 2nd week of the Neonatal period. and or a new experience daily. We trim their back sides to help keep them clean (mom usually stops cleaning them when they started eating solid foods) and we cute the hair out of the corner of their eyes so that their vision development is unobstructed. We watch weights and, feedings to make sure everyone is eating and gaining weight. This time will gradually increase over the next 2-3 weeks until they are no longer nursing. This period can last only an hour or a few days. They did great with the water. A similar thing can happen at about 8 months to a year when many puppies naturally go down to 1 mal. You should already have ordered your food and it should arrivebeforeyour puppy comes home. Lainey had her puppies the evening of Sunday January 2nd. get a size "small" collar and a plain flat leash. Introduce your existing pets one at a time and only when both dogs are calm. This week puppies will leave the transitional period and will enter the socialization period. During this time we pay close attention to the, little pups to be sure each is thriving and growing. to determine the size of crate to get. They still usually pile into one crate together but we offer them a, of sizes of crates and they sometimes nap all alone. Aftertheir bath they had their first little mini grooming. This is week 4 of the socialization period. Lainey keeps trying to digthem a "den" under our sed so we had to get creative and block off around theentirebottom side of the shed. We are excited to be able to offer another litter of petite goldendoodles. but quickly warm up to the idea and start to romp around. and or a new experience daily. She Settle right in with here babies and is very attentive. A similar thing can happen at about 8 months to a year when many puppies naturally go down to 1 mal. Scroll down to see current and previouspuppies, Breed: F1b mini English Goldendoodle don't take the puppy to your older dog's favorite bed to meet him. (Graniteshe did only have 4 puppies. This is fine, and this is a good time to go down to 2 meals a day, just distribute the same amount you fed as 3 meals into 2 meals. B?/ee, / K?/k? They still usually pile into one crate together but we offer them a couple of sizes of crates and they sometimes nap all alone. Puppies have gotten really fun to watch playing together. In, coming weeks these little ones will go to see the vet for their vet check. illness so getting a head start with Neopar is important. Don't panic. Puppies are all doing great. The puppies have transitioned through delivery are now in the Neonatal period. They are starting to move around more and more. This week we will introduce the puppies to a crate. We will keep offering soft food until they all have their molars. Some of those include listing toclassicalmusic,exposingpuppies tocommon "upsetting" appliances such as the vacuum and blow dryer,and doing some startle recovery exercises. For the crate you go off of the expected adult height. The weather is great and mom prefers to be outside with them. Lainey keeps trying to digthem a "den" under our sed so we had to get creative and block off around the, bottom side of the shed. Learning dog manners is a skill that can only be taught by other dogs! Please take this folder with you to the Vet. For startle recovery exercises we will randomly make sudden unusual noises that may startle the puppies ever so slightly to help shape their emotional responses. Handlingby children ofthis age is a dailyaccordance here at the Thompsonhousehold because we have a built in 4 year old here to helpsocialize them. I know, is excited to finally meet their puppy and start this new venture with their baby. We will take extra care to be sure that if theyexhibitandfeartowardsanythingwe will scale back and individually help them overcome those fears slowly. Once they are really interested in their food I will place it behind of barrier of some sort so that they can use their problem solving skills to help work through problems or obstacles. This type of sit is not a cued behavior (we aren't asking them to sit), we are just instilling a natural instinct to settle down and sit calmly to get what they want. and leash. We take our cues from mama--when she. Remind kids that if the puppy is on his bed or in his crate he is off limits. They will have a loose wavy apricot/red coat. By the time your dog is a year old, unless there's a veterinary reason not to, it's best to bring your dog down to 1meala day. Crate and pad. Mom is really the best teacher as she will stop or pin puppies that are overly energetic or that aren't picking up on cues to settle down. 2. area along with our new pee/pooping area to help start these little ones on a path to easier potty training. In the beginning we have one soft bed area and the rest of the pen is potty area. Every time we feed the puppies we call them with a high pitch "here pup, pup, pup, pup, pup, pup" similar to how you hear people call a kitty. Thisperiod can last only an hour or a few days. Everyones eyes opened up this past week and they are starting to move around a bit. starts standing up to nurse we know it's time to introduce soft solid foods. This week the puppies have begun to learn and be shaped by other adult dogs in the household but especially mom. They will. Furnishings: F/F This week the puppies have begun to spend a lot of time outside, the day. All dogs need to be comfortable with going outside in all kinds of weather. Petite (expected weight 10-20 lbs) doodles are eating about cup cup of food split into 3rds and eating 3 times a day. Then we took our wheel barrow and, it up just a bit for an opening so that Lainey would have a "Den" Like she so, wanted. at this time. We always watch interactions with other dogs closely. Lainey's name comes from the tv show Sienfield. I, include vet notes and a medication record with. Petite range: height between 12-16 inches typically between 10-25 lbs. This week puppies will leave the transitional period and will enter the socialization period. In the beginning we have one soft bed area and the rest of the pen is potty area. The puppies have gotten really fun to watch playing together. Lainey is short for. begun handling the puppies a lot more as mom isn't quite as nervous to have them away from her for a few minutes. They now have a great recall down and will come any time I call out like this. You need to have something for thoselittleteeth to chew on. Manding is teaching the puppy to sit to 'say please.' We ignore the puppies that are jumping and pawing us. They are doing great with their potty training by using the potty area about 75% of the time. Neopar helps develop immunity to Parvo--it is the only, that is effective at this young age as these puppies still have passive immunity from nursing with mom. their backsides got trimmed up to help keep them clean and the hair