the loud house fanfiction lincoln broken arm

Lincoln:Dont worry, Odine, I have move that will guarantee a won! Lincoln: Good. Odine goes to a desk next to Lincoln and his friends. Lincoln: What? We go inside and we see Lincoln Loud in an anime-esque style, reading a manga .) Linka: (facepalms)I didnt mean literally. Odine:Wow, I guess I was wrong about your sisters. Lori: Wait, theres 22 of us, How are we gonna fit in vanzilla? (Once she reached her finger to Leon's nose, Leon bite her finger. My fears have all faded, my walls have fallen down As Odine eats her food, she looks at Lincoln and stares at his white hair and she sees him wave his hair back. Lynn Sr. :So girls, did pick up-(gasps) Lincoln! Odine peeks into Lori and Lenis room and sees Lincoln is modeling for Leni, who accidentally pokes him with the needle. He quickly changed his clothes for school,He quickly brushed He quickly ate breakfast, and cleaned his bed. You're not supposed to bite people! View source. Now Ill have plenty of money for us to go anywhere We want. Odine:Dont worry, Ill find another place where they cant find us. (walks out of the room). Just us, at the park, with the nice sunlight, the nice breeze, and a nice view of the pond? Lincoln:Sorry, My twins locked up for running and lying. - Loud House What If? With this watch, we can discover different versions of technology, architecture, (Everyone get up and they become excited about different versions of themselves.). (rummages through her pocket and picks out a gross wad with a bunch of stuff stuck to it.) Lincoln goes to his room but Lori grasps his shoulder and he turns around to face her and the rest of the sisters. Linka: And this is the extra large, extra cheese and pepperoni. So am I! Say you wanna go rock out in the garage? Three of their snacks, desserts and lunches but then We cut to a Bully taking a kids cookies. Lincoln: Wow, I have a friend named Clyde McBride! (stomach growls) Im hungry. Lincoln:But what are we doing all the way out here? Linka: You know, Lincoln and his sisters seem like a nice family. For his clothing attire, he wears black checkered pants, as well as a blue vest with a purple t-shirt with a skull on it underneath, which is similar to Luna's. (The siblings make various cheerful exclamations, from which can be heard "Yes!" Lincoln and his Sisters except Lily: Bye guys! Odine and Lincoln run away from the sisters and then the sisters chase them through out the forest. Luan: Yeah, It couldn't get any cheddar than this. Lynn Sr. :Well, Im glad your excited to stay with us.In fact, Im gonna make a special dinner tonight. He started to get nervous.). Lexx: Tell me about it. Linka: Yeah! Lynn looks like the other Lynn. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Odine:Meine Gte, We have so much in common! (takes another bite), (Girl Lynn then stuffs her face with a handful of fries, and then she sips her soda. (Lori and Loki posed with their golfs and Lori took the picture. (It cuts to the siblings except Lilly and Leon, eating ice cream. Lisa looked at her watch and gasp.). They could never interrupted that. Its not what it looks like! Who's got any plans for the summer? (The Loud siblings jump in the portal, leaving their dimension.). Lane: Why, thank you, I like your flower as well. Linka: Dont worry about paying for it guys, (pulls out a piece of paper)Ive got a free Ice cream coupon. (The sisters and brothers gasp and the scene remains in an uncomfortable silence until Lincoln and Linka look each and glare and then his sisters glare at their counterparts and then their Counterparts glare back at them. I thought if I did all this, youd feel the same way about me as I felt the same way about you. Lynn:Oh, Youre going down, Stinkoln! Odine then wakes up and taps Lincoln on his shoulder. Linka: Heck Yeah! Well, for my only sister, she is kind, caring, master of all plans and also makes a great Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich. Great. Rita:(mad) What took you so long? Lana: Yeah, probably not better out Ice cream. I mean He was a nice kid but I thought He was getting more attention from Dads but it turned out to be a big misunderstanding. Loud Boys and Girls except Lily and Leon: Really? We cut back to Lincoln and Odine dancing and She hears his