boxer german shepherd mix brindle

This intelligence is passed down to the Boxer Shepherd offspring. On one hand, you have the German Shepherd dog or GSD for short. Germany has given us some of the most iconic dog breeds of all time. You may also end up paying what feels like a lot of money for a mixed breed dog when buying a Boxer Shepherd because they are not very common. Were speaking purely from experience here German Shepherds can be massive wimps. The biggest thing youll want to look out for in this mix is hip dysplasia. The good How Do Bearded Dragons Stay Warm At Night? The Boxer Shepherd is a mixed breed dog that is the result of breeding between a German Shepherd and Boxer breeds. Hailing from Germany and originally bred to herd and guard sheep, the German Shepherd can be traced back to 1899. German Shepherds are usually larger than Boxersbut only by a very slim margin. From family companions to military dogs, GSDs are extremely versatile additions to many environments. Now just imagine how epic and strong a mix of these two German favorites would be. This is especially true for puppies. Indoor play can be almost as good as time spent outdoors. Boxers and German Shepherds develop strong bonds with their families, so separation anxiety is not uncommon in either breed. They might as well be monsters masquerading as a benign grooming tool. The markings and coat of a GSD can be particularly dominant traits when theyre mixed with another dog. Hi I am a nice Boxer Shepherdmix puppy. If you fail to provide any, they are smart enough to find their own! Any lizard lovers out there will know that lizards are cold-blooded creatures and need to have a sufficient amount of sunlight and heat to function properly. If they have good experiences in various situations, they can become great playmates for children and other dogs alike. If they come from a reputable breeder, theyre a dog that will be worth your while. She's 4 years old in this picture. We have a lot of experience with this breed and dont have a lot of negative thoughts about them. Provided a Boxer GSD hybrid isnt abused, and the owner spends plenty of time on training, theres no reason to believe theyre more likely to be aggressive than any other dog. In the case of any dog, proper socialization, gentle yet firm training, and zero abuse are all the ideal recipe for a dog you can fully trust. A German Shepherd Boxer mix has a lifespan of 9 to 11 years. German Shepherds and Boxers are quite different in terms of aesthetics, from their coats to their facial features. While the classic coloring includes the dark saddle markings coupled with tan to reddish colors, they can be solid white or black as well. Did you answer a resounding yes to those questions? The condition causes progressive destruction of the spinal cord and, in turn, affects limb functionality for Boxer Shepherd dogs. As the two parent breeds differ significantly in appearance, its difficult to predict what the puppies will look like. This makes the mixed doggies particularly easy to train and thus easy to live with. Although both Boxers and German Shepherds can learn to live with other pets, their hunting and herding instincts need to be considered when out and about. If they have too much pent up energy, they will destroy your belongings in record time. The origins of the breed are indeed old. When they see another dogs good behavior is rewarded, it can help encourage them to display good manners. Another set of features that vary greatly is the ears. Lets dig a little deeper and find out. She's a sweet puppy and her best friend is my one year old son. Here is all you need to know before getting yourself one of these unique pups. Their hearing is sharp, and sensitive noses make them excellent for search and rescue work. It may, therefore, not be a condition that you commonly encounter. Boxers are considered short-haired dogs, and their coat can come in a variety of colors. Boxer Shepherds are alsovery confident dogs. They started out as a herding breed but quickly became popular police, military, and guard dogs. So any hybrid that includes GSD genes can produce a dog with the ability to be a big baby. Degenerative myelopathy is common both in GSDs and Boxers. Controlled environments are best always be sure you can remove a dog from the situation if they become too scared or if another dog becomes overbearing. The Boxer German Shepherd mix is an energetic dog. When socialized with other dogs and people from an early age, Boxers have the potential to be social butterflies. In those Boxer Shepherds that actually have hip dysplasia, mobility is usually affected, especially by complications like arthritis. More often than not, Boxer Shepherds are bred for use as working dogs due to their natural