was cut out of the corner of their eyes. Mom will tend and care for her puppies instinctively and make sure all is well by keeping them fed, clean, and warm. This recall will transition to the dogs name once you have him/her in your home. We watch closely to make sure there isn't a fear response and if necessary we will. their soft bedding in the crates to encourage them to choose the crate for sleeping. These items and experiences will help to build a healthy startle/recover/curiosity/exploration cycle to lay the foundation for a confident puppy. We are opening up 5 spots on this liter with 2 reserve spots. As always we keep their little razor sharp toenails trimmed as well. By the end of the week they willl be eating the kibble dry and mom will being to feed them less and less. the paper/grate area for potty we will be able to make their play/sleep area bigger. You can start this schedule as early as 8 months. If he still won't calm down then take him outside again for a few minutes and ignore him as he runs around then try settling down again. Their eyes will open somewhere between 10 days and 2 weeks. Standard range: Height: over 22 inches at wither, typically 45 or more lbs. We use the puppies' naturalinstinctto keep their bed clean to help with potty training--the minute they step off their bed to go potty they will be in the desired area. They now have a greatrecall down and will come any time I call out like this. We take our cues from mama--when she starts standing up to nurse we know it's time to introduce soft solid foods. Puppies from this litter are expected to be a about 20-25 pounds full grown. They are doing great with their potty training by using the potty area about 75% of the time. This is week threeof thesocialization period. We've given lots of ideas in our take home information. We always love it when our newmommas take so well to being a mom. Puppies have now learned to take food from my hand and are doing great with manding. Once they areaccustomedtousethe paper/grate area for potty we will be able to make their play/sleep area bigger. First we will being using puppy food soaked in water. Lainey delivered 4 beautiful puppies yesterday on April 30th. We will take extra care to be sure that if they. It will take a little while for them to be able to see clearly. That is a record for us here at Magic Valley Goldendoodles. The puppies live in our living room so they are, exposed to a variety of noises that will help them adjust to family life: TV/movies in the background, children playing, vacuums running etc.are all familiar sounds to these babies. teeth to chew on. If your puppy is acting really hyper he may be overstimulated. We will talk more about vaccines in the take home information. We hold each puppy upright, head-down down and flat on the back. She had 4 beautiful extreme parti puppies and one solid apricot/red baby. ENS is a an exercise developed by puppy behaviorists and trainers that is designed to stimulate neuro-pathway growth and start the physiological basis for resistant and predictable neurological development. Everyone has their eyes open and this past week the babies all started to toddle around really well and have started to find their little voices. We will give the puppies their Neopar vaccines this week. First we will use ground food mixed with water. Parti factor: Yes Puppies have now learned to take food from my hand ad are. This is week three of the socialization period. Food. Its a way for them to communicate with us in a polite way. These items and experiences will help to build a healthy startle/recover/curiosity/exploration cycle to lay the foundation for a confident puppy. This week puppies leave the transitional period and will enter the socialization period. We anticipate their eyes to open in the next day or two. Miniature range: Height: 15-18 inches at wither, typically 20-35 lbs. These puppies will have a lifetime of grooming and will need to be handled on their feet and toes on a regular bases. One puppies eyes have opened and we are waiting for the others to open. We will give the puppies their Neopar vaccines this week. At two weeks of age the puppies leave the neonatal period and enter what is called the transitional period. We gave the puppies their first bath this week. Mom is really the best teacher as she will stop or pin puppies that are overly energetic or that aren't picking up on cues to settle down. Mom still interacts with them throughout the day but she does so in shorter amounts of time. fenbendazole (dewormer medicine) this week . . The puppies are all doing great. Between all theexcitementof getting ready to bring yourpuppyhome sometimes we forget or skip over some important andhelpfulinformation. Puppies from this litter are expected to be a large Petite/ Small Mini Goldendoodle between 15-25 pounds full grown. Crate and pad. We will confirm pregnancy when Lainey os 4 weeks around the end of June. Pleas be sure to read through our preparation page found here Take home preparation page--. The puppies are all doing great. Puppies will participate in their first barrier challenge this week. We are excited to be able to offer another litter of petite goldendoodles. Once they are really interested in their food I will place it behind of barrier of some sort so that they can use their problem solving skills to help work through problems orobstacles. They have a much better immune response at 8 weeks. She is very attentive like all of our new mommas. We watch closely to make sure there isn't a fear response and if necessary we willworkwith individual puppies more gradually to help them adjust to the noises. Put him in his crate or on a bed in a quiet location to settle down. They usually all pile in one crate together as they still need each other for warmth and comfort. The babies are all doing great sleeping in crates. Birth Day: February 7, 2018 Penn Hip: Right 0.47 Left 0.41 Because of Lainey'stv personality name and the love her guardian owner has for TV shows she haschosen thetheme of her "Favorite Tv People". As always Lainey is a fantastic mother. This week our puppies usually hit what is called a fear, period can last only an hour or a few days. At two weeks of age the puppiesleave the neonatal periodand enter what is called the transitional period. Parvo is the most. We are really anticipating watching her raise one last litter of puppies. Their little teeth are, to erupt so this week puppies will start on solids and begin the process of weaning. Your puppy is eating three times a day. In an attempt to help with this I will be posting a some of the same information in this update as I did last week. Every time we feed the puppies we call them with a highpick "herepup, "pup, pup, pup, pup, pup" similar to how you hear people call a kitty. Labor for, was just under 1 hour. 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