v20 merits and flaws

Having this Childe Blood Bound to you costs an extra two points. Playing as a Vampire requires knowledge of your enemies. (See: World of Darkness: Gypsies). You must always cover up any activities that deal with this friendship, and you are paranoid that your secret is always on the verge of discovery (which it is). Unrepentant Beast The Beast leaves its mark on you long after it has run its course and had its way with you. You are slow to heal normal wounds as well, requiring two Blood Points per Health Level recovered. (PGS), Prophetic AbilityGod speaks to you in signs and portents, visions and images. You and your spouse would die or kill for one another. Should the wind blow while you are moving, there is no way to hear you. Prestigious Sire Your sire has or had great status in her sect or clan, and this has accorded you with a certain amount of prestige. Charmed Samadji (Ravnos; 1 - 4 Merit) Your family or sire has gifted you with an item of power. All difficulty numbers involving social interactions with the family in question are reduced by two. Featuring 13 clans and 19 bloodlines, this volume spans the Dark Medieval World. Contact with cold iron causes you pain and discomfort, resulting in a +1 to all of your difficulties while you are touching it. Sympathetic Bond For whatever reason, you unconsciously cause a peculiar supernatural form of feedback through the links of the blood bond. (DSBH). reload. Personal Aura You do not project the aura associated with your road. (PGS). (CB: NOS1), Drug Resistance You are unusually resistant to drugs. v20 Classical Age - Secrets of Unlife: the Revised Merits and Flaws Compendium. (PGS), Aging (Mortal)You are not as spry as you used to be; you must lower any one Physical Attribute score (your choice) by one point. (ELY), Powerful Ghoul You have a very powerful ghoul Blood Bound to you. You must have a Humanity of 8 or higher to have this Merit (ELY), Fist of GodWith this Merit, sometimes called the "Witch-Hammer," you can cause aggravated damage to a Kindred or other supernatural creature by simply striking her. 5-pt are grossly disabling or emotionally crippling - everything from useless atrophied legs to a permanent Derangement, decided on mutually by the player and the Storyteller. This is essentially a "Baby Face" merit for altered forms, and may include other lifelike symptoms at the Storyteller's discretion, as well as a defense against the werewolf gift Sense Wyrm. Though this does draw unwanted attention sometimes, you always manage to extricate yourself from unwanted situations. You are already capable of controlling yourself far better than most Kindred and have a number of dice equal to your rating in this Merit that you may add to your rolls to resist Frenzy. (PGS), Marhime (Ravnos) You have committed some grievous crime against the Rom, and are now shunned by their families (including the Ravnos). Your rival occasionally gets the best of you, but you do the same to him. In addition to the potential for inhuman power, your character has some miraculous capability tied to that Attribute. You can estimate the time until sunrise or sunset within a matter of a couple moments, and you can follow the phases of the moon in your head. Psychological: Addiction (1-2 Trait Flaw): The Restless Dead can develop a psychological addiction to a thing or even a . ), Soothing VoiceYour voice is calm and soothing, almost entrancing. Pure Blood The Curse of Caine runs strongly in your veins. You must learn to feed in other ways, perhaps drawing the blood you need with a syringe or razor, if you do not wish to kill every time you feed. Samadji may be activated in any of a number of ways. You may not command the vermin in any fashion; they are too intoxicated on your vitae to be of any use (though they do love you, for what it's worth). Mortal Double You have the services of someone alive who looks just like you. All difficulty of rolls that involve acquiring money through business are reduced by 2. You will show up in mirrors and reflective surfaces albeit very faint and ghost like. You may take this Flaw once per decade above 40 years of age. The Storyteller may also decide that your companions' actions are suspiciously altruistic and necessitate such a roll. You family member is far away. If you succeed, you may "shed" a limb, leaving it in your opponent's grap while you escape. He should be very careful, lest the wrong mortals see them. When you flirt, you find many willing minions. He must feed upon the vitae of other Kindred. Of course, he still expects you to give your life for his if need be, but until that night, the two of you are something akin to friends. Old FlameSomeone you once cared for deeply is now with the enemy. As such, she has gained some Status over you, and you are at a slight disadvantage in any dealings you have with her. The castle can be in as poor or as good a condition as the character wishes. This will regrow when the aggravated wound is healed. This does not mean that you are "an innocent" - it means everyone thinks you are. ), Wraith Companion The character has a mentor that is a wraith. Even those who cannot see auras are immediately drawn to your presence. There is a chance he will know of a vampire from another city when he hear his name. Unlike Precognition, the visions are always steeped in symbolism, and they apply only to your own unlife. (INQ). If a situation