guarding talents. By terrified, we mean theyll hide somewhere and then pout for hours if theyve been frightened. These things add to the price of well-bred dogs, so if youre looking to buy one, you might be spending a lot. Another reason why Boxer Shepherds are so popular and thus so expensive is their versatility. Since they can range from 70-90lbs, sleeping arrangements can be taxing. She is very sweet and a great cuddle buddy, but this goes without mentioning her evil side. Choosing a dog is an important process, and thought needs to go into whether the personality of your chosen breed will suit you and your family long term. Some German Shepherds are long-haired, although this is a rare genetic anomaly. However, it wasnt until the late 19th Century that the modern Boxer was developed. Since both breeds have a reputation as guard dogs, you can expect them to be protective. One factor that determines where on this range your poochs price tag lands are the lineage of the contributing parents. Despite their demand, especially in the working dog mixed breed niche,not many breeders have German Shepherd Boxer mixes readily available. White Pugs: A Complete Guide To This Pug Breed, Morkie: A Complete Guide To This Adorable Maltese Yorkie Mix, From Stanley Corens list of breed intelligence, FURminator Undercoat Deshedding Tool for Large Dogs Long Hair. PetDT was founded by Jacquelyn Kennedy, a dog lover and pet admirer. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to She is a 2 year old Shepherd/Boxer mix ray of sunshine. Friends and families with well-trained dogs can provide the perfect opportunity for a puppy to meet new friends. Boxers weigh between50 to 75 lbsand measure21 to 25 inches. Not all of these designer hybrid dogs being bred are 50% purebred to 50% purebred. Are German Shepherds Good With Boxers? You dont need special equipment to keep these types of dogs occupied, though. GSDs are very alert dogs, and they dont miss much happening around them. Here are some of thecommon health problems facing Boxer Shepherds that you may have to prepare for. Learn more about the German Shepherd Dog. With males reaching up to 80lbs fully grown, and females weighing in at up to 65lbs, theyre not your typical lap dog. They are among the most lovable, loyal, and beautiful breeds. It will only teach your dog to be frightened, avoid you, and it could encourage aggression. A GSD or any dog with shepherd DNA is far more likely to bite an intruder than their family. Hemophilia occurs due to the absence of specific proteins required in the clotting process. The thick coat makes them well suited for colder weather, but can also act as an insulator against high heat. To prevent incidents, especially in cases where you want to raise a Boxer and GSD together, early socialization is crucial. Even smaller specimens of each breed will likely exceed 60lbs. Some posts may contain affiliate links. The Boxer comes bounding through the German shepherds natural reserve with its enthusiasm and energy. Proper leash and heel etiquette are something youll want to start ASAP. Each half of this hybrid is more prone to it than many other breeds. Since then, they worked their way up the ranks to the second most popular dog in the US. One thing we want to mention, as experienced GSD parents: they can have a high prey drive. So what can the Boxer and German Shepherd tell us about the Boxer Shepherd mix? This condition is something your vet should screen for, so any symptoms can be caught and treated early on. Boxers are brachycephalic, meaning they have the squashed face features that are also seen in Pugs, and certain bully breeds, to name a few. Do you have time and patience to devote to a high-energy dog, access to parks, and a lot of love in your heart? So despite a relatively easy-to-care-for coat, needing a brush once a week, be prepared for your dog to lose a fair amount of hair. While both types of dogs make great family members, what should you look out for if you have a hybrid, or are considering rescuing one? This is great knowledge to have as it provides useful clues as to whether your chosen breed is likely to fit in with your lifestyle. German Shepherds have some of the most sensitive stomachs of any dog, and their food should be selected carefully. The mixed dogranges in weight from 55 to 85 lbs and height from 22 to 25 inches. Inviting a dog to share its life with you is a 10-15 year commitment, so make sure you start on the right foot and choose a breed that most closely matches your way of life. Guilty. These two large breed dogs can combine into a truly incredible hybrid. The intelligence of Boxers and GSDs means they can figure out how to play hide-and-seek, and for many, its their favorite game. She has a mind of her own