australian federal election 2022 predictions

Love the word boofy it is a fine Australian adjective! MILTON CAN BE CONTACTED ON HIS INTERNATIONAL TELEPHONE NUMBER 612 6100 3482 OR LEAVE HIM A VOICE MAIL. Her astrology books include Astrolove, Handbag Horoscopes and 2020 Vision (Penguin) and the #1 Amazon bestseller 2020 Astrology Your Five Year Horoscope Guide. Do not post personal information or anything that should not be made public. This is interesting because it was published over 50 years ago and outside Australia. I find the little white dog very interesting. Good morning Jessica and what a good Monday morning it is. 2023 04 weather-forecast-easter-long-weekend-australia-2023. Yes, but it is also true that the Aquarius sign is about tolerance. It will also be great not seeing Scott Morrisons smug face any more!!! However, there will be a bright light at the end of the tunnel for both parties from mid-2025 into 2026. The hung parliament of more independents and women sounds very likely and what messy kind of mix that will be! The astrology of 21st August 2010 is told well by astrology, too. So its a departure from the two-party system. This Mercury cycle is in Taurus and Gemini so its a backward glance at finance (Taurus) and transport/travel/media/internet (Gemini). Housing costs for building and renovations will skyrocket from May October with Mars (construction) and Venus (costs) transiting the zodiac sign of Leo (expense). We sure could use a shake up and bring Australia back together as a proud nation by supporting local produce and products more soundly. The fact that he is falling suggests that the airlines will also fall. As a consequence of those losses, my number of Liberals has now become 52. I have never in my life seen anything as outrageous as this government and all their minions over the last two years. Please login to engage in the commentary. In April and May 2022 the astrology is saying Forget that, this is Aquarius Weather and that is going to make issues like disability, for example, front-and-centre. The backroom deals, unofficial donations and other corruption you talk about, is an outcome of Pluto in Capricorn, which began in 2008 and does not leave until March 2023. None of the cards landed upright. Interesting to note, with greater trade profits indicated for China over the next eighteen months, expect to witness a billion or two of Yuan spread throughout the CCP military programs and nuclear build-up. If labour win, I believe that Anthony will not be prime minister long, or leader of the Labour Party. Posters and pamphlets, websites and Twitter accounts. Most new independent candidates in Australia for this election are women. He prefers the new to the old. There are 350,000 people in this generation ready to vote, and weve not seen that before. Remember the never-ending recounts even though Biden won a landslide? Both major parties see Bass, and its Tasmanian neighbour Braddon . 23 taurus My Birth Chart Taurus 35 12 R China intends to have the worlds biggest navy, and this will cause greater concern for the West regarding Taiwans future security. With 2021 rapidly drawing to a close, it seems probable that the next federal election will happen in the first half of 2022. With Mars (violence) in transit through Leo (greed), and Neptune (drugs) in transit through Pisces (secrets), police, security, and legal personnel can expect a busy two months of counter-crime activity, including the solving of cold cases. Elon Musk and his purchase does not really fit with that pattern. It is also a very similar cycle to the 9/11 attacks. desc My Birth ChartDESC . seats and will reduce the Coalition to 34. There will be cuts with Uranus (overturn) in transit through the financial and economic sign of Taurus (due to present debt). Its a stellium. Because, we have June 2021 as the date of the last Gemini Merc Retrograde. I just want to say that I hope the two party collusion ends with this election. Ah, but what a relief. The current Prime Minister of Australia, Scott Morrison, has chosen an unhelpful date for the 2022 election. The full title of the article is How does Australias voting system work? and here is a part of it: One Nations Pauline Hanson and Larissa Waters of the Greens are good examples of how it works. I think with a minority government they work a lot harder; therefore they achieve more. I find it incredible. And doesn't The Fool card, sum up this mood..? Why, these 3 women are in it for themselves. The culture wars I mean. Thank you for your insights. It is a relief for Ukraine and her allies (that is most of us) that the Putin-backed Le Pen lost, but it has absolutely raised the issue of how exactly the EU should be run. I think we have learnt very little from the last 21/2 years. Amazing win and HUGE boost for globalism on steroids! It is quite true that women are in the Tarot cards that fell in a jumble on the floor. Aditya Joshi via Unsplash. We have not seen that yet. to find out more I will have a look at this, at the BBC website and The Guardian, Washington Post and ITV. Mercury Retrograde can result in legal battles after the votes are in. The party's odds have recently moved in from 1.29 to a new price of 1.26 to secure a majority - a reaction to Labor's state victory in New South Wales in March.. We have a Mercury Retrograde cycle at Christmas. ceres My Birth ChartCeres aesculapia My Birth ChartAesculapia Australian 2022 federal election forecast - Buckley's & None Analysis: Bank failures and looming debt default test American The Lib/Nats, meanwhile, have seen their odds push out from 3.50 at the . The Coalitions primary vote had never been greater than Labors and had usually been about 7% lower than its 2019 vote. Li is a smart operator with knowledge and technical expertise of military modernization and space engineering. 