lenni lenape language to love one another

Wulaptonamik, good tiding. A.) Pkindey, light ashes. one is bewitched, A.) Wisachgim, wild grapes. Allummochachton, to carry away. Tschetschpihilleu, split, split asunder, broken off, it Tuney, beard (weichtuney, chin beard., A.) A.) Machtiwitt L very little. Elek, as it is, as it happens. Elekhammajenk, our debts. in the water. Ichauwi, rather. Klakaptonaganall, Z, an amusing tale. Metschimi, soon, presently. Wundaptonen, to speak of. yes (lazily). Schawanochqueu, Ehamhittehukuk, battery of a gun lock. Enapandikan, the hind sight of a gun. Gophammen, H., to shut close. Wetegakil, his messengers; (out of use. Waskejek, thin; (comp. A.) A.) Machtandowagan, devilishness. A.) A.) Tschipileu, strange, bad accident; awful. Popachgandamen. Mellaam, to smell. Macheli, much, many; (or, cheli. Schauwalamuin, to faint from hunger. Wdanis, daughter. Gundassiskuju, deeply marshy. Schachachgelendam, to be sure of a thing, to have one's Wiechquepiso, tied round; a bundle. Achtuhhu, plenty of deer. Miechaninaquot, shameful. Tonktschenemen, to open. Ganschilallogen, to perform a miracle. Guhn, snow. Gigauwinasu, Z., borrowed (not in use. Ponxu, full of sand flies. Takomen, to come from some where. Schiwamallsin, to feel grief and pain. Tschutti, Z., a comrade, a friend, n'tschit, to be very sickly. Pimihilleu, it is oblique. Achquaneman, H., a bushnet for fishing. Longachsiss, cousin; (error, a nephew. Achtschingiochwen, to venture to go. Undeiiummen, to take from. Littin, to say to each other, to say among themselves. Makhaquoakan, grubbing hoe. Mietachsquall, hay. Wingsittam, to like to hear. Elekhasik, as is written. Blenhotik, black snakeroot. Abtschinaluxin, to be afflicted, to be tormented to death. Mawunappin, to be assembled. Lennamek, chop fish. Ehachpink, place; ehachpit, Z., his place. Techthunnentschik, prisoners, captives. Mechiwilawanit, great sarsaparilla. Langundowagan, peace. Machkassin, brick. A.) Nowahan, to know somebody; (dub., n'nennawa. Lalchauchsitaja, fork of the toes; (w'lhauchsitan. Neichtin, to see each other. Skiquall, grass. Nik, these, those. Mawenemen, to gather, to collect, to bring together. A.) no, not; am, not at all; haschi, never. Wiquajeu, the head of a creek. Indians.) Monachgeu, ground hog; (from monham. A.) Lenni Lenape Word List Pechewwi, near. Lamowo, downward, slanting. Nagisgawachtin, to meet each other. is dirty.) Baskets were made from this, the strips being is used. Wtakeu, soft, tender; (pliable. grass, or fresh young grass. Linachken, to reach forth the hand. prevaricate. Native American-Pennsylvania Relations 1681-1753 Gischachteu, it is clear, light. Pokhakenikan, grave; (from pokhaweu, a hole or hollow Wikat, leg; wi'ckaat, Z. Mos, elk, cow: (applied only to deer and elk. Topan, white frost. Gagachti, almost, very near. who is A.) A.) Nallahiwi, up the river. Avaricious, difficult to deal with. Lenni Lenape Wulhaflan, to keep somebody, to take care of some one. Wingimaquot, it has a good pleasant smell. Penipachgihhilleu, it falls off. it is the See Awehelleu. Elangomat, friend, relation; (lit., a member of one's Miechinquawon, eyebrow. Machkenummen, to pull off, to take off. Witonquoam, to lodge at one's house, to board with, to A.) Wawulamallessin, to be always Well. Makesinnan, to shoe somebody; (see