holy love messages condemned

The implication is these bad people (whoever they may be) are attempting to suppress a message purported to be from heaven. I know- it has turned me into a daily communicant and I can not get through the day without wanting to pray the rosary and study scripture. That would be tantamount to making the Cross into a god. The remnant faithful according to Holy Love messages are those who retain full belief in the Holy Eucharist, in the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, who pray the Rosary and worship God in Eucharistic adoration. But HLM was NOT condemned nor could it be canonically, unless there were something against faith or morals of the Catholic Church. Sweeney-Kyles logic of ecumenical ministry does not hold water when weighed against Church doctrine and law. In the case someone wishes to continue with the red-herring that is the admonishing vs. forbidding argument, consider carefully the canons that Bishop Lennon cites in that clause of the Decree. Church laws is very precise.Words either mean something specific or they dont . We dont consecrated ourselves to the Cross. People are bound to obey Lennons directives. When we use are judgment, our God given intellect, to discern, and act on it, we are not being gods. (https://catholicexchange.com/2006/11/06/94475/ ) After an angry backlash of emails telling me how wrong I was, I promised never to write about alleged apparitions again. Secondly, there appears to be a contradiction. If you would actually read the messages your opinions would be more informed. I begin to see much more clearly the pernicious vice that has heretofore arisen in this discussion. What of the many miracles and increased devotion so many experienced at the site? Elizabeth, Our Blessed Mother at HLM had every right to do what she did. 2 human hearts = 8 possible chambers. 5:8-9). Check the dictionary) people not to go to HLM. Its interesting to read some of the defenders and their circular logic. I am sure he knew that. Instead they gave the Medjugorie question to an independent committee. Spiritual pride ~ you nailed it, but fail to see it in yourself. It was indeed not the last word about Medjugorie. God bless you all. The bishops who wrote those letters are not approving authorities for HLM. False prophets are among us. I just saw that and fixed it but will repost here for you. Likewise, the Bishop who forbade St. Padre Pio from seeing people and confined him like a criminal and took away his faculties. You are too nice, LizEst. Consider the options the devil has available to trap faithful Catholics? Why cant they find out for themselves? I foresee a head-exploding coming our way in response to your comment, Harry! You pointed out in your article, Patti, that Holy Love Ministries seems Catholic because the site has statues, rosaries, and Catholic prayers. I sat in the private chapel on the propertywhere the eucharist was kept (totally against what the church ordered by the way). There the Church acted definitely and swiftly because it was clear it was satanic. Nor is the Vatican admonishing pilgrims fror disobeying their bishop. Frankly, unspecified serious concerns and an admonishment to cease gathering simply because a bishop of questionable integrity and his unnamed expert say so, without any specific reasons being given for such a directive, does not constitute authority that should be obeyed. Just come here out of love. Zanics decision according to the Vatican, was not definitive in any way. You are presenting one of his objections as the conclusion (Therefore, a Superior is not to be obeyed in all things). Repent and run to a merciful Savior. You and those who are bashing the messages of HLM are not exhibiting to me common sense at all. Our destiny is in our own hands. ), I think one should be hesitant in going there. What she meant was, any action, however small, united with Jesus and offered to His Father, has redemptive value. On and on. I have read more messages than most; my father took me and my siblings to prayer cenacles weekly; he made me start going to confession at 5 years old (I wasnt even at the age of reason yet); he would read us the vague messages that essentially say the same things just in different words; he would take us to midnight apparitions in an open field on the property; and he spent so much money on that place. Yet, as an ecumenical ministry it found time and space in many of its printed materials to rail against the Church. Finally, by the end of 2014 the world will know the truth of a great many things including the authenticity of the Holy Love, as well as other apparitions that are currently misjudged. The relevance of Merdjugorie to HLM is that the local bishop of Medjugorie DISAPPROVED of it as did Bishop Lennon of HLM. I have asked you to SPECIFICALLY point at