avengers infinity war script

Tony, you lost another super bot?! Stonekeeper: Welcome, Thanos, son of Eros, Gamora, daughter of Thanos. Now, it looks like Spider-Man star Tom Holland may have already finished his work on the movie, as he burns his script in an Instagram video. [angrily] WHAT DID YOU DO?! Requesting aid from any vessel within range. ], [Darkseid defeats Proselyte and dumps him to the ground. I'm sorry, I don't know what to say. ), (He then pulls them back inside just as Tony sprays nanites onto the hole to plug it up. Is it the stone again? [As Black Dwarf jumps towards Tony he is sent through a portal. Tony: No. (GAMORA silences him with a look.) Quill: Flash Gordon? RHODES: You know they're only criminals because you've chosen to call them that, right, sir? Clark Kent: Look, you know how you're having a dream, and in the dream you gotta pee? Tony: We're getting no help from Flash Gordon here. Thor: Eitri, this isn't about your hands. We're not having this conversation. In Avengers: Endgame (2019), after the apocalyptic Infinity War, the remaining Avengers reassemble to rid the universe of Thanos and restore the balance of power. PROXIMA throws her weapon, but it is quickly caught just before the figure steps from the shadows. RHODES: All over it. Thor: You'll know when we're there. Create script breakdowns, sides, schedules, storyboards, call sheets and more. It's a paradise. But we will. We know where it is. While the three are fighting, Falcon flies in and again kicks PROXIMA backwards where she crouches down beside CORVUS.). (Thanos curls in both the power and space stones, causing Nebula's already extended pieces to stretch further outward. (He flies over a section that has been breached and drops a barrage of mines). The hardest choices require the strongest wills. You're generous. If fate does want you to kill that crapsack You're gonna need more than one stupid eyeball. If I were to reach our rendezvous on Titan with the Time Stone still attached to your vaguely irritating person, there would bejudgement. It's you who doesn't understand. Sam: Drop to 2600, heading 0-3-0. And you lied. [Stark crushes Thanos with a pillar of wreckage]. Peter Quill: I mean, I'd like to. Browse and download PDFs for all of our scripts as you read, write, and practice your craft to become the next great screenwriter. Come out! Even so. Are you all right? They were originally designed for microsurgery. NATASHA: You could use some of that right now. [Cut to the present, aboard the GUARDIANS' ship. My father killed my mother, then I had to kill my father. [she gets killed into ashes]. They truly clear the mind so, I'm good to go. If he doesn't pony up Mantis: (Adjusting a few things on the ship) We are arriving. Or at least the beginnings of one. SPOILER WARNING: Do not read unless you have seen Avengers: Endgame.. Marvel screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely (Avengers: Infinity War, Captain America: Civil War) were given a near-impossible task, while production on Civil War was wrapping up. What master do you serve? (PETER pulls the trigger- but a stream of bubbles comes out. Sam: Yeah, don't start celebrating yet, guys. (T'Challa, Steve, and Natasha walk to the edge of the barrier, where Proxima Midnight and Obsidian Cole stand). Mr. Lord can you get your folks to circle up? (Steve takes a breath, but before he has a chance to answer Bruce begins to speak). Stepfather. Strange's cloak taps Stark on the arm. [to Thor] So, dead brother, huh? The future, us, and that's it. (One half of the crowd is shot down. Peter Parker: [Tapping his friend from the seat in front of him] Ned, hey. Eitri: You were supposed to protect us. Bruce Banner: Tony, you okay? The other right! Why would I lie? Bruce Banner: [Holding Rogers' cell phone] I'm gonna make a call. Thor: You seem like a noble leader. Hah! Do you know what's happened since then? Star-Lord: [while starting to tear up; quietly] No, you didn't No, you didn't [he continues to rage and then proceeds to pistol-whipping Thanos in the face] NO, YOU DIDN'T!!! Groot no. Meanwhile, PROXIMA engages Aurora and they begin to fight.). He overcomes odds. You're a stowaway. But I don't want to-. Let me help you. Thanos: Little one, it's a simple calculus. T'Challa: We open the barrier. Bruce Banner: Thanos. As does what you fear. It attaches itself to him, becoming the Iron Spider suit. Must've been a rough couple of years. THANOS: I imagine it's like breathing for you. He wants to know everything thats going on and to be the smartest person in the room. Memory Gamora: He can never get them all. He lets the pod drag him, until he stops