neptune square ascendant transit astrolada

Perhaps you romanticize your past, distant or recent, as more idyllic than it was. I have Neptune on the Ascendant in my natal chart, and I am currently in the middle of a Neptune square natal Neptune / Ascendant transit. This will likely prove another unsatisfactory experience. This is the time to spread your wings and explore imaginative new possibilities. Whichever part of our lives and of our psyches that Neptune touches, especially by hard transit, is an area where we may feel up in the air and confused in the initial stages of the transit. If your work involves communications, advertising, publishing, or languages, you are able to breathe new life into these channels with increased intuition and imagination. . You must let go of any personality traits that stand in the way of a spiritual union. Here is the story of my personal experiece! You may have felt like an alien during your childhood, but your childlike sense of wonder and faith is inspiring. Compassion, harmony, kindness, and openness are themes now. A general description of transiting Neptune excerpt from the Sky Log report: The planet Neptune is presently tinting and shading your biography, adding its dreamlike quality to the existential stew. This is especially so if a person perceives your confusion as dishonesty or suspicion. Welcome to Neptune Square Neptune. This can be a time to watch for overshooting. Be careful! Do you know how to determine the money potential in your birth chart? Increased sensitivity and openness to subtle and spiritual realities and spiritual guidance. By Corinne Lane 2 Comments. You may undergo a crisis of identity during the initial stages of this transit, and the experiences you have may lead you to a more refined understanding of yourself and the direction in which you want to head. But youll only lose situations, people or objects that were preventing you from freeing yourself. You may have a hard time drumming up the confidence to move forward. *You encounter people now who are very considerate, understanding and nonjudgmental. Your desires are tender and compassionate. Your self-image is being re-worked, and you are becoming more sensitive to a greater, perhaps more spiritual, sense of purpose. Neptune is urging you to become more refined with regards to your desire nature, anger management, and assertive tendencies. Planets in Transits: Life Cycles for Living by Robert Hand. Details can be glossed over in favor of the bigger picture, and you can find it hard to stick to systems or schedules. You will also begin to perceive the world more through your feelings under this spiritually enlightening transit. There is a feeling of a divine orchestration of events and the best place to put your trust is in the heavenly Providence as nothing in the tangible world is wholly reliable during a Neptune transit. Say yes to your silly desire to paint, or write poetry, or to use your imagination in creative ways that may be new to you. +The problems and responsibilities of life may be seen in a new light, as part of a larger drama you are living (almost like a dream). Its one of my big questions at this time, if I will/should pursue this physiotherapy path, but I guess I am on the path and should just follow where it leads. Only after the end of the transit one can evaluate soberly the illusions and challenges that this elusive planet has instigated. You could find that your intuition is subtly enhanced this yearyou might often find yourself in the right place at the right time, probably because your hunches are more likely to be correct. You may be covered by a cloud of confusion, a fog of unreal fantasies and deceptive situations. I also decided to continue on my teaching path, drift for a bit while I find the next avenue to pursue but also working through my Chiron stuff while Uranus electrifies it. Personalized Daily, Weekly & Monthly Horoscopes. The values you have cherished to date may change quite dramatically now, or you might be tempted to throw them away, or bend your morals, in pursuit of some pleasure or fantasy. Neptune transits sextile or trine Mercury. So all the ups and downs of Neptune were there! Try not to borrow from your future, not just with regards to finances, but also when it comes to emotional matters. Close your eyes; theres a world in there. Others give you ideal support. Your ability to discriminate is compromised, simply because Neptunes energy lacks definition and boundaries. The dreams can be bad. You easily forgive others for their faults and are ready to overlook foibles in others personalities. Over-identifying with spiritual or psychic experiences. Strange, unusual, even obsessive, feelings grip you now. Venus Transits | Cafe Astrology .com The transit of Saturn square your natal Saturn begins with an identity crisis where you question what you have been doing and you have to decide to make the necessary corrections to make life more satisfying and fulfilling. It is better to ignore them because they could confuse you about who you are and where you are going. You may be covered by a cloud of confusion, a fog of unreal fantasies and deceptive situations. I became much more feminine and wanted to project a vulnerable image-So I got my self lacy dresses, pinks, whites, frills, flower patterns, flowing silks! Opening to the mystical, subtle, intangible realms and finding great love and beauty there. neptune transit ascendant, neptune transit natal ascendant, neptune square ascendant synastry, neptune square ascendant transit, neptune square ascendant composite, neptune square ascendant natal chart, neptune square ascendant relationship, neptune square ascendant libra, neptune square ascendant scorpio, neptune square ascendant virgo, neptune square ascendant virgo,neptune square ascendant scorpio, composite neptune square ascendant, neptune square asc, neptune square ac. 10K buy in and your checks were good after that IF vouched. You may notice that old wounds that you thought you'd healed seem to open up again. You may also face delays and