18 sagittarius My Birth Chart Sagittarius 42 12 I share your relief. The VERY blunt reason why expert who correctly predicted Brexit, Trump's win and Australia's last election believes Scott Morrison WILL keep the top job Bela Stantic of Griffith University . All hoping for the same thing. You are solely responsible for what you post. Hi Jessica. Two parties become one? Thanks so much. Great analysis again! At last we have a PM and a cross bench which will act on climate. Have you seen the Toto Albanese, Australias 1st Dog twitter account at Thank you. Electric cars? Materially, May will be an important month for most people due to the planetary transfers commencing new zodiac cycles. Hes leaving the scene. If your issue is with COVID-19 then you need to know that in astrology, the problem is not the virus; the problem is travel. Which is why the Governor General went missing ad racked off of the country not so long ago, only to be fond when Scumo wanted to release the date of the election. 21 pisces My Birth Chart Pisces 23 53 They are diverse. It is possible this country could be born again as a Republic if there is a referendum on the monarchy and we would then gain another chart which might show greater power for First Nations people. Jessica, do you have an article about Australias 1960s rebirth? Australian 2022 Federal Election Prediction (April 23 2022) - YouTube 0:00 / 19:14 COVID-19 Get the latest information from the CDC about COVID-19. Elon Musk shows tendency to support arrogant WHITE MALES just like him. Four signs of the zodiac who will be making major decisional changes from May onward; they are Aries (March 21-April 20) and Taurus (April 21-May 21), both signs now making headway into new twelve-year astrological cycles. So the media wanted to talk about PM Albaneses gaffes and the economy, but voters were more interested in women in power. According to political betting sites, Labor look ready to control the 2025 federal election and sweep to another victory.. While that is the most likely outcome, our forecast indicates the ALP has a 55.1% chance to win 76 or more seats and form majority government. Proudly Australian Owned, Australian Designed, Australian Hosted This election in Australia is making people very angry. Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison's government could lose the federal election to be held on May 21, according to polls on Monday, even as they showed him consolidating his position as the . Well its all over bar the shouting, as they say, but yes in fact, Taurus Morrison did have Mercury Retrograde in Taurus throughout this election. June 2021 headlines were all about the Covid vaccine (ATAGIs recommendation of Pfizer for adults under 60; plus supply issues; and mandating the Covid vaccine for workers in aged-care). Watch the Russian/Ukraine offensive during this cycle; it could be quite severe, mainly for the Russians. And what about the transgender athlete issue, in Sydney, the gay activist capital of Australia? 03 capricorn My Birth Chart Capricorn 04 51 That is the final day of the Mercury Retrograde loop, which begins at the end of April. We recognise that their sovereignty has never been ceded. The redistributions have abolished the WA Liberal seat of Stirling and created the new notionally . Here the complication arises that the senators coming up for election were those elected at the 2016 half-Senate election. COUNTRIES PRESENTLY UNDER ASTROLOGICAL ADVERSITY That doesnt stop me in hoping for the best for all of us. It's a new life Astrology and the Australian Election - Jessica Adams We can see some truths about Albanese, without a time. Watch Thursday 5th May for sudden storms. 11 gemini My Birth Chart Gemini 07 40 R 2022 Election Archives Jessica Adams: Psychic Astrologer Seeing as the Constitution no longer has the Queens name on it due to Hawke sneakily taking it off back in 2004 I believe, they are doing whatever they like. 3. Fortunately, from May 17 Australias horoscope favours positive bilateral, geopolitical trade negotiations, especially with China, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, UK, US, that will boost the Australian economy reserves due to higher commodity prices and increased exports. Commodities: 3rd, 4th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 16th, 17th, 30th. The useful thing about astrology is that it cuts through the noise. I took a look in my psychic tarot read. This woman will also change the view we see things in Australia. The other curious thing about the way the cards fell? But alas that is not possible. The outcome will signal the end of globalisation, from 2026, which is written in the future by Uranus in Gemini (the revolution in local French life). Aquarius rules feminism. With the US dollar presently being the dominant reserve currency for the purchase of oil, aircraft, shipping, gold, financial exchange, stock exchange, etc, the US has the power to print money when required, pushing it into greater debt. This is another twist of fate worth watching, as the heavily Aquarius weather on polling day suggests people have diversity and equality in mind. And so it has come to pass. Li is a loyal CCP member and close ally to Xi Jinping and believed to be an asset to the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) as he has a way of communicating with troops due to his CCP loyalty, disciplinary standards, and his intelligent interaction. Turkey Holds Off From Rate Cut to Spare Lira Before Election. Could it be possible that a major party stands as prime minister but we have a lot of independents and greens to balance power?. Your published comment will appear on the website and in search engine results. The 1983 election was on 5/03 and has the same numbers. 