cultural differences between kenya and america

In the United States, there is no gender egalitarianism. Even if you have paid your house off, the property taxes will be paid until you sell off the property, an income that will still be taxed. I can not imagine someone going to my parents home and demanding a tax on their house or land in Kenya. I know that because half of the Taarifa ya Habari in the evening was dedicated to the Presidents diary. Kenya and the United States have long been close allies and have enjoyed cordial What do you call it when the West give food and other aid to the needy peoples of the world? While Lagos has more petty crime than terrorism, Nairobi has suffered multiple attacks from Al Shabaab, a Somali jihadist group. Most people s in the world sit down for their meals, eeven some in the US would have nothing else. cultural differences between As a child, travel by air was a very special and rare experience. Ninety minutes? Handshakes are the most common greeting in business. Their focus is to complete the job at hand. Football (soccer) is very popular in Kenya with many people supporting a European team. No wonder in many banks, they intentionally have one or two very lazy cashiers serving customers even when there are 12 cashier windows. cost of labor production units of labor profit question 2 Salaries for professions (such as, An accounting project. Aberdeen: Hong Kong University Press. For us, eating is a leisurely affair meant to be enjoyed. Should yourespond otherwise or unitretersted, they think you are acting white. (2021) 'Cultural Differences: Kenyans, Malaysians, Chinese and Americans'. The African languages come from three different language families - Bantu languages (spoken in the center and southeast), Nilotic languages (in the west), and Cushitic languages (in the northeast). Moving from Kenya to the US: My top culture shocks + differences Reddit, what cultural differences separate your country With this in mind, criticism should be delivered in private and given in a circumspect manner. That is beside the point. But you have to pay attention to where you are. And how would you categorize traditional Pokot dressing in Nasokol, West Pokot District or the Turkana far up by the border with South Sudan? Around 13% of the population are of non-African descent, i.e. We all know that Africa is a huge continent and cultures vary from country to country but here are some of the general differences that one will notice when dating a traditional African man: Kenya It's fairly easy for a tourist to find a bar, nightclub, or hotel where you can drink, but if you make friends with an Egyptian or Moroccan, be aware that there's a strong likelihood they don't drink. Kenya is one of the most diverse countries in Africa. What was the point of this haphazard article, if it was to portray the differences, it failed, if to educate, it failed. In United States, approximately 19.0 women per 100,000 births die during labor as of 2017. If this was Ngugi wa Thiogo Or Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie I think such critism would be fair. In United States, approximately 5.2 children (per 1,000 live births) die before they reach the age of one as of 2022. Also: a group of people that share the same Read more: After spending months in the Middle East, I'm convinced a single phrase with more than a dozen meanings is key to understanding Arab culture. How dare you take the whole day for a function? WebOne of the biggest cultural norms in America is tipping. About Thanksgiving. Nyama choma - (roasted meat in Swahili) Kenyan staple; heavily roasted goat and beef are most common choices, usually eaten with hands and every bite dipped in a bit of salt. It is considered polite to finish everything on your plate, although it is not mandatory. Everyone had one car for the Dad to go to work. In United States, 15.1% live below the poverty line as of 2010. Each tribe is further divided into clans United States spends 16.8% of its total GDP on healthcare as of 2019. "As an Egyptian woman, you spend your entire life dealing with sexual violence," an Egyptian woman told Der Spiegel. That is unlike us Kenyans where you can talk as you eat. Hong Kongs birth rate stands 11.7 per 1,000. If women disrespect their husbands, it is seen as an omen to the family and a cleansing ceremony needs to be conducted by elders. In Lagos, I asked all my business acquaintances to meet me at my hotel so only one of us had to deal with the traffic. U.S. Relations With Kenya - United States Department of State Since maintaining honor and dignity are paramount, Kenyans may offer what they believe is the expected response rather than say something that might embarrass the other person. Kenya is a multilingual country. As drinking is banned by the Quran, according to many interpretations by Muslim clerics, it should be little surprise that drinking is not a major part of the culture. Cultural Differences Between America That doesn't mean you have to. In Kenya, that number is 71% of people on average (91% in urban areas, and 63% in rural areas) as of 2020. You will attune your ear to the version spoken here. Men should wait for a woman to extend her and first. Chai - Kenyan style tea, made with black tea leaves, whole fat milk, and sugar (sukari). What about those who fight over dead carcasses of elephants or hippos. Cultural Differences Between USA and Kenya.edited.docx Duh. , Sunday was church day (I had never met a non-Christian until I left for university. This paper analysis cultural differences and culture shock experienced by three of my friend who hails from Kenya, Hong Kong, and Saudi Arabia; they are in the United States for their college studies. Climate: varies from tropical along coast to arid in interior. Have you heard of any workplace mass shootings in Kenya? differences Life is on the go. My colleague told me later that the police officer almost certainly stopped us on the highway when he saw my Caucasian face in the back seat. While you are likely to have some cultural mix-ups as an American visiting European countries, it's nothing compared to Africa, where things seem to work completely differently from the US. Or, 2. WebThe