least one error in HLM teachings. Jesus told us that the gates of hell would not prevail against his Church and he promised to send the Paraclete to keep the Church free from error. It is nice to know that you are still reading my posts even though you are unable to engage me. Thanks be to God ~ the Most Holy Trinity and Mother Mary Most Holy! The human heart is a metaphor for the core of ones being being open to God. Totus tuus: You indeed are proving the point! " He is the Cleveland bishop and so many, many wonderful priest go there. Just trying to tie up a few loose ends. There is very little dealing with specifics, just continuous harping on Lenons decree.. You yourself are trying to be specific, but what you are doing is exhibiting your inability to think straight. Catechesis in the American Church are heretical and distorted. Design by Perceptions Studio. Oh, so you are not going to respond to the explanations I made regarding your accusations of heresy? I thought I read that the Bishop of Cleveland also closed about 50 churches? Guard me against all evil. He too admonished people to stay away from it. Later the DEFINITIVE Voice of the Church made her a saint. Any basic science course that teaches something of the human anatomy teaches that the human heart has four chambers not six. As quoted in the Summa, here are some errors in thinking which underlie false obedience, that is, obedience through excess: (1) Church hierarchy is absolute. No wonder the world,particularly the USA is in such a mess-morally and spiritually. I would have loved to have witnessed something like the pilgrims at Fatima did, but really, I do not need it. Is this something current? From the book: the demon is always actively watching people and he gets pleasure when he see that they are not faithful to God and, as a result, take his sideHe wants humankind to rebel against God as well, and this is the one accusation that he can level against an individual at the Last Judgment that has the most weight (in Chapter 14, Windows to the Soul). Proper procedures were disregarded And then Our Lady goes even further and warns them/scares them of bad things to come if they dont continue to come to Holy Love: If you choose not to listen, the future does not bode well for your country or for you yourselves., 3221 believes that St. Im truly curious how far this would go for you. By giving their disappointment to God and continuing to walk with him, they acknowledge that his Church is bigger than a single ministry or the claims of any purported visionary. Mother Teresa refused and the bishop still insisted that she do so. I admonish the faithful of the Diocese of Cleveland to cease gathering for any religious, liturgical, spiritual or devotional purpose on the site of Holy Love Ministries and declare that the Confraternity of the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary is not an approved association of the Christian faithful in the Diocese of Cleveland and may not legitimately use the name Catholic or represent itself as a Catholic group.. "Heavenly Father, today, I surrender to You my heart. We become obedient to the Church and Her officials only when we become obedient to the constant teachings of the Church, as taught by the Magisterium through the ages. Given the distortions, the heresies, and the banal humanistic claptrap that passes for Catholic theology in so much of Catholic catechesis today, the full beauty of Catholic Truth in evidence at Holy Love Ministries stands out in bold relief. There are bishops and mystical theologians who say HLM is profound theology. And why not form prayer groups also in your homes, there is certainly much to pray for..our families, our leadership, our priests and clergy, our Pope. Very sacred, many miracles have happened to my family and miraculous blessings that I have asked for when I have gone there to Pray to the Blessed Mother statue at the Lake of Tears. Additionally, the bad people in the Church claim is also false, unless Sweeney-Kyle (et al) can prove that somehow the documents (and the doctrine behind them) that govern these matters were somehow written by these bad people to suppress HLM. To go to Holy love, see a beautiful statute and maybe be at peace on what to me, is very much holy ground, doesnt mean your believing in Maureen and no longer the church at all. Heres a good article from the the Catholic Herald in the U.K. about Marian apparitions and disobedience. I am obedient to God first and am fully aware of being discerning. 