prayer points on launch into the deep

Simon Peter that the Lord said, You think you have got something? You remember the story of that woman who said, Well, they said, if I come to the convention and you pray for me I will have children and you prayed for me and nothing happened and I was going to pray again and God said, ask her, How many boyfriends do you have beside the husband? Depth in prayer is a measure of intimacy with God. If so, please leave a comment below. God told Peter to launch into the deep so He can [perform a miracle there. If you want to include some six boyfriends only, if you get any child that one will not be from my God it will be from the devil. Im going to dance more! The Bible said, God looked down from heaven and said to that woman: No child! A primary verb; to speak or say. Even a few minutes a day in the Word of God will add strength and authority to your prayers in 2023. And one of the reasons why God is attracted towards them is that when they pray, their prayers are sincere prayers. He couldnt make it 3 boys and 1 girl! ), My Father and my God, I know that this is going to be an extraordinary night and I just want to thank you in advance, but meanwhile O Lord, I just want to thank You for the last Convention. This comes simply out of the complete reliance upon Him to meet our every need and guide us in our way. Be a worshipper! Saul said, Oh, I am very famous with the people, I dont want to annoy them thats why I disobeyed you Samuel. There are people who pray and are not ready to hear from God, because they have set themselves as authorities in certain fields. But God is three distinct persons in One: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Those of you at my left, youll be ministered to at the extreme left. I have joy like a river, in Jesus ' name. Remember one of the promises of God at the beginning of this year is that the fate of certain nations will be sealed this year. Only who? On the behalf of Christ Himself, Peter would call people to their Saviour. The Lord said theres a woman here tonight; because of what Im going to do in your life, more than ten thousand souls will be saved! Thank You for the Holy Ghost. I was trying to see if He can increase the number but He said six, thats what He has in mind. In Mk. From the base of chasma; to lower. That boy came from a barren womb. (Amen!) Earn your bachelor's degree in Biblical Studies from WCBC Online. We worship You, we adore You, we magnify Your Holy Name! Now brethren the rest of us lets begin to thank God, lets begin to rejoice, even on behalf of these people who are coming now! My name is Mrs. Abimbola Fashida from Ondo State. Fire of God, fight for me in every area of my life, in Jesus name. God bless you lets be seated. (Amen!) Thank You! Not so many launch out at His word. The story is in 2 Samuel 6:20-23 David was worshipping God. Revelation in prayer is all related to what the Lord has said. Thank You Father! Let our weeping end and let our joy begin to the glory of Your Name! If you wait till the morning light and you look in that direction you will see that we are clearing about 6 square km of land for that program! Let somebody shout Alleluia! The focus in deep prayer is God, and through Christ Jesus we come into the presence of the Father.In deep prayer we hear Gods voice. For this I say, thank You LORD, in Jesus name. When you read Psalm 40:1- 3 it said, I waited patiently on the Lord and He heard me. Let it be well with all Commissioners. God is heard in deep and sincere prayer. Daddy said, I should stop preaching Glory be to God! The Lord knows our limitations. I said, You will have to look for another General Overseer! Heb. Dont you? I hope they will encourage you to make 2023 a year of prayer. When the only answer to a problem is dependence on God, we tend to listen to Him more closely and spend time with Him more often. I said, I wanted to see the doctor. [2] He noticed two empty boats at the waters edge, for the fishermen had left them and were washing their nets. Many of my friends who are Pastors have asked me: Tell us your secret, tell us! Ive even seen some people who have said, Tell us what you buried on the altar! I even know a relative of mine who said hes a Pastor. It's Time to Launch Out into the Deep - FrAnthony If I remember to pray this promise first, my prayer time is amazing. Let it be well with all our Obas. Father I come to you in the name of Jesus, forgive me all my sins, Lord Jesus come into my life and take absolute control in Jesus name I pray. Thank You for providing for me. They take children as precious things. 3 And he entered into one of the ships, which was Simon's, and prayed him that he would thrust out a little from the land. And when the big problems come, we try everything we can to solve the problem before we think to pray. Oh yes Lord let every form of barrenness in my life and in the lives of these your children, vanish tonight! Increased Intercession, entering into his courts with thanksgiving and praise. (Amen!) I'm talking of those of them who want to have children because some of them don't want to have children. They brought five loaves of fish and two fish to Jesus. This message is based on a story in Luke 5: 1 . I love Luke 5:16 because it shows that just like you and me, Jesus needed a break from the demands of his busy life to recharge his batteries and spend time with his Heavenly Father. Thank you for answered prayers. Come and surrender your life to Him. Let somebody shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!) (Amen!) Restrain, quit, desist, come to an end. Tell your neighbour: My blessing is greater than yours! Physically, materially, spiritually, in all areas of life? Be a worshipper! When Christ saw a need, He acted. Thank You Father! Thank You because Your power is here. When we read the Word we come to learn that the Holy Spirit prays for us and also teaches , and reveals to us the Mind of God ,and what His will is in our lives. Intercessory Prayer Points For Sunday Church Service Let somebody shout Alleluia! Thank you very much Jamie for the word of encouragement and reminding us on how to pray. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Father, save their souls. There is no shortage of souls that need Christthe sea is wide open and ready. Because of our long wait 1 And it came to pass, that, as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God, he stood by the lake of Gennesaret, 2 And saw two ships standing by the lake: but the fishermen were gone out of them, and were washing their nets. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving. Jesus finished His message and turned once again to Peter. Powerful prayer Jamie. Thank You Lord! Failure will become success tonight. Christians who set out for the deep but then lose their forward momentum for Christ become confused in their walk with God. Oh. God is deep! God is heard in deep and sincere prayer. If they say, Praise the Lord! Your Alleluia will be different. been toiling but He wants you to continue to trust in Him. (Alleluia!) In the name of Jesus, I break the power of evil magnetism and negative aura. During this first session only those who are trusting God for the fruit of the womb will be ministered to. But when you do begin to pray on purpose, start out by giving thanks. Come on let me hear you shout Alleluia! Now before I bless the offering the following people should come quickly and share their testimonies in two-two minutes. Accept our thanks in Jesus Name! I loved to listen to her pray because for every need or situation, she would claim a scripture of promise. 31 days of supernatural encounters (series index here), partnership details and products available for sale here, Prayer To Find a Husband or Wife (with PDF Prayer Guide), 21 Days of Breakthrough Prayer: Angelic Assistance, 5 Ways To Protect Gods Favor On Your Life, Thank You, Father, for the house Im sitting in., Thank You for the carpet under my feet., Thank You for these Bible study supplies sitting on the desk in front of me.. Thank You for those that were healed. BECAUSE I WASNT ASKING HOLY SPIRIT INTO MY PRAYERS. (Special HGS for those trusting God for the fruit of the Womb and for fruitfulness in all spheres of life), Thank You! ?? if Im upset about somethingthen I know I need to give thanks anyway, and do so purposefully. 50:4). (Amen!) If you want to include some six boyfriends only, if you get any child that one will not be from my God it will be from the devil. Deep means reaching or advancing far down, for example, a deep dive. Praise the Lord! In the Garden of Gethsemane, only hours before Jesus crucifixion, he would once again pray, not my will, but yours be done. In a world where right and wrong are frequently confused and the future is so uncertain, it can be hard to know how to pray or what to ask for when difficult circumstances arise. Does this word encourage your heart today? (Alleluia!) -father give me the grace to forget the former things and not dwell on the past (Isaiah 43:18) -Do a new thing in my life Lord and let it spring forth (Isaiah 43:19) -lord make a way where there seems to be no way (Isaiah 43:16, 19) Source: 10,000! Give me a son and Youve got Your prophet!. Amen! If He asks you to sit down and do nothing, then sit down and do nothing. (Amen!) The Almighty God will go with you and I will see you on October 1st. But we need to learn, what must I do so that I dont lose the victory I have got tonight? God is deep! Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. We thank you for all these your children who have come forward tonight. (Amen!) Hes the One Im dancing for! Thats the only one who refuses to surrender his or her life to Jesus. And she said, Only six. Six only! (Alleluia!) And because He loves you thats why Hes asking for this special Holy Ghost Service - for your sake. If you believe that say Amen (Amen!). And I jumped for joy! Prayer Points On Finishing Strong - How Do You Finish Strong? (Amen!) Thank You! 6 And when they had this done, they inclosed a great multitude of fishes: and their net brake. God loves impossible odds. This side of my face was paralyzed. The Bible says in Psalm 118:24 This is the day that the Lord has made. Produce children! So shall it be for you in Jesus Name! How many children do you want the barren to bring forth, next year Convention?" Please pray for our friend she is a woman of God ,drawing many to Christ ,her world turned upside down an she needs to be back in the seat again where the Lord placed her, her miracle is there just needs pushing through. Barrigada, GU 96921 Summarize it please. And dont let them ever back slide in Jesus Name! Out in the deep water, we learn how to trust and how to pray. In Jesus mighty Name we have prayed! (Amen!) Theres plenty