machtschipak.) Wilawussall, his corn; his grain. Pakantschiechen, accomplished. Yukefla, 0 that! Liechsowagan, language. Witachpin. Wachtschuhatteu, it is full; (wa-chu-wateu. Sukamek, black fish. A.) A.) Uschumallsin, to feel sorrowful, to feel pitiful. Nutiket, watchman, a guard. Alemoagan, fear, apprehension; (arch., A.) Gischelemuxit, creature. Allamijey, in there, therein, within. Niskeu, nasty, dirty; (niskaloje, Z., it Wiquiechink, end, point; (wiquajunquik, Z., Ksinhattenamin, to be of an indifferent heart and mind. Lennotit, little man. Undach, here, this way. Nalauwi, heedless. Kschiechauchsowagan, holiness, innocence. Cheyjantup, Z., a scalp. Tachquahoaken, to pound, to grind. Sukachsin, iron. Gagiwanantpehellan, to be dizzy; to be giddy in the head. Ulepen, onion, (not in use; at present wi'nonsch, Anechwunaltey, bark canoe. lazy. OA Brotherhood See pedhakwon. Achquiwanis, blanket; (black or broad cloth, A.) Utsche, fly; (utcheuwes. soon; -elinaxit, what color; hatsch, how will it A.) Schiku, widow; (error; it means an orphan. Wihoman, to make an offering to somebody. Wulilawemkewagan, our comfort. A.) A.) that recurs again and again. Gischachpoanhe, the bread is done baking. the, that;-eet, perhaps;-jupetschi, until now, till here;-shacki, Wisachgak, black oak; bark canoe. Machitschiluppoewagan. Wigunacka, the point of an island. Loamoe, long ago, in olden times; (not now used in this Chiquasu, patched, mended. Machelemuwi, honorable, precious. Wemihilleu, it is all gone, it is all spent. Natoochton, to inquire. Waletittin, to advise one another, to inform each other. H., in the woods.) Mechinquitehewagan, self pride. Niganigapawin, to stand foremost. Juk, these. Mawat, one, only one. Meechgalowet, fish like a sucker; (red-finned sucker. Elangomellan, my friend. Lowanneunk, northward. Mokdomus, lizard. A.) Mekeniechink, the end, the last day. Pawallessit, rich person. long. Nochnutemexetschik, shepherds. Schindikeu, spruce forest; (hemlock woods. Tpisgauwihhilleu, the time is at hand; it falls upon. Gelen'nin, to take hold, (or, to hold in the hand. chuaskquis. Nigani, before, foremost, beforehand; (out of use; nichala, Palliundachqui, somewhere else; where else? Mehemetan lowaaan, agony of death. Mitsuagan, Z. food, aliment Gettemageleman, to help somebody, to relieve some one, Togenan, to waken somebody. Tankalinschawontit, little finger. Wewidhikewagan, testimony. Wannessin, Z., to forget; in'wansi, I forgot Pegui, dressed, clothed; (equit, the clothing. Tachquatten, frozen; (frozen together. A.) Schaxin, to be avaricious; (schaxu, Z., Achwangundowagan, lasting peace. Allamuin, Z., the war whoop (arch. Wochpiechquey, bladder. Quallassin, to bathe, to sweat: (properly, to sweat. The Lenape languages arent nearly as widely known as they once were. Queneuhappachpoon, table. A.) Equiwi, under; beneath. Pommipeso, lath. Papaisin. Wtscheet, sinew; (u'tschghet. Waskeu, thin. Machtauchsowagan, sin. Eluwantowit, God above all. Ganschala'muin, to cry out. A.) Aschtetehasik, Z., the cross; (aschtetehican, A. the former A.) or testimony. Unk, in, in the, on, out of. Mamschaloussowagan, the being remembered, remembrance. Awullakeniman, to praise somebody. Woapasum, white sunshine. Piselid-tulpe, large sea-tortoise. Petscholtin, to come hither. Thiechumin, Z., to bathe, The Lenape nation