himself by digging his feet into the ring, still holding the pod. You failed. Tony: Who just saved your magical ass? Strange: Congratulations, you're a prophet. (Tony doesn't make eye contact.) Do it! [Parker disintegrates into ashes in Stark's arms]. Iroque: NO!!! Aurora Maximoff: Come on. Tony learns that S.H.I.E.L.D. (Gamora begins to laugh at the irony of the situation). I mean, that place is a legend. Thanos: I finally rest and watch the Sun rise on a grateful universe. Kane Wheatley-Holder. He's coming to us. We'll use it. [his face is revealed as the Red Skull] We are all wrong. Gamora: One way or another, the path that we're on leads to Thanos. He brought you face-to-face with the Master of the Mystic Arts. CORVUS GLAIVE pins Vision down using his weapon {a glaive} in an attempt to extract the mind stone from Vision's head. Do it. Thor: Wrong. I'll do it myself! You're gonna get your wings singed. He getsVision's stone. Strange: Can we control it? Quill: (Excitedly) Exactly like Footloose. You're running out of air. She casts a bolt of magic which throws him back through the wall and down a shaft. (VISION addresses WANDA as he nears her). Right where I don't want you to be. You understand? He took my girl- Wait, who are you? Thor: Would you stop doing that? What's the favor? He watches Thanos.]. He's a plague, Tony. This is not a warcraft. Clark Kent: Slow down, slow down. You finish all my sentences. Gamora: Because you murdered half the planet. There are two reasons why this scene works: the first is that theres a sharp, brisk pace to the dialogue. Come out! Too many mouths, and not enough to go around. Gamora: I'm not your daughter. Proxima Midnight: You'll never get the chance again. And what I predicted came to pass. Peter Parker: Mr. Stark, it smells like a new car in here! These rings are gigantic.You wanna get them movingYou're gonna need something a lot bigger to yank 'em loose. [receives three beeps from her device]. You hear me? [Peter, based on lack of oxygen, pulls off his mask] I can't breathe! Tony: Good. So I brought her here. Loki: Well, for one thing, I'm not Asgardian. He makes eye contact with Iroque before he increases his force on Trinity's neck. Thor: Only Eitri the dwarf king can make me the weapon I need. I'm sorry. Watch. Loki: [cringing and looking away from his brother's pain and has just thought for a few seconds] ALRIGHT, STOP! For a timeyou had that same willas you fought by my side. [Bucky suddenly stumbles over, and collapses into ashes, much to Steve's shock; Thor watches Steve mourning Bucky's death. We're gonna hit him with a brick? Gamora, daughter of Thanos. RHODES: Satellites lost him somewhere over Edinburgh. Huh? (Suddenly a large figure storms towards them fiercely). He has the REALITY STONE in the INFINITY GAUNTLET.). And the rings are frozen. Tony Stark: Happy trails, kid. There's something we need to discuss, little one. You guys, really look like crap. But something Tell me what you feel. bad? Hey, stop! He did tell you my true parentage, did he not? Tony is a perfectionist. not yet, not yet, not yet. Me. Then he killed everyone anyway. Thor: New haircut? What is he, your ward? [Strange uses the Space Stone to case her aside, flailing. Storytelling Analysis, Scriptwriting tools, Television and Film. 2) The authors seem to have completely forgotten that Hawkeye and Valkyrie exist. It doesn't matter who you're talking to or not. (He crosses his hands over his chest as his Black Panther helmet covers his face, leading the army as they run toward the barrier. How did this get through so many stages of rewrites? Peter Quill: Which is what the grenades are for. T'Challa: You are in Wakanda now. (Thor grasps the handholds and pulls, slowly opening the iris. Tony Stark: Say, Doc, you wouldn't happen to be moving your hair, would you? It breaks, sending them both towards space when his Iron-Spider suit's metal arms brace him to keep him from being sucked out. [Pushing Bruce out of the way], [Tony's energy beam deflects off Black Dwarf's shield, slicing down trees. What's up, Mr. Stark? You're welcome. That's the point I'm trying to make. Mantis is jumping in the low gravity]. Peter Quill: How the hell is this dude still alive? It stopped me from phasing. Let's go. QUILL: Drax, wait! Tree, help me find the handle! T'Challa: Thank you for standing with us. Doctor Strange: It's a simple spell but quite unbreakable. Strange: I seriously don't know how you fit your head into that helmet. Rocket: Okay, time to be the captain. Before clicking Call, he pauses. (Pause) Okay. I could lose a lot. We've sort been havin' a thing. (Quill points at Stark and