arises in which you should be killed, you actually survive, though you may be worse for wear. You are forever a Poseur, and you have no ability to judge a masterpiece from trash. (TE), Prestation Debt (1 - 5 Flaw) You currently owe a boon to one or more other Kindred. (DSBH), Entrepreneur Making money comes easy to the character. All dealings with other Assamites (Banu Haqim) are at +1 difficulty, though the Storyteller has the discretion to vary this penalty for individuals who know you well or whom you have served well or badly in the past. (DSBH). This grants you an advantage in your dealings with these Kindred (-1 to the difficulty level of any checks to influence them). (PGS), Patience You have learned the wisdom of patience in all things. Much of your time is spent in the quest for further information on Golconda and on attempting to progress towards this distant goal. Valuable Secret (1 - 3 Merit) Others would kill or die to know this secret the character guards. Guardian Angel Someone or something watches over you and protects you from harm. Download in Google Docs. (TE), Romantic Notions (Ghoul) You believe your entire existence as a ghoul to be head and shoulders above your previous life. You are expected to carry this powerful draba until you sire your own progeny, then pass the gift to her. Rivalry (1 - 3 Flaw)You have an ongoing rivalry with someone (perhaps a Cainite, or even a mortal). Your enemy is unlikely to be your direct commander (the caliph in the case of warriors), and you may not even know his identity - though you may certainly try to find out and make your peace somehow. A brush of the fingertips, a press of the palm, even the nuzzle of a cheek would be sufficient. Ecclesial Rank (1 - 3 Merit)In addition to being a member of the Society of Leopold, you are also a member of the Roman Catholic hierarchy. You have just been accepted on probation into the fold. All those with whom you associate, be they mortal or Kindred, may be hunted as well. . Vicissitude Modifications (Ghoul) Although you may not be talented at the Tzimisce forms of fleshcrafting and boneshaping, at some point you have been modified into a more warlike form. You still have much to prove before you will be an accepted member. You get nine opportunities to make rerolls, and these opportunities are never replaced after they have been used - once they are gone, they are gone. (ELY), Diabolist, Known You have committed diablerie at least once to achieve your current position of power. People are bound to talk about such a distinctive individual, and such talk may not always be in a characters best interests. (GFA), Artistically Inept You must work harder than most artists to accomplish great work. Vindictive Your personal honor is your life, and you will go to the ends of the earth to settle a score or avenge a slight. As a result, you draw attention from members of the opposite sex, or your own sex, with raw animal magnetism. (CB:S). There may come a time when a saintly face is not enough to save you. The Storyteller should determine the nature of the particular compulsion, and you may indeed gain a wide and varied spectrum of compulsions. White Wolf Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. What happens is that if a roll is made that would kill the character, the roll is made a second time. Prodigies of Obtenebration also find Abyss rituals easier. Recommended: Ghouls. This Merit must be taken separately for each such childe. Methuselah's Thirst The character is no longer capable of drinking mortal blood to sustain himself regardless of Blood Potency. During periods of the full moon, your Strength, Dexterity, and Stamina are increased by half again. (INQ). (CB:Tor1), Clear SightedYou can see through all levels of Kindred Obfuscate, Chimerstry, and other related Disciplines or Gifts with a Perception + Alerness roll (difficulty of the opposing power's level + 3). The premonitions come to you when you least expect them. You are more likely to frenzy if you do not get your fix for the night; the difficulty of all frenzy rolls increases by two. Your skin exudes a grease that attracts flies, gnats, bees, and other flying insects. Additional DisciplineYou can take one additional Discipline (Storyteller discretion) as if it were a clan Discipline. For ghouls, being Kinfolk can be an advantage or a hindrance. The physical category describes Merits or Flaws that deal with a character's physical makeup or abilities, while the mental category addresses intellectual abilities or pat- terns of behavior. (DSBH). Superstitious The character has misconceptions about what he is. Mummy Companion You have one of the world's few mummies as a companion or close associate. In game terms, subtract two from the difficulty of any Social-based roll that involves speaking, poetry, music or song. Despite the drawback, when used in conjunction with Aura Perception, the vampire will discover far more information from her target. Family Member A member of your mortal family is also a vampire. (INQ) Disallowed: Ghouls (Modern Ghouls, but possible for over 100 years of age. Enchanting VoiceYou have an almost magical voice, beautiful beyond words. You may use these patagia to glide for short distances, provided there is an updraft or strong wind. Every time you are forced to wait around instead off acting, a Self-Control roll is required to see if you go haring off on your own