of money in the bank. Some people, the fish instead of swimming they will even begin to swim outside, Some fish will be swimming to the right, swimming to the left. What is chasing you that you have to go to Holy Ghost Service? If they have to clear the crowd a little, they have to do so; but create a little spot up there, all right. Let our miracles last forever. Answered prayers. (Alleluia!). My heart desire is to be a house of prayer. Lets look at a few points: Your Sister in Christ Let these children come unto me. Or that you cant seem to win any souls. just hold on with me in faith because I want at least 700 to have twins! Master, we have toiled all the night and have taken nothing.. I cancel my name, my family and Ministry from the death register, with the fire of God, in the name of Jesus. These Ekiti songs lets have them. for we pray in Jesus mighty Name! So Im sure that therell be many twins next year. So when they cry to God they cry from the bottom of their hearts. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; This Must Be Prayed for 3 Nights consecutively. Prayer Points To Launch Into A New Realm | PRAYER POINTS - prayerguide Theres someone here well hear this one but lets wait till next month. Depth in prayer is a measure of intimacy with God. Almost everyone has his or her own area of barrenness. All that the Lord requires from her, if she doesnt have money is one dove! To, towards, with. I will not be afraid of the arrow that flies by day or the terror that comes at night (Ps. Lets just listen to those three tonight. Luke 5 How many of you were blessed by the first sermon? Thats why the wife and the elders are also welcome anytime. Please bear in mind that being a Christian does not give you an automatic victory but doorway to the victory that has been won for you by Christ. By that time Ive lost 4 kilos so when I got to Murtala Mohammed I prayed that prayer and I went to meet my child. By the blood of Jesus, I receive cleansing from every deposit of rejection through sin. Actually barrenness means fruitless efforts. I cant say more than that right now. With statistics like these, is it any wonder that American Christians are stagnant and cold, with little spark of revival? BUT NOW I WILL BE. You will always find Abraham building an altar so he can worship God. And God loves. Genesis 12:7 and 8, Genesis 13:4, Genesis 13:18 and on and on. We worship You, we adore You, we magnify Your Holy Name! We shall rejoice and be glad in it. Theres somebody here who is going to begin to rejoice from now on. And I am sure you are already preparing for the Holy Ghost Festival of December - December 16-18. Then, workers please dont forget you are having your meeting here this morning at 5 oclock in preparation for the festival. Lets give the Lord a hand thats a big testimony! But if you want to surrender your life to Him and say, Lord, no more struggling, take over, become my Lord become my Saviour, I want to give my life to You. Come now, lets settle that one first and then we go to the next phase. Jesus House Eastern Shore is a mission ofThe Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG). Somebody once asked me. Probably from a primary verb diko; a seine. I want to (pray to)be better than before. Lord make me a house of prayer, beautiful words. There is a pattern I see repeated throughout Scripture: God often doesnt intervene until the task is humanly impossible. (Amen!) Now these barren who become fruitful they appreciate the fact that with God nothing shall be impossible. Praise the Lord! Yes sir!) (Amen!) (John 16:24) LORD, you are my strength and my song; you also have become my salvation. He is always present and ready to listen. When it felt like you were talking to yourself instead of talking to God, and you didnt go out changed at all? Simon, may I use your ship?. If we do it the way God said, we will all have testimonies. If Hes distributing 20,000 children, one way or the other, I know somebody will grab one! But tonight every form of barrenness will be dealt with by Jesus Christ (Amen!) May gratitude for His unspeakable gift compel us to likewise serve with humility. Thank God for Everything. I aid God! What a mighty God You are! Like in the case of Peter. What a wonderful night! Every evil on the way we cancel now in Jesus Name! (Amen!) He was the Son of God, but he did not use his divine authority. (Amen!) You want to retain your victory? They say, Yes, we are ready now to surrender to Jesus. Father receive them in Jesus Name! At thy wordit was the stake on which Peter hung his decision to launch out. I said, Daddy, you can see now, this auditorium is too small now, I mean there is nowhere for people to move. He said, But I already told you, very soon, a new auditorium, four times as big as this one How many of you want God to increase you? Luke 5:8-11 What a faithful God you are! Those of you directly in front of us, youll be ministered to in front here. Now when he had left speaking, he said to Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. We generally do what we want to do. And dont let them ever back slide in Jesus Name! No-one like You Daddy! --Advertisements--. The husband can even be a doctor; the wife could be a nurse. Instead, he used the authority of the Scriptures. You see, you need to understand something about God. (Amen!) (Amen!) And yet, one can try all night and catch nothing. God