2021 Holy Love Messages "Each and every person that walks the face of the earth is My child and I am their Mother. Just like many others, Im aware of what has been in the mediaand Ive read the letters between Bishop Lennon and Holy Love Ministries as well. Tell me, is this good and normal? If he himself is not addressing these issues, it would go a long way to explain his aversion to HLM. Is it possible the Bishop is wrong about Holy Love? The devil can be there, too. In this case, he has now gotten some devout Catholics to separate themselves by the Church by one degree that of disobedience. the 5th chamber is a hidden chamber WITHIN the 4th chamber. A sign of true love for GOD is bearing long-lasting fruits and living orthodox, obedient lives respectful to all, especially those in authority. I ask you to stand with the Church and reserve judgement. At 2:00, the appointed hour, the pilgrims waited eagerly, gazing upward. However, alleged visionaries, mystics and those who follow them MUST obey and follow the authority that Jesus established in His Church. I will offer my prayers at Mass tomorrow for you. After the Bishops decree, I felt compelled to appeal to all Holy Love followers, to accept the fact that the Church has the authority to condemn this site. Often genuine sites that are later approved by the Church are frowned upon by the bishop under which they serve. Looking back on that message now, it was supposed to help me in my discernment of my vocation, but the message was general and vague. It is very frustrating for many, Im sure, to point out the clear teachings of the CHurch and the history of all approved visionaries as having obedient visionaries. I will fight to the death for my true Catholic Faith. Such ignorance and errors are not always free of guilt [CCC 1801].. Jesus or Mary? If that isnt the Evil One at work, I dont know what is. He was very obedient to his Bishop despite the fact that the local diocese really handled the whole situation poorly. This means that pious souls who would be repulsed by crude materialistic greed think nothing of being greedy to know revelations and prophecies. My question to you about obeying the bishopno matter what is to put before you where your blindness is going to lead you. You, 3221, say there is nothing against the Faith at HLM. Why has God waited this long? I do not know what I said Harry. Excellent points Elizabeth. Holy Love Messages "This is the decade (2020-2030) when it is most important to discern correctly good from evil, as Satan's instruments will rise to power clothed in goodness. "This virtue, more than all the others, depends on Holy Love and Holy Humility. Thats not the topic of this thread. (Titus1:10) as they no longer speak on behalf of teh Church but become representatives of their own novelty. Keep up the good work!oh, and a Blessed and Happy New Year to you and yours. Read her blog atPattiMaguireArmstrong.com. If I believed Bishop Lennon is a corrupt bishop I would have said so. They crave to learn how to deepen in union with Him. The math simply doesnt add up! She asked this at Fatima. Von Hildebrand is quoted in Catholic Apologetics as stating that when a bishop is not loyal to the true Faith,he loses his authority and does not have to be obeyed. He even goes on to cite the various instances where the saints have disobeyed Popes.. The history of the Church gives us several examples where saints, who, in order to remain faithful, have resisted Church authorities, and were even excommunicated. Protect me from any evil plan Satan may have for me today. I am speaking about bishops who guide their sheep into error. When some speak out against the Messages, keep in mind they oppose Heavens words., To live this way is to advance through the Chambers of the United Hearts. Are you aware that sometimes the local Ordinary does not publicize reasons for his condemnation of a case because they are personal or private in nature? It is through our free will that we either choose to cooperate with the grace that God offers us, or we choose to reject His grace. In general, if it is not church approved (Lourdes, Fatima, etc. The bishop is obligated to teach what exactly is wrong at Holy Love Ministries, and he does not because he cannot. We must not do so. Messages - Holy Love Go back to the synagogue of Satan you call Holy Love Ministries and leave the Catholic flock alone. Im a devout Roman Catholic 34 yr. old mother of 4 and my kids and I love Holy Love. Your name kind of rings a bell. ps. Come on folks. But maybe that you are also skeptical. The Bishop of a diocese is not the last word on any apparition. All are Welcome at Maranatha Spring and Shrine - Home of Holy Love Ministries located at 37137 Butternut Ridge Rd, North Ridgeville, Ohio 44039, USA. I am All Three. For once in 40 years the faithful have the opportunity to learn what their bishops should have been teaching them all along. What in the world are YOU talking about? Very interesting and impressive. One woman credited her fathers conversion from a Sunday church grumbler to attending Mass and saying the rosary daily even two years after his visit to the site. Yes, Holy