instead. (CB:L1), Heartless Having removed your heart via the fifth level of Serpentis, you have lost it. This Merit allows you to regain Willpower using both Natures. (CB:Tor1). Because of your heritage, you may be able to regain Blood Affinities by feeding on Rom and may begin with Abilities or Backgrounds available only to Gypsy characters. True Gypsy (Ghoul) The blood of the Rom runs true in your veins. The value of the Flaw determines how powerful these enemies are. You go out of your way to prepare contingency plans, vary your movement patterns and habits, and otherwise make yourself a difficult target. (CB:S), Dual Nature You have two distinct Natures, both of which have an influence on your personality and behavior. Its potency varies with the characters actual Attribute rating, so a character with a legendary Stamina of 1 has a weak legendary power that might grow with time and experience. (PGS), Du'at Enemy (Banu Haqim) During your apprenticeship at Alamut, you somehow incurred the displeasure of one of the du'at, and your existence will be considerably more difficult as a result. (GFA), Eerie Presence Other people get a strange feeling when they are around you. This can obviously lead to some unplanned and quite twisted codependent relationships. You should work with the Storyteller to find an explanation for this Merit, and the Storyteller may disallow this Merit entirely if she so chooses. You have an entire limb affected, such as an arm, forcing you to wear long gloves at all times. The Storyteller should decide whether you know who your enemy is at the start of the game, though you may do what you can to find out. For whatever reason, your domitor is actually rather fond of you. The two of you are in love, and you automatically have the benefit of the Merit: True Love. When that pride is insulted or threatened, the player must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 9). Note: that this might seem "miraculous," but it will not be scientifically verifiable. (INQ), Virulent Strike (Ghoul) Through strange Thaumaturgical sorcery, unknown rituals or even an odd quirk of your ghoul physiognomy, you have been imbued with the power of the supernatural You can cause aggravated damage to supernatural creatures by striking them, biting them, raking them with bonecrafted spurs - whatever. Merits and Flaws: anything that +/- Difficulty is more powerful than bonus dice. Magic Sensitivity You have a supernatural gift that allows you to know if any magic is in use or has been used recently within a 10-footradius of yourself. If you are Wounded, you will heal in one week. Eat Food You have the capacity to eat food and even savor its taste. However, this will aggravate others of your gender. However, Inquisitors and other hunters with this Merit are free from this restriction; they may use their Faith unfettered by any such psychological or religious crutch. This is a pre-editing draft, so take that for what you will. Those with some training in astrology and this Merit can foretell astrological conjunctions without access to charts. (INQ), Light SleeperYou need less sleep than other mortals; you can function quite well on four hours a night. You gain one extra die to Dice Pools involving digital coordination or grappling. All difficulties dealing with that Animal are reduced by 2. You will never rise in Clan Prestige, and you are the equivalent of an anarch. They will not offer any assistance to you, and may even alert your enemies to your presence in a city. Acute Sense (1pt) (VtM 3rd) One of your senses in exceptionally sharp. Example: The character may modify the incidental effects of a form. Naturally, neither of you may do anything which endangers your side of the clan without incurring the considerable wrath of your superiors. (CB:L1), Family Member A member of your mortal family is also a vampire. As a result, you are less likely to be attacked unawares (-1 difficulty to spotting ambushes and the like). The campus also has lots of computer equipment, along with those who know how to use it. By concentrating for a turn and spending a Blood Point, you may will your body to do something vile, making a Wits + Intimidation roll (difficulty of the opponent's Wits + Self Control). You have a two-dice penalty to any social action. All soak rolls are made at -1 diff. Your vampire spouse is your equal in terms of power and status. (DSBH), Silence You have an unusual ability to move quietly that goes far beyond the norm. This may not be taken with the flaw Deep Sleeper. You both know many of each other's secrets and this has caused a stalemate thus far, but you are concerned that your ex-paramour may interfere in your affairs at some time in the future. You see everything as an omen or a sign from God, devils and angels are everywhere, and you just can't read the Good Book too many times. Indeed, your Mentors contacts may actually approach you at some point offering aid. (PGS). This is only a small area, one easily hidden, such as a patch of skin on your shoulder. Efficient Digestion You are able to draw more than the usual amount of nourishment from blood. Even if she was already blood bound to another, she now has the unenviable position of being regnant to two vampires at once. You may make yourself more sensitive to them through ascetic practice, but you can never consciously induce a vision. (CB:S). This can be dangerous for aggravated wounds. Oracular