phone, so she reaches in his pocket, takes it out and sees an image of Lori, so she declines and puts it back in his pocket. I'm a real Rockstar! Unlike his female counterpart, is missing his canines instead of his incisors. (The van drives across Royal Woods and All 22 kids look satisfied). (Lisa push the button and the watch shoots out with blue beam and it opens to reveal the blue swirling that is the gateway to another dimension, her sisters were amazed.). It's now the evening, and the siblings sans Lincoln and Linka, are gathered on the couch, watching the Dream Boat). Won Five games without breaking a sweat! We have to get going! He smiled.). the Great Outdoors! Lisa:(gasp)We both have parallel versions of our best friends! Lynn Sr. :Theyve been at the park for eight hours, What are they doing over there? Like I said when you live 10 siblings, you gotta have some thick skin. We cut to all the kids lined up and Lincoln holding his bowling ball and Odine gaze at Lincoln with pure optimism. Leon was on top of his brothers. Lincoln:No problem, Anything for my Foreign Friend.So, do you have any siblings back in your country? As for my other stories, I'm working on them. We cut to bowling alleys arcade and we see Lincoln and Odine playing Muscle Fish: the arcade game. As you may not know I am the middle of 10 sisters. We cut to the morning where Odine is in the kitchen, calling someone on the phone. The ride starts and everyone on it gets green around the gills and Lincoln and Linka throw up and get hit by their own vomit. Lincoln grabs a comic and starts reading but Odine becomes more than that Lincoln is just taking what his sisters are doing to him and she feels that hes not standing up for himself . Lincoln:Oh, you must be hungry. Loris team were having burgers, pretzels and soda and Lincolns team were having hot dogs and nachos. Odine really lights up when she sees Lincoln putting a bimb on Lily and pats her on head, which causes her to giggles. Lexx: Since about 4 years ago, I earned some awards and ribbons! The Loud sisters and the parents rushed to the front and Lincoln brings in Odine. We cut to back to the living room with Odine thinking. Thats Bobbys favorite restaurant and thats where me and him went for our first date. Odine:(whispers)I got it! Leni:Thanks for letting me sit next to you, Linky. Lincoln walked over Linka.). I made some mud pies! Lori:(giggling)Okay, Okay, come on, girls lets-, Odine:No! (Linka opens up her drawer, revealing many comic issues of a certain superhero Lincoln likes.). You know better. Food! Lisa: Sweet Einstein! Lincoln: Face it, Lisa, there are no other versions of us and there never will be, no way no ho-(hears a gasp) Huh? Lincoln Loud Original Loud Character (s) (The Loud House) Psychological Horror Survival Lovecraftian Lovecraftian Monster (s) Lovecraftian gods Romance Angst Descent into Madness horror and fantasy Alternate Universe Loudcest (The Loud House) Lucycoln - Freeform cosmic horror Zach, Congo is a country, not a dance.Lincoln, your test was excellent. Leni: Cause in our dimension, girls get to choose handsome boys. Levi: Yes, indeed. Odine:Great! Lincoln: Man, Theres like noshin pizza with my sisters and counterparts? For clothing, he wears brown shoes, white socks, a white, short-sleeved, button-up shirt, a pink bow tie, and yellow plaid shorts that held up by red suspenders. We cut to Lincoln and Odine going downstair and they go to the couch. Very funny, Girls! Today is the last day of school. Lori: No problem, Try to go easy on your girlfriend. Lars: And the only that knows my secret is my sister, Linka. I got this. If they get one more strike, We lose! Leif: Okay, Forget Mud throwing! Finally puts down two sandwiches. Plot Summary:Lincoln gets a new classmate who has a crush on him and so sees him as a saint and berates the sisters for being "mean" to him. Lisa: Perhaps you had a subconscious link to this earth. Unlike Lola, the 6 six year old boy doesn't dress like a princess, instead he seems to dress like a king or prince. Lincoln returns the embrace as Lincoln was hugging the kid, Odine feels enchanted from seeing do another nice for another student. I dont really have that many friends either, so thats why I decided to signed up for this program, so I can make a few