4 January 2022 8 Comments. The model is also an average of the information we have today, and not a prediction of how people will vote on election day. The Federal election calculator is loaded with the pre-election margins for all seats. The cards fell in a pattern on my office floor, so Ill read it. I also need to let you know that Mars in Gemini, which rules short journeys, is retrograde as well, in exactly the same time frame. The numerology of 21/05 has the numbers 21=3 and 5. The US economy's first-quarter report card and separate assessments of labor costs, spending and inflation in coming days are projected to keep the Federal Reserve . Aqua is the Aquarius colour. This seems most likely. I believe the fool is Anthony. and so, it is totally okay if you cant reply to this late reply, because I know you already have a gazillion comments/articles to write/post-election analysis/interviews to consider! -0.0009 -0.0816%. With Mars (emergency) moving into Leo (government) from the 20th, expense and defence security will be the topics of conversation and there will be an abundance of recommended financial outlay. Similarly, the Greens with their Medicare dental policy being the tempter for non-Greens voters. If, as I predict, Labor takes those seven seats from the Shockwaves. The Liberal Party will lose seats (enough to cost government) because it loses overall votes. Given Albaneses classic Aquarian line-up and the likely backing of the Greens (more Aquarian symbolism) the smart money would be on a Labor win, and thats the way the TAB is playing it. addition, there would be two Greens, so parties of the left would have 78 seats. It took five weeks for Australians to find out where they stood. Nigeria President-Elect Bola Tinubu Returns From Monthlong Stay in The result of the federal election can be forecast with 95% accuracy, according to one analysis of Google data . During this protracted 2023-2031 period, King Charles will encounter countless difficult moments, and his popularity may wane, forcing governments in countries of the Commonwealth to consider public opinion by voting to become republics. Will the UAP have an influence in the outcome of this election like in 2019? As the older voter usually has a favourite party it is likely that one of the major parties will win (perhaps narrowly if you mention a hung parliament). That is part of the concern. Travel is the problem, according to astrology. Mercury rules words. This is Generation Potter. The Crikey comment section is members-only content. Murdoch goal in life is FAME+FORTUNE for himself. I agree that Anthony Albanese has gained from the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces. Musk, with an adverse Uranus pattern, sudden and unexpected, will have continuous problems with his companys share listing until May 2025. What we begin with, will not be what we finish with, on this cycle. 18 aquarius My Birth Chart Aquarius 28 55 To continue from my previous story. All appears to run smoothly, apart from Mercury (annoyance protests demonstrations) causing minor delays, frustration, hold-ups, public dissatisfaction, interruptions or crowd control, with Venus (fun and excitement) in transit through Gemini (impatience-crowds). I believe that the Labour Party will turn against him and give it to Penny Wong. This just doesnt feel like the Dutton-Morrison-Frydenberg combination at all. Hi Jessica. So many of your members will know that this will likely be a rigged election notwithstanding the amount of sheeple that still do not see/believe that they care about our health/wealth/children/education. Whats your opinion. I am interested that you dont mention Barnaby Joyce. The Australian has projected a Labor majority so no hung parliament or Green/Teal cross-bench. As promised on Monday How Ill be voting this federal election I make my final predictions for Saturdays election beginning with the House of Representatives. Waters won a higher proportion of votes in the 2019 election, so was elected to a six-year term, expiring on June 30, 2025. This is the first election in a pandemic. We have to go to the astrology as it works alongside the Tarot. You can look as long as you like, for transits which fall around 17 and 18 degrees now and will not find them. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Sun in the sky The astrology of this election in Australia shows recounts, retracted statements and reversals. The Liberal party model of two party battles, and winner takes all and controls all was never going to survive that. What about the Nationals? Yes, COVID-19 is here to stay. The first seat will go to Labors Senator Katy Gallagher. A look at the current Mackerras Pendulum shows that there are presently 60 Liberal seats and 16 Nationals, for a total of 76 Coalition supporters. Jessica Adams does not reply to every comment and her replies are on a best-efforts basis which means your comment or question may never receive a reply. People are going to change their minds on this election. In astrology, the signs ruling travel (Gemini and Sagittarius) always clash with the sign ruling public health (Virgo) and this is triggered again and again, for years. Saturn in Aquarius is there all year until Pluto in Aquarius takes over (historic) from March 2023. Without tolerance we collectively do not get the rewards. Mercury Retrograde in a zodiac sign, does hark back to the last time it happened. Your published comment will appear on the website and in search engine results. Both companies are losing billions due to adverse planetary aspects both personally and company-wise. My argument was that the patterns of Australian electoral history suggested such an outcome. Australian Election Forecasting 16 capricorn My Birth Chart Capricorn 00 21 Banks: 5th, 18th, 19th, 23rd. In late 2020/early 2021 when everyone said the vaccines would end COVID, you said the Astrology says its not over and you were right. Instead, it has been controlled. Basically I feel one leader is about ME and the other is about WE. Both were elected among the 12 Queenslanders at the 2016 election. And the tarot card random spread was fated! Gen Aqua turn out to protest marches on Climate Emergency even though they are still in their teens. Yet, even though these elections bring flux, hung parliaments can be productive. Copyright The OECD, IMF, World Bank, and world governments will recommend and/or set policies or direction to encourage greater industrial and commercial growth and trade, targeting business and unemployment.

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