Ability You see signs and omens in everyday life. (CB:Tz! The Guide contains completely revised rules for each Merit and Flaw and new Characteristic effects created for your Vampire games (any V20 scenario). (GFA), Anachronism (Mortal)This Flaw reads exactly the same as the Mortal Society flaw for Vampires, however, its point value is diminished because it has limited effect. (CB:Gio1), Irretractable Fangs The character is unable to retract his fangs. In any case, this pack member tries to get others to side against you, and he tries to ruin every positive thing you accomplish for yourself or for the pack. Opponents must score two more successes than normal to grapple you, and your difficulty to soak fire damage is reduced by one. Generally speaking, you're a szlachta, and most modifications necessitate the purchase of the Flow: Monstrous (The Vampire Players Guide, p.19). NOTE: You may not take a Family Allegiance with the Tsurara or Ravnos families. The number of points spent determines the scope of the variation, which must be specific, approved by the Storyteller, and defined when the merit is chosen. Although youre not immune to being blood bound (and cannot take the Merit: Unbondable), if you do become bound to someone, your regnant also becomes blood bound to you to an equal extent. It may not affect all of them all the time, but it does so regularly. Your soak Dice Pool is reduced by one, and if you are jarred or hit violently (more than three successes after soak) you must make a Stamina roll (difficulty 6). A character can not take this merit more than once. Instead, your aura reflects some deeper aspect of your Nature or personality. This is a generic list: no merit or flaw specific only to one character type is listed, although some originally intended for one type of character have been expanded for more general use. (PGS), Pack Rival You have an intense rivalry with a member of your pack. Yet, for reasons unknown, a simple touch from you is enough to illict the same effect. You also receive a +1 to the difficulty level of any checks made when attempting to influence such Kindred. The character will be able to touch and see him if in the Underworld, but in the Skinlands only the wraith will be able to contact the character unless the character has rituals or powers that allows her to see and interact with the Shadowlands from the Skinlands. In the case of sidhe kinain, this Flaw is the same as the Sidhe's Curse from the Player's Guide. (INQ). In besting this individual, yougo to the extremes, and he behaves similarly towards you. Gift of Proteus This merit allows the vampire to "fine-tune" the shapes achieved by the Protean Discipline. It's more likely that the Garou consider a ghoul Kinfolk to be a serious threat. randomize. The Merits from Prime 5.1 have been included for convenience. Among the forms traditionally ascribed to Vampires were those of cats, crows, black dogs, wolves, toads, and bats. You may purchase as many modifications as you can afford, but your social abilities are probably doomed. Though he does not confront you directly, he works to thwart your plans whenever possible - destroying family ties or angering other mulo against you - waiting for the night when you are no longer able to defend yourself against him. Although they will never allow you to bring any vampire "friends" into their territory (and may well use lethal means to enforce their privacy), they have an interest in your well-being and give you aid so long as this doesn't compromise their principles. (CB:Tor1), Faint Reflection (LaSombra) You have a reflection if faint one. (CB:Tor1), Scales (1 - 3 Flaw) During your Embrace, a portion of your skin became scales. These creatures crawl and hide among the creases and folds of your skin despite your best efforts to remove them. (INQ) Recommended: Ghouls, Disease Carrier Your blood contains a disease that affects the mortals upon whom you feed. (NOS). Symbol IndependenceThe use of True Faith against a supernatural creature typically requires use of a holy symbol. As a rule, the Tzimiscse make sufficient cosmetic alterations to ruin the looks of all their battle-ghouls, even those whose modiciations ar enot in and of themselves hidesous. The Storyteller will determine why your domitor is so despised; you are welcome to offer suggestions, but the Storyteller is under no obligation to tell you the cause of such antipathy. The Valuable Secret should be created and given by the Storyteller. Although she sometimes asks favors of you, you are most definitely in control of the relationship, as it is right for a sire to be. You must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 6) to enter another being's dwelling without being invited (though you will go to fiendishly clever lengths to garner an unwitting invitation). (CB:Gio1), Strong Blood The character's blood is especially potent. If you shed enough limbs, you can escape nearly any bonds, though it is hard to flee the scene of captivity when one has no legs Nosferatu with this Merit often use it for practical jokes (Let's shake on it) (CB: NOS1), Long Fingers Your fingers are unnaturally long and spidery. Unless otherwise stated, those without a dot rating usually vary between 1-5 dots. Should the information ever be revealed, other elders may well refuse you aid, shun you or, even worse, turn against you, perhaps even calling a Blood Hunt. (DSBH). Work with