consisted of three main tribes, the Unami (Turtle tribe), the Wunalachtico (Turkey tribe), and the Minsi (Wolf tribe.) Achquidhakamike, upon earth. Amamchachwelendamen, to suffer. Palsowagan, sickness. Getternagelowagan, mercy. a child. moon.) Thitpanihm, white hickory nut; (the root of an herb is I will list a variety of options to provide student choice. Schinginamen, to hate. exclamation used in answering. Gischenaxin, to be ready, to be prepared. Woatawes, flower, (wachawes. Wipochk, bush; arub; (a bushy place, a thicket. hand) Owoahan, to know somebody. Uchtechsut, A.) Bambilenutey, pocket book. Pachgeechen, where the road turns off. Pennahum, to break off, to knock down. Tschemamus, Z., a hare. Mehukachoook, copper snake. Ekisah! Wulakenimgussin, to be spoken well of, to be praised. Pishikamen, to go to meet somebody. Jechauwelendam, to love better, to prefer; (see Ihauwelendam.) Wiakipuin, to have plenty; to have abundance to eat. A.) Wschachihillan, to slip. Wulumqueu or Wulumquot, a round hill. as soon as. Mechowi, old (in use); (chowi. Schiquitehasid, Z., booty (schiquiniteliasik, booty Pepachgitshiminhis, manifold in the belly of animals. war. Gachtonalen, to persecute, to seek to kill; (gachto Wundanunxin, to be angry at, to be angry for something. Wentschijeyin, to belong to a place, to be from a place. Wulakenindewagan, good report of somebody. Gachpattejewink, toward the southeast. Achsinn'aminschi, sugar maple. Palenach, five. from what was expected. Pepachizank, calamus-root; sweet flag. Wonspi, Z., sap of trees. Schukund, only, but then. Lennowehellen, male of birds and fowls. Achwamallsin, to feel great pain; (to suffer in sickness. Wilsu, fat meat. Salumbiechen, to ring the bell. Z., a conspiracy. Anixigischuch, (the month in which the ground squirrels A.) incapacity or inability. Eluwussit, the Almighty, the most powerful, the most majestic. Mechinquinaquot, it appears large, it looks great. Z., a knot. Pechotschigalit, neighbor; (pechwigalit, he lives Yuundach, Z., on this side (yuh Windach. Papommeuchtum, to go about weeping. Yucke, Z., now; gischquik, to-day; -untschi, LENI LENAPE Nachohanneu, alone; (nachoha, I am alone. Wawangundowapn, salutation. Pethinquechin, to look hither. Lekhasik, written. A.) A.) Miechasquigamik, cabin covered with grass. Wulalooewagan, good work. rather than dress. A.) Omen, to come from whence. Ehoalid, my lover. Wottallauwin, to hunt by the way. Pechpommauchsohaluwet, Saviour. Mischenummen, to receive, to get. Quis, son. Genachgiton, to take care of. Tenoettik, little. (to give with hesitation. Wulamoewagan, truth. A.) A.) prosperity, blessings. Achgook, snake. glorify some one. A.). Papalligeen, Z., to spoil; see palliton. Ekoqualis, raspberry. cricket; (tschelo'tschelos, an imitative word. A. ) Gopens, about, thereabouts. Nechohanne, to be alone. A.) Wipit, tooth. Kiluna, we (including the party speaking and the party Wemhundammen, to carry all. Bohhuhan, to peal off the rind of a tree. Witchwi, Z., the navel. Nawalan, to pursue somebody, to follow some one. Metapewit, wicked man; (a thievish fellow. A.) Wolanniall, feathers of a bird's tail. uchschimo, he flees; schimoagan, flight. Allemiapuawachto, -tangawachto, -tatchawachto, Esquande, door; entrance (threshold or place of entrance;

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