distinction between East Asia and the West is only one of many cultural distinctions that separate different ways of thinking about intelligence. Maize - Street food; unsweetened corn roasted over hot coals, most commonly served with chili lime salt. Just relax people. When greeting an elder or someone of higher status, grasp the right wrist with the left hand while shaking hands to demonstrate respect. On my first trip to Africa (we arrived on a Sunday) we were impressed with the beautiful dresses and full make up on the woman. Tomatoes and onions, and possibly garlic, carrots, and spicy pepper. Most in kenya not only "waste time in greetings", but we waste valuable time in daily life, man-hours, money, resources and so we cannot afford to "waste" food, because in the first place there is no food to waste. "Cultural Differences: Kenyans, Malaysians, Chinese and Americans." It should also be noted that America has changed in the last 50 years. The Hamitic people include the Turkana, Rendille and Samburu. They may take time kujuliana hali, kwenda msalani, kujaza matumbo yao, kufua nguo, so what? Hours of productivity and economic output are lost every day to Nigeria's power grid, marking a stark departure from the consistent presence of electricity (WiFi) in my New York life. Signing in allows you to change your location, ask questions in our community, contribute to our cost of living database, and more. Titles are important. You need to read wider as your American education may not have prepared you fully as an intellectual. Loud voices are generally only used during disagreements in business situations, although in rural areas, louder speaking tones are the norm. Is that wastage too? Also discuss any future, Question 1 The profit-maximizing firm equates the marginal benefit of labor to the marginal __________. OMG, the dressing here is ridiculously bad. It is a sign of respect to lower your eyes when greeting someone of a higher status or someone who is obviously older than you. Serving the University of Rochester community since 1873. KenyaUnited States relations - Wikipedia Country comparison: Kenya / United States of America I find the story entertaining but i don't agree with dressing part.. Can't understand why @mlachake was so harsh to mzee moja. In Kenya, on the other hand, 27.9 children do as of 2022. be 15.0% less likely to have access to electricity. In some cases that is accurate, while in others it's more about Western perceptions. Most Kenyans interweave native beliefs into a traditional religion. Comparison Between African and American Cultures 5. Most of the brands carried are from Kenya, South Africa, different parts of Asia, and even America. Americans provide a small tip on top of the total cost of their bill. Kenyans value tradition. Facts About Kenya: Culturally Vibrant, Beautifully Diverse Take the time to inquire about the other persons general well-being, family, and business in general. Intelligence across cultures - American Psychological Association So, the blacks will talk forever when having lunch and they virtually forget it is time to go back to work, etc. Explore similarities and differences. European style coffee shops in Nairobi. StudyCorgi. Secondly, during lunch, Americans frown upon anyone interrupting them when eating food. For example, many North African countries constantly use the Arabic word "inshallah," whereas the word is unheard of in many sub-Saharan countries. On the same token, Kenyan English, as with American or any other version spoken around the world, has culture-specific expressions and dictum. Opines that it is important to assess families and aging in each of these cultures to gain a better understanding of their cultures. I stayed in multiple hotels and lodges in northern Tanzania near or in the Serengeti National Park and on the island of Zanzibar. 28 Apr 2023 19:10:25 Dining patterns vary tremendously according to ethnicity, location and socio-economic position of the host. Many other African countries, like Kenya, Tanzania, and Ethiopia, have cuisines designed to be eaten with your hands. Back in Kenya, every morsel of the huge Ugali and Sukuma wiki must be accounted for. As my partner reminded me, she had experienced plenty of catcalls on the streets of New York and harassment related to her gender and race growing up in a suburb of Washington, DC. The amount of grease that came out of it as I tried to fold it scared away my appetite. In a culture where majority mind their own business, the kind of conformity in dressing ( kila mtu na suit, tie, trouser suits etc) is rare. So we have Chinese, Kaunda suits, West African, European, and American dressing styles. The belief is that the person only really dies completely when their relatives no longer remember them. Simply change the country name depending on which guide you are referencing. In certain villages, the villagers would be very upset if the Catholic Father ends a burial ceremony by 11AM. Cheap raymond that look presentable is not to be confused with dressing up. The largest ethnic group in Kenya is the Kikuyu people (22%). Kenya vs USA compare and contrast assignment BUSN225.docx, Samantha Walters - Individual Project Culture ORGD 341 (1).docx, From the Caf Kenya case of Harvard Busines School Apply the Timmons model to Caf Kenya. Cultural Differences: Kenyans, Malaysians, Chinese and Americans. Differences Between The Czech Republic Direct and frank communication is not the norm in Kenya. WebCultural Differences Between USA and Kenya Culture is defined as the way in which people go about their daily lives. President Muhammadu Buhari has made very public efforts to curb corruption in Nigeria, with mixed results. In January, Al Shabaab attacked a hotel complex in a wealthy district of Nairobi, killing more than 20 people. Socialization tools are responsible for the passing of culture from one generation to another; culture is not static, undergoes various adjustments and changes. As time is money, those who waste time on trivialities, daily rituals and ceremonial greetings are bound to lack in good things of life. For this reason, I will never comment on any of your blogs.

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