told Peter to launch into the deep so He can [perform a miracle there. The only way to do that is to become intimately familiar with the Bible. (Hosea 7:14)Avoid lip service. And because they appreciate children, they love them just as God loves them. (Amen!) If you want to retain your victory, you must be a worshipper you must live holy. ), Now, these people who had been barren before, when they finally get their children, they appreciate children more. The following are the intercessory prayer points for sunday church service with Bible verses. is a ministry of I encourage you to launch into the deep of prayer. Now before the final blessing and you are on your way, please remember to pray for Liberia, the enemy is trying to raise his ugly head again but the enemy will fail. Thats why the wife and the elders are also welcome anytime. Study the rest of all these people who were barren who became fruitful, they are worshippers. Praise God He always has an answer to very problem. Thank You because Your Word has gone out (Amen!) All donations are tax deductible in full or in part. But then what has Luke 5, this story about Peter, what has it got to do with the barren becoming fruitful plenty. But it is fruitful. Those of you directly in front of us, youll be ministered to in front here. Let it be well with all ministers. You are no more king. And I want you to do it very well I just want you to laugh! This one, Im going to dance, Im going to rejoice, Im going to worship Him! I am going to be worshipping Jesus Christ. (Alleluia!) Luke 5 How many of you were blessed by the first sermon? Praise Jesus! Every hindrance to my protection, be melted by the fire of God, in the name of Jesus. You are a good Father. (Hosea 7:14) Avoid lip service. Thank you so much for this beautiful article and wonderful words of encouragement on Prayer. Daddy said, among those who are considered barren today that by this time next year, six of them will have triplets! It is easiest to stay by the shore in shallow waters. His name means God will increase me. Im sure the counsellors are going to need the assistance of the deacons and deaconesses - please go there and help them. (Amen!) Then the same year, 1995, somebody met us again and said the same thing. Praise opens the gates of heaven and should always be part of our alone time with God. During this first session only those who are trusting God for the fruit of the womb will be ministered to. The fisherman could be an expert, his partner might be just wonderful but he still may not catch anything. My daughter said I shouldnt have reduced it. instructions or told us what we need to do, but we have refused to You may not understand Him. Peters boat wasnt freshly scoured. Praise the Lord! Remember Romans 11:33, it says, His ways are past finding out! You cant understand Him Hes too deep! He said I couldnt go that he would observe me for one year! Bless you for bringing this topic up. We will always bless Your Name. 3. It wasnt the result of throwing logic to the wind and following his inner dreams. (Amen!) Many of my friends who are Pastors have asked me: Tell us your secret, tell us! Ive even seen some people who have said, Tell us what you buried on the altar! I even know a relative of mine who said hes a Pastor. Many husbands will not go to work because many a time the enemy that is working against you is busy at night. Utter words. Jesus ministry didnt target the upper classthose who would cause Him the least discomfort. Thus says the Lord; from now on that is how you will laugh at your enemies. Lets hear from those three. We have access to His written Word, and we have the promises of His faithfulness to back us. (Amen!) If you wait till the morning light and you look in that direction you will see that we are clearing about 6 square km of land for that program! (Amen!) When she came our GO called women who are trusting God for the fruit of the womb she came out with the rest of the women and just as he said today, some people will receive triplets and my wife believed it, she wrote it in her notes and a month after we received message from our home that there was a problem with our marriage; that there was a curse ancestral curse upon our marriage. Of course, January 1998, toward the end my wife took in and fellow brethren in the church were laughing saying perhaps she' carrying triplets we don' know! And that year, it was during convention. Oh, its a pity Fela has gone, he will tell you haaa, heyeye, hohoho thats the song they sing in hell. I disgrace every witchcraft burial, in the name of Jesus. because many of them have been told by doctors, it is impossible. Perhaps our greatest obstacle in seeing the miraculous power of God is our own apathy. I had never heard of asking the Holy Spirit to pray for me like this. By this time my mouth has turned to the left. The One who reigns in Shekinah glory eheh! If God is involved, once God is in partnership with husband and wife producing children becomes as easy as ABC because Proverbs 10:22 it says it is the blessing of the Lord that maketh rich and addeth no sorrow. Study your Bible very well, you will never find a single evil report concerning Isaac. Because it takes somebody that God has brought out of the miry clay, somebody who had waited patiently on the Lord for a long time to sing a new song to God.

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