your Storyteller to create a good reason for this effect, and how it developed. These modifications are permanent unless shaped away by further Vicissitude. (CB:G1), Vulnerability to Silver (Vampire) You suffer aggravated wounds from silver, just like a werewolf. The servants, if he has any, are provided for if you choose this Merit. The more inhabited it appears to be, the more attention it will garner. This affinity enables you to ignore one die of wound penalties. Not all Caitiff sired by Nosferatu have this flaw; nobody knows why some do and some don't. Merits and Flaws - VTM Wiki Merits and Flaws For other Advantages see Loresheets or Coterie Backgrounds and Merits . A list should be kept somewhere on the character shee to record how many rerolls have been made. Once the sign has been seen, it must be interpreted. The most powerful enemies (Masters or elder vampires) would be five point Flaws, while someone nearer to your own power would be worth only one point. It requires a Perception + Alertness roll (difficulty 8) to notice the slight taste of your blood. You may ask for her help in times of need, but she may not always be able to help. You have a scaled, lipless face. Should you refrain from action, the Storyteller is within his rights to deduct temporary Willpower from your character until such time as you pursue your vengeance once more. In the case of any discrepancies, your character will use the version that is specific to his venue. Vampire Merits & Flaws. You want to do everything now, and the Devil take the hindmost. However, the ghoul might also get jealous of any relationship you have with others. While you cannot derive any nourishment from eating regular foods, this ability will serve you well in maintaining the Masquerade. Castle The character owns a castle with at least 50 rooms and maybe as many as 500. She would do almost anything to aid you, and you trust her as you do no other among the Kindred. This prestige could greatly aid you when dealing with elders acquainted with your Mentor. by: Kessai for Sanguinus Curae. You reduce the difficulty of any frenzy roll involving the sight, scent or taste of blood by one. "Decrepitude" and "Hemetic" didn't make it into V20. In any case, this pack member tries to get others to side against you, and he tries to ruin every positive thing you accomplish for yourself or for the pack. Pain Tolerance (2 pt Physical Merit) Maybe you've deadened your nerves through Vicissitude. (ELY), Faerie Hatred The character is hated by the Fae. The Storyteller may do this a number of times per story equal to the number of points taken in this Flaw. (GFA). (INQ), Extremist Group The character has both Influence over and Contacts within an extremist group of some sort. Each time the character achieves goals relating to his obsession, he may make a Willpower roll (difficulty 7) to see if he can let the obsession rest for the remainder of the night. (ELY), Disgraced (Banu Haqim) You broke the laws of the Khabar at some point during your training, and though you have since prevent yourself from being destroyed on the spot, and to be grudgingly accepted as a rafiq, your name still bears the stain of your misdeed. It is considered less prestigious, less trustworthy, or ineffective. (CB:Tor1), Bastard Childe You have sired one or more childer without the permission of the local prince or Justicar. You must also subtract 1-die from all Social Dice Pools that involve subtlety or sophistication. The trustees and important officials serve his interests. (Players Guide to High Clans Pg204]), Accepted Ally You have a useful connection in the mortal world, a connection of value even to Sabbat leaders. Rising Star Youre one of the up and comers in your city, a rising star in the Camarillas firmament. This is a list of Merits and Flaws in the Storyteller System used by the Classic World of Darkness and other game lines. Although not all members of elder Kindred society know of your terrible flaw, at least some elders of import are aware of it. Whatever the cause, you are sex incarnate. Other reasons why you might be Beholden include: someone has dirt on you; you borrowed money from them; they did you a favor; they saved the life of someone important to you; they kept you (or a loved one) from suffering some horrible fate. Maybe you're a tough bastard. The culture shock is very jarring; and you still find it difficult to make your way in this strange new environment. The limbs may be regrown normally. (CB:Tor1), Ruse of the Wolf's Clothing In animal form only, the vampire still smells alive, even to the super-sensitive nostrils of the Lupines. He still attempts to play on your sympathies for old times sake while working against you. The bugs may travel up to 20 feet from you to sting and distract your foes. This geas may be a family curse or duty that you have inherited, or it may have been imposed on you by a changeling using the Sovereign Art. (INQ), Holdings ( 1 - 5 Merit) You own a number of properties that have been in your possession for years. Of course, your kin do not want you to be a ghoul forever, as they would like you to return to their society and raise a family of your own. This Merit should not be abused by allowing a relatively weak character to choose a powerful one, unless this is approved by the Storyteller. (SET), Refined You are a member of the elite.

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