Love is a very dangerous place. And, when will it be out? By the time I stopped at the latter place, I was much more informed and immediately felt the place was creepy for many reasons. We should always be disposed to believe that that which appears white is really black, if the hierarchy of the Church so decides. St. Oh, there are always some of those, but for the most part, people are motivated by their love of God and their desire to experience Him in their lives to a greater degree. It is a legal document. While I was walking on the property not long ago I asked a priest from Nigera why so many priests from around the world are coming here. "Rosary of the Unborn": Heaven Sent or Hoax? - Pro-Life Action League Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth; and God has placed in the human heart a desire to know the truth (Fides et Ratio Encyclical Letter On the Relationship between Faith and Reason, Pope John Paul II, 1998). And again, if you are questioning such an orthodox, fundamental concept it only goes to prove that you are very mixed up. Ill just say this. Ive not heard anything about this. I was put off regarding mention of Marys hair as well. In fact, sometimes Ive thought about writing my own book about how disastrous my visit to Conyers became to my own personal faith journal. Go ahead and try. Do you hear yourself? Satan will disguise himself as an angel of light-perhaps from scripture? Protect me from any evil plan Satan may have for me today. These are just a few examples of messages contrary to our faith that come out of HLM. There are many, many others. How sad that, even in the face of the most basic logic, many refuse to understand how dangerous it is to follow the serpentine path of these untruths. At Holy Love, just being outside Church authority is warning enough for me. Lest this get buried below, here is my response to 3221 re the condemnation of the Bayside events. I think youre going to have to elaborate on those statements! Von Hildebrand reiterates this. Ignatius of Loyola. Wishing you and yours a Blessed and Merry Christmas and a Blessed and Happy New Year! Holy Love did not disobey the Bishops letter. She HAS judged and you are told to stay away. Copyright 2023 Catholic Exchange. PrairieHawk, There are no errors there. The devil is too cunning to take on by oneself. The Church is where the full Catholic Faith is being taught and upheld. That person is Jesus, the Word of God made flesh. And what did Padre Pio do when the Bishop ordered him to stop? So, instead, the devil uses a Catholic facade to lure them in. "No. Church doctrine and Church teaching is solid. These are the pearls that are consistently in evidence at this apparition site. Look it up in the dictionary. It doesnt matter what I may or may not want to point out from the decades of messages. I used to wonder why the devil would have a hand in false apparitions when they inspired so many faithful Catholics to increase their prayer life and devotion to God and the Blessed Mother. I would say this smacks of resistance to the truth, for those messages all deal with the deep fundamental truths of Catholic mystical theology. When one resorts to name calling, it is a clear sign of hostility aimed at ones opponent. As the webmaster of 5 different Catholic websitesone being the Mystics of the Church website I have spent *many* years studying the lives of the mystics/saints/visionaries in the Catholic church, so I believe I can speak to this issue with at least some background and experience in what the Church teaches concerning obedience to the legitimate Church authority. Yes, LizEst! I did. The Church, guided by the Holy Spirit, always looks below the surface because all that glitters isnt gold and regardless of how many people visit or how many statues are erected or rosaries said, it does not constitute proof in the Churchs judgment. Will you be seeking an Imprimatur and a Nihil obstat? When was the last time any Catholic heard a Bishop or a Priest condemn the evil of contraception from the pulpit? We attend and receive Christ in the Eucharist weekly by attending mass..this article is so sad to me. As a suggestion for you to decide for yourselves on? Kind of frightening. Patti and her husband, Mark, live in North Dakota, where they raised their 10 children. Bishops have not taught the truth Faith for so long that something like 80% of Catholics do not believe in the real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist.You seem to think that obedience to a heretical bishop is the way to prove you are catholic. Mother Mary wants us to pray it and a baby can be saved on every bead if you pray from the heart and ask. Holy Mother the Church is wise, wise enough to reserve judgement the issue of authenticity. Thanks, Elizabeth! and in fact, the Holy See was consulted on this matter