friends. (walks off). Lincoln:Yeah, I did but Odine, the point is Im not perfect, none of us are. Odine:(teeth clenched)Lincoln, I really this should have been just the two-. Odine is amazed by the look of Lincolns room. *Lisa and Levi are in the Shake Lab, making milkshakes and experiment with different flavours. We cut to the next day where Odine is talking to Rita in the living rooom. Dankeschn! Lana:Yeah, I came here to see my fish friends. : I think he wants one person to jump to see if its safe . During their squabble, Lincoln flies out, and hits the table. You like seafood? Wasting everyone's time. While they were eating, Odine take sip of her soda and looks back at the monitor for their team and they have 201 points while Loris team has 205.Odine crushes her soda in her hand in fury, and licks the soda on her face. Unlike his female counterpart, his blonde hair isn't styled into pigtails. Luan and the people in the cinema laugh while Lincoln blushes and forms an embarrassed smile. They both finish their cups. Agnes: That sounds Intresesting Penelope. Linka:Yep, He and sister moved away to Great Lakes City but We're able to keep in touch. Lucy: No problem,(whispers)and Don't Worry your secret's safe with me. Lynn(Boy): Yeah, Im number zero and for me, Zero means Hero! : (angry) No excuses, Son! Lincoln:Oh, she visits a family, named fishmans. (pulls a cassette tap out of her pocket)Yknow I got a mix of Mick Swaggers best hits! Linka: Well, since I'm the only girl in this house, I gotta put some rules in place. As opposed to his female counterpart missing her incisors and he's is missing his canines. Rusty:Well, I know its gonna be different for you, dude. Unlike Luna, who has a pixie cut, Luke's brunette hair is styled into a faux hawk. ), (The TV shows a blonde nurse, letting her hair blow in the wind), (Lincoln and Linka come back to living room with muffin tins). Lincoln:Oh, those things. *Girl Lynn, Boy Lynn, Lana and Leif bumping each other on the bumper cows. Luan: Oh, I have a crush named Benny. ), (Then moments later, Luna and Luke are seen sitting in metal chairs and looking on their phones.). Im not gonna let bully him anymore. Lincoln:Sorry, Odine ,Were gonna have some TV tomorrow. See your fish friends and go. Girl Jordon:I cant get this stupid gum of my hair. The Twins examine Lincoln and Lana grabs his palms and they feels wet. (Lincoln quickly runs for his life, but nine boys dog pile on Lincoln, Girl Lynn joined them as well.). The Squirrel eats the acorn and scurries away and goes to back up to his tree and Odine dreamily sighs. Loki! Lisa: Well I'm glad you appreciate it, my eldest brother. Lori:Date? Liam:Hey Stella, How about tradin me that there Sloppy Joe for my Chili Dog? ), Lynn(Boy): (snickers) that was weak! Lisa:Theyre in the woods near the North Valley B&B, Lori:I dont know but theyre unaware that they were supposed to be home hours ago. Authors note:This is a deconstruction fic of the St.Lincoln trope. (looks at the clock on his wall) And is that Muskel fisch clock?! It was quiet. Lincoln: You know, this kind of reminds me. There's always room for one more, Come on! Lincoln: Hold it, remember I told you guys about the dream I have from the other night? In contrast to Lola's tiara, he wears a yellow crown with an emerald in it. Rape is a, very heavy word. Ill go call him down. Lisa:No, Lincoln said specifically Were going bowling. You know We were just teasing you, right. Is it all girly stuff with you? Lincoln pulls out pair of scissors from his back pack and goes to Girl Jordon then He cuts the piece of gum out of her hair and throws it in the garbage. Rita: Sweetie, are you okay?! (The Two dirty twins begin wrestling, laughing and giggling all the while. (Lori showed her phone to Loki that he looked at the photo of Bobby and herself. Lincoln:I think you already did, Me and my friends already like you. (they both armpit fart for the entire table, causing everyone at table to laugh), Loki: Pretty good, but nothing beats the real thing. Im great bowling and I always get strikes. Another win for me! Say hi to your pets for me. She stumbles upon a forest near the North Valley B&B. (Everyone takes a slice at the same time and they each eat their own slice.). Who is your best friend? We see they took their shoes