restrictions from other people or events in your life. Some will be avoiding responsibilities which can negatively impact their lives. Others may or may not be dishonest, but since its difficult for you to see your own goals clearly now, you probably will not get what you want. Youre extremely sensitized to your surroundings. Neptune Square Ascendant Aspects Natal and Transit - You are likely to feel very frustrated and disheartened at times, but dont completely lose faith and throw everything out the window! In my chart, for example, I have the ruler of the 8th house . Other people and things affected by Neptune are the mother, important women in the native's life, domestic life, and the home. Technical support You may become confused about about your lifes path. neptune square ascendant transit astroladaboone county wv obituaries. Extreme sensitivity to verbal and especially nonverbal communication can cause confusion. Mystical oneness. Then maybe you have a rare and long Neptune transit! And then came the other Neptunian `fun` activities-partying for days, not living in the reality, wearing rose coloured glasses and thinking all was perfect, lack of regime, crying on love music(so not me normally)forgetting all responsibilities, but pretty much very glamorous times on the surface-booze, music, poetry, hopeless love affair, glamour, bohemian star studded nights-all Neptune affairs--good, bad, superficial, profound, the exalted the depraved,on all levels, I could feel it in every cell of my body! transit Neptune semisquare natal ascendant, transit Neptune sesquisquare natal ascendant. You may be overlooking important details when it comes to money, and neglect of material concerns could impact your life now. You can take a stand on unpopular subjects and be proud of your achievements. However, you shouldnt spend this entire transit alone because it usually lasts well over a year. Dont pretend that something doesnt bother you if it does, especially in romantic relationships. Your email address will not be published. You are easily charmed, and you must watch for a tendency to see what you want to see in romantic partners, rather than for who or what they are. Neptune Transits Square Ascendant For all, its a period in which a no-nonsense, overly practical, or overly sexual approach to relationships is now seen as crude and unsatisfying. Sometimes this transit makes us so vulnerable that we can too easily be taken advantage of or deceived, and this can happen with regards to money and in love, and sometimes both. Learn to appreciate more where you are now, rather than dreaming that a different origin or achievement solely defines you. college board geomarket map This transit can point to lack of clarity and objectivity. The transits of the north node are not necessarily easy. Look to planets in Taurus and Libra in your chart to see other parts of your personality that Neptune is now infusing with sensitivity and spirituality. It expands your idealistic nature, and it can inspire a search for knowledge and truth. Neptune transits to Mercury directly affect your curiosity, learning, communication skills, self-promotion, the formulation of ideas, and your ability to rationalize and think logically. I will certainly not miss the near constant brain fog and fatigue though. It's not that you shouldn't envision the best about those you love, or aspire for significant career landmarks. Your sensitivity, receptivity, and empathy is so great right now that you may need to avoid negative, intensely emotional people, or even films or music depicting negative and unhappy imagery. People might want to look at Justin Trudeaus chart. Live a well-balanced life that includes regular contact with nature, physical exercise, adequate diet and rest, and some kind of regular routine that grounds you in everyday life. Neptune transcends beyond the material. Saturn Square Neptune Natal and Transit: The Power of Honesty Being highly attuned to unspoken cues/vibes etc can also lead to artistic/musical/acting inspiration you hint at this towards the end but the rest is pretty negative. Hes certainly getting it all out there and being completely open and honest as advised in the above. Feb 11, 2015. While it is still dancing on your Moon, it is hard to be objective, reasonable or practical. You may not be able to communicate or you may feel misunderstood. Saturn Square Neptune Natal. #2. You may feel in danger of losing your sense of who you really are, what your limitations are, even what your direction is. Consequently, your work and career gain a greater dimension of meaningfulness and importance to you. We know his Neptune is conj the IC, an indication of the character of the Mother, and his Saturn is conj the MC, where you find the Father, Pierre. When the transit of Neptune square to my Ascendant first came into orb, there was something in life I had really been aspiring towards which, due to circumstances beyond my control, then couldnt happen. Transit Aspects. Now open your eyes. You are opening up your heart, which can also mean you are more vulnerable to romantic illusions, to being swayed, and perhaps misled. Mould opinions. Bear in mind, your ego drive is low during this time, so youre not likely to question what anyone tells you. You may behave in an impractical manner, or you may be vulnerable to deception or betrayal from others. If taken too far, your sense that everything will work out could blind you to some essential practical details. Areas of expansion but possibly some confusion or unreal elements can include publishing, advertising, long-distance connections or travel, drama, and higher education. If youve been solely concentrating on material success, you may suddenly feel a lack of spiritual satisfaction in your work and outside forces seem to force you to change your direction. Think rationally about their true intentions and what they have to gain. A person who needs your help may also enter your life, but you must be careful that it does not become an unhealthy dependency that is difficult to break. This is a karmic aspect, so you may . As you chase something different, unusual, and otherworldly, you may lack discrimination in your choices of purchases, people, and pleasures. You may discover your own psychic or clairvoyant talents during this transit. You perhaps often struggle with disappointment, because rarely do your achievements materialize in the glamorous way you initially envision them. Your relationship with your parents may have been tense because of this. Your relationships become more spiritual or romantic. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. What a loser.. You may encounter mysterious, confused, unusual, or spiritual experiences surrounding Mercury-ruled people and things (such as siblings, neighbors, travel, studies, and so forth) during this time. Transit Neptune Trine Natal Uranus ~ Higher Consciousness - AstroMatrix Transit Neptune Square Ascendant, Personalized Astrology reports and As the emotional pipelines open up and the emotional walls come down, you can become more vulnerable to deception. It's also possible that this becomes the moment when the bubble bursts from how you've seen your family, especially your parents. I have distant scottish ancestors, but I'm not scottish. Self-deception is perhaps your greatest enemy now. Contact. For Entertainment purposes only. That's because Chiron transits are meant to help you identify places in your life where you're still . After this transit passes, you must evaluate these new teachings with your own intellect and experience. You can offer help as long as you feel truly free to do so. Tendencies toward addictions and dependencies increase. Vx/Avx axis activated by planets and L.A., on both sides 7. The art of introspection and zoning out! Look to planets in Gemini and Virgo in your chart to see other parts of your personality that Neptune is now infusing with spirituality and sensitivity. *Extreme restlessness and discontent with the limitations of your current situation incline you to speculate and gamble on ways to quickly change your life. Other people and things affected by Neptune are the mother, important women in the natives life, domestic life, and the home. However, it can help you transcend mundane things and allow you to flow into higher, enlightening experiences. neptune conjunct mercury transit I was praying a lot more with real emotion in my heart and was feeling triumphant that I am attracting only the spiritual and elevating influences of the planet. You are more tolerant of others and less pushy. *You are more humble, receptive, and less aggressive in your work now. I did that and it helped. Similarly, you may have believed that once you "arrived" at some key milestone in your career, many of your problems would magically be over. You are opening up your heart, which can also mean you are more vulnerable to romantic illusions, to being swayed, and perhaps to being misled. This is a longer-term influence that can last for some time if Neptune transits and then retrogrades over your natal Jupiter. Living in a dream world. At the same time, you may lose sight of your personal goals. However, the interesting thing is that, before the transit was over, my original goal then suddenly did work out exactly as I had hoped at the time. New projects that show up now seem too good to be true, and they often are, but you may feel compelled to explore these new directions in order to find out if theyre really worthwhile. Because your unconscious mind has a message for you. You should be more vigilant with plans, ventures, or schemes that have unrealistic components to them. In fact, this can feel very much like emotional commotion until you accept that the essential purpose of this transit is to open up your feelings in order for you to ultimately become more compassionate, emotionally aware, and devoted. Everyday life seems drab and dreary to you now, and you explore bigger, more exciting, more exotic alternatives. Others may complain that you are not sincere with them, you are too domineering or passive, or unfair in some respect. Mariana (substitute for Astrolada) . You may be in the right place at the right time. Last Updated on January 28, 2023 by Jamie. Text books say that during Neptune transits one is prone to self deception and is willing to play the victim or sacrifice even if he/she sees it is all hopeless. You are able to handle difficulties more easily, seeing them as part of a larger story. Learning to trust in yourself is essential to developing a positive self-image. This is the signature of the dreamer, with your head in the clouds. And yet Im completely unconcerned by this (at least right now, lol, sometimes it freaks me out). At the same time, you may lose sight of your personal goals. Therefore, it is not a good time to enter into contracts or business partnerships. In practical and sensible ways, you struggle to rein in your visions, dreams, imaginings, ideas, and flashes of psychic insight. Neptune Transits Conjunct Midheaven Neptune Square Ascendant Natal and Transit Meaning Someone may be lying to you, but you are not sure who. Or you may just feel more defeated or apathetic about pouring your soul into projects that seemed fulfilling in the past. There is a strong tendency to exaggerate and put on a front to impress others and gain the advancement that you seek. Mercury Opposite Neptune Natal. Their failures may not be extremely bad, but it is your refusal to accept the truth that can complicate your life, because when you finally see the truth, you will be disappointed. You can be emotionally restless, but what it is you actually want is hard to pinpoint. Whether their intentions are good or bad, they will cause you to question yourself and your goals. *Changing attitudes and doubts about your career and overall situation in life can eat away at you now. I thought I had evolved beyond Neptune`s more mundane faces. Supervisors, employers, employees, and co-workers show that they will extend themselves and make sacrifices when the chips are down.

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