and appears to be with Lennon. The past prayers and experiences of Holy Love followers were very real. In November of 2006, I wrote an article exposing the Holy Love site (reproduced below). @3221: Lennons letter was not just a simple warning. It follows the precise form of an official condemnation under the Churchs tradition of discerning alleged private revelations. You do not know what God would do. But, we dont consecrate ourselves to the Cross. This challenge has been met with silence, with the exception of one person who selected some messages and included with them her own explanations as to their heretical content. Nothing to say about all the points I made about your so-called heretical excerpts from HLM? Marino eventually published more than 300 of the messages, dated from March 1991 to January 1992. There is nothing theologically erroneous in the messages you cited. What would the devil get out of the deal? Yet it is allegedly teaching the deep theology of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. This, my friends, is what he gets out of it: There will be a number of people who believed they were healed or their faith brought to life through Holy Love Ministries that, like a rebellious adolescents, will respond, We dont have to listen to the Church .. She is within the parameters of canon law. You increase in holiness when your relationship with Me is such that you seek only to please Me. My life is stressful enough without stirring up such pots, I reasoned. It is like the fruit put into the basket of love and humility. Then, of course, there is beautiful Joan of Arc who refused to disavow her voices when corrupt bishops commanded that she do so. This is the case when a man takes little trouble to find out what is true and good, or when conscience is by degrees almost blinded through the habit of committing sin. In such cases, the person is culpable for the evil he commits [CCC 1791]Ignorance of Christ and his Gospel, bad example given by othersassertion of a mistaken notion of autonomy of conscience, rejection of the Churchs authority and her teachingthese can be at the source of errors of judgment in moral conduct [CCC 1792]Conscience can remain in ignorance or make erroneous judgments. Did I name him in my question to you? I am proving, however, that we should never say never . You are in trouble if you think that obedience to heresy is of God. No, HLM messages are not the teachings of the Catholic Faith. ~~. None of these letters are dated after Bishop Lennons 2009 Letter. I know. Can you repost the link? In the past ten years I have been there twice. Yes, there are those within Church structure that do not follow Church teaching. I do not need to. St. Thomas goes on to say we fail in obedience when we fall prey to imbalance in one of two ways: either by defectwhich is a refusal to obey a legitimate comm command, or by excess which is an obedience-no-matter-what. Or, disappointment leads them to reject Church authority thinking that they are right and the Church is wrong. You may have the trappings of it, but the Church is where the true Faith is taught, preserved, and nurtured in God and for God in order to lead us to God.. You keep following your canon law rule book, and you will still be studying it when the Church is underground and Mass is no longer available, nor the Holy Eucharist worshiped and LOVED in the institutional Church. In other words, alleged messages are prized more highly than the truth of the Gospel, He who hears you hears Me and that it is through the Church we discern the spirits, not outside of it. Bishop Zanec of Medjugorie fame, warned (read admonished) the laity about going to that apparition site. Be VERY alert. daily Mass, rosary, weekly adoration and love of all is so frowned apron. We can go wrong following false phenomena and doctrine. He is a very sick man. What actually happened according to The Morning Journal newspaper of Ohio, was that Bishop Richard Lennon,Ordinary of theDiocese of Clevland, issued a Decree to clergy and laity of the diocese regarding Holy Love Ministries of Lorain County on Nov. 11, 2009: Having been directed by the Holy See (in Rome) to act definitively in the matter of the alleged apparitions and having reviewed the theological content of the alleged apparitions to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle and having consulted an expert in this matter, I declare that the alleged apparitions and locations are not supernatural in origin. Lennons decree states he forbid members of the clergy of any ecclesiastical jurisdiction to celebrate the sacraments on the site of Holy Love Ministries. One local bishop is not the definitive word on an apparition site, nor does it denote the definitive decision of the Catholic Church hierarchy.

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