because they got uncomfortable after a while. They just dont get it. Lincoln:(starts sweating)I wasnt running, I wasjust.walkingfast(laughs nervously). So We convinced mom and dad to give you a second chance and to let you continue your time in the Student Exchange Program. So help yourself. Who said I was saint? Well those stories arent really what they seem. First born, first serve. Odine lays down the picnic blanket and then she puts down large glasses and pours sodas in the glasses. Lana:No way, nothing beats classic PB&J, well except a Rueben but Sauerkraut just makes the sandwich tastes sour. Loki: Hey guys, Mom is held up at the restaurant and Dad is working overtime at the dentist's office. Lincoln: Well, look at them. Lincoln:(gives the squirrel the acorn)Here you go, buddy. Is anything broken?! Loni puts on a blue shirt and shows Leni.). ), (Suddenly, they heard a beeping sound. They all roll their eyes. Did you just say "rabbit's foot"? the siblings cease their fighting and all of them except Lincoln zip to the dining room while Lincoln falls off the counch. (As Lincoln walks to his desk some of the class quietly laugh at him again. (runs to the kitchen). The siblings plays some games and then Leni and Odine playing a Dance Dance Revolution!, Odine plays Ski ball with Lynn and then she plays air hockey with Luan. Lincoln: Huh, I guess that does make sensekinda. Lincoln: Wow, these burgers taste just like the burgers in our dimension. Then, they see the parents walk into the Living room with Lori Lynn Sr: Kids, me and your mom- Lisa: Actually, it's your mom and I Lynn Sr: Uh..right. Odine and the sisters:(they stop fighting)LINCOLN! Odine stands up and starts dancing slowly then she walks towards Lincoln. Lincoln:(blushes) Odine, I-(Odine covers his mouth with fingers), Odine:Shhh(dips Lincoln)Just let your lips do the talking. Sure I fight with them from time to time and they tease me but sometimes I can be pretty assertive and I won't them pick on anyone other than me. Lincoln also had a cast around his ankle. Reininger's! Lori: Sorry, Linc. (gives 2 packs). Odine:Wow, Lincoln, I didnt know they were this caring. (She walks to the kitchen). Fanfiction: Lincoln's Farewell - The Loud House Encyclopedia Liam, Good. Lincoln: Well, I guess it's just you and me now. Even Chandler), Chandler:(mean)(chuckles) (whisper) Oh look it's Lover Boy! Loki:See theres plenty of room for everyone. ). Everyone:Come on down to Burpin' Burger / Grade B Beef and special spice / When it comes back up, it's twice as nice! Lincoln:No offense, Clyde but thats kind of average. (Pats him on the head). Luan get him a pillow! Loki:(sucks on each of his fingers)Burpin' Burger was delicious. Odine:Awww, We didnt get to watch anything. Lincoln:(in his head)Oh man is really happening?! Lincoln:I guess the boys have rubbed off on them. Lisa: Ah, Lincoln. Cut to an exterior shot of the house as time passes and back inside with Lincoln finishing explaining to the parents what happened today. Lana: Ha ha, that's funny! They drive off and they arrive at the first park and they dont see any sign of Lincoln and Odine. (No this is not a joke; if you haven't heard of this place, watch the show again or look it up), Author's Note: What's happening now? Peanut Butter and Sauerkraut, bleh! Lynn(Girl): Thanks, (lifts up her foot and takes off her shoe)It's thanks to my lucky socks. We cut to Lincoln coming out of the bathroom, rubbing his face with a towel. Time for Mud Wrestling! Where do you think he ran off to? ), (Lola pours some tea in Lexxs teacup and they both took sips.). (The sisters talk each other, saying that theyre started understand. Lori: What?! Lincoln and Linka: Who wants strawberry muffins? Lincoln grumbles and sits and waits for his 10 minutes to be up.We cut to Odine reading a comic but she was bored because Lincoln is taking too long, However Lincoln arrive to his room. Lucy: Wicked. One big Family 37 parts Ongoing Lincoln: Me? from Lana, "Seriously?!" The siblings go back into vanzilla and they drive off. Odine:(whispers and crosses)Dont say Lincoln, Dont say Lincoln. He tries to kill hims. Loki: (laughs)That happened to Linka too. Now look what you got your sisters into. Fanfiction: Worlds Loudest Part 2 | The Loud House Fanon Wikia | Fandom The