Parker) So that 50% of me that's stupid That's 100% you. Trust me, I know. [Holding the Indigo Ring, on one knee] My humble personage bows before your grandeur. The rightful Soldier of Nok, Tribe of Compassion, do hereby pledge to you, my undying fidelity. ): Death follows him like a shadow! But one ever knows for sure. Thor appears with his new axe Stormbreaker, alongside Rocket and Groot.). Doctor Strange: [sighing in exasperation] Oh, great. Clark Kent: I know. Ever. And any one of them (he turns to see Stark in his Iron Man suit standing there.). Great plan. T'Challa: Uh, we don't do that here. Cut to later, where the two are going on a stroll.). Rage, vengeance, anger, loss, regretThey're all tremendous motivators. Awaken the heart of a dying star. Stark tries to fly away, but a large chunk pins him down]. Darkseid: There are two more Stones on Earth. Bruce Banner: Uh, sir, I think you can expect quite a big assault. It was an elective. It was so real. Vision: Aurora, I (CORVUS GLAIVE appears suddenly behind vision, stabbing him through the back. But I never taught you to lie. Gamora: Just trust me. What did you do? (GAMORA attacks THANOS, stabbing him twice, seemingly killing him. Vision is out there somewhere with the Mind Stone, and we have to find him now. Exceptit sucks. Don't forget, this might be dangerous, so let's put on our mean faces. (With a flick of his hand, both DRAX and MANTIS are destroyed' in rather comical ways. Strange: No, I want to protect the stone. Aurora For two years, we've stolen these moments, trying to see if this could work. Finally knocking PROXIMA away with her magic, Aurora then flies up to the roof where GLAIVE has pinned Vision and is again attempting to remove the mind stone. I notice you've copied my beard. I've been giving a good deal of thought to this entity in my head, about its nature. Fury: Same energy signatures as New York? Back on Wakanda, the remaining team members, Captain America, Thor, War Machine, Black Widow, Bruce Banner, and Rocket are left mourning near Vision's dead body]. He steps over them as he speaks with no mind, as if they were scattered pieces of dirty clothing on a bedroom floor.]. Come on. Quill: Exactly like Footloose. Maw steps over them with no mind as he speaks, as if they were scattered pieces of dirty clothing on a bedroom floor.] Iroque tries to interfere but Steppenwolf binds him to the ground.]. All of them learning from one another. We named him after your eccentric uncle. Shazam: Oh, wait, wait, wait, I think I have 200. I'll kill all three of you and beat it out of Thanos myself. We're not looking. The Hulk along with original Avengers Iron-Man (Robert Downey, Jr.), Captain America (Chris Evans), Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner), Black Widow (Scarlette Johansson) and Thor (Chris Hemsworth) will finish the epic battle against Thanos after most of their fellow allies perished at the end of Infinity War.Avengers newcomer Captain Marvel, played by Brie Larson, will join them . That didn't really make any sense, but you know what I'm trying to say. Memory Gamora: He can't, Nebula. He wants order and compliance. Thor: Because for years, the Reality Stone has been safely stored, there with a man we call the Collector. Shuri: (smiling) I'm sure you did your best. Thanos' Rampage & Its Impact Earth just lost her best defender. Thor: He's never fought me twice. Definition and Examples, What Does a Cinematographer Do? Shazam: I wouldn't say no to a Tuna Melt. Alright, we're optimistic, yes. Okoye: Then it will be the noblest ending in history. Right? BRUCE: So we gotta assume they're coming back, right? Drax: It's true. They called me a madman. On the just-released digital download of Avengers: Endgame for home video, there's a 6-minute video called "Avengers Script Security and the Secret Scenes of Infinity War and Endgame." Here, Marvel presents animated versions of the code blue fake scripts, written in such a way to disguise the fact various characters died in both films. Tony: Yeah, but the kid's seen more movies. All of them. Groot. Peter Quill: Oh, boy. Avengers: Endgame Script PDF Download the Avengers Endgame Script PDF here or by clicking the PDF icon above. You refused. Eitri: You'll have to restart the forge. Peter Quill: No. And that was hard. Tony: I gotta tell you, he's not really my friend. Click to view and download the entire Avengers script PDF below. The two are now witnessing civilians around them suddenly disintegrating], [Fury turns around to see Hill disintegrating], [Fury then races back to their car and gets a pager out.

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