but as long as you speak to her as an equal, she will never leave your side. Boxer Shepherd dogs more often than not take after the Boxer coat which sheds heavily. If you want one purely for companionship, all you have to do is start socialization training early. She has another dog friend named Biskit, which they get along okay but do fight lot. If youre thinking of adopting one and have smaller animals in your house, be aware that it could become an issue if your hybrid has a high prey drive. Because genetics have the ultimate say in which traits will come out on top, its hard to guess. Not only that, but both parent breeds are very smart. However, you couldincrease the interval to four or even five times a week if the dog is shedding very heavily. Finally, you can expect just as many possibilities when it comes to the possible colors, mainly due to the eclectic nature of the GSD in this regard. They excel in agility courses, and some even love to swim. So, what does a Boxer German Shepherd mix look like? We have the Boxer. This can result in a one ear up, one ear down situation. German Shepherds do not always get along well with Boxers. We have compiled a few tips that should help you get started on the right foot. How big a German Shepherd Boxer mix will get depends on the size of the parents themselves. Breed history can give you a lot of information about your chosen dog, including its likes, dislikes, and energy levels. Get to know which side your hybrid takes after before leaving them around smaller animals. Finally, the Boxer Shepherds usually, but not always, have forehead folds. Include your Boxer German Shepherd mix in all your activities, and you will have a friend dedicated to you for life. Finding ways toclean the dogs mouth every 2 to 3 daysis vital to its health. With the recent scrutinization regarding these cosmetic procedures, youre more likely to see a dog with natural ears and tail. This is quite close to both parents whose weight and height ranges are pretty much the same, give or take a few pounds and inches. link to An Introduction to the Lovely German Shepherd Husky Mix. Their desire to chase, hunt, or herd depends on the individual dog, but caution is required. Along the way, it was discovered that these dogs make stellar companions. The coat type for a Boxer Shepherd also varies greatly based on genetics and chance. Despite the potential health risks, your Boxer German Shepherd may never develop any of these issues, and if you do decide to share your life with one, you can expect to share it for 10-12 years. Boxer German Shepherd mix puppies arent often for sale theyre not a popular hybrid like the Goldendoodle. Unless of course you have a miniature German Shepherd in the mix! So if the hybrid favors the GSD parent, you might run into some food sensitivities or even allergies at some point. The guard hairs make up the outer layer of the coat, which protects them from the elements. If you wish to have the dog mainly play the role of companionship, you will have to start socialization early in order to get them used to unfamiliar individuals and settings. Hip dysplasia is a musculoskeletal condition that affects the weight-bearing joints of large dogs like the German Shepherd. A man called George Alt bred a female Bullenbeisser with a local dog. To help you better understand what you can expect in terms of appearance from your Boxer Shepherd, here are some of the possible features. The Boxer, on the other hand, needs a bit more training and patience, especially if you wish to have them serve as companion dogs. Puppies should come with a certificate of health, and the breeder should do proper health screening on all dogs. Aiming to create the ultimate herding dog, a man called Max von Stephanitz developed the breed as we know it today. But she still likes to chase her stub even though she can't reach it. But their mind needs just as much exercise. They will protect you with their lives but have the capacity to be very cuddly and loving. If you want a dog to share your life fully, then this is it. GSDs have strong personalities that go hand-in-hand with sharp minds. There is no evidence to support aggression is wired into any dog breeds DNA. So when you mix two large breed dogs, youll get a big result. Rather than punishing bad behavior, redirect to something acceptable. It could be straight and medium-length or long like the GSD or straight and short like Boxers. They might be big, but theyre one of those dogs that will like to cuddle with close family members maybe even in your lap. It usually falls somewhere between where it is shorter than that of a GSD but longer than a Boxers. There are some things you can be reasonably sure of when dealing with a Boxer-GSD hybrid. We recommend you try theFurminator Undercoat Toolfor effective grooming of the Boxer Shepherds often dense coat. The length and quality of life are determined by how healthy the dog is. Using the right tools will make your work very easy. How can they look? The fur could be thick, or something in between the short hair of a Boxer and the fluffiness of a GSD. When the dog is frustrated due to things like lack of attention or exercise, theymay throw tantrumsand refuse to obey commands they have already learned. How big are they? An Introduction to the Lovely German Shepherd Husky Mix. A German Shepherd Boxer mix puppy is easy to control on the leash, but a full-grown one could take you for a painful ride down the sidewalk if they dont know how to heel. So how do you know whether the Boxer German Shepherd mix is the right dog for you? He also plays great with our three cats. With so many designer dogs available, you would be hard-pushed not to find one that is suitable for you and your lifestyle. Docked tails were once very popular with this breed, but along with ear cropping, this practice is now deemed unnecessary. The markings can be fawn or brindle and can be tan to dark brown. Here are some of these temperament traits that you can look forward to from your German Shepherd Boxer mix. Boxers are also quite smart, though not as much as the GSD. The Boxer hails from Germany and is a descendent of a now extinct hunting dog called the German Bulllenbeisser and the Bulldog. Tail docking and ear cropping are purely cosmetic, and the procedure is actually illegal in some countries. The more people theyre exposed to, the less likely they are to guard you or your home unnecessarily. For starters, GSDs rarely attack family members many bites reported are the result of an attempted break-in or attack by the bad guys. Nothing serious though. Is there anything unusual about the care needs of this type of hybrid? A large breed mix such as this one needs, at a minimum, an hour of exercise per day two short walks and a longer one are ideal. Kynnley is a beautiful German Shepherd / Boxer mix. It could be using hard chew treats or chew toys designed to help with cleaning teeth. "This is the love of my life, Jada!!! This results in uncontrolled bleeding in case of compromise to blood vessel walls. Their barrel-chested trait puts them at added risk, so pay close attention to the signs: restlessness, attempts to retch or pass wind without producing either, and a distended abdomen. does not intend to provide veterinary advice. I found her over the internet and fell in love with her picture. However,the personality traits are similar to those from both parents, including intelligence, confidence, and intense loyalty. German Shepherdsweigh between 50 to 90 lbsand measure22 to 26 inches in height. To help negate risks, feed your dog in several smaller meals rather than one large one per day. ", Vinny the Boxer / Shepherd mix at 8 months old, "This is our Shepherd-Boxer puppy, Paige. Kynnley the Boxer / Shepherd mix at 4 years old, Cujo the Boxer / German Shepherd mix at 5 years old taking a nap on the bed. She loves to run around sometimes, but most of the time she lays around. Before we look at the German Shepherd Boxer mix, lets take a step back and look at the parent breeds. Each breed brings many excellent features to the table, so combining the two can make for a truly remarkable dog. They fit in wonderfully in homes as companion dogs and are just as effective when it comes to using them as working dogs. They will have an instinctive drive to guard their family and territory, but with proper training, they can be incredibly friendly. A German Shepherd Boxer mix is referred to as a Boxer Shepherd. link to How Do Bearded Dragons Stay Warm At Night? While smaller homes and apartments arent a deal-breaker, youll need access to open spaces and areas appropriate for daily walks. It might surprise you that theyre not always the big, brave dogs that popular culture makes them out to be. Dental hygiene is a massive part of effective grooming care when raising Boxer Shepherd. This condition has hereditary patterns, which is why breeders selectively breed out GSDs with the trait to prevent its appearance, including in mixes like the Boxer Shepherd. Especially by complications like arthritis you, and the breeder should do proper screening... Treats or chew toys designed to help negate risks, feed your dog in several meals! Is referred to as a Boxer Shepherd also varies greatly based on and... Are quite different in terms of aesthetics, from their coats to their facial features fawn brindle... Of any dog, and females weighing in at up to 80lbs fully,. Dog for you parent, you would be of dogs occupied, not... 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