Mick Swagger concert is way more awesome than that. ), (Both of the babies giggled, while Lisa talks to Levi.). (gets up from table), Luan: Yeah, We will see ya real soon. Roughly eight hours later, around 6:30 p.m. and Rita and Lynn Sr. are worried. Easliy Broken - FB54300 - Wattpad What if Lana was in Lynn's role in Space Invader? He blushes real hard as he starts get more annoyed from all of those in the classroom minus Ronnie Anne and Clyde that are still making fun of him after what took place during that night. Nor robbery, drug use or domestic abuse. *Leni and Loni are in Calf-Price Gift Shop. *Lori and Loki are playing Spray The Cookies, Loki wins and cheers with pride. Lincoln: Wow, I loved Ace Savvy since I was little too. Lincoln:Let me get that for you before you fall. Me and my sisters often do things together. (It cuts to the van pulling into the driveway of the Loud brothers Loud House. Lincoln:Its okay, Odine. Author's note :This is a deconstruction fic of the St.Lincoln trope. Lynn(Boy): Yeah I do! Lori:Well, you did make up for all of those things. Lincoln: Awesome! Loki: And since theyre gonna be coming home late, you what that means. from Girl Lynn. Then before he could blink, two pizzas fall off the table.). (gets up from table). One of our Kids Eat Free coupons. Linka: Yeah, Us counterparts have to take turns. Isn't he a breath of fresh hare? Lincoln: (voice-over )Hello, my name is Lincoln Loud. But Im sure hell get there. Ive been fan of the series since I was little. (Both fancy twins continue drinking their tea. Odine:(puts her finger on her mouth)Shhh Its Okay, Dont worry, Im here. Lori:(sighs)Fine, you can come and if hes not at the park, Well use the tracker. Lincoln is seen, reading his comic and then Odine barges in. Loni: Yeah, I'm sure we will meet again someday. Odine:Wow, that was so nice of him(sighs in dreamily), We transition to Lincoln and his friends trading lunches, snacks and desserts. Lana: Yeah, but Ill wash my hands after I eat. Zach:Okay, trade you.some tater tots for some of those onion rings. ), (Lucy and Lars went upstairs to his and Lynn's room.). Lincoln:(to the audience)Huh, Kind of reminds of the praise I got in my dream. Odine takes out her phone and a speaker, she connects the phone to the speaker and she plays romantic music. Leni:(holding Lily)I even brought down Lily. What even gave you that idea? Rita:I dont know. It's real. Odine:Yes, all youve been doing is messing with this beautiful little saint when he's done nothing wrong! Odine scowls but then she immediately turns her attention back to Lincoln, who start running back to alley. ), (Loki pays the pizza delivery guy and by time Loki closed the door, He was confused.). I was influenced by Slice of Life, A Tale of Two Tables, A Tattlers Tale, Snow Way Out and Any Given Sundae. The rabbits foot that Leif has, is an Easter egg from White Hare. Lola:If We saw you crying or had anything broken We would have tone down the teasing. The plot is simple: In an alternate Royal Woods, Michigan, the Loud family have a surprisingly. Just in time for my latest creation. Odine:(pulls out a blindfold)But first put on this blindfold, its what we do in my country when were about to go our surprise. Lincoln:Good.Come on Odine, Lets get you suitated. Odine: Oh well, okay. Luan:You really spared us the trouble!(laughs). I pickLeni, Luan, Lynn, Lola and. LynnSr. It cuts to Lana and Leif walking together, then they spot gum on the ground, the dirty twins rush to it but Lori and Loki stand in their way and both wag their fingers, telling not to pick it up, Lana and Leif cross their arms and roll their eyes. Lori then looked her counterpart texting on his phone.). Lori typed in #GOLFERS!. They all go to their respective lanes and they start to bowling. Were can mean two or more people. Lincoln: Well, almost. Odine sadly parts off, as the siblings look on with sadness. (Luke and Sam hold hands and they run towards the audience. Odine gets many strikes and Lincoln gets many spares but then he gets a lot of seven ten splits, Odine becomes completely that her crush didnt get any strikes while Lynn got alot and she does multiple victory dance whether